""" Please make sure you read the README file COMPLETELY BEFORE reading anything below.
It is very critical that you read coding guidelines in Section E in README file.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import hex
from builtins import range
import sys
from xnu import *
from utils import *
from process import *
from bank import *
from waitq import *
from ioreg import *
from memory import *
import xnudefines
import kmemory
@lldb_type_summary(['struct ipc_entry_table *', 'ipc_entry_table_t'])
def PrintIpcEntryTable(array):
t, s = kalloc_array_decode(array, 'struct ipc_entry')
return "ptr = {:#x}, size = {:d}, elem_type = struct ipc_entry".format(unsigned(t), s)
@lldb_type_summary(['struct ipc_port_requests_table *', 'ipc_port_requests_table_t'])
def PrintIpcPortRequestTable(array):
t, s = kalloc_array_decode(array, 'struct ipc_port_requests')
return "ptr = {:#x}, size = {:d}, elem_type = struct ipc_port_requests".format(unsigned(t), s)
def GetSpaceTable(space):
""" Return the tuple of (entries, size) of the table for a space
table = space.is_table.__smr_ptr
if table:
return kalloc_array_decode(table, 'struct ipc_entry')
return (None, 0)
def GetSpaceEntriesWithBits(is_tableval, num_entries, mask):
base = is_tableval.GetSBValue().Dereference()
return (
(index, iep)
for index, iep in enumerate(base.xIterSiblings(1, num_entries), 1)
if iep.xGetIntegerByName('ie_bits') & mask
def GetSpaceObjectsWithBits(is_tableval, num_entries, mask, ty):
base = is_tableval.GetSBValue().Dereference()
return (
for iep in base.xIterSiblings(1, num_entries)
if iep.xGetIntegerByName('ie_bits') & mask
@header("{0: <20s} {1: <6s} {2: <6s} {3: <10s} {4: <32s}".format("task", "pid", '#acts', "tablesize", "command"))
def GetTaskIPCSummary(task, show_busy = False):
""" Display a task's ipc summary.
task : core.value represeting a Task in kernel
str - string of ipc info for the task
out_string = ''
format_string = "{0: <#20x} {1: <6d} {2: <6d} {3: <10d} {4: <32s}"
busy_format = " {0: <10d} {1: <6d}"
proc_name = ''
if not task.active:
proc_name = 'terminated: '
if task.halting:
proc_name += 'halting: '
proc_name += GetProcNameForTask(task)
_, table_size = GetSpaceTable(task.itk_space)
out_string += format_string.format(task, GetProcPIDForTask(task), task.thread_count, table_size, proc_name)
if show_busy:
nbusy, nmsgs = GetTaskBusyPortsSummary(task)
out_string += busy_format.format(nbusy, nmsgs)
return (out_string, table_size, nbusy, nmsgs)
return (out_string, table_size)
@header("{0: <20s} {1: <6s} {2: <6s} {3: <10s} {4: <32s} {5: <10s} {6: <6s}".format("task", "pid", '#acts', "tablesize", "command", "#busyports", "#kmsgs"))
def GetTaskBusyIPCSummary(task):
return GetTaskIPCSummary(task, True)
def GetTaskBusyPortsSummary(task):
is_tableval, num_entries = GetSpaceTable(task.itk_space)
port_ty = gettype('struct ipc_port')
nbusy = 0
nmsgs = 0
if is_tableval:
ports = GetSpaceObjectsWithBits(is_tableval, num_entries, 0x00020000,
gettype('struct ipc_port'))
for port in ports:
if not port or port == xnudefines.MACH_PORT_DEAD:
count = port.xGetIntegerByPath('.ip_messages.imq_msgcount')
if count:
nbusy += 1
nmsgs += count
return (nbusy, nmsgs)
@header("{:<20s} {:<20s} {:<10s} {:>6s} {:<20s} {:>8s} {:<20s} {:s}".format(
"port", "waitqueue", "recvname", "refs", "receiver", "nmsgs", "service", "dest/kobject"))
def PrintPortSummary(port, show_kmsg_summary=True, show_sets=False, prefix="", O=None):
""" Display a port's summary
port : core.value representing a port in the kernel
str : string of ipc info for the given port
format_string = "{:<#20x} {:<#20x} {:#010x} {:>6d} {:<#20x} {:>8d} {:<20s} {:<s}"
receiver_name = port.ip_messages.imq_receiver_name
splabel_name = 'N/A'
space = 0
refs = 0
if port.ip_object.io_bits & 0x80000000:
if receiver_name:
space = unsigned(port.ip_receiver)
if port.ip_service_port:
splabel = Cast(port.ip_splabel, 'struct ipc_service_port_label *')
splabel_name = str(splabel.ispl_service_name) # Not on RELEASE kernel
splabel_name = 'unknown'
dest_str = GetPortDestProc(port)[1]
dest_str = "inactive-port"
print(prefix + format_string.format(unsigned(port), addressof(port.ip_waitq),
unsigned(receiver_name), port.ip_object.io_references, space,
port.ip_messages.imq_msgcount, splabel_name, dest_str))
if show_kmsg_summary:
with O.table(prefix + GetKMsgSummary.header):
for kmsgp in IterateCircleQueue(port.ip_messages.imq_messages, 'ipc_kmsg', 'ikm_link'):
print(prefix + GetKMsgSummary(kmsgp, prefix))
wq = Waitq(addressof(port.ip_waitq))
if show_sets and wq.hasSets():
def doit(wq):
for wqs in Waitq(addressof(port.ip_waitq)).iterateSets():
PrintPortSetSummary(wqs.asPset(), space=port.ip_receiver, verbose=False, O=O)
if O is None:
with O.table(PrintPortSetSummary.header, indent=True):
def GetPortDispositionString(disp):
if disp < 0: ## use negative numbers for request ports
portname = 'notify'
if disp == -1:
disp_str = 'reqNS'
elif disp == -2:
disp_str = 'reqPD'
elif disp == -3:
disp_str = 'reqSPa'
elif disp == -4:
disp_str = 'reqSPr'
elif disp == -5:
disp_str = 'reqSPra'
disp_str = '-X'
## These dispositions should match those found in osfmk/mach/message.h
elif disp == 16:
disp_str = 'R' ## receive
elif disp == 24:
disp_str = 'dR' ## dispose receive
elif disp == 17:
disp_str = 'S' ## (move) send
elif disp == 19:
disp_str = 'cS' ## copy send
elif disp == 20:
disp_str = 'mS' ## make send
elif disp == 25:
disp_str = 'dS' ## dispose send
elif disp == 18:
disp_str = 'O' ## send-once
elif disp == 21:
disp_str = 'mO' ## make send-once
elif disp == 26:
disp_str = 'dO' ## dispose send-once
## faux dispositions used to string-ify IPC entry types
elif disp == 100:
disp_str = 'PS' ## port set
elif disp == 101:
disp_str = 'dead' ## dead name
elif disp == 102:
disp_str = 'L' ## LABELH
elif disp == 103:
disp_str = 'V' ## Thread voucher (thread->ith_voucher->iv_port)
## Catch-all
disp_str = 'X' ## invalid
return disp_str
def GetPortPDRequest(port):
""" Returns the port-destroyed notification port if any
if port.ip_has_watchport:
return port.ip_twe.twe_pdrequest
if not port.ip_specialreply:
return port.ip_pdrequest
return 0
def GetKmsgHeader(kmsgp):
""" Helper to get mach message header of a kmsg.
