* Benchmark VM fault throughput.
* This test faults memory for a configurable amount of time across a
* configurable number of threads. Currently it only measures zero fill faults.
* Currently it supports two variants:
* 1. Each thread gets its own vm objects to fault in
* 2. Threads share vm objects
* We'll add more fault types as we identify problematic user-facing workloads
* in macro benchmarks.
* Throughput is reported as pages / second using both wall time and cpu time.
* CPU time is a more reliable metric for regression testing, but wall time can
* highlight blocking in the VM.
* Running this benchmark directly is not recommended.
* Use fault_throughput.lua which provides a nicer interface and outputs
* perfdata.
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
* TODO: Make this benchmark runnable on linux so we can do a perf comparison.
* We're mostly using POSIX APIs, but we'll need to replace
* the sysctls with the /proc equivalents, and replace clock_gettime_nsec_np
* with the linux equivalent.
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <TargetConditionals.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include "benchmark/helpers.h"
* On non-embedded platforms we coalesce vm objects up to 128 MB, so
* we make the objects 128 MB on that platform to ensure they're not
* merged with anything else.
const static size_t kVmObjectSize = 128 * (1UL << 20);
* Embedded platforms don't coalesce vm objects. This number
* needs to be big enough that faulting it in dwarfs the cost of dequeuing
* it from the work queue, but can't be too large or else we won't be able
* to allocate one per thread in the separate-objects benchmark.
const static size_t kVmObjectSize = 4 * (1UL << 20);
static const clockid_t kThreadCPUTimeClock = CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID;
/* These globals are set dynamically during test setup based on sysctls. */
static uint64_t kCacheLineSize = 0;
/* The VM page size */
static size_t kPageSize = 0;
typedef struct fault_buffer {
unsigned char* fb_start; /* The start of this buffer. */
size_t fb_size; /* The size of this buffer in bytes. */
} fault_buffer_t;
typedef enum test_variant {
} test_variant_t;
typedef struct test_globals {
/* This lock protects: tg_cv, tg_running_count, tg_done, tg_current_iteration, and tg_iterations_completed. */
pthread_mutex_t tg_lock;
pthread_cond_t tg_cv;
/* The number of currently running threads */
unsigned int tg_running_count;
/* Set during cleanup to indicate that the benchmark is over. */
bool tg_done;
size_t tg_current_iteration;
size_t tg_iterations_completed;
unsigned int tg_num_threads;
test_variant_t tg_variant;
bool pin_threads;
* An array of memory objects to fault in.
* This is basically a workqueue of
* contiguous chunks of memory that the worker threads
* will fault in.
fault_buffer_t *tg_fault_buffer_arr;
size_t tg_fault_buffer_arr_length;
* To avoid false sharing, we pad the test globals with an extra cache line and place the atomic
* next_fault_buffer_index size_t after the cache line.
__unused char padding[];
* This field is directly after the padding buffer.
* It is used to synchronize access to tg_fault_buffer_arr.
//_Atomic size_t tg_next_fault_buffer_index;
} test_globals_t;
typedef struct {
void *test_globals;
uint32_t cpu_id;
} faulting_thread_args_t;
static faulting_thread_args_t *faulting_thread_args;
static const char* kSeparateObjectsArgument = "separate-objects";
static const char* kShareObjectsArgument = "share-objects";
/* Arguments parsed from the command line */
typedef struct test_args {
uint32_t n_threads;
uint32_t first_cpu;
uint64_t duration_seconds;
test_variant_t variant;
bool pin_threads;
bool verbose;
} test_args_t;
* Fault in the pages in the given buffer.
static void fault_pages(fault_buffer_t *buffer, size_t stride);
/* Get a unique fault buffer from the global work queue. */
static fault_buffer_t *get_fault_buffer(test_globals_t* globals);
* Grabs buffers from the global test structure and faults them in, using this
* test variant's stride, until there are no more buffers to grab.
* Returns the number of microseconds spent on-cpu.
static uint64_t grab_and_fault_pages(test_globals_t* globals);
static bool worker_thread_iteration_setup(size_t current_iteration, test_globals_t *globals);
static void worker_thread_iteration_complete(test_globals_t *globals);
static void parse_arguments(int argc, char **argv, test_args_t *args);
* Sets up the test globals and spawns the background threads to do the faults.
