Defines a class value which encapsulates the basic lldb Scripting Bridge APIs. This provides an easy
wrapper to extract information from C based constructs.
|------- core.value------------|
| |--lldb Scripting Bridge--| |
| | |--lldb core--| | |
| |-------------------------| |
Use the member function GetSBValue() to access the base Scripting Bridge value.
# The value class is designed to be Python 2/3 compatible. Pulling in more
# builtins classes may break it.
import numbers
import lldb
import re
from .caching import (
from .pointer import PointerPolicy
_CSTRING_REX = re.compile(r"((?:\s*|const\s+)\s*char(?:\s+\*|\s+[A-Za-z_0-9]*\s*\[|)\s*)", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
# pragma pylint: disable=hex-method, div-method, rdiv-method, idiv-method, oct-method, nonzero-method
class value(object):
"""A class designed to wrap lldb.SBValue() objects so the resulting object
can be used as a variable would be in code. So if you have a Point structure
variable in your code in the current frame named "pt", you can initialize an instance
of this class with it:
pt = lldb.value(lldb.frame.FindVariable("pt"))
print pt
print pt.x
print pt.y
pt = lldb.value(lldb.frame.FindVariable("rectangle_array"))
print rectangle_array[12]
print rectangle_array[5].origin.x
__slots__ = ('__sbval', '__ptr')
def __init__(self, sbvalue, usePtrPolicy=True):
# Using a double `__` means this will be hidden from getattr()
# and can't conflict with C/C++ type field names.
self.__sbval = sbvalue
self.__ptr = PointerPolicy.match(sbvalue) if usePtrPolicy else None
def sbvalue(self):
"""backward compability for the old .sbvalue property"""
return self.GetSBValue()
def ptrpolicy(self):
return self.__ptr
def ptrpolicy(self, policy):
self.__ptr = policy
def __bool__(self):
return self.__sbval.__bool__() and self._GetValueAsUnsigned() != 0
def __nonzero__(self):
return self.__sbval.__nonzero__() and self._GetValueAsUnsigned() != 0
def __repr__(self):
return self.__sbval.__str__()
# Compare operators
def __eq__(self, other):
self_val = self._GetValueAsUnsigned()
if isinstance(other, value):
other_val = other._GetValueAsUnsigned()
return self_val == other_val
if isinstance(other, numbers.Integral):
return int(self) == other
raise TypeError("EQ operator is not defined for this type.")
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __lt__(self, other):
self_val = self._GetValueAsUnsigned()
if isinstance(other, value):
other_val = other._GetValueAsUnsigned()
return self_val < other_val
if isinstance(other, numbers.Integral):
return int(self) < int(other)
raise TypeError("LT operator is not defined for this type")
def __le__(self, other):
return self < other or self == other
def __gt__(self, other):
return not self <= other
def __ge__(self, other):
return not self < other
def __str__(self):
sbv = self.__sbval
type_name = sbv.GetType().GetCanonicalType().GetName()
if len(_CSTRING_REX.findall(type_name)) > 0:
return self._GetValueAsString()
summary = sbv.GetSummary()
if summary:
return summary.strip('"')
return sbv.__str__()
def __getitem__(self, key):
