This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
// diag_mem_threshold_test.h
// DiagThresholdTest
// Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#pragma once
#include "System/sys/kern_memorystatus.h"
#include "mach/mach_init.h"
#include "mach/exception_types.h"
#include "mach/port.h"
#include "mach/mach.h"
#include "mach/vm_page_size.h"
#include "mach/mach_vm.h"
#include "mach/mach_port.h"
#include "mach/sync_policy.h"
#include "mach/task.h"
#include "mach/semaphore.h"
#include "mach/thread_act.h"
#include "sys/dtrace_glue.h"
#include "dispatch/dispatch.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <darwintest.h>
#define MAX_MESSAGE 256
#define LOW_JETSAM_LIMIT (10*1024*1024)
#define WORKING_LIMIT (25*1024*1024)
#define COMMAND_LINE_MAX (128)
#define ABOVE_JETSAM_LIMIT (12*1024*1024)
#define HIGH_JETSAM_LIMIT (WORKING_LIMIT+(1*(1024*1024)))
#define TEST_LIMIT (WORKING_LIMIT+(2*(1024*1024)))
#define NUM_MASKS 256
* Data types
struct test_case;
typedef void (*test_code_fn)(struct test_case *, void *); /** Callback for the test execution code */
typedef void (*eval_code_fn)(struct test_case *, void *); /** Callback for the test evaluation code */
typedef struct test_case {
char short_name[MAX_MESSAGE]; /** Test name */
char test_name[MAX_MESSAGE]; /** Test completion message */
char completion_message[MAX_MESSAGE]; /** Test completion message */
bool did_pass; /** When true, the test did pass */
bool result_already_present; /** When true, the test itself had a veredict, do not update */
bool exception_not_expected; /** When true, the test should not have an exception */
test_code_fn test_code; /** Code to perform the test */
bool exceptions_handled_in_test; /** Should the controller wait for exceptions */
uint64_t required_minimum_hw_ram_size; /** When present (not zero) indicates how much memory must have the HW device to run this test*/
} test_case_t;
typedef struct information_for_thread {
test_case_t *test;
semaphore_t exception_semaphore;
dispatch_semaphore_t exception_thread_start_sema; /** Semaphore used to sync the main thread to the exception thread*/
dispatch_semaphore_t executor_thread_start_sema; /** Semaphore used to sync the main thread to the executor thread*/
dispatch_semaphore_t executor_thread_end_sema; /** Semaphore used to signal the end of the executor thread*/
dispatch_semaphore_t executor_ready_for_exceptions; /** A holding point from the test execution before waiting for the exception */
pthread_t exception_handler_thread_id; /** Posix thread used to receive exception information */
pthread_t executor_handler_thread_id; /** Posix thread used to execute the test */
exception_mask_t old_mask[NUM_MASKS]; /** Save restore information about the task exeption handler */
mach_msg_type_number_t size_mask; /** Same */
exception_handler_t old_handlers[NUM_MASKS]; /** Same */
exception_behavior_t old_behaviors[NUM_MASKS]; /** Same */
thread_state_flavor_t old_flavors[NUM_MASKS]; /** Same */
exception_mask_t masks_original[NUM_MASKS]; /** Same */
bool exception_seen; /** Did the exception appear? */
} test_context_t;
* Function prototypes (see documentation at implementation)
void diag_mem_threshold_set_setup(test_case_t *test);
void diag_mem_threshold_set_shutdown(void);
void * exception_thread(void *);
bool set_memory_diagnostics_threshold_limits(uint64_t limit, bool assert_on_error);
void diag_mem_threshold_waste_memory(uint64_t ammount);
void diag_mem_threshold_log_test(const char *fmt, ...);
mach_port_t diag_mem_threshold_get_exception_port(void);
exception_mask_t diag_mem_threshold_get_exceptions_mask(void);
bool diag_mem_threshold_wait_for_exception(test_context_t *param);
kern_return_t mach_exception_raise(mach_port_t exception_port, mach_port_t thread, mach_port_t task, exception_type_t exception, mach_exception_data_t code, mach_msg_type_number_t codeCnt);
kern_return_t catch_mach_exception_raise(mach_port_t exception_port, mach_port_t thread, mach_port_t task, exception_type_t exception, exception_data_t code, mach_msg_type_number_t code_count);
kern_return_t catch_mach_exception_raise_state(mach_port_t port, exception_type_t exception, const exception_data_t code, mach_msg_type_number_t codeCnt, int *flavor, const thread_state_t old_state, mach_msg_type_number_t old_stateCnt, thread_state_t new_state, mach_msg_type_number_t *new_stateCnt);
kern_return_t catch_mach_exception_raise_state_identity(mach_port_t exception_port, mach_port_t thread, mach_port_t task, exception_type_t exception, mach_exception_data_t code, mach_msg_type_number_t codeCnt, int *flavor, thread_state_t old_state, mach_msg_type_number_t old_stateCnt, thread_state_t new_state, mach_msg_type_number_t *new_stateCnt);
kern_return_t catch_mach_exception_raise_state_identity(
__unused mach_port_t exception_port,
__unused mach_port_t thread,
__unused mach_port_t task,
__unused exception_type_t exception,
__unused mach_exception_data_t code,
__unused mach_msg_type_number_t codeCnt,
__unused int *flavor,
__unused thread_state_t old_state,
__unused mach_msg_type_number_t old_stateCnt,
__unused thread_state_t new_state,
__unused mach_msg_type_number_t *new_stateCnt);
void diag_mem_set_jetsam_watermark(uint ammount);
void diag_mem_set_jetsam_limit(uint ammount);
boolean_t mach_exc_server(mach_msg_header_t *InHeadP, mach_msg_header_t *OutHeadP);
/** Test definitions */