* Returns an array of size `num_threads`
* Containing the thread ids of the forked threads.
static pthread_t* setup_test(test_globals_t *globals, const test_args_t *args, size_t memory_size, bool verbose);
static test_globals_t *allocate_test_globals(void);
/* Initializes variables in the globals array. */
static void init_globals(test_globals_t *globals, const test_args_t *args);
static inline _Atomic size_t *next_fault_buffer_index_ptr(test_globals_t *globals);
* Called on the main thread.
* Waits for the background threads to be ready, sets up the memory objects,
* and then starts a faulting iteration.
* Returns the start (wall) time.
static uint64_t start_iteration(test_globals_t* globals, test_variant_t variant, bool verbose);
* Called on the main thread.
* Waits for the background threads to complete the iteration and cleans up.
* Returns the total amount of time spent faulting pages in nanoseconds by all threads thus far.
static uint64_t finish_iteration(test_globals_t *globals, uint64_t start_time);
* Called on the main thread.
* Maps buffers and places them in the work queue.
static void setup_memory(test_globals_t* globals, test_variant_t variant);
* Dump test results as a csv to stdout.
* Use fault_throughput.lua to convert to perfdata.
static void output_results(const test_globals_t *globals, double walltime_elapsed_seconds, double cputime_elapsed_seconds);
static void cleanup_test(test_globals_t *globals);
* Join the background threads and return the total microseconds
* of cpu time spent faulting across all of the threads.
* Takes ownership of the threads array and frees it.
static uint64_t join_background_threads(test_globals_t *globals, pthread_t *threads);
static void unmap_fault_buffers(test_globals_t *globals);
* Get the stride between each vm object in the fault buffer array.
static size_t fault_buffer_stride(const test_globals_t *globals);
main(int argc, char **argv)
/* How much memory should the test consume (per-core on the system)? */
static const size_t memory_per_core = kVmObjectSize;
static const size_t memory_per_core = 25 * (1UL << 20);
const size_t kMemSize = memory_per_core * (size_t) get_ncpu();
test_globals_t *globals = allocate_test_globals();
/* Total wall-time spent faulting in pages. */
uint64_t wall_time_elapsed_ns = 0;
/* Total cpu-time spent faulting in pages */
uint64_t cpu_time_faulting_us = 0;
uint64_t start_time_ns;
test_args_t args;
parse_arguments(argc, argv, &args);
pthread_t* threads = setup_test(globals, &args, kMemSize, args.verbose);
/* Keep doing more iterations until we've hit our (wall) time budget */
while (wall_time_elapsed_ns < args.duration_seconds * kNumNanosecondsInSecond) {
benchmark_log(args.verbose, "----Starting Iteration %lu-----\n", globals->tg_current_iteration + 1);
start_time_ns = start_iteration(globals, args.variant, args.verbose);
wall_time_elapsed_ns += finish_iteration(globals, start_time_ns);
benchmark_log(args.verbose, "----Completed Iteration %lu----\n", globals->tg_current_iteration);
benchmark_log(args.verbose, "Hit time budget\nJoining worker threads\n");
cpu_time_faulting_us = join_background_threads(globals, threads);
benchmark_log(args.verbose, "----End Test Output----\n");
output_results(globals, (double) wall_time_elapsed_ns / kNumNanosecondsInSecond,
(double)cpu_time_faulting_us / kNumMicrosecondsInSecond);
return 0;
/* The main loop for the worker threads. */
static void*
faulting_thread(void* arg)
test_globals_t* globals = ((faulting_thread_args_t *)arg)->test_globals;
uint64_t on_cpu_time_faulting = 0;
size_t current_iteration = 1;
if (globals->pin_threads) {
uint32_t cpu_id = ((faulting_thread_args_t *)arg)->cpu_id;
int err = sysctlbyname("kern.sched_thread_bind_cpu", NULL, 0, &cpu_id, sizeof(cpu_id));
assert(err == 0);
while (true) {
bool should_continue = worker_thread_iteration_setup(current_iteration, globals);
if (!should_continue) {
on_cpu_time_faulting += grab_and_fault_pages(globals);
return (void*)on_cpu_time_faulting;
* Called on the worker threads before each iteration to synchronize this
* iteration start with the other threads.