Assumes the kmsg has not been put to user.
kmsgp : core.value representing the given ipc_kmsg_t struct
Mach message header for kmsgp
if kmsgp.ikm_type == GetEnumValue('ipc_kmsg_type_t', 'IKM_TYPE_ALL_INLINED'):
return kern.GetValueFromAddress(int(addressof(kmsgp.ikm_big_data)), 'mach_msg_header_t *')
if kmsgp.ikm_type == GetEnumValue('ipc_kmsg_type_t', 'IKM_TYPE_UDATA_OOL'):
return kern.GetValueFromAddress(int(addressof(kmsgp.ikm_small_data)), 'mach_msg_header_t *')
return kern.GetValueFromAddress(unsigned(kmsgp.ikm_kdata), 'mach_msg_header_t *')
@header("{:<20s} {:<20s} {:<20s} {:<10s} {:>6s} {:<20s} {:<8s} {:<26s} {:<26s}".format(
"", "kmsg", "header", "msgid", "size", "reply-port", "disp", "source", "destination"))
def GetKMsgSummary(kmsgp, prefix_str=""):
""" Display a summary for type ipc_kmsg_t
kmsgp : core.value representing the given ipc_kmsg_t struct
str : string of summary info for the given ipc_kmsg_t instance
kmsghp = GetKmsgHeader(kmsgp)
kmsgh = dereference(kmsghp)
out_string = ""
out_string += "{:<20s} {:<#20x} {:<#20x} {kmsgh.msgh_id:#010x} {kmsgh.msgh_size:>6d} {kmsgh.msgh_local_port:<#20x} ".format(
'', unsigned(kmsgp), unsigned(kmsghp), kmsgh=kmsghp)
prefix_str = "{:<20s} ".format(' ') + prefix_str
disposition = ""
bits = kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0xff
# remote port
if bits == 17:
disposition = "rS"
elif bits == 18:
disposition = "rO"
else :
disposition = "rX" # invalid
out_string += "{:<2s}".format(disposition)
# local port
disposition = ""
bits = (kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0xff00) >> 8
if bits == 17:
disposition = "lS"
elif bits == 18:
disposition = "lO"
elif bits == 0:
disposition = "l-"
disposition = "lX" # invalid
out_string += "{:<2s}".format(disposition)
# voucher
disposition = ""
bits = (kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0xff0000) >> 16
if bits == 17:
disposition = "vS"
elif bits == 0:
disposition = "v-"
disposition = "vX"
out_string += "{:<2s}".format(disposition)
# complex message
if kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0x80000000:
out_string += "{0: <1s}".format("c")
out_string += "{0: <1s}".format("s")
# importance boost
if kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0x20000000:
out_string += "{0: <1s}".format("I")
out_string += "{0: <1s}".format("-")
dest_proc_name = ""
if GetKmsgHeader(kmsgp).msgh_remote_port:
dest_proc_name = GetPortDestinationSummary(GetKmsgHeader(kmsgp).msgh_remote_port)
out_string += " {:<26s} {:<26s}\n".format(GetKMsgSrc(kmsgp), dest_proc_name)
if kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0x80000000:
out_string += prefix_str + "\t" + GetKMsgComplexBodyDesc.header + "\n"
out_string += prefix_str + "\t" + GetKMsgComplexBodyDesc(kmsgp, prefix_str + "\t") + "\n"
return out_string
@header("{: <20s} {: <20s} {: <10s}".format("descriptor", "address", "size"))
def GetMachMsgOOLDescriptorSummary(desc):
""" Returns description for mach_msg_ool_descriptor_t * object
format_string = "{: <#20x} {: <#20x} {:#010x}"
out_string = format_string.format(desc, desc.address, desc.size)
return out_string
def GetKmsgDescriptors(kmsgp):
""" Get a list of descriptors in a complex message
kmsghp = GetKmsgHeader(kmsgp)
kmsgh = dereference(kmsghp)
if not (kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0x80000000): # pragma pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
return []
## Something in the python/lldb types is not getting alignment correct here.
## I'm grabbing a pointer to the body manually, and using tribal knowledge
## of the location of the descriptor count to get this correct
body = Cast(addressof(Cast(addressof(kmsgh), 'char *')[sizeof(kmsgh)]), 'mach_msg_body_t *')
#dsc_count = body.msgh_descriptor_count
dsc_count = dereference(Cast(body, 'uint32_t *'))
#dschead = Cast(addressof(body[1]), 'mach_msg_descriptor_t *')
dschead = Cast(addressof(Cast(addressof(body[0]), 'char *')[sizeof('uint32_t')]), 'mach_msg_descriptor_t *')
dsc_list = []
for i in range(dsc_count):
return (body, dschead, dsc_list)
def GetKmsgTotalDescSize(kmsgp):
""" Helper to get total descriptor size of a kmsg.