# Allow array access if this value has children...
if type(key) is slice:
_start = int(key.start)
_end = int(key.stop)
_step = 1
if key.step is not None:
_step = int(key.step)
retval = []
while _start < _end:
_start += _step
return retval
if type(key) is value:
key = int(key)
if isinstance(key, numbers.Integral):
sbv = self.__sbval
if self.__ptr:
sbv = self.__ptr.GetPointerSBValue(sbv)
child_sbvalue = sbv.GetValueForExpressionPath("[%i]" % key)
if child_sbvalue and child_sbvalue.IsValid():
return value(child_sbvalue)
raise IndexError("Index '%d' is out of range" % key)
raise TypeError("Cannot fetch array item for key of type {}".format(str(type(key))))
def __getattr__(self, name):
sbv = self.__sbval
if self.__ptr:
sbv = self.__ptr.GetPointerSBValue(sbv)
child_sbvalue = sbv.GetChildMemberWithName(name)
if child_sbvalue and child_sbvalue.IsValid():
return value(child_sbvalue)
raise AttributeError("No field by name: " + name)
def __add__(self, other):
return int(self) + int(other)
def __radd__(self, other):
return int(self) + int(other)
def __sub__(self, other):
return int(self) - int(other)
def __rsub__(self, other):
return int(other) - int(self)
def __mul__(self, other):
return int(self) * int(other)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return int(self) * int(other)
def __floordiv__(self, other):
return int(self) // int(other)
def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
return int(other) // int(self)
def __mod__(self, other):
return int(self) % int(other)
def __rmod__(self, other):
return int(other) % int(self)
def __divmod__(self, other):
return divmod(int(self), int(other))
def __rdivmod__(self, other):
return divmod(int(other), int(self))
def __pow__(self, other):
return int(self) ** int(other)
def __lshift__(self, other):
return int(self) << int(other)
def __rshift__(self, other):
return int(self) >> int(other)
def __and__(self, other):
return int(self) & int(other)
def __rand__(self, other):
return int(other) & int(self)
def __xor__(self, other):
return int(self) ^ int(other)
def __or__(self, other):
return int(self) | int(other)
def __truediv__(self, other):
return int(self) / int(other)
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
return int(other) / int(self)
def __iadd__(self, other):
result = self.__add__(other)
return result
def __isub__(self, other):
result = self.__sub__(other)
return result
def __imul__(self, other):
result = self.__mul__(other)
return result
def __idiv__(self, other):
result = self.__div__(other)
return result
def __itruediv__(self, other):
result = self.__truediv__(other)
return result
def __ifloordiv__(self, other):
result = self.__floordiv__(other)
return result
def __imod__(self, other):
result = self.__mod__(other)
return result
def __ipow__(self, other):
result = self.__pow__(other)
return result
def __ilshift__(self, other):
result = self.__lshift__(other)
return result
def __irshift__(self, other):
result = self.__rshift__(other)
return result
def __iand__(self, other):
result = self.__and__(other)
return result
def __ixor__(self, other):
result = self.__xor__(other)
return result
def __ior__(self, other):
result = self.__or__(other)
return result
def __neg__(self):
return -int(self)
def __pos__(self):
return +int(self)
def __abs__(self):
return abs(int(self))
def __invert__(self):
return ~int(self)
def __complex__(self):
return complex(int(self))
def __int__(self):
sbv = self.__sbval
if self.__ptr:
sbv = self.__ptr.GetPointerSBValue(sbv)
flags = sbv.GetType().GetTypeFlags()
if flags & lldb.eTypeIsPointer:
return sbv.GetValueAsAddress()
if not flags & lldb.eTypeIsSigned:
return self._GetValueAsUnsigned()
return sbv.GetValueAsSigned()
# Python 3 conversion to int calls this.
def __index__(self):
return self.__int__()
def __long__(self):
sbv = self.__sbval
if self.__ptr:
sbv = self.__ptr.GetPointerSBValue(sbv)
flags = sbv.GetType().GetTypeFlags()
if flags & lldb.eTypeIsPointer:
return sbv.GetValueAsAddress()
if not flags & lldb.eTypeIsSigned:
return self._GetValueAsUnsigned()
return sbv.GetValueAsSigned()
def __float__(self):
return float(self.__sbval.GetValueAsSigned())
# Python 2 must return native string.
def __oct__(self):
return '0%o' % self._GetValueAsUnsigned()
# Python 2 must return native string.
def __hex__(self):
return '0x%x' % self._GetValueAsUnsigned()
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__sbval)
def GetRawSBValue(self):
return self.__sbval
def GetSBValue(self):
sbv = self.__sbval
if self.__ptr:
sbv = self.__ptr.GetPointerSBValue(sbv)
return sbv
def __getstate__(self):
err = lldb.SBError()
sbv = self.__sbval
if self.__ptr:
sbv = self.__ptr.GetPointerSBValue(sbv)
addr = sbv.GetValueAsAddress()
size = sbv.GetType().GetPointeeType().GetByteSize()
addr = sbv.GetLoadAddress()
size = sbv.GetType().GetByteSize()
content = sbv.GetProcess().ReadMemory(addr, size, err)
if err.fail:
content = ''
return content
def _GetValueAsSigned(self):
sbv = self.__sbval
if self.__ptr:
print("ERROR: You cannot get 'int' from pointer type %s, please use unsigned(obj) for such purposes." % sbv.GetType().GetDisplayTypeName())
raise ValueError("Cannot get signed int for pointer data.")