* Returns true if the iteration should continue, and false if the test is over.
static bool
worker_thread_iteration_setup(size_t current_iteration, test_globals_t *globals)
bool should_continue = false;
int ret = 0;
// Gate on the other threads being ready to start
ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
if (globals->tg_running_count == globals->tg_num_threads) {
// All the worker threads are running.
// Wake up the main thread so that it can ungate the test.
ret = pthread_cond_broadcast(&globals->tg_cv);
assert(ret == 0);
* The main thread will start this iteration by incrementing
* tg_current_iteration. Block until that happens.
* See start_iteration for the wakeup code.
while (!globals->tg_done && globals->tg_current_iteration != current_iteration) {
ret = pthread_cond_wait(&globals->tg_cv, &globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
should_continue = !globals->tg_done;
ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
return should_continue;
* Called on the worker threads before each iteration finishes to synchronize
* with the other threads.
static void
worker_thread_iteration_complete(test_globals_t *globals)
int ret;
// Mark ourselves as done and wait for the other threads to finish
ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
if (globals->tg_running_count == 0) {
// We're the last one to finish. Mark this iteration as completed and wake everyone up.
ret = pthread_cond_broadcast(&globals->tg_cv);
assert(ret == 0);
} else {
// Others are running. Wait for them to finish.
while (globals->tg_iterations_completed != globals->tg_current_iteration) {
ret = pthread_cond_wait(&globals->tg_cv, &globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
static void
fault_pages(fault_buffer_t *buffer, size_t stride)
volatile unsigned char val;
for (unsigned char* ptr = buffer->fb_start; ptr < buffer->fb_start + buffer->fb_size; ptr += stride) {
val = *ptr;
static fault_buffer_t *
get_fault_buffer(test_globals_t* globals)
size_t index = atomic_fetch_add_explicit(next_fault_buffer_index_ptr(globals), 1UL, memory_order_acq_rel);
if (index < globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr_length) {
return &globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr[index];
return NULL;
static uint64_t
grab_and_fault_pages(test_globals_t* globals)
struct timespec start_time, end_time;
uint64_t nanoseconds_faulting_on_cpu = 0;
int ret;
size_t stride = fault_buffer_stride(globals) * kPageSize;
while (true) {
fault_buffer_t *object = get_fault_buffer(globals);
if (object == NULL) {
ret = clock_gettime(kThreadCPUTimeClock, &start_time);
assert(ret == 0);
fault_pages(object, stride);
ret = clock_gettime(kThreadCPUTimeClock, &end_time);
assert(ret == 0);
nanoseconds_faulting_on_cpu += (unsigned long) timespec_difference_us(&end_time, &start_time);
return nanoseconds_faulting_on_cpu;
static uint64_t
start_iteration(test_globals_t* globals, test_variant_t variant, bool verbose)
int ret;
uint64_t start_time;
ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
benchmark_log(verbose, "Waiting for workers to catch up before starting next iteration.\n");
/* Wait until all the threads are ready to go to the next iteration */
while (globals->tg_running_count != globals->tg_num_threads) {
ret = pthread_cond_wait(&globals->tg_cv, &globals->tg_lock);
benchmark_log(verbose, "Workers are all caught up\n");
setup_memory(globals, variant);
benchmark_log(verbose, "Initialized data structures for iteration. Waking workers.\n");
/* Grab a timestamp, tick the current iteration, and wake up the worker threads */
start_time = current_timestamp_ns();
ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = pthread_cond_broadcast(&globals->tg_cv);
assert(ret == 0);
return start_time;
static uint64_t
finish_iteration(test_globals_t* globals, uint64_t start_time)
int ret;
uint64_t end_time;
ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
while (globals->tg_iterations_completed != globals->tg_current_iteration) {
ret = pthread_cond_wait(&globals->tg_cv, &globals->tg_lock);
end_time = current_timestamp_ns();
ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
return end_time - start_time;
static void
setup_memory(test_globals_t* globals, test_variant_t variant)
size_t stride = fault_buffer_stride(globals);
for (size_t i = 0; i < globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr_length; i += stride) {
fault_buffer_t *object = &globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr[i];
object->fb_start = mmap_buffer(kVmObjectSize);
object->fb_size = kVmObjectSize;
if (variant == VARIANT_SHARE_VM_OBJECTS) {
* Insert another buffer into the work queue for each thread.