Assumes the kmsg has full kernel representation (header and descriptors)
kmsgp : core.value representing the given ipc_kmsg_t struct
Total descriptor size
kmsghp = GetKmsgHeader(kmsgp)
kmsgh = dereference(kmsghp)
dsc_count = 0
if kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0x80000000: # MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX
(body, _, _) = GetKmsgDescriptors(kmsgp)
dsc_count = dereference(Cast(body, 'uint32_t *'))
return dsc_count * sizeof('mach_msg_descriptor_t')
@header("{: <20s} {: <8s} {: <20s} {: <10s} {: <20s}".format("kmsgheader", "size", "body", "ds_count", "dsc_head"))
def GetKMsgComplexBodyDesc(kmsgp, prefix_str=""):
""" Routine that prints a complex kmsg's body
kmsghp = GetKmsgHeader(kmsgp)
kmsgh = dereference(kmsghp)
if not (kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0x80000000): # pragma pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
return ""
format_string = "{: <#20x} {: <#8x} {: <#20x} {:#010x} {: <#20x}"
out_string = ""
(body, dschead, dsc_list) = GetKmsgDescriptors(kmsgp)
out_string += format_string.format(kmsghp, sizeof(dereference(kmsghp)), body, len(dsc_list), dschead)
for dsc in dsc_list:
dsc_type = unsigned(dsc.type.type)
out_string += "\n" + prefix_str + "Descriptor: " + xnudefines.mach_msg_type_descriptor_strings[dsc_type]
if dsc_type == 0:
# its a port.
p = dsc.port.name
dstr = GetPortDispositionString(dsc.port.disposition)
out_string += " disp:{:s}, name:{: <#20x}".format(dstr, p)
elif unsigned(dsc.type.type) in (1,3):
ool = dsc.out_of_line
out_string += " " + GetMachMsgOOLDescriptorSummary(addressof(ool))
out_string += "\n" + prefix_str + "Invalid Descriptor: {}".format(dsc)
return out_string
def GetKmsgTrailer(kmsgp):
""" Helper to get trailer address of a kmsg
kmsgp : core.value representing the given ipc_kmsg_t struct
Trailer address
kmsghp = GetKmsgHeader(kmsgp)
kmsgh = dereference(kmsghp)
if (kmsgp.ikm_type == int(GetEnumValue('ipc_kmsg_type_t', 'IKM_TYPE_ALL_INLINED')) or
kmsgp.ikm_type == int(GetEnumValue('ipc_kmsg_type_t', 'IKM_TYPE_KDATA_OOL'))):
return kern.GetValueFromAddress(unsigned(kmsghp) + kmsgh.msgh_size, 'mach_msg_max_trailer_t *')
if kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0x80000000: # MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX
content_size = kmsgh.msgh_size - sizeof('mach_msg_base_t') - GetKmsgTotalDescSize(kmsgp)
content_size = kmsgh.msgh_size - sizeof('mach_msg_header_t')
return kern.GetValueFromAddress(unsigned(kmsgp.ikm_udata) + content_size, 'mach_msg_max_trailer_t *')
def GetKMsgSrc(kmsgp):
""" Routine that prints a kmsg's source process and pid details
kmsgp : core.value representing the given ipc_kmsg_t struct
str : string containing the name and pid of the kmsg's source proc
trailer = GetKmsgTrailer(kmsgp)
kmsgpid = Cast(trailer, 'uint *')[10] # audit_token.val[5]
return "{0:s} ({1:d})".format(GetProcNameForPid(kmsgpid), kmsgpid)
@header("{:<20s} {:<20s} {:<10s} {:>6s} {:<6s}".format(
"portset", "waitqueue", "name", "refs", "flags"))
def PrintPortSetSummary(pset, space=0, verbose=True, O=None):
""" Display summary for a given struct ipc_pset *
pset : core.value representing a pset in the kernel
str : string of summary information for the given pset
show_kmsg_summary = False
if config['verbosity'] > vHUMAN :
show_kmsg_summary = True
wqs = Waitq(addressof(pset.ips_wqset))
local_name = unsigned(pset.ips_wqset.wqset_index) << 8
dest = "-"
if space:
is_tableval, _ = GetSpaceTable(space)
if is_tableval:
entry_val = GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(is_tableval, local_name >> 8)
local_name |= unsigned(entry_val.ie_bits) >> 24
dest = GetSpaceProcDesc(space)
for wq in wqs.iterateMembers():
dest = GetSpaceProcDesc(wq.asPort().ip_receiver)
if pset.ips_object.io_bits & 0x80000000:
state = "ASet"
state = "DSet"
print("{:<#20x} {:<#20x} {:#010x} {:>6d} {:<6s} {:<20s}".format(
unsigned(pset), addressof(pset.ips_wqset), local_name,
pset.ips_object.io_references, "ASet", dest))
if verbose and wqs.hasThreads():
with O.table("{:<20s} {:<20s}".format('waiter', 'event'), indent=True):
for thread in wqs.iterateThreads():
print("{:<#20x} {:<#20x}".format(unsigned(thread), thread.wait_event))
if verbose and wqs.hasMembers():
with O.table(PrintPortSummary.header, indent=True):
for wq in wqs.iterateMembers():
portval = wq.asPort()
PrintPortSummary(wq.asPort(), show_kmsg_summary=show_kmsg_summary, O=O)
# Macro: showipc
def ShowIPC(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print data for the given IPC space
Usage: showipc <address of ipc space>
if not cmd_args:
print("No arguments passed")
return False
ipc = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ipc_space *')
if not ipc:
print("unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args))
return False
PrintIPCInformation(ipc, False, False)
return True
# EndMacro: showipc
# Macro: showtaskipc
def ShowTaskIPC(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print IPC summary of given task
Usage: showtaskipc <address of task>
if not cmd_args:
print("No arguments passed")
return False
tval = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task *')
if not tval:
print("unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args))
return False
print(GetTaskSummary.header + " " + GetProcSummary.header)
pval = GetProcFromTask(tval)
print(GetTaskSummary(tval) + " " + GetProcSummary(pval))
summary, _, _, _ = GetTaskBusyIPCSummary(tval)
return True
# EndMacro: showtaskipc
# Macro: showallipc
def ShowAllIPC(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print IPC summary of all tasks
Usage: showallipc
for t in kern.tasks:
print(GetTaskSummary.header + " " + GetProcSummary.header)
pval = GetProcFromTask(t)
print(GetTaskSummary(t) + " " + GetProcSummary(pval))
PrintIPCInformation(t.itk_space, False, False)
# EndMacro: showallipc
@lldb_command('showipcsummary', fancy=True)
def ShowIPCSummary(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Summarizes the IPC state of all tasks.