serr = lldb.SBError()
retval = sbv.GetValueAsSigned(serr)
if serr.success:
return retval
raise ValueError("Failed to read signed data. {} (type = {}) Error description: {}".format(
str(sbv), sbv.GetType().GetDisplayTypeName(), serr.GetCString()))
def _GetValueAsCast(self, dest_type):
if not isinstance(dest_type, lldb.SBType):
raise ValueError("Invalid type for dest_type: {}".format(type(dest_type)))
addr = self._GetValueAsUnsigned()
sbval = self.__sbval.target.CreateValueFromExpression("newname", "(void *)"+str(addr))
val = value(sbval.Cast(dest_type))
return val
def _GetValueAsUnsigned(self):
sbv = self.__sbval
if self.__ptr:
sbv = self.__ptr.GetPointerSBValue(sbv)
return sbv.GetValueAsAddress()
serr = lldb.SBError()
retval = sbv.GetValueAsUnsigned(serr)
if serr.success:
return retval
raise ValueError("Failed to read unsigned data. {} (type = {}) Error description: {}".format(
str(sbv), sbv.GetType().GetDisplayTypeName(), serr.GetCString()))
def _GetValueAsString(self, offset=0, maxlen=1024):
sbv = self.__sbval
serr = lldb.SBError()
sbdata = None
if self.__ptr:
sbv = self.__ptr.GetPointerSBValue(sbv)
sbdata = sbv.GetPointeeData(offset, maxlen)
sbdata = sbv.GetData()
retval = ''
bytesize = sbdata.GetByteSize()
if bytesize == 0:
# raise ValueError('Unable to read value as string')
return ''
for i in range(0, bytesize):
ch = chr(sbdata.GetUnsignedInt8(serr, i))
if serr.fail:
raise ValueError("Unable to read string data: " + serr.GetCString())
if ch == '\0':
retval += ch
return retval
def __format__(self, format_spec):
# typechar is last char. see http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3101/
typechar = format_spec[-1] if len(format_spec) else ''
if typechar in 'bcdoxX': # requires integral conversion
return format(int(self), format_spec)
if typechar in 'eEfFgG%': # requires float conversion
return format(float(self), format_spec)
if typechar in 's': # requires string conversion
return format(str(self), format_spec)
# 'n' or '' mean "whatever you got for me"
flags = self.__sbval.GetType().GetTypeFlags()
if flags & lldb.eTypeIsFloat:
return format(float(self), format_spec)
elif flags & lldb.eTypeIsScalar:
return format(int(self), format_spec)
return format(str(self), format_spec)
def unsigned(val):
""" Helper function to get unsigned value from core.value
params: val - value (see value class above) representation of an integer type
returns: int which is unsigned.
raises : ValueError if the type cannot be represented as unsigned int.
if type(val) is value:
return int(val._GetValueAsUnsigned())
return int(val)
def signed(val):
""" Helper function to get signed value from core.value
params: val - value (see value class above) representation of an integer type
returns: int which is signed.
raises: ValueError if the type cannot be represented as signed int.
if type(val) is value:
return val.GetSBValue().GetValueAsSigned()
return int(val)
def sizeof(t):
""" Find the byte size of a type.
params: t - str : ex 'time_spec' returns equivalent of sizeof(time_spec) in C
t - value: ex a value object. returns size of the object
returns: int - byte size length
if type(t) is value:
return t.GetSBValue().GetByteSize()
if isinstance(t, str):
return gettype(t).GetByteSize()
raise ValueError("Cannot get sizeof. Invalid argument")
def dereference(val):
""" Get a dereferenced obj for a pointer type obj
params: val - value object representing a pointer type C construct in lldb
returns: value - value
ex. val = dereference(ptr_obj) #python
is same as
obj_ptr = (int *)0x1234 #C
val = *obj_ptr #C
if type(val) is value:
sbv = val.GetSBValue()
return value(sbv.Dereference())
raise TypeError('Cannot dereference this type.')
def wrapped(val):
""" Get original pointer value without aplying pointer policy.
param: val - value object representing a pointer
returns: value - value
if isinstance(val, value):
policy = val.ptrpolicy
val.ptrpolicy = None
newval = value(val.GetSBValue(), False)
val.ptrpolicy = policy
return newval
raise TypeError("Cannot do wrapped for non-value type objects")
def addressof(val):
""" Get address of a core.value object.
params: val - value object representing a C construct in lldb
returns: value - value object referring to 'type(val) *' type
ex. addr = addressof(hello_obj) #python
is same as
uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)&hello_obj #C
if type(val) is value:
return value(val.GetSBValue().AddressOf())
raise TypeError("Cannot do addressof for non-value type objects")
def cast(obj, target_type):
""" Type cast an object to another C type.
