from xnu import *
from utils import *
from kdp import *
from core import caching
from core.pointer import NativePointer
import sys
import lldb
import os
import sys
from collections import deque
# Globals
plane = None
# Utility functions.
def CastIOKitClass(obj, target_type):
""" Type cast an object to another IOKIT CPP class.
obj - core.value object representing some C construct in lldb
target_type - str : ex 'OSString *'
- lldb.SBType :
v = obj.GetSBValue()
# We need to do that so that LLDB doesn't try to "helpfully"
# Guess which instance type it is...
if isinstance(target_type, str):
target_type = gettype(target_type)
return value(v.Cast(target_type))
# Classes.
class PreoslogHeader(object):
Represents preoslog buffer header. There's no symbol in the kernel for it.
valid_magic = "POSL"
def __init__(self):
self.magic = ""
self.offset = 0
self.size = 0
self.source = 0
self.wrapped = 0 = None
class IOKitSmartPointer(NativePointer):
""" IOKit's smart pointer
Every smart pointer inherits from libkern::intrusive_shared_ptr.
The real pointer is wrapped behind ptr_ member.
def match(cls, sbvalue):
# Smart pointers in IOKit are OSSharedPtr and OSTaggedSharedPtr
name = sbvalue.GetType().GetCanonicalType().GetName()
if name.startswith(("OSSharedPtr", "OSTaggedSharedPtr")):
return cls()
return None
def GetPointerSBValue(self, sbvalue):
sbv = sbvalue.GetChildMemberWithName('ptr_')
return super().GetPointerSBValue(sbv)
# Type Summaries
@lldb_type_summary(['OSObject *'])
def GetObjectSummary(obj):
""" Show info about an OSObject - its vtable ptr and retain count, & more info for simple container classes.
if obj is None:
vt = dereference(Cast(obj, 'uintptr_t *')) - 2 * sizeof('uintptr_t')
vt = kern.StripKernelPAC(vt)
vtype = kern.SymbolicateFromAddress(vt)
if len(vtype):
vtype_str = " <" + vtype[0].GetName() + ">"
vtype_str = ""
if hasattr(obj, 'retainCount'):
retCount = (obj.retainCount & 0xffff)
cntnrRetCount = (obj.retainCount >> 16)
out_string = "`object 0x{0: <16x}, vt 0x{1: <16x}{2:s}, retain count {3:d}, container retain {4:d}` ".format(obj, vt, vtype_str, retCount, cntnrRetCount)
out_string = "`object 0x{0: <16x}, vt 0x{1: <16x}{2:s}` ".format(obj, vt, vtype_str)
ztvAddr = kern.GetLoadAddressForSymbol('_ZTV8OSString')
if vt == ztvAddr:
out_string += GetString(obj)
return out_string
ztvAddr = kern.GetLoadAddressForSymbol('_ZTV8OSSymbol')
if vt == ztvAddr:
out_string += GetString(obj)
return out_string
ztvAddr = kern.GetLoadAddressForSymbol('_ZTV8OSNumber')
if vt == ztvAddr:
out_string += GetNumber(obj)
return out_string
ztvAddr = kern.GetLoadAddressForSymbol('_ZTV9OSBoolean')
if vt == ztvAddr:
out_string += GetBoolean(obj)
return out_string
ztvAddr = kern.GetLoadAddressForSymbol('_ZTV7OSArray')
if vt == ztvAddr:
out_string += "(" + GetArray(CastIOKitClass(obj, 'OSArray *')) + ")"
return out_string
ztvAddr = kern.GetLoadAddressForSymbol('_ZTV5OSSet')
if vt == ztvAddr:
out_string += GetSet(CastIOKitClass(obj, 'OSSet *'))
return out_string
ztvAddr = kern.GetLoadAddressForSymbol('_ZTV12OSDictionary')
if vt == ztvAddr:
out_string += GetDictionary(CastIOKitClass(obj, 'OSDictionary *'))
return out_string
return out_string
def GetObjectTypeStr(obj):
""" Return the type of an OSObject's container class
if obj is None:
return None
vt = dereference(Cast(obj, 'uintptr_t *')) - 2 * sizeof('uintptr_t')
vt = kern.StripKernelPAC(vt)
vtype = kern.SymbolicateFromAddress(vt)
if len(vtype):
return vtype[0].GetName()
# See if the value is in a kext with no symbols
for kval in IterateLinkedList(kern.globals.kmod, 'next'):
if vt >= unsigned(kval.address) and vt <= (unsigned(kval.address) + unsigned(kval.size)):
return "kmod:{:s}+{:#0x}".format(, vt - unsigned(kval.address))
return None
@lldb_type_summary(['IORegistryEntry *'])
def GetRegistryEntrySummary(entry):
""" returns a string containing summary information about an IORegistry
object including it's registry id , vtable ptr and retain count
name = None
out_string = ""
registryTable = entry.fRegistryTable
propertyTable = entry.fPropertyTable
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.nameKey)
if name is None:
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, kern.globals.gIONameKey)
if name is None:
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(propertyTable, kern.globals.gIOClassKey)
if name is not None:
out_string += "+-o {0:s} ".format(GetString(CastIOKitClass(name, 'OSString *')))
elif CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').pwrMgt and CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').pwrMgt.Name:
out_string += "+-o {0:s} ".format(CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').pwrMgt.Name)
out_string += "+-o ?? "
# I'm using uintptr_t for now to work around <rdar://problem/12749733> FindFirstType & Co. should allow you to make pointer types directly
vtableAddr = dereference(Cast(entry, 'uintptr_t *')) - 2 * sizeof('uintptr_t *')
vtableAddr = kern.StripKernelPAC(vtableAddr)
vtype = kern.SymbolicateFromAddress(vtableAddr)
if vtype is None or len(vtype) < 1:
out_string += "<object 0x{0: <16x}, id 0x{1:x}, vtable 0x{2: <16x}".format(entry, CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IORegistryEntry *').reserved.fRegistryEntryID, vtableAddr)
out_string += "<object 0x{0: <16x}, id 0x{1:x}, vtable 0x{2: <16x} <{3:s}>".format(entry, CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IORegistryEntry *').reserved.fRegistryEntryID,
vtableAddr, vtype[0].GetName())
ztvAddr = kern.GetLoadAddressForSymbol('_ZTV15IORegistryEntry')
if vtableAddr != ztvAddr:
out_string += ", "
state = CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').__state[0]
# kIOServiceRegisteredState
if 0 == state & 2:
out_string += "!"
out_string += "registered, "
# kIOServiceMatchedState
if 0 == state & 4:
out_string += "!"
out_string += "matched, "
if 0 != state & 1:
out_string += "in"
busyCount = (CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').__state[1] & 0xff)
retCount = (CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').retainCount & 0xffff)
out_string += "active, busy {0}, retain count {1}>".format(busyCount, retCount)
return out_string
# Commands
def ShowAllClasses(cmd_args=None):
""" Show the instance counts and ivar size of all OSObject subclasses.