This is a convenient way to dump some basic clues about IPC messaging. You can use the output to determine
tasks that are candidates for further investigation.
with O.table(GetTaskIPCSummary.header):
ipc_table_size = 0
l = [ GetTaskIPCSummary(t) for t in kern.tasks ]
l.sort(key = lambda e: e[1], reverse=True)
for e in l:
ipc_table_size += e[1]
for t in kern.terminated_tasks:
ipc_table_size += GetTaskIPCSummary(t)[1]
print("Total Table size: {:d}".format(ipc_table_size))
def GetKObjectFromPort(portval):
""" Get Kobject description from the port.
params: portval - core.value representation of 'ipc_port *' object
returns: str - string of kobject information
if not portval or portval == xnudefines.MACH_PORT_DEAD:
io_bits = unsigned(portval.ip_object.io_bits)
objtype_index = io_bits & 0x3ff
if not objtype_index:
return "not a kobject"
kobject_addr = kern.StripKernelPAC(unsigned(portval.ip_kobject))
objtype_str = GetEnumName('ipc_kotype_t', objtype_index, "IKOT_")
desc_str = "{:<#20x} {:<16s}".format(kobject_addr, objtype_str)
if not kobject_addr:
elif objtype_str == 'IOKIT_OBJECT':
iokit_classnm = GetObjectTypeStr(portval.ip_kobject)
if not iokit_classnm:
desc_str += " <unknown class>"
desc_str += re.sub(r'vtable for ', r' ', iokit_classnm)
elif objtype_str[:5] == 'TASK_' and objtype_str != 'TASK_ID_TOKEN':
task = value(portval.GetSBValue().xCreateValueFromAddress(
None, kobject_addr, gettype('struct task')).AddressOf())
if GetProcFromTask(task):
desc_str += " {:s}({:d})".format(GetProcNameForTask(task), GetProcPIDForTask(task))
return desc_str
def GetSpaceProcDesc(space):
""" Display the name and pid of a space's task
space: core.value representing a pointer to a space
str : string containing receiver's name and pid
task = space.is_task
if not GetProcFromTask(task):
return "task {:<#20x}".format(unsigned(task))
return "{:s}({:d})".format(GetProcNameForTask(task), GetProcPIDForTask(task))
def GetPortDestProc(port):
""" Display the name and pid of a given port's receiver
port : core.value representing a pointer to a port in the kernel
str : string containing receiver's name and pid
bits = unsigned(port.ip_object.io_bits) # osfmk/ipc/ipc_object.h
name = unsigned(port.ip_messages.imq_receiver_name)
port_is_kobject_port = bits & xnudefines.IO_BITS_KOTYPE
if bits & xnudefines.IO_BITS_ACTIVE == 0:
if port_is_kobject_port:
return ('', 'inactive-kobject-port')
return ('', 'inactive-port')
if port_is_kobject_port:
return ('', GetKObjectFromPort(port))
if name == 0:
return ('{:<#20x}'.format(port.ip_destination), 'in-transit')
return ('{:<#20x}'.format(name), GetSpaceProcDesc(port.ip_receiver))
@header("{:<20s} {:<20s}".format("destname", "destination") )
def GetPortDestinationSummary(port):
""" Get destination information for a port.
params: port - core.value representation of 'ipc_port *' object
returns: str - string of info about ports destination
if not port or port == xnudefines.MACH_PORT_DEAD:
a, b = GetPortDestProc(port)
return "{:<20s} {:<20s}".format(a, b)
@header("{: <20s} {: <12s} {: <8s} {: <8s} {: <8s} {: <8s} {: <20s} {: <20s}".format("object", "name", "rite", "urefs", "nsets", "nmsgs", "destname", "destination"))
def GetIPCEntrySummary(entry, ipc_name='', rights_filter=0):
""" Get summary of a ipc entry.
entry - core.value representing ipc_entry_t in the kernel
ipc_name - str of format '0x0123' for display in summary.
str - string of ipc entry related information
types of rights:
'Dead' : Dead name
'Set' : Port set
'S' : Send right
'R' : Receive right
'O' : Send-once right
'm' : Immovable send port
'i' : Immovable receive port
'g' : No grant port
types of notifications:
'd' : Dead-Name notification requested
's' : Send-Possible notification armed
'r' : Send-Possible notification requested
'n' : No-Senders notification requested
'x' : Port-destroy notification requested
out_str = ''
entry_ptr = int(hex(entry), 16)
format_string = "{: <#20x} {: <12s} {: <8s} {: <8d} {: <8d} {: <8d} {: <20s} {: <20s}"
right_str = ''
destname_str = ''
destination_str = ''
ie_object = entry.ie_object
ie_bits = int(entry.ie_bits)
io_bits = int(ie_object.io_bits) if ie_object else 0
urefs = int(ie_bits & 0xffff)
nsets = 0
nmsgs = 0
if ie_bits & 0x00100000 :
right_str = 'Dead'
elif ie_bits & 0x00080000:
right_str = 'Set'
psetval = kern.CreateTypedPointerFromAddress(unsigned(ie_object), 'struct ipc_pset')
wqs = Waitq(addressof(psetval.ips_wqset))
members = 0
for m in wqs.iterateMembers(): members += 1
destname_str = "{:d} Members".format(members)
if ie_bits & 0x00010000:
if ie_bits & 0x00020000:
right_str = 'SR'
# SEND only
right_str = 'S'
elif ie_bits & 0x00020000:
# RECV only
right_str = 'R'
elif ie_bits & 0x00040000:
right_str = 'O'
portval = kern.CreateTypedPointerFromAddress(unsigned(ie_object), 'struct ipc_port')
if int(entry.ie_request) != 0:
requestsval, _ = kalloc_array_decode(portval.ip_requests, 'struct ipc_port_request')
sorightval = requestsval[int(entry.ie_request)].ipr_soright
soright_ptr = unsigned(sorightval)
if soright_ptr != 0:
# dead-name notification requested
right_str += 'd'
# send-possible armed
if soright_ptr & 0x1:
right_str +='s'
# send-possible requested
if soright_ptr & 0x2:
right_str +='r'
# No-senders notification requested
if portval.ip_nsrequest != 0:
right_str += 'n'
# port-destroy notification requested
if GetPortPDRequest(portval):
right_str += 'x'
# Immovable receive rights
if portval.ip_immovable_receive != 0:
right_str += 'i'
# Immovable send rights
if portval.ip_immovable_send != 0:
right_str += 'm'
# No-grant Port
if portval.ip_no_grant != 0:
right_str += 'g'
# Port with SB filtering on
if io_bits & 0x00001000 != 0:
right_str += 'f'
# early-out if the rights-filter doesn't match
if rights_filter != 0 and rights_filter != right_str:
return ''
# now show the port destination part
destname_str = GetPortDestinationSummary(portval)
# Get the number of sets to which this port belongs
nsets = len([s for s in Waitq(addressof(portval.ip_waitq)).iterateSets()])
nmsgs = portval.ip_messages.imq_msgcount
# append the generation to the name value
# (from osfmk/ipc/ipc_entry.h)
# bits rollover period
# 0 0 64
# 0 1 48
# 1 0 32
# 1 1 16
ie_gen_roll = { 0:'.64', 1:'.48', 2:'.32', 3:'.16' }
ipc_name = '{:s}{:s}'.format(ipc_name.strip(), ie_gen_roll[(ie_bits & 0x00c00000) >> 22])
if rights_filter == 0 or rights_filter == right_str:
out_str = format_string.format(ie_object, ipc_name, right_str, urefs, nsets, nmsgs, destname_str, destination_str)
return out_str
@header("{0: >20s}".format("user bt") )
def GetPortUserStack(port, task):
""" Get UserStack information for the given port & task.