obj - core.value object representing some C construct in lldb
target_type - str : ex 'char *'
- lldb.SBType :
dest_type = target_type
if isinstance(target_type, str):
dest_type = gettype(target_type)
elif type(target_type) is value:
dest_type = target_type.GetSBValue().GetType()
if type(obj) is value:
return obj._GetValueAsCast(dest_type)
elif type(obj) is int:
print("ERROR: You cannot cast an 'int' to %s, please use kern.GetValueFromAddress() for such purposes." % str(target_type))
raise TypeError("object of type %s cannot be casted to %s" % (str(type(obj)), str(target_type)))
def containerof(obj, target_type, field_name):
""" Type cast an object to another C type from a pointer to a field.
obj - core.value object representing some C construct in lldb
target_type - str : ex 'struct thread'
- lldb.SBType :
field_name - the field name within the target_type obj is a pointer to
addr = int(obj) - getfieldoffset(target_type, field_name)
sbv = obj.GetSBValue()
sbv = sbv.chkCreateValueFromAddress(None, addr, gettype(target_type))
return value(sbv.AddressOf())
def gettype(target_type, target=None):
""" Returns lldb.SBType of the given target_type
target_type - str, ex. 'char', 'uint32_t' etc
lldb.SBType - SBType corresponding to the given target_type
NameError - Incase the type is not identified
# If the type was qualified with a `struct` or `class`, ...
# make sure we pick up the proper definition in case of clashes.
want = 0
name = str(target_type).strip()
if name.startswith("struct"):
want = lldb.eTypeClassStruct
elif name.startswith("union"):
want = lldb.eTypeClassUnion
elif name.startswith("class"):
want = lldb.eTypeClassClass
elif name.startswith("enum"):
want = lldb.eTypeClassEnumeration
elif name.startswith("typedef"):
want = lldb.eTypeClassTypedef
# Now remove constness and speficiers, and pointers
tmpname = re.sub(r'\bconst\b', '', name).strip(" ")
tmpname = re.sub(r'^(struct|class|union|enum|typedef) ', '', tmpname)
basename = tmpname.rstrip(" *")
ptrlevel = tmpname.count('*', len(basename))
def resolve_pointee_type(t: lldb.SBType):
while t.IsPointerType():
t = t.GetPointeeType()
return t
def type_sort_heuristic(t: lldb.SBType) -> int:
""" prioritizes types with more fields, and prefers fields with complete
t - lldb.SBType, type to score
int - heuristic score
# we care about the underlying type, not the pointer
resolved_type: lldb.SBType = resolve_pointee_type(t)
# heuristic score
score = 0
for field in resolved_type.fields:
resolved_field_type = resolve_pointee_type(field.GetType())
score += 3 if resolved_field_type.IsTypeComplete() else 1
return score
type_arr = [t for t in target.chkFindTypes(basename)]
# After the sort, the best matching struct will be at index [0].
# This heuristic selects a struct type with more fields (with complete types)
# compared to ones with "opaque" members
type_arr.sort(reverse=True, key=type_sort_heuristic)
for tyobj in type_arr:
if want and tyobj.GetTypeClass() != want:
for _ in range(ptrlevel):
tyobj = tyobj.GetPointerType()
return tyobj
raise NameError('Unable to find type {}'.format(target_type))
def getfieldoffset(struct_type, field_name_or_path, target=None):
""" Returns the byte offset of a field inside a given struct
Understands anonymous unions and field names in sub-structs
field_name_or_path - str, name or path to the field inside the struct ex. 'ip_messages'
int - byte offset of the field_name inside the struct_type
return gettype(struct_type).xGetFieldOffset(field_name_or_path)
def islong(x):
""" Returns True if a string represents a long integer, False otherwise
int(x, 16)
except ValueError:
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def readmemory(val):
""" Returns a string of hex data that is referenced by the value.
params: val - a value object.
return: str - string of hex bytes.
raises: TypeError if val is not a valid type
if not type(val) is value:
raise TypeError('%s is not of type value' % str(type(val)))
return val.__getstate__()
def getOSPtr(cpp_obj):
""" Returns a core.value created from an intrusive_shared_ptr or itself, cpp_obj
params: cpp_obj - core.value object representing a C construct in lldb
return: core.value - newly created core.value or cpp_obj
child = cpp_obj.GetSBValue().GetChildAtIndex(0)
if 'intrusive_shared_ptr' in str(child):
return value(child.GetChildMemberWithName('ptr_'))
return cpp_obj