See ioclasscount man page for details
idx = 0
count = unsigned(kern.globals.sAllClassesDict.count)
while idx < count:
meta = CastIOKitClass(kern.globals.sAllClassesDict.dictionary[idx].value, 'OSMetaClass *')
idx += 1
def ShowObject(cmd_args=None):
""" Show info about an OSObject - its vtable ptr and retain count, & more info for simple container classes.
if not cmd_args:
print("Please specify the address of the OSObject whose info you want to view. Type help showobject for help")
obj = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'OSObject *')
#Macro: dumpobject
def DumpObject(cmd_args=None):
""" Dumps object information if it is a valid object confirmed by showobject
Usage: dumpobject <address of object to be dumped> [class/struct type of object]
if not cmd_args:
print("No arguments passed")
return False
if len(cmd_args) == 1:
object_info = lldb_run_command("showobject {:s}".format(cmd_args[0]))
print("Error!! showobject failed due to invalid value")
return False
srch ='<vtable for ([A-Za-z].*)>', object_info)
if not srch:
print("Error!! Couldn't find object in registry, input type manually as 2nd argument")
return False
object_type =
type_lookup = lldb_run_command("image lookup -t {:s}".format(cmd_args[1]))
if type_lookup.find(cmd_args[1])!= -1:
object_type = cmd_args[1]
print("Error!! Input type {:s} isn't available in image lookup".format(cmd_args[1]))
return False
print("******** Object Dump for value \'{:s}\' with type \"{:s}\" ********".format(cmd_args[0], object_type))
print(lldb_run_command("p/x *({:s}*){:s}".format(object_type, cmd_args[0])))
#EndMacro: dumpobject
def SetRegistryPlane(cmd_args=None):
""" Set the plane to be used for the IOKit registry macros
syntax: (lldb) setregistryplane 0 - will display all known planes
syntax: (lldb) setregistryplane 0xaddr - will set the registry plane to 0xaddr
syntax: (lldb) setregistryplane gIODTPlane - will set the registry plane to gIODTPlane
if not cmd_args:
print("Please specify the name of the plane you want to use with the IOKit registry macros.")
if cmd_args[0] == "0":
global plane
plane = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'IORegistryPlane *')
def ShowRegistryEntry(cmd_args=None):
""" Show info about a registry entry; its properties and descendants in the current plane
syntax: (lldb) showregistryentry 0xaddr
syntax: (lldb) showregistryentry gIOPMRootDomain
if not cmd_args:
print("Please specify the address of the registry entry whose info you want to view.")
entry = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'IORegistryEntry *')
ShowRegistryEntryRecurse(entry, "", True)
def ShowRegistry(cmd_args=None):
""" Show info about all registry entries in the current plane
If prior to invoking this command no registry plane is specified
using 'setregistryplane', the command defaults to the IOService plane
ShowRegistryEntryRecurse(kern.globals.gRegistryRoot, "", False)
def ShowRegistryProps(cmd_args=None):
""" Show info about all registry entries in the current plane, and their properties
If prior to invoking this command no registry plane is specified
using 'setregistryplane', the command defaults to the IOService plane
ShowRegistryEntryRecurse(kern.globals.gRegistryRoot, "", True)
def FindRegistryEntry(cmd_args=None):
""" Search for registry entry that matches the given string
If prior to invoking this command no registry plane is specified
using 'setregistryplane', the command defaults to searching entries from the IOService plane
syntax: (lldb) findregistryentries AppleACPICPU - will find the first registry entry that matches AppleACPICPU
if not cmd_args:
print("Please specify the name of the registry entry you want to find")
FindRegistryEntryRecurse(kern.globals.gRegistryRoot, cmd_args[0], True)
def FindRegistryEntries(cmd_args=None):
""" Search for all registry entries that match the given string
If prior to invoking this command no registry plane is specified
using 'setregistryplane', the command defaults to searching entries from the IOService plane
syntax: (lldb) findregistryentries AppleACPICPU - will find all registry entries that match AppleACPICPU
if not cmd_args:
print("Please specify the name of the registry entry/entries you want to find")
FindRegistryEntryRecurse(kern.globals.gRegistryRoot, cmd_args[0], False)
def FindRegistryProp(cmd_args=None):
""" Given a registry entry, print out the contents for the property that matches
a specific string
syntax: (lldb) findregistryprop 0xaddr IOSleepSupported
syntax: (lldb) findregistryprop gIOPMRootDomain IOSleepSupported
syntax: (lldb) findregistryprop gIOPMRootDomain "Supported Features"
if not cmd_args or len(cmd_args) < 2:
print("Please specify the address of a IORegistry entry and the property you're looking for")
entry = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'IOService *')
propertyTable = entry.fPropertyTable
print(GetObjectSummary(LookupKeyInPropTable(propertyTable, cmd_args[1])))
def ReadIOPort8(cmd_args=None):
""" Read value stored in the specified IO port. The CPU can be optionally
specified as well.
Prints 0xBAD10AD in case of a bad read
Syntax: (lldb) readioport8 <port> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
if not cmd_args:
print("Please specify a port to read out of")
portAddr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
if len(cmd_args) >= 2:
lcpu = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1])
lcpu = xnudefines.lcpu_self
ReadIOPortInt(portAddr, 1, lcpu)
def ReadIOPort16(cmd_args=None):
""" Read value stored in the specified IO port. The CPU can be optionally
specified as well.
Prints 0xBAD10AD in case of a bad read
Syntax: (lldb) readioport16 <port> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
if not cmd_args:
print("Please specify a port to read out of")
portAddr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
if len(cmd_args) >= 2:
lcpu = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1])
lcpu = xnudefines.lcpu_self
ReadIOPortInt(portAddr, 2, lcpu)
def ReadIOPort32(cmd_args=None):
""" Read value stored in the specified IO port. The CPU can be optionally
specified as well.
Prints 0xBAD10AD in case of a bad read
Syntax: (lldb) readioport32 <port> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
if not cmd_args:
print("Please specify a port to read out of")
portAddr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
if len(cmd_args) >= 2:
lcpu = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1])
lcpu = xnudefines.lcpu_self
ReadIOPortInt(portAddr, 4, lcpu)
def WriteIOPort8(cmd_args=None):
""" Write the value to the specified IO port. The size of the value is
determined by the name of the command. The CPU used can be optionally
specified as well.
Syntax: (lldb) writeioport8 <port> <value> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
if not cmd_args or len(cmd_args) < 2:
print("Please specify a port to write to, followed by the value you want to write")
portAddr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
value = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1])
if len(cmd_args) >= 3:
lcpu = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[2])
lcpu = xnudefines.lcpu_self
WriteIOPortInt(portAddr, 1, value, lcpu)
def WriteIOPort16(cmd_args=None):
""" Write the value to the specified IO port. The size of the value is
determined by the name of the command. The CPU used can be optionally
specified as well.
Syntax: (lldb) writeioport16 <port> <value> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
if not cmd_args or len(cmd_args) < 2:
print("Please specify a port to write to, followed by the value you want to write")
portAddr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
value = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1])
if len(cmd_args) >= 3:
lcpu = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[2])
lcpu = xnudefines.lcpu_self
WriteIOPortInt(portAddr, 2, value, lcpu)
def WriteIOPort32(cmd_args=None):
""" Write the value to the specified IO port. The size of the value is
determined by the name of the command. The CPU used can be optionally
specified as well.