params: port - core.value representation of 'ipc_port *' object
task - value representing 'task *' object
returns: str - string information on port's userstack
out_str = ''
if not port or port == xnudefines.MACH_PORT_DEAD:
return out_str
pid = port.ip_made_pid
proc_val = GetProcFromTask(task)
if port.ip_made_bt:
btlib = kmemory.BTLibrary.get_shared()
out_str += "\n".join(btlib.get_stack(port.ip_made_bt).symbolicated_frames()) + "\n"
if pid != GetProcPID(proc_val):
out_str += " ({:<10d})\n".format(pid)
return out_str
@lldb_type_summary(['ipc_space *'])
@header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s} {2: <20s} {3: <8s} {4: <10s} {5: >8s} {6: <8s}".format('ipc_space', 'is_task', 'is_table', 'flags', 'ports', 'low_mod', 'high_mod'))
def PrintIPCInformation(space, show_entries=False, show_userstack=False, rights_filter=0):
""" Provide a summary of the ipc space
out_str = ''
format_string = "{0: <#20x} {1: <#20x} {2: <#20x} {3: <8s} {4: <10d} {5: >8d} {6: <8d}"
is_tableval, num_entries = GetSpaceTable(space)
flags =''
if is_tableval:
flags += 'A'
flags += ' '
if (space.is_grower) != 0:
flags += 'G'
print(format_string.format(space, space.is_task, is_tableval if is_tableval else 0, flags,
num_entries, space.is_low_mod, space.is_high_mod))
#should show the each individual entries if asked.
if show_entries and is_tableval:
print("\t" + GetIPCEntrySummary.header)
entries = (
(index, value(iep.AddressOf()))
for index, iep
in GetSpaceEntriesWithBits(is_tableval, num_entries, 0x001f0000)
for index, entryval in entries:
entry_ie_bits = unsigned(entryval.ie_bits)
entry_name = "{0: <#20x}".format( (index <<8 | entry_ie_bits >> 24) )
entry_str = GetIPCEntrySummary(entryval, entry_name, rights_filter)
if not entry_str:
print("\t" + entry_str)
if show_userstack:
entryport = Cast(entryval.ie_object, 'ipc_port *')
if entryval.ie_object and (int(entry_ie_bits) & 0x00070000) and entryport.ip_made_bt:
print(GetPortUserStack.header + GetPortUserStack(entryport, space.is_task))
#done with showing entries
return out_str
# Macro: showrights
@lldb_command('showrights', 'R:')
def ShowRights(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Routine to print rights information for the given IPC space
Usage: showrights [-R rights_type] <address of ipc space>
-R rights_type : only display rights matching the string 'rights_type'
types of rights:
'Dead' : Dead name
'Set' : Port set
'S' : Send right
'R' : Receive right
'O' : Send-once right
types of notifications:
'd' : Dead-Name notification requested
's' : Send-Possible notification armed
'r' : Send-Possible notification requested
'n' : No-Senders notification requested
'x' : Port-destroy notification requested
if not cmd_args:
print("No arguments passed")
return False
ipc = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ipc_space *')
if not ipc:
print("unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args))
return False
rights_type = 0
if "-R" in cmd_options:
rights_type = cmd_options["-R"]
PrintIPCInformation(ipc, True, False, rights_type)
# EndMacro: showrights
def ShowTaskRights(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Routine to ipc rights information for a task
Usage: showtaskrights [-R rights_type] <task address>
-R rights_type : only display rights matching the string 'rights_type'
types of rights:
'Dead' : Dead name
'Set' : Port set
'S' : Send right
'R' : Receive right
'O' : Send-once right
'm' : Immovable send port
'i' : Immovable receive port
'g' : No grant port
'f' : Port with SB filtering on
types of notifications:
'd' : Dead-Name notification requested
's' : Send-Possible notification armed
'r' : Send-Possible notification requested
'n' : No-Senders notification requested
'x' : Port-destroy notification requested
if cmd_args is None:
print("No arguments passed")
return False
tval = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task *')
if not tval:
print("unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args))
return False
rights_type = 0
if "-R" in cmd_options:
rights_type = cmd_options["-R"]
print(GetTaskSummary.header + " " + GetProcSummary.header)
pval = GetProcFromTask(tval)
print(GetTaskSummary(tval) + " " + GetProcSummary(pval))
PrintIPCInformation(tval.itk_space, True, False, rights_type)
# Count the vouchers in a given task's ipc space
@header("{: <20s} {: <6s} {: <20s} {: <8s}".format("task", "pid", "name", "#vouchers"))
def GetTaskVoucherCount(t):
is_tableval, num_entries = GetSpaceTable(t.itk_space)
count = 0
voucher_kotype = int(GetEnumValue('ipc_kotype_t', 'IKOT_VOUCHER'))
if is_tableval:
ports = GetSpaceObjectsWithBits(is_tableval, num_entries, 0x00070000,
gettype('struct ipc_port'))
for port in ports:
io_bits = port.xGetIntegerByPath('.ip_object.io_bits')
if io_bits & 0x3ff == voucher_kotype:
count += 1
format_str = "{: <#20x} {: <6d} {: <20s} {: <8d}"
pval = GetProcFromTask(t)
return format_str.format(t, GetProcPID(pval), GetProcNameForTask(t), count)
# Macro: countallvouchers
@lldb_command('countallvouchers', fancy=True)
def CountAllVouchers(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine to count the number of vouchers by task. Useful for finding leaks.