* Each buffer starts 1 page past where the previous buffer started into the vm object.
* Since each thread strides by the number of threads * the page size they won't fault in the same pages.
for (size_t j = 1; j < globals->tg_num_threads; j++) {
size_t offset = kPageSize * j;
fault_buffer_t *offset_object = &globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr[i + j];
offset_object->fb_start = object->fb_start + offset;
offset_object->fb_size = object->fb_size - offset;
} else if (variant != VARIANT_SEPARATE_VM_OBJECTS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown test variant.\n");
atomic_store_explicit(next_fault_buffer_index_ptr(globals), 0, memory_order_release);
static void
unmap_fault_buffers(test_globals_t* globals)
size_t stride = fault_buffer_stride(globals);
for (size_t i = 0; i < globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr_length; i += stride) {
fault_buffer_t *buffer = &globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr[i];
int res = munmap(buffer->fb_start, buffer->fb_size);
assert(res == 0);
static test_globals_t *
test_globals_t *globals = NULL;
int ret;
if (kCacheLineSize == 0) {
size_t cachelinesize_size = sizeof(kCacheLineSize);
ret = sysctlbyname("hw.cachelinesize", &kCacheLineSize, &cachelinesize_size, NULL, 0);
assert(ret == 0);
assert(kCacheLineSize > 0);
if (kPageSize == 0) {
size_t pagesize_size = sizeof(kPageSize);
ret = sysctlbyname("vm.pagesize", &kPageSize, &pagesize_size, NULL, 0);
assert(ret == 0);
assert(kPageSize > 0);
size_t test_globals_size = sizeof(test_globals_t) + kCacheLineSize + sizeof(_Atomic size_t);
globals = malloc(test_globals_size);
assert(globals != NULL);
memset(globals, 0, test_globals_size);
return globals;
static void
init_globals(test_globals_t *globals, const test_args_t *args)
pthread_mutexattr_t mutex_attrs;
pthread_condattr_t cond_attrs;
int ret;
memset(globals, 0, sizeof(test_globals_t));
ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&mutex_attrs);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = pthread_mutex_init(&globals->tg_lock, &mutex_attrs);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = pthread_condattr_init(&cond_attrs);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = pthread_cond_init(&globals->tg_cv, &cond_attrs);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&mutex_attrs);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = pthread_condattr_destroy(&cond_attrs);
assert(ret == 0);
globals->tg_num_threads = args->n_threads;
globals->tg_variant = args->variant;
globals->pin_threads = args->pin_threads;
static void
init_fault_buffer_arr(test_globals_t *globals, const test_args_t *args, size_t memory_size)
if (args->variant == VARIANT_SEPARATE_VM_OBJECTS) {
// This variant creates separate vm objects up to memory size bytes total
globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr_length = memory_size / kVmObjectSize;
} else if (args->variant == VARIANT_SHARE_VM_OBJECTS) {
// This variant creates separate vm objects up to memory size bytes total
// And places a pointer into each vm object for each thread.
globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr_length = memory_size / kVmObjectSize * globals->tg_num_threads;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported test variant.\n");
// It doesn't make sense to have more threads than elements in the work queue.
// NB: Since we scale memory_size by ncpus, this can only happen if the user
// tries to run the benchmark with many more threads than cores.