Syntax: (lldb) writeioport32 <port> <value> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
if not cmd_args or len(cmd_args) < 2:
print("Please specify a port to write to, followed by the value you want to write")
portAddr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
value = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1])
if len(cmd_args) >= 3:
lcpu = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[2])
lcpu = xnudefines.lcpu_self
WriteIOPortInt(portAddr, 4, value, lcpu)
def ShowIOServicePM(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to dump the IOServicePM object
Syntax: (lldb) showioservicepm <IOServicePM pointer>
if not cmd_args:
print("Please enter the pointer to the IOServicePM object you'd like to introspect")
iopmpriv = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'IOServicePM *')
out_string = "MachineState {0: <6d} (".format(iopmpriv.MachineState)
# Power state map
pstate_map = {
0: 'kIOPM_Finished',
1: 'kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown',
2: 'kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown',
3: 'kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange',
4: 'kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState',
5: 'kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle',
6: 'kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange',
7: 'kIOPM_OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange',
8: 'kIOPM_OurChangeFinish',
9: 'Unused_MachineState_9',
10: 'kIOPM_ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown',
11: 'kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange',
12: 'kIOPM_ParentChangeSetPowerState',
13: 'kIOPM_ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle',
14: 'kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange',
15: 'kIOPM_ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange',
16: 'kIOPM_ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange',
17: 'kIOPM_NotifyChildrenStart',
18: 'kIOPM_NotifyChildrenOrdered',
19: 'kIOPM_NotifyChildrenDelayed',
20: 'kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown',
21: 'kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown',
22: 'kIOPM_SyncNotifyWillChange',
23: 'kIOPM_SyncNotifyDidChange',
24: 'kIOPM_SyncTellCapabilityDidChange',
25: 'kIOPM_SyncFinish',
26: 'kIOPM_TellCapabilityChangeDone',
27: 'kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone'
powerstate = unsigned(iopmpriv.MachineState)
if powerstate in pstate_map:
out_string += "{0:s}".format(pstate_map[powerstate])
out_string += "Unknown_MachineState"
out_string += "), "
if iopmpriv.MachineState != 20:
if hasattr(iopmpriv, "SettleTimeUS"):
out_string += "DriverTimer = {0: <6d}, SettleTime = {1: < 6d}, HeadNoteFlags = {2: #12x}, HeadNotePendingAcks = {3: #012x}, ".format(
out_string += "DriverTimer = {0: <6d}, HeadNoteFlags = {1: #12x}, HeadNotePendingAcks = {2: #012x}, ".format(
if iopmpriv.DeviceOverrideEnabled != 0:
out_string += "DeviceOverrides, "
out_string += "DeviceDesire = {0: <6d}, DesiredPowerState = {1: <6d}, PreviousRequest = {2: <6d}\n".format(
@lldb_type_summary(['IOPMWorkQueue *'])
def GetIOPMWorkQueueSummary(wq):
out_str = ""
ioservicepm_header = "{:<20s}{:<4s}{:<4s}{:<4s}{:<4s}\n"
iopmrequest_indent = " "
iopmrequest_header = iopmrequest_indent + "{:<20s}{:<6s}{:<20s}{:<20s}{:<12s}{:<12s}{:<20s}{:<20s}{:<20s}\n"
for next in IterateQueue(wq.fWorkQueue, 'IOServicePM *', 'WorkChain'):
out_str += ioservicepm_header.format("IOService", "ps", "ms", "wr", "name")
out_str += "0x{:<16x} {:<2d} {:<2d} {:<2d} {:<s}\n".format(
next.Owner, next.CurrentPowerState, next.MachineState, next.WaitReason, next.Name)
out_str += iopmrequest_header.format("IOPMRequest", "type", "next_req", "root_req", "work_wait", "free_wait", "arg0", "arg1", "arg2")
for request in IterateQueue(next.RequestHead, 'IOPMRequest *', 'fCommandChain'):
out_str += iopmrequest_indent
out_str += "0x{:<16x} 0x{:<2x} 0x{:<16x} 0x{:<16x}".format(
request, request.fRequestType, request.fRequestNext, request.fRequestRoot)
out_str += " 0x{:<8x} 0x{:<8x}".format(
request.fWorkWaitCount, request.fFreeWaitCount)
out_str += " 0x{:<16x} 0x{:<16x} 0x{:<16x}\n".format(
request.fArg0, request.fArg1, request.fArg2)
return out_str
def ShowIOPMQueues(cmd_args=None):
""" Show IOKit power management queues and IOPMRequest objects.
print("IOPMWorkQueue 0x{:<16x} ({:<d} IOServicePM)\n".format(
kern.globals.gIOPMWorkQueue, kern.globals.gIOPMWorkQueue.fQueueLength))
@lldb_type_summary(['IOService *'])
def GetIOPMInterest(service):
iopm = CastIOKitClass(service.pwrMgt, 'IOServicePM *')
if unsigned(iopm) == 0:
print("error: no IOServicePM")
list = CastIOKitClass(iopm.InterestedDrivers, 'IOPMinformeeList *')
out_str = "IOServicePM 0x{:<16x} ({:<d} interest, {:<d} pending ack)\n".format(
iopm, list.length, iopm.HeadNotePendingAcks)
if list.length == 0:
out_str += " {:<20s}{:<8s}{:<10s}{:<20s}{:<20s}{:<20s}{:<s}\n".format(
"informee", "active", "ticks", "notifyTime", "service", "regId", "name")
next = CastIOKitClass(list.firstItem, 'IOPMinformee *')
while unsigned(next) != 0:
driver = CastIOKitClass(next.whatObject, 'IOService *')
name = GetRegistryEntryName(driver)
reg_id = CastIOKitClass(driver, 'IORegistryEntry *').reserved.fRegistryEntryID;
out_str += " 0x{:<16x} {:<6s} {:<8d} 0x{:<16x} 0x{:<16x} 0x{:<16x} {:<s}\n".format(
next, "Yes" if != 0 else "No" , next.timer, next.startTime, next.whatObject, reg_id, name)
next = CastIOKitClass(next.nextInList, 'IOPMinformee *')
return out_str
def ShowIOPMInterest(cmd_args=None):
""" Show the interested drivers for an IOService.
syntax: (lldb) showiopminterest <IOService>
if not cmd_args:
print("Please specify the address of the IOService")
obj = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'IOService *')
def ShowInterruptVectorInfo(cmd_args=None):
Shows interrupt vectors.