Usage: countallvouchers
with O.table(GetTaskVoucherCount.header):
for t in kern.tasks:
# Macro: showataskrightsbt
@lldb_command('showtaskrightsbt', 'R:')
def ShowTaskRightsBt(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Routine to ipc rights information with userstacks for a task
Usage: showtaskrightsbt [-R rights_type] <task address>
-R rights_type : only display rights matching the string 'rights_type'
types of rights:
'Dead' : Dead name
'Set' : Port set
'S' : Send right
'R' : Receive right
'O' : Send-once right
'm' : Immovable send port
'i' : Immovable receive port
'g' : No grant port
types of notifications:
'd' : Dead-Name notification requested
's' : Send-Possible notification armed
'r' : Send-Possible notification requested
'n' : No-Senders notification requested
'x' : Port-destroy notification requested
if cmd_args is None:
print("No arguments passed")
return False
tval = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task *')
if not tval:
print("unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args))
return False
rights_type = 0
if "-R" in cmd_options:
rights_type = cmd_options["-R"]
print(GetTaskSummary.header + " " + GetProcSummary.header)
pval = GetProcFromTask(tval)
print(GetTaskSummary(tval) + " " + GetProcSummary(pval))
PrintIPCInformation(tval.itk_space, True, True, rights_type)
# EndMacro: showtaskrightsbt
# Macro: showallrights
@lldb_command('showallrights', 'R:')
def ShowAllRights(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Routine to print rights information for IPC space of all tasks
Usage: showallrights [-R rights_type]
-R rights_type : only display rights matching the string 'rights_type'
types of rights:
'Dead' : Dead name
'Set' : Port set
'S' : Send right
'R' : Receive right
'O' : Send-once right
'm' : Immovable send port
'i' : Immovable receive port
'g' : No grant port
types of notifications:
'd' : Dead-Name notification requested
's' : Send-Possible notification armed
'r' : Send-Possible notification requested
'n' : No-Senders notification requested
'x' : Port-destroy notification requested
rights_type = 0
if "-R" in cmd_options:
rights_type = cmd_options["-R"]
for t in kern.tasks:
print(GetTaskSummary.header + " " + GetProcSummary.header)
pval = GetProcFromTask(t)
print(GetTaskSummary(t) + " " + GetProcSummary(pval))
PrintIPCInformation(t.itk_space, True, False, rights_type) + "\n\n"
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
print("Failed to get IPC information. Do individual showtaskrights <task> to find the error. \n\n")
# EndMacro: showallrights
def GetInTransitPortSummary(port, disp, holding_port, holding_kmsg):
""" String-ify the in-transit dispostion of a port.
## This should match the summary generated by GetIPCEntrySummary
## "object" "name" "rite" "urefs" "nsets" "nmsgs" "destname" "destination"
format_str = "\t{: <#20x} {: <12} {: <8s} {: <8d} {: <8d} {: <8d} p:{: <#19x} k:{: <#19x}"
portname = 'intransit'
disp_str = GetPortDispositionString(disp)
out_str = format_str.format(unsigned(port), 'in-transit', disp_str, 0, 0, port.ip_messages.imq_msgcount, unsigned(holding_port), unsigned(holding_kmsg))
return out_str
def GetDispositionFromEntryType(entry_bits):
""" Translate an IPC entry type into an in-transit disposition. This allows
the GetInTransitPortSummary function to be re-used to string-ify IPC
entry types.
ebits = int(entry_bits)
if (ebits & 0x003f0000) == 0:
return 0
if (ebits & 0x00010000) != 0:
elif (ebits & 0x00020000) != 0:
elif (ebits & 0x00040000) != 0:
elif (ebits & 0x00080000) != 0:
elif (ebits & 0x00100000) != 0:
elif (ebits & 0x00200000) != 0:
return 0
def GetDispositionFromVoucherPort(th_vport):
""" Translate a thread's voucher port into a 'disposition'
if unsigned(th_vport) > 0:
return 103 ## Voucher type
return 0
g_kmsg_prog = 0
g_progmeter = {
0 : '*',
1 : '-',
2 : '\\',
3 : '|',
4 : '/',
5 : '-',
6 : '\\',
7 : '|',
8 : '/',
def PrintProgressForKmsg():
global g_kmsg_prog
global g_progmeter
sys.stderr.write(" {:<1s}\r".format(g_progmeter[g_kmsg_prog % 9]))
g_kmsg_prog += 1
def CollectPortsForAnalysis(port, disposition):
if not port or port == xnudefines.MACH_PORT_DEAD:
p = Cast(port, 'struct ipc_port *')
yield (p, disposition)
# no-senders notification port
if unsigned(p.ip_nsrequest) not in (0, 1): # 1 is IP_KOBJECT_NSREQUEST_ARMED
yield (p.ip_nsrequest, -1)
# port-death notification port
pdrequest = GetPortPDRequest(p)
if pdrequest:
yield (pdrequest, -2)
## ports can have many send-possible notifications armed: go through the table!
if unsigned(p.ip_requests) != 0:
table, table_sz = kalloc_array_decode(p.ip_requests, 'struct ipc_port_request')
for i in range(table_sz):
if i == 0:
ipr = table[i]
if unsigned(ipr.ipr_name) in (0, 0xfffffffe):
# 0xfffffffe is a host notify request
ipr_bits = unsigned(ipr.ipr_soright) & 3
ipr_port = kern.GetValueFromAddress(int(ipr.ipr_soright) & ~3, 'struct ipc_port *')
# skip unused entries in the ipc table to avoid null dereferences
if not ipr_port:
ipr_disp = 0
if ipr_bits & 3: ## send-possible armed and requested
ipr_disp = -5
elif ipr_bits & 2: ## send-possible requested
ipr_disp = -4
elif ipr_bits & 1: ## send-possible armed
ipr_disp = -3
yield (ipr_port, ipr_disp)
def CollectKmsgPorts(task, task_port, kmsgp):
""" Look through a message, 'kmsgp' destined for 'task'
(enqueued on task_port). Collect any port descriptors,
remote, local, voucher, or other port references
into a (ipc_port_t, disposition) list.