assert(globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr_length >= globals->tg_num_threads);
globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr = calloc(sizeof(fault_buffer_t), globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr_length);
static pthread_t *
spawn_worker_threads(test_globals_t *globals, unsigned int num_threads, unsigned int first_cpu)
int ret;
pthread_attr_t pthread_attrs;
globals->tg_num_threads = num_threads;
pthread_t* threads = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * num_threads);
faulting_thread_args = malloc(sizeof(faulting_thread_args_t) * num_threads);
ret = pthread_attr_init(&pthread_attrs);
assert(ret == 0);
// Spawn the background threads
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
if (globals->pin_threads) {
faulting_thread_args[i].cpu_id = (i + first_cpu) % get_ncpu();
faulting_thread_args[i].test_globals = globals;
ret = pthread_create(threads + i, &pthread_attrs, faulting_thread, &faulting_thread_args[i]);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = pthread_attr_destroy(&pthread_attrs);
assert(ret == 0);
return threads;
static pthread_t*
setup_test(test_globals_t *globals, const test_args_t *args, size_t memory_size, bool verbose)
init_globals(globals, args);
init_fault_buffer_arr(globals, args, memory_size);
benchmark_log(verbose, "Initialized global data structures.\n");
pthread_t *workers = spawn_worker_threads(globals, args->n_threads, args->first_cpu);
benchmark_log(verbose, "Spawned workers.\n");
return workers;
static uint64_t
join_background_threads(test_globals_t *globals, pthread_t *threads)
// Set the done flag so that the background threads exit
int ret;
uint64_t total_cputime_spent_faulting = 0;
ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
globals->tg_done = true;
ret = pthread_cond_broadcast(&globals->tg_cv);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
// Join the background threads
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < globals->tg_num_threads; i++) {
uint64_t cputime_spent_faulting = 0;
ret = pthread_join(threads[i], (void **)&cputime_spent_faulting);
assert(ret == 0);
total_cputime_spent_faulting += cputime_spent_faulting;
return total_cputime_spent_faulting;
static void
cleanup_test(test_globals_t* globals)
int ret;
ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&globals->tg_lock);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = pthread_cond_destroy(&globals->tg_cv);
assert(ret == 0);
static void
output_results(const test_globals_t* globals, double walltime_elapsed_seconds, double cputime_elapsed_seconds)
size_t pgsize;
size_t sysctl_size = sizeof(pgsize);
int ret = sysctlbyname("vm.pagesize", &pgsize, &sysctl_size, NULL, 0);
assert(ret == 0);
size_t num_pages = 0;
double walltime_throughput, cputime_throughput;
size_t stride = fault_buffer_stride(globals);
for (size_t i = 0; i < globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr_length; i += stride) {
num_pages += globals->tg_fault_buffer_arr[i].fb_size / pgsize;
num_pages *= globals->tg_iterations_completed;
walltime_throughput = num_pages / walltime_elapsed_seconds;
cputime_throughput = num_pages / cputime_elapsed_seconds;
printf("Throughput (pages / wall second), Throughput (pages / CPU second)\n");
printf("%f,%f\n", walltime_throughput, cputime_throughput);
static void
print_help(char** argv)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: <test-variant> [-v] duration num_threads\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "\ntest variants:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s Fault in different vm objects in each thread.\n", kSeparateObjectsArgument);
fprintf(stderr, " %s Share vm objects across faulting threads.\n", kShareObjectsArgument);
static void
parse_arguments(int argc, char** argv, test_args_t *args)
int current_argument = 1;
memset(args, 0, sizeof(test_args_t));
if (argc < 4 || argc > 6) {
if (argv[current_argument][0] == '-') {
if (strcmp(argv[current_argument], "-v") == 0) {
args->verbose = true;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown argument %s\n", argv[current_argument]);
if (strncasecmp(argv[current_argument], kSeparateObjectsArgument, strlen(kSeparateObjectsArgument)) == 0) {
} else if (strncasecmp(argv[current_argument], kShareObjectsArgument, strlen(kShareObjectsArgument)) == 0) {
} else {
long duration = strtol(argv[current_argument++], NULL, 10);
if (duration == 0) {
long num_cores = strtol(argv[current_argument++], NULL, 10);
if (num_cores == 0) {
if (current_argument < argc) {
long first_cpu = strtol(argv[current_argument++], NULL, 10);
assert(first_cpu >= 0 && first_cpu < get_ncpu());
args->pin_threads = true;
args->first_cpu = (unsigned int) first_cpu;
} else {
args->pin_threads = false;
assert(num_cores > 0 && num_cores <= get_ncpu());
args->n_threads = (unsigned int) num_cores;
args->duration_seconds = (unsigned long) duration;
static inline
_Atomic size_t *
next_fault_buffer_index_ptr(test_globals_t *globals)
return (_Atomic size_t *) (((ptrdiff_t)(globals + 1)) + (int64_t)kCacheLineSize);
static size_t
fault_buffer_stride(const test_globals_t *globals)
size_t stride;
if (globals->tg_variant == VARIANT_SEPARATE_VM_OBJECTS) {
stride = 1;
} else if (globals->tg_variant == VARIANT_SHARE_VM_OBJECTS) {
stride = globals->tg_num_threads;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown variant\n");
return stride;