# Constants
kInterruptTriggerModeMask = 0x01
kInterruptTriggerModeEdge = 0x00
kInterruptTriggerModeLevel = kInterruptTriggerModeMask
kInterruptPolarityMask = 0x02
kInterruptPolarityHigh = 0x00
kInterruptPolarityLow = kInterruptPolarityMask
kInterruptShareableMask = 0x04
kInterruptNotShareable = 0x00
kInterruptIsShareable = kInterruptShareableMask
kIOInterruptTypePCIMessaged = 0x00010000
# Get all interrupt controllers
interrupt_controllers = list(SearchInterruptControllerDrivers())
print("Interrupt controllers: ")
for ic in interrupt_controllers:
print(" {}".format(ic))
# Iterate over all entries in the registry
for entry in GetMatchingEntries(lambda _: True):
# Get the name of the entry
entry_name = GetRegistryEntryName(entry)
# Get the location of the entry
entry_location = GetRegistryEntryLocationInPlane(entry, kern.globals.gIOServicePlane)
if entry_location is None:
entry_location = ""
entry_location = "@" + entry_location
# Get the interrupt properties
(msi_mode, vectorDataList, vectorContList) = GetRegistryEntryInterruptProperties(entry)
should_print = False
out_str = ""
for (vector_data, vector_cont) in zip(vectorDataList, vectorContList):
# vector_cont is the name of the interrupt controller. Find the matching controller from
# the list of controllers obtained earlier
matching_ics = [ic for ic in interrupt_controllers if == vector_cont]
if len(matching_ics) > 0:
should_print = True
# Take the first match
matchingIC = matching_ics[0]
# Use the vector_data to determine the vector and any flags
data_ptr =
data_length = vector_data.length
# Dereference vector_data as a uint32_t * and add the base vector number
gsi = unsigned(dereference(Cast(data_ptr, 'uint32_t *')))
gsi += matchingIC.base_vector_number
# If data_length is >= 8 then vector_data contains interrupt flags
if data_length >= 8:
# Add sizeof(uint32_t) to data_ptr to get the flags pointer
flags_ptr = kern.GetValueFromAddress(unsigned(data_ptr) + sizeof("uint32_t"))
flags = unsigned(dereference(Cast(flags_ptr, 'uint32_t *')))
out_str += " +----- [Interrupt Controller {ic}] vector {gsi}, {trigger_level}, {active}, {shareable}{messaged}\n" \
.format(, gsi=hex(gsi),
trigger_level="level trigger" if flags & kInterruptTriggerModeLevel else "edge trigger",
active="active low" if flags & kInterruptPolarityLow else "active high",
shareable="shareable" if flags & kInterruptIsShareable else "exclusive",
messaged=", messaged" if flags & kIOInterruptTypePCIMessaged else "")
out_str += " +----- [Interrupt Controller {ic}] vector {gsi}\n".format(, gsi=hex(gsi))
if should_print:
print("[ {entry_name}{entry_location} ]{msi_mode}\n{out_str}" \
msi_mode=" - MSIs enabled" if msi_mode else "",
def ShowIOKitClassHierarchy(cmd_args=None):
Show class hierarchy for a IOKit class
if not cmd_args:
print("Usage: showiokitclasshierarchy <IOKit class name>")
class_name = cmd_args[0]
metaclasses = GetMetaClasses()
if class_name not in metaclasses:
print("Class {} does not exist".format(class_name))
metaclass = metaclasses[class_name]
# loop over superclasses
hierarchy = []
current_metaclass = metaclass
while current_metaclass is not None:
hierarchy.insert(0, current_metaclass)
current_metaclass = current_metaclass.superclass()
for (index, mc) in enumerate(hierarchy):
indent = (" " * index) + "+---"
print("{}[ {} ] {}".format(indent, str(mc.className()), str(
# Helper routines
def ShowRegistryEntryRecurse(entry, prefix, printProps):
""" prints registry entry summary and recurses through all its children.
# Setup
global plane
out_string = ""
plen = (len(prefix)//2)
registryTable = entry.fRegistryTable
propertyTable = entry.fPropertyTable
# Print entry details
print("{0:s}{1:s}".format(prefix, GetRegistryEntrySummary(entry)))
# Printing large property tables make it look like lldb is 'stuck'
if printProps:
print(GetRegDictionary(propertyTable, prefix + " | "))
# Recurse
if plane is None:
childKey = kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.keys[1]
childKey = plane.keys[1]
childArray = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, childKey)
if childArray is not None:
idx = 0
ca = CastIOKitClass(childArray, 'OSArray *')
count = unsigned(ca.count)
while idx < count:
if plen != 0 and plen != 1 and (plen & (plen - 1)) == 0:
ShowRegistryEntryRecurse(CastIOKitClass(ca.array[idx], 'IORegistryEntry *'), prefix + "| ", printProps)
ShowRegistryEntryRecurse(CastIOKitClass(ca.array[idx], 'IORegistryEntry *'), prefix + " ", printProps)
idx += 1
def FindRegistryEntryRecurse(entry, search_name, stopAfterFirst):
""" Checks if given registry entry's name matches the search_name we're looking for
If yes, it prints the entry's summary and then recurses through its children
If no, it does nothing and recurses through its children
# Setup
global plane
registryTable = entry.fRegistryTable
propertyTable = entry.fPropertyTable
# Compare
name = None
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.nameKey)
if name is None:
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, kern.globals.gIONameKey)
if name is None:
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(propertyTable, kern.globals.gIOClassKey)
if name is not None:
if str(CastIOKitClass(name, 'OSString *').string) == search_name:
if stopAfterFirst is True:
return True
elif CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').pwrMgt and CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').pwrMgt.Name:
name = CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').pwrMgt.Name
if str(name) == search_name:
if stopAfterFirst is True:
return True
# Recurse
if plane is None:
childKey = kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.keys[1]
childKey = plane.keys[1]
childArray = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, childKey)
if childArray is not None:
idx = 0
ca = CastIOKitClass(childArray, 'OSArray *')
count = unsigned(ca.count)
while idx < count:
if FindRegistryEntryRecurse(CastIOKitClass(ca.array[idx], 'IORegistryEntry *'), search_name, stopAfterFirst) is True:
return True
idx += 1
return False
def FindRegistryObjectRecurse(entry, search_name):
""" Checks if given registry entry's name matches the search_name we're looking for
If yes, return the entry
If no, it does nothing and recurses through its children
Implicitly stops after finding the first entry
# Setup
global plane
registryTable = entry.fRegistryTable
propertyTable = entry.fPropertyTable
# Compare
name = None
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.nameKey)
if name is None:
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, kern.globals.gIONameKey)
if name is None:
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(propertyTable, kern.globals.gIOClassKey)
if name is not None:
if str(CastIOKitClass(name, 'OSString *').string) == search_name:
return entry
elif CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').pwrMgt and CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').pwrMgt.Name:
name = CastIOKitClass(entry, 'IOService *').pwrMgt.Name
if str(name) == search_name:
return entry
# Recurse
if plane is None:
childKey = kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.keys[1]
childKey = plane.keys[1]
childArray = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, childKey)
if childArray is not None:
ca = CastIOKitClass(childArray, 'OSArray *')
for idx in range(ca.count):
registry_object = FindRegistryObjectRecurse(CastIOKitClass(ca.array[idx], 'IORegistryEntry *'), search_name)
if not registry_object or int(registry_object) == int(0):
return registry_object
return None
def CompareStringToOSSymbol(string, os_sym):
Lexicographically compare python string to OSSymbol
string - python string
os_sym - OSSymbol
0 if string == os_sym
1 if string > os_sym
-1 if string < os_sym
os_sym_str = GetString(os_sym)
if string > os_sym_str:
return 1
elif string < os_sym_str:
return -1
return 0
class IOKitMetaClass(object):
A class that represents a IOKit metaclass. This is used to represent the
IOKit inheritance hierarchy.
def __init__(self, meta):
Initialize a IOKitMetaClass object.
meta (core.cvalue.value): A LLDB value representing a
OSMetaClass *.
self._meta = meta
self._superclass = None
def data(self):
return self._meta
def setSuperclass(self, superclass):
Set the superclass for this metaclass.
superclass (core.cvalue.value): A LLDB value representing a
OSMetaClass *.
self._superclass = superclass
def superclass(self):
Get the superclass for this metaclass (set by the setSuperclass method).
core.cvalue.value: A LLDB value representing a OSMetaClass *.
return self._superclass
def className(self):
Get the name of the class this metaclass represents.
str: The class name
return self._meta.className.string
def inheritsFrom(self, other):
Check if the class represented by this metaclass inherits from a class
represented by another metaclass.
other (IOKitMetaClass): The other metaclass
bool: Returns True if this class inherits from the other class and
False otherwise.
current = self
while current is not None:
if current == other:
return True
current = current.superclass()
def GetRegistryEntryClassName(entry):
Get the class name of a registry entry.