kmsgh = dereference(GetKmsgHeader(kmsgp))
p_list = []
if kmsgh.msgh_remote_port and unsigned(kmsgh.msgh_remote_port) != unsigned(task_port):
disp = kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0x1f
p_list += list(CollectPortsForAnalysis(kmsgh.msgh_remote_port, disp))
if kmsgh.msgh_local_port and unsigned(kmsgh.msgh_local_port) != unsigned(task_port) \
and unsigned(kmsgh.msgh_local_port) != unsigned(kmsgh.msgh_remote_port):
disp = (kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0x1f00) >> 8
p_list += list(CollectPortsForAnalysis(kmsgh.msgh_local_port, disp))
if kmsgp.ikm_voucher_port:
p_list += list(CollectPortsForAnalysis(kmsgp.ikm_voucher_port, 0))
if kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0x80000000:
## Complex message - look for descriptors
(body, dschead, dsc_list) = GetKmsgDescriptors(kmsgp)
for dsc in dsc_list:
dsc_type = unsigned(dsc.type.type)
if dsc_type == 0 or dsc_type == 2: ## 0 == port, 2 == ool port
if dsc_type == 0:
## its a port descriptor
dsc_disp = dsc.port.disposition
p_list += list(CollectPortsForAnalysis(dsc.port.name, dsc_disp))
## it's an ool_ports descriptor which is an array of ports
dsc_disp = dsc.ool_ports.disposition
dispdata = Cast(dsc.ool_ports.address, 'struct ipc_port *')
for pidx in range(dsc.ool_ports.count):
p_list += list(CollectPortsForAnalysis(dispdata[pidx], dsc_disp))
return p_list
def CollectKmsgPortRefs(task, task_port, kmsgp, p_refs):
""" Recursively collect all references to ports inside the kmsg 'kmsgp'
into the set 'p_refs'
p_list = CollectKmsgPorts(task, task_port, kmsgp)
## Iterate over each ports we've collected, to see if they
## have messages on them, and then recurse!
for p, pdisp in p_list:
ptype = (p.ip_object.io_bits & 0x7fff0000) >> 16
p_refs.add((p, pdisp, ptype))
if ptype != 0: ## don't bother with port sets
## If the port that's in-transit has messages already enqueued,
## go through each of those messages and look for more ports!
for p_kmsgp in IterateCircleQueue(p.ip_messages.imq_messages, 'ipc_kmsg', 'ikm_link'):
CollectKmsgPortRefs(task, p, p_kmsgp, p_refs)
def FindKmsgPortRefs(instr, task, task_port, kmsgp, qport):
""" Look through a message, 'kmsgp' destined for 'task'. If we find
any port descriptors, remote, local, voucher, or other port that
matches 'qport', return a short description
which should match the format of GetIPCEntrySummary.
out_str = instr
p_list = CollectKmsgPorts(task, task_port, kmsgp)
## Run through all ports we've collected looking for 'qport'
for p, pdisp in p_list:
if unsigned(p) == unsigned(qport):
## the port we're looking for was found in this message!
if len(out_str) > 0:
out_str += '\n'
out_str += GetInTransitPortSummary(p, pdisp, task_port, kmsgp)
ptype = (p.ip_object.io_bits & 0x7fff0000) >> 16
if ptype != 0: ## don't bother with port sets
## If the port that's in-transit has messages already enqueued,
## go through each of those messages and look for more ports!
for p_kmsgp in IterateCircleQueue(p.ip_messages.imq_messages, 'ipc_kmsg', 'ikm_link'):
out_str = FindKmsgPortRefs(out_str, task, p, p_kmsgp, qport)
return out_str
port_iteration_do_print_taskname = False
registeredport_idx = -10
excports_idx = -20
intransit_idx = -1000
taskports_idx = -2000
thports_idx = -3000
def IterateAllPorts(tasklist, func, ctx, include_psets, follow_busyports, should_log):
""" Iterate over all ports in the system, calling 'func'
for each entry in
global port_iteration_do_print_taskname
global intransit_idx, taskports_idx, thports_idx, registeredport_idx, excports_idx
## XXX: also host special ports
entry_port_type_mask = 0x00070000
if include_psets:
entry_port_type_mask = 0x000f0000
if tasklist is None:
tasklist = list(kern.tasks)
tasklist += list(kern.terminated_tasks)
tidx = 1
for t in tasklist:
# Write a progress line. Using stderr avoids automatic newline when
# writing to stdout from lldb. Blank spaces at the end clear out long
# lines.
if should_log:
procname = ""
if not t.active:
procname = 'terminated: '
if t.halting:
procname += 'halting: '
procname += GetProcNameForTask(t)
sys.stderr.write(" checking {:s} ({}/{})...{:50s}\r".format(procname, tidx, len(tasklist), ''))
tidx += 1
port_iteration_do_print_taskname = True
space = t.itk_space
is_tableval, num_entries = GetSpaceTable(space)
if not is_tableval:
base = is_tableval.GetSBValue().Dereference()
entries = (
for iep in base.xIterSiblings(1, num_entries)
for idx, entry_val in enumerate(entries, 1):
entry_bits= unsigned(entry_val.ie_bits)
entry_obj = 0
entry_str = ''
entry_name = "{:x}".format( (idx << 8 | entry_bits >> 24) )
entry_disp = GetDispositionFromEntryType(entry_bits)
## If the entry in the table represents a port of some sort,
## then make the callback provided
if int(entry_bits) & entry_port_type_mask:
eport = kern.CreateTypedPointerFromAddress(unsigned(entry_val.ie_object), 'struct ipc_port')
## Make the callback
func(t, space, ctx, idx, entry_val, eport, entry_disp)
## if the port has pending messages, look through
## each message for ports (and recurse)
if follow_busyports and unsigned(eport) > 0 and eport.ip_messages.imq_msgcount > 0:
## collect all port references from all messages
for kmsgp in IterateCircleQueue(eport.ip_messages.imq_messages, 'ipc_kmsg', 'ikm_link'):
p_refs = set()
CollectKmsgPortRefs(t, eport, kmsgp, p_refs)
for (port, pdisp, ptype) in p_refs:
func(t, space, ctx, intransit_idx, None, port, pdisp)
## for idx in xrange(1, num_entries)
## Task ports (send rights)
if getattr(t, 'itk_settable_self', 0) > 0:
func(t, space, ctx, taskports_idx, 0, t.itk_settable_self, 17)
if unsigned(t.itk_host) > 0:
func(t, space, ctx, taskports_idx, 0, t.itk_host, 17)
if unsigned(t.itk_bootstrap) > 0:
func(t, space, ctx, taskports_idx, 0, t.itk_bootstrap, 17)
if unsigned(t.itk_debug_control) > 0:
func(t, space, ctx, taskports_idx, 0, t.itk_debug_control, 17)
if unsigned(t.itk_task_access) > 0:
func(t, space, ctx, taskports_idx, 0, t.itk_task_access, 17)
if unsigned(t.itk_task_ports[1]) > 0: ## task read port
func(t, space, ctx, taskports_idx, 0, t.itk_task_ports[1], 17)
if unsigned(t.itk_task_ports[2]) > 0: ## task inspect port
func(t, space, ctx, taskports_idx, 0, t.itk_task_ports[2], 17)
## Task name port (not a send right, just a naked ref); TASK_FLAVOR_NAME = 3
if unsigned(t.itk_task_ports[3]) > 0:
func(t, space, ctx, taskports_idx, 0, t.itk_task_ports[3], 0)
## task resume port is a receive right to resume the task
if unsigned(t.itk_resume) > 0:
func(t, space, ctx, taskports_idx, 0, t.itk_resume, 16)
## registered task ports (all send rights)
tr_idx = 0
tr_max = sizeof(t.itk_registered) // sizeof(t.itk_registered[0])
while tr_idx < tr_max:
tport = t.itk_registered[tr_idx]
if unsigned(tport) > 0:
func(t, space, ctx, registeredport_idx, 0, tport, 17)
except Exception as e:
print("\texception looking through registered port {:d}/{:d} in {:s}".format(tr_idx,tr_max,t))
tr_idx += 1
## Task exception ports
exidx = 0
exmax = sizeof(t.exc_actions) // sizeof(t.exc_actions[0])
while exidx < exmax: ## see: osfmk/mach/[arm|i386]/exception.h
export = t.exc_actions[exidx].port ## send right
if unsigned(export) > 0:
func(t, space, ctx, excports_idx, 0, export, 17)
except Exception as e:
print("\texception looking through exception port {:d}/{:d} in {:s}".format(exidx,exmax,t))