entry (core.cvalue.value): A LLDB value representing a
IORegistryEntry *.
str: The class name of the entry or None if a class name could not be
# Check using IOClass key
result = LookupKeyInOSDict(entry.fPropertyTable, kern.globals.gIOClassKey)
if result is not None:
return GetString(result).replace("\"", "")
# Use the vtable of the entry to determine the concrete type
vt = dereference(Cast(entry, 'uintptr_t *')) - 2 * sizeof('uintptr_t')
vt = kern.StripKernelPAC(vt)
vtype = kern.SymbolicateFromAddress(vt)
if len(vtype) > 0:
vtableName = vtype[0].GetName()
return vtableName[11:] # strip off "vtable for "
return None
def GetRegistryEntryName(entry):
Get the name of a registry entry.
entry (core.cvalue.value): A LLDB value representing a
IORegistryEntry *.
str: The name of the entry or None if a name could not be found.
name = None
# First check the IOService plane nameKey
result = LookupKeyInOSDict(entry.fRegistryTable, kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.nameKey)
if result is not None:
name = GetString(result)
# Check the global IOName key
if name is None:
result = LookupKeyInOSDict(entry.fRegistryTable, kern.globals.gIONameKey)
if result is not None:
name = GetString(result)
# Check the IOClass key
if name is None:
result = LookupKeyInOSDict(entry.fPropertyTable, kern.globals.gIOClassKey)
if result is not None:
name = GetString(result)
# Remove extra quotes
if name is not None:
return name.replace("\"", "")
return GetRegistryEntryClassName(entry)
def GetRegistryEntryLocationInPlane(entry, plane):
Get the registry entry location in a IOKit plane.
entry (core.cvalue.value): A LLDB value representing a
IORegistryEntry *.
plane: An IOKit plane such as kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.
str: The location of the entry or None if a location could not be
# Check the plane's pathLocationKey
sym = LookupKeyInOSDict(entry.fRegistryTable, plane.pathLocationKey)
# Check the global IOLocation key
if sym is None:
sym = LookupKeyInOSDict(entry.fRegistryTable, kern.globals.gIOLocationKey)
if sym is not None:
return GetString(sym).replace("\"", "")
return None
def GetMetaClasses(target=None):
Enumerate all IOKit metaclasses. Uses dynamic caching.
Dict[str, IOKitMetaClass]: A dictionary mapping each metaclass name to
a IOKitMetaClass object representing the metaclass.
# This method takes a while, so it prints a progress indicator
print("Enumerating IOKit metaclasses: ")
do_progress = os.isatty(sys.__stderr__.fileno())
# Iterate over all classes present in sAllClassesDict
count = unsigned(kern.globals.sAllClassesDict.count)
metaclasses_by_address = {}
for idx in range(count):
if do_progress and idx % 10 == 0:
sys.stderr.write("\033[K {} metaclass found...\r".format(idx))
# Address of metaclass
address = kern.globals.sAllClassesDict.dictionary[idx].value
# Create IOKitMetaClass and store in dict
metaclasses_by_address[int(address)] = IOKitMetaClass(CastIOKitClass(kern.globals.sAllClassesDict.dictionary[idx].value, 'OSMetaClass *'))
# At this point, each metaclass is independent of each other. We don't have superclass links set up yet.
for address, metaclass in metaclasses_by_address.items():
# Get the address of the superclass using the superClassLink in IOMetaClass
superclass_address = int(
# Skip null superclass
if superclass_address == 0:
# Find the superclass object in the dict
if superclass_address in metaclasses_by_address:
print("warning: could not find superclass for {}".format(str(
# This method returns a dictionary mapping each class name to the associated metaclass object
metaclasses_by_name = {}
for idx, (_, metaclass) in enumerate(metaclasses_by_address.items()):
if do_progress and idx % 10 == 0:
sys.stderr.write("\033[K {} metaclass indexed...\r".format(idx))
metaclasses_by_name[str(metaclass.className())] = metaclass
print(" Indexed {} IOKit metaclasses.".format(count))
return metaclasses_by_name
def GetMatchingEntries(matcher):
Iterate over the IOKit registry and find entries that match specific
matcher (function): A matching function that returns True for a match
and False otherwise.
core.cvalue.value: LLDB values that represent IORegistryEntry * for
each registry entry found.
# Perform a BFS over the IOKit registry tree
bfs_queue = deque()
while len(bfs_queue) > 0:
# Dequeue an entry
entry = bfs_queue.popleft()
# Check if entry matches
if matcher(entry):
yield entry
# Find children of this entry and enqueue them
child_array = LookupKeyInOSDict(entry.fRegistryTable, kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.keys[1])
if child_array is not None:
idx = 0
ca = CastIOKitClass(child_array, 'OSArray *')
count = unsigned(ca.count)
while idx < count:
bfs_queue.append(CastIOKitClass(ca.array[idx], 'IORegistryEntry *'))
idx += 1
def FindMatchingServices(matching_name):
Finds registry entries that match the given string. Works similarly to:
io_iterator_t iter;
IOServiceGetMatchingServices(..., IOServiceMatching(matching_name), &iter);
while (( io_object_t next = IOIteratorNext(iter))) { ... }
matching_name (str): The class name to search for.
core.cvalue.value: LLDB values that represent IORegistryEntry * for
each registry entry found.
# Check if the argument is valid
metaclasses = GetMetaClasses()
if matching_name not in metaclasses:
matching_metaclass = metaclasses[matching_name]
# An entry matches if it inherits from matching_metaclass
def matcher(entry):
# Get the class name of the entry and the associated metaclass
entry_name = GetRegistryEntryClassName(entry)
if entry_name in metaclasses:
entry_metaclass = metaclasses[entry_name]
return entry_metaclass.inheritsFrom(matching_metaclass)
return False
# Search for entries
for entry in GetMatchingEntries(matcher):
yield entry
def GetRegistryEntryParent(entry, iokit_plane=None):
Gets the parent entry of a registry entry.
entry (core.cvalue.value): A LLDB value representing a
IORegistryEntry *.
iokit_plane (core.cvalue.value, optional): A LLDB value representing a
IORegistryPlane *. By default, this method uses the IOService
core.cvalue.value: A LLDB value representing a IORegistryEntry* that
is the parent entry of the entry argument in the specified plane.
Returns None if no entry could be found.
kParentSetIndex = 0
parent_key = None
if iokit_plane is None:
parent_key = kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.keys[kParentSetIndex]
parent_key = plane.keys[kParentSetIndex]
parent_array = LookupKeyInOSDict(entry.fRegistryTable, parent_key)
parent_entry = None
if parent_array is not None:
idx = 0
ca = CastIOKitClass(parent_array, 'OSArray *')
count = unsigned(ca.count)
if count > 0:
parent_entry = CastIOKitClass(ca.array[0], 'IORegistryEntry *')
return parent_entry
def GetRegistryEntryInterruptProperties(entry):
Get the interrupt properties of a registry entry.
entry (core.cvalue.value): A LLDB value representing a IORegistryEntry *.
(bool, List[core.cvalue.value], List[str]): A tuple with the following
- First field (bool): Whether this entry has a non-null
- Second field (List[core.cvalue.value]): A list of LLDB values
representing OSData *. The OSData* pointer points to
interrupt vector data.
- Third field (List[str]): A list of strings representing the
interrupt controller names from the
IOInterruptControllers property.
# Check IOInterruptSpecifiers
interrupt_specifiers = LookupKeyInPropTable(entry.fPropertyTable, INTERRUPT_SPECIFIERS_PROPERTY)
if interrupt_specifiers is not None:
interrupt_specifiers = CastIOKitClass(interrupt_specifiers, 'OSArray *')
# Check IOInterruptControllers
interrupt_controllers = LookupKeyInPropTable(entry.fPropertyTable, INTERRUPT_CONTROLLERS_PROPERTY)
if interrupt_controllers is not None:
interrupt_controllers = CastIOKitClass(interrupt_controllers, 'OSArray *')
# Check MSI mode
msi_mode = LookupKeyInPropTable(entry.fPropertyTable, MSI_MODE_PROPERTY)
result_vector_data = []
result_vector_cont = []
if interrupt_specifiers is not None and interrupt_controllers is not None:
interrupt_specifiers_array_count = unsigned(interrupt_specifiers.count)
interrupt_controllers_array_count = unsigned(interrupt_controllers.count)
# The array lengths should be the same
if interrupt_specifiers_array_count == interrupt_controllers_array_count and interrupt_specifiers_array_count > 0:
idx = 0
while idx < interrupt_specifiers_array_count:
# IOInterruptSpecifiers is an array of OSData *
vector_data = CastIOKitClass(interrupt_specifiers.array[idx], "OSData *")
# IOInterruptControllers is an array of OSString *
vector_cont = GetString(interrupt_controllers.array[idx])
idx += 1
return (msi_mode is not None, result_vector_data, result_vector_cont)
class InterruptControllerDevice(object):
"""Represents a IOInterruptController"""
def __init__(self, device, driver, base_vector_number, name):
Initialize a InterruptControllerDevice.
device (core.cvalue.value): The device object.
driver (core.cvalue.value): The driver object.
base_vector_number (int): The base interrupt vector.
name (str): The name of this interrupt controller.
Use the factory method makeInterruptControllerDevice to validate
self.device = device
self.driver = driver = name
self.base_vector_number = base_vector_number
def __str__(self):
String representation of this InterruptControllerDevice.
return " Name {}, base vector = {}, device = {}, driver = {}".format(, hex(self.base_vector_number), str(self.device), str(self.driver))
def makeInterruptControllerDevice(device, driver):
Factory method to create a InterruptControllerDevice.
device (core.cvalue.value): The device object.
driver (core.cvalue.value): The driver object.
InterruptControllerDevice: Returns an instance of
InterruptControllerDevice or None if the arguments do not have
the required properties.
BASE_VECTOR_PROPERTY = "Base Vector Number"
base_vector = LookupKeyInPropTable(device.fPropertyTable, BASE_VECTOR_PROPERTY)
if base_vector is None:
base_vector = LookupKeyInPropTable(driver.fPropertyTable, BASE_VECTOR_PROPERTY)
device_name = LookupKeyInPropTable(device.fPropertyTable, INTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_NAME_PROPERTY)
if device_name is None:
device_name = LookupKeyInPropTable(driver.fPropertyTable, INTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_NAME_PROPERTY)
if device_name is not None:
# Some interrupt controllers do not have a base vector number. Assume it is 0.
base_vector_number = 0
if base_vector is not None:
base_vector_number = unsigned(GetNumber(base_vector))
device_name = GetString(device_name)
# Construct object and return
return InterruptControllerDevice(device, driver, base_vector_number, device_name)
# error case
return None
def SearchInterruptControllerDrivers():
Search the IOKit registry for entries that match IOInterruptController.
core.cvalue.value: A LLDB value representing a IORegistryEntry * that
inherits from IOInterruptController.
for entry in FindMatchingServices("IOInterruptController"):
# Get parent
parent = GetRegistryEntryParent(entry)
# Make the interrupt controller object
ic = InterruptControllerDevice.makeInterruptControllerDevice(parent, entry)
# Yield object
if ic is not None:
yield ic
def LookupKeyInOSDict(osdict, key, comparer = None):
""" Returns the value corresponding to a given key in a OSDictionary
Returns None if the key was not found
if not osdict:
count = unsigned(osdict.count)
result = None
idx = 0
while idx < count and result is None:
if comparer is not None:
if comparer(key, osdict.dictionary[idx].key) == 0:
result = osdict.dictionary[idx].value
elif key == osdict.dictionary[idx].key:
result = osdict.dictionary[idx].value
idx += 1
return result
def LookupKeyInPropTable(propertyTable, key_str):
""" Returns the value corresponding to a given key from a registry entry's property table
Returns None if the key was not found
The property that is being searched for is specified as a string in key_str
if not propertyTable:
count = unsigned(propertyTable.count)
result = None
idx = 0
while idx < count and result is None:
if key_str == str(propertyTable.dictionary[idx].key.string):
result = propertyTable.dictionary[idx].value
idx += 1
return result
def GetRegDictionary(osdict, prefix):
""" Returns a specially formatted string summary of the given OSDictionary
This is done in order to pretty-print registry property tables in showregistry
and other macros
out_string = prefix + "{\n"
idx = 0
count = unsigned(osdict.count)
while idx < count:
out_string += prefix + " " + GetObjectSummary(osdict.dictionary[idx].key) + " = " + GetObjectSummary(osdict.dictionary[idx].value) + "\n"
idx += 1
out_string += prefix + "}\n"
return out_string
def GetString(string):
""" Returns the python string representation of a given OSString
out_string = "{0:s}".format(CastIOKitClass(string, 'OSString *').string)
return out_string
def GetNumber(num):
out_string = "{0:d}".format(CastIOKitClass(num, 'OSNumber *').value)
return out_string
def GetBoolean(b):
""" Shows info about a given OSBoolean
out_string = ""
if b == kern.globals.gOSBooleanFalse:
out_string += "No"
out_string += "Yes"
return out_string
def GetMetaClass(mc):
""" Shows info about a given OSSymbol
out_string = "{0: <5d}x {1: >5d} bytes {2:s}\n".format(mc.instanceCount, mc.classSize, mc.className.string)
return out_string
def GetArray(arr):
""" Returns a string containing info about a given OSArray
out_string = ""
idx = 0
count = unsigned(arr.count)
while idx < count:
obj = arr.array[idx]
idx += 1
out_string += GetObjectSummary(obj)
if idx < unsigned(arr.count):
out_string += ","
return out_string
def GetDictionary(d):
""" Returns a string containing info about a given OSDictionary
if d is None:
return ""
out_string = "{\n"
idx = 0
count = unsigned(d.count)
while idx < count:
key = d.dictionary[idx].key
value = d.dictionary[idx].value
out_string += " \"{}\" = {}\n".format(GetString(key), GetObjectSummary(value))
idx += 1
out_string += "}"
return out_string
def GetSet(se):
""" Returns a string containing info about a given OSSet
out_string = "[" + GetArray(se.members) + "]"
return out_string
def ReadIOPortInt(addr, numbytes, lcpu):
""" Prints results after reading a given ioport
result = 0xBAD10AD
if "kdp" != GetConnectionProtocol():
print("Target is not connected over kdp. Nothing to do here.")