exidx += 1
## XXX: any ports still valid after clearing IPC space?!
for thval in IterateQueue(t.threads, 'thread *', 'task_threads'):
## XXX: look at block reason to see if it's in mach_msg_receive - then look at saved state / message
## Thread port (send right)
if getattr(thval.t_tro, 'tro_settable_self_port', 0) > 0:
thport = thval.t_tro.tro_settable_self_port
func(t, space, ctx, thports_idx, 0, thport, 17) ## see: osfmk/mach/message.h
## Thread special reply port (send-once right)
if unsigned(thval.ith_special_reply_port) > 0:
thport = thval.ith_special_reply_port
func(t, space, ctx, thports_idx, 0, thport, 18) ## see: osfmk/mach/message.h
## Thread voucher port
if unsigned(thval.ith_voucher) > 0:
vport = thval.ith_voucher.iv_port
if unsigned(vport) > 0:
vdisp = GetDispositionFromVoucherPort(vport)
func(t, space, ctx, thports_idx, 0, vport, vdisp)
## Thread exception ports
if unsigned(thval.t_tro.tro_exc_actions) > 0:
exidx = 0
while exidx < exmax: ## see: osfmk/mach/[arm|i386]/exception.h
export = thval.t_tro.tro_exc_actions[exidx].port ## send right
if unsigned(export) > 0:
func(t, space, ctx, excports_idx, 0, export, 17)
except Exception as e:
print("\texception looking through exception port {:d}/{:d} in {:s}".format(exidx,exmax,t))
exidx += 1
## XXX: the message on a thread (that's currently being received)
## for (thval in t.threads)
## for (t in tasklist)
# Macro: findportrights
def FindPortRightsCallback(task, space, ctx, entry_idx, ipc_entry, ipc_port, port_disp):
""" Callback which uses 'ctx' as the (port,rights_types) tuple for which
a caller is seeking references. This should *not* be used from a
recursive call to IterateAllPorts.
global port_iteration_do_print_taskname
(qport, rights_type) = ctx
entry_name = ''
entry_str = ''
if unsigned(ipc_entry) != 0:
entry_bits = unsigned(ipc_entry.ie_bits)
entry_name = "{:x}".format( (entry_idx << 8 | entry_bits >> 24) )
if (int(entry_bits) & 0x001f0000) != 0 and unsigned(ipc_entry.ie_object) == unsigned(qport):
## it's a valid entry, and it points to the port
entry_str = '\t' + GetIPCEntrySummary(ipc_entry, entry_name, rights_type)
procname = GetProcNameForTask(task)
if ipc_port and ipc_port != xnudefines.MACH_PORT_DEAD and ipc_port.ip_messages.imq_msgcount > 0:
sys.stderr.write(" checking {:s} busy-port {}:{:#x}...{:30s}\r".format(procname, entry_name, unsigned(ipc_port), ''))
## Search through busy ports to find descriptors which could
## contain the only reference to this port!
for kmsgp in IterateCircleQueue(ipc_port.ip_messages.imq_messages, 'ipc_kmsg', 'ikm_link'):
entry_str = FindKmsgPortRefs(entry_str, task, ipc_port, kmsgp, qport)
if len(entry_str) > 0:
if port_iteration_do_print_taskname:
print("Task: {0: <#x} {1: <s}".format(task, procname))
print('\t' + GetIPCEntrySummary.header)
port_iteration_do_print_taskname = False
@lldb_command('findportrights', 'R:S:')
def FindPortRights(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Routine to locate and print all extant rights to a given port
Usage: findportrights [-R rights_type] [-S <ipc_space_t>] <ipc_port_t>
-S ipc_space : only search the specified ipc space
-R rights_type : only display rights matching the string 'rights_type'
types of rights:
'Dead' : Dead name
'Set' : Port set
'S' : Send right
'R' : Receive right
'O' : Send-once right
types of notifications:
'd' : Dead-Name notification requested
's' : Send-Possible notification armed
'r' : Send-Possible notification requested
'n' : No-Senders notification requested
'x' : Port-destroy notification requested
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("no port address provided")
port = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct ipc_port *')
rights_type = 0
if "-R" in cmd_options:
rights_type = cmd_options["-R"]
tasklist = None
if "-S" in cmd_options:
space = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-S"], 'struct ipc_space *')
tasklist = [ space.is_task ]
## Don't include port sets
## Don't recurse on busy ports (we do that manually)
## DO log progress
IterateAllPorts(tasklist, FindPortRightsCallback, (port, rights_type), False, False, True)
sys.stderr.write("{:120s}\r".format(' '))
# EndMacro: findportrights
# Macro: countallports
def CountPortsCallback(task, space, ctx, entry_idx