# Set up the manual KDP packet
input_address = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt.input))
len_address = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt.len))
data_address = unsigned(addressof(
if not WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(0, input_address):
print("0x{0: <4x}: 0x{1: <1x}".format(addr, result))
kdp_pkt_size = GetType('kdp_readioport_req_t').GetByteSize()
if not WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(kdp_pkt_size, len_address):
print("0x{0: <4x}: 0x{1: <1x}".format(addr, result))
kgm_pkt = kern.GetValueFromAddress(data_address, 'kdp_readioport_req_t *')
header_value = GetKDPPacketHeaderInt(request=GetEnumValue('kdp_req_t::KDP_READIOPORT'), length = kdp_pkt_size)
if( WriteInt64ToMemoryAddress((header_value), int(addressof(kgm_pkt.hdr))) and
WriteInt16ToMemoryAddress(addr, int(addressof(kgm_pkt.address))) and
WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(numbytes, int(addressof(kgm_pkt.nbytes))) and
WriteInt16ToMemoryAddress(lcpu, int(addressof(kgm_pkt.lcpu))) and
WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(1, input_address)
result_pkt = Cast(addressof(, 'kdp_readioport_reply_t *')
if(result_pkt.error == 0):
if numbytes == 1:
result = dereference(Cast(addressof(, 'uint8_t *'))
elif numbytes == 2:
result = dereference(Cast(addressof(, 'uint16_t *'))
elif numbytes == 4:
result = dereference(Cast(addressof(, 'uint32_t *'))
print("{0: <#6x}: {1:#0{2}x}".format(addr, result, (numbytes*2)+2))
def WriteIOPortInt(addr, numbytes, value, lcpu):
""" Writes 'value' into ioport specified by 'addr'. Prints errors if it encounters any
if "kdp" != GetConnectionProtocol():
print("Target is not connected over kdp. Nothing to do here.")
# Set up the manual KDP packet
input_address = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt.input))
len_address = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt.len))
data_address = unsigned(addressof(
if not WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(0, input_address):
print("error writing {0: #x} to port {1: <#6x}: failed to write 0 to input_address".format(value, addr))
kdp_pkt_size = GetType('kdp_writeioport_req_t').GetByteSize()
if not WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(kdp_pkt_size, len_address):
print("error writing {0: #x} to port {1: <#6x}: failed to write kdp_pkt_size".format(value, addr))
kgm_pkt = kern.GetValueFromAddress(data_address, 'kdp_writeioport_req_t *')
header_value = GetKDPPacketHeaderInt(request=GetEnumValue('kdp_req_t::KDP_WRITEIOPORT'), length = kdp_pkt_size)
if( WriteInt64ToMemoryAddress((header_value), int(addressof(kgm_pkt.hdr))) and
WriteInt16ToMemoryAddress(addr, int(addressof(kgm_pkt.address))) and
WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(numbytes, int(addressof(kgm_pkt.nbytes))) and
WriteInt16ToMemoryAddress(lcpu, int(addressof(kgm_pkt.lcpu)))
if numbytes == 1:
if not WriteInt8ToMemoryAddress(value, int(addressof(
print("error writing {0: #x} to port {1: <#6x}: failed to write 8 bit data".format(value, addr))
elif numbytes == 2:
if not WriteInt16ToMemoryAddress(value, int(addressof(
print("error writing {0: #x} to port {1: <#6x}: failed to write 16 bit data".format(value, addr))
elif numbytes == 4:
if not WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(value, int(addressof(
print("error writing {0: #x} to port {1: <#6x}: failed to write 32 bit data".format(value, addr))
if not WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(1, input_address):
print("error writing {0: #x} to port {1: <#6x}: failed to write to input_address".format(value, addr))
result_pkt = Cast(addressof(, 'kdp_writeioport_reply_t *')
# Done with the write
if(result_pkt.error == 0):
print("Writing {0: #x} to port {1: <#6x} was successful".format(value, addr))
print("error writing {0: #x} to port {1: <#6x}".format(value, addr))
def showinterruptcounts(cmd_args=None):
""" Shows event source based interrupt counts by nub name and interrupt index.
Does not cover interrupts that are not event source based. Will report 0
if interrupt accounting is disabled.
header_format = "{0: <20s} {1: >5s} {2: >20s}"
content_format = "{0: <20s} {1: >5d} {2: >20d}"
print(header_format.format("Name", "Index", "Count"))
for i in kern.interrupt_stats:
owner = CastIOKitClass(i.owner, 'IOInterruptEventSource *')
nub = CastIOKitClass(owner.provider, 'IORegistryEntry *')
name = None
# To uniquely identify an interrupt, we need the nub name and the index. The index
# is stored with the stats object, but we need to retrieve the name.
registryTable = nub.fRegistryTable
propertyTable = nub.fPropertyTable
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.nameKey)
if name is None:
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, kern.globals.gIONameKey)
if name is None:
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(propertyTable, kern.globals.gIOClassKey)
if name is None:
nub_name = "Unknown"
nub_name = GetString(CastIOKitClass(name, 'OSString *'))
# We now have everything we need; spew the requested data.
interrupt_index = i.interruptIndex
first_level_count = i.interruptStatistics[0]
print(content_format.format(nub_name, interrupt_index, first_level_count))
return True
def showinterruptstats(cmd_args=None):
""" Shows event source based interrupt statistics by nub name and interrupt index.
Does not cover interrupts that are not event source based. Will report 0
if interrupt accounting is disabled, or if specific statistics are disabled.
Time is reported in ticks of mach_absolute_time. Statistics are:
Interrupt Count: Number of times the interrupt context handler was run
Interrupt Time: Total time spent in the interrupt context handler (if any)
Workloop Count: Number of times the kernel context handler was run
Workloop CPU Time: Total CPU time spent running the kernel context handler
Workloop Time: Total time spent running the kernel context handler
header_format = "{0: <20s} {1: >5s} {2: >20s} {3: >20s} {4: >20s} {5: >20s} {6: >20s} {7: >20s} {8: >20s} {9: >20s}"
content_format = "{0: <20s} {1: >5d} {2: >20d} {3: >20d} {4: >20d} {5: >20d} {6: >20d} {7: >20d} {8: >20d} {9: >#20x}"
print(header_format.format("Name", "Index", "Interrupt Count", "Interrupt Time", "Avg Interrupt Time", "Workloop Count", "Workloop CPU Time", "Workloop Time", "Avg Workloop Time", "Owner"))
for i in kern.interrupt_stats:
owner = CastIOKitClass(i.owner, 'IOInterruptEventSource *')
nub = CastIOKitClass(owner.provider, 'IORegistryEntry *')
name = None
# To uniquely identify an interrupt, we need the nub name and the index. The index
# is stored with the stats object, but we need to retrieve the name.
registryTable = nub.fRegistryTable
propertyTable = nub.fPropertyTable
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, kern.globals.gIOServicePlane.nameKey)
if name is None:
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(registryTable, kern.globals.gIONameKey)
if name is None:
name = LookupKeyInOSDict(propertyTable, kern.globals.gIOClassKey)
if name is None:
nub_name = "Unknown"
nub_name = GetString(CastIOKitClass(name, 'OSString *'))
# We now have everything we need; spew the requested data.
interrupt_index = i.interruptIndex
first_level_count = i.interruptStatistics[0]
second_level_count = i.interruptStatistics[1]
first_level_time = i.interruptStatistics[2]
second_level_cpu_time = i.interruptStatistics[3]
second_level_system_time = i.interruptStatistics[4]
avg_first_level_time = 0
if first_level_count != 0:
avg_first_level_time = first_level_time // first_level_count
avg_second_level_time = 0
if second_level_count != 0:
avg_second_level_time = second_level_system_time // second_level_count
print(content_format.format(nub_name, interrupt_index, first_level_count, first_level_time, avg_first_level_time,
second_level_count, second_level_cpu_time, second_level_system_time, avg_second_level_time, owner))
return True
def GetRegistryPlane(plane_name):
Given plane_name, returns IORegistryPlane * object or None if there's no such registry plane
return LookupKeyInOSDict(kern.globals.gIORegistryPlanes, plane_name, CompareStringToOSSymbol)
def DecodePreoslogSource(source):
Given preoslog source, return a matching string representation
source_to_str = {0 : "iboot"}
if source in source_to_str:
return source_to_str[source]
return "UNKNOWN"
def GetPreoslogHeader():
Scan IODeviceTree for preoslog and return a python representation of it
edt_plane = GetRegistryPlane("IODeviceTree")
if edt_plane is None:
print("Couldn't obtain a pointer to IODeviceTree")
return None
# Registry API functions operate on "plane" global variable
global plane
prev_plane = plane
plane = edt_plane
chosen = FindRegistryObjectRecurse(kern.globals.gRegistryRoot, "chosen")
if chosen is None:
print("Couldn't obtain /chosen IORegistryEntry")
return None
memory_map = FindRegistryObjectRecurse(chosen, "memory-map")
if memory_map is None:
print("Couldn't obtain memory-map from /chosen")
return None
plane = prev_plane
mm_preoslog = LookupKeyInOSDict(memory_map.fPropertyTable, "preoslog", CompareStringToOSSymbol)
if mm_preoslog is None:
print("Couldn't find preoslog entry in memory-map")
return None
if mm_preoslog.length != 16:
print("preoslog entry in memory-map is malformed, expected len is 16, given len is {:d}".format(mm_preoslog.length))
return None
data = cast(, "dtptr_t *")
preoslog_paddr = unsigned(data[0])
preoslog_vaddr = kern.PhysToKernelVirt(preoslog_paddr)
preoslog_size = unsigned(data[1])
preoslog_header = PreoslogHeader()
# This structure defnition doesn't exist in xnu
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
char magic[4];
uint32_t size;
uint32_t offset;
uint8_t source;
uint8_t wrapped;
char data[];
} preoslog_header_t;
preoslog_header_ptr = kern.GetValueFromAddress(preoslog_vaddr, "uint8_t *")
preoslog_header.magic = preoslog_header_ptr[0:4]
preoslog_header.source = DecodePreoslogSource(unsigned(preoslog_header_ptr[12]))
preoslog_header.wrapped = unsigned(preoslog_header_ptr[13])
preoslog_header_ptr = kern.GetValueFromAddress(preoslog_vaddr, "uint32_t *")
preoslog_header.size = unsigned(preoslog_header_ptr[1])
preoslog_header.offset = unsigned(preoslog_header_ptr[2])
for i in range(len(preoslog_header.valid_magic)):
c = chr(unsigned(preoslog_header.magic[i]))
if c != preoslog_header.valid_magic[i]:
string = "Error: magic doesn't match, expected {:.4s}, given {:.4s}"
print(string.format(preoslog_header.valid_magic, preoslog_header.magic))
return None
if preoslog_header.size != preoslog_size:
string = "Error: size mismatch preoslog_header.size ({}) != preoslog_size ({})"
print(string.format(preoslog_header.size, preoslog_size))
return None
preoslog_data_ptr = kern.GetValueFromAddress(preoslog_vaddr + 14, "char *") = preoslog_data_ptr.GetSBValue().GetPointeeData(0, preoslog_size)
return preoslog_header
def showpreoslog(cmd_args=None):
""" Display preoslog buffer """
preoslog = GetPreoslogHeader()
if preoslog is None:
print("Error: couldn't obtain preoslog header")
return False
header = "".join([
"----preoslog log header-----\n",
"size - {} bytes\n",
"write offset - {:#x}\n",
"wrapped - {}\n",
"source - {}\n",
"----preoslog log start------"
print(header.format(preoslog.size, preoslog.offset, preoslog.wrapped, preoslog.source))
err = lldb.SBError()
if preoslog.wrapped > 0:
print(, preoslog.offset + 1))
print(, 0).encode(errors='backslashreplace').decode())
print("-----preoslog log end-------")
if not err.success:
raise RuntimeError(f"SBError when retreiving preoslog data: {err.GetDescription()}")
return True
def ShowEventSources(cmd_args=None):
""" Show all event sources for a IOWorkLoop
syntax: (lldb) showeventsources <IOWorkLoop *>
if not cmd_args:
print("Please specify the address of the IOWorkLoop")
obj = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'IOWorkLoop *')
idx = 0
event = obj.eventChain
while event != 0:
enabled = event.enabled
print("{}: {} [{}]".format(idx, GetObjectSummary(event), "enabled" if enabled else "disabled"))
event = event.eventChainNext
idx += 1
def GetRegionProp(propertyTable, pattern):
""" Returns the list corresponding to a given pattern from a registry entry's property table
Returns empty list if the key is not found
The property that is being searched for is specified as a string in pattern
if not propertyTable:
return None
count = unsigned(propertyTable.count)
result = []
res = None
idx = 0
while idx < count:
res =, str(propertyTable.dictionary[idx].key.string))
if res:
idx += 1
return result
def ShowCarveouts(cmd_args=None):
Scan IODeviceTree for every object in carveout-memory-map and print the memory carveouts.
syntax: (lldb) showcarveouts
edt_plane = GetRegistryPlane("IODeviceTree")
if edt_plane is None:
print("Couldn't obtain a pointer to IODeviceTree")
return None
# Registry API functions operate on "plane" global variable
global plane
prev_plane = plane
plane = edt_plane
chosen = FindRegistryObjectRecurse(kern.globals.gRegistryRoot, "chosen")
if chosen is None:
print("Couldn't obtain /chosen IORegistryEntry")
return None
memory_map = FindRegistryObjectRecurse(chosen, "carveout-memory-map")
if memory_map is None:
print("Couldn't obtain memory-map from /chosen/carveout-memory-map")
return None
plane = prev_plane
Dynamically populated by iBoot to store memory region description
region-id-<n>: <region n base> <region n size>
region-name-id-<n>: <region n name>
name_prop_list = []
range_prop_list = []
region_id_list = []
region_name_id_list = []
region_id = re.compile(r"region-id-\d+")
region_id_list = GetRegionProp(memory_map.fPropertyTable, region_id);
region_name_id = re.compile(r"region-name-id-\d+")
region_name_id_list = GetRegionProp(memory_map.fPropertyTable, region_name_id);
for names in region_name_id_list:
mm_entry = LookupKeyInOSDict(memory_map.fPropertyTable, names, CompareStringToOSSymbol)
if mm_entry is None:
print("Couldn't find " + names + " entry in carveout-memory-map", file=sys.stderr)
data = cast(, "char *")
string = "{:<32s}: "
name_prop_list.append( string.format(data) );
for ids in region_id_list:
mm_entry = LookupKeyInOSDict(memory_map.fPropertyTable, ids, CompareStringToOSSymbol)
if mm_entry is None:
print("Couldn't find " + ids + " entry in carveout-memory-map")
data = cast(, "dtptr_t *")
paddr = unsigned(data[0])
size = unsigned(data[1])
string = "0x{:x}-0x{:x} (size: 0x{:x})"
range_prop_list.append( string.format(paddr, paddr+size, size) );
for namep, rangep in zip(name_prop_list, range_prop_list):
print(namep, rangep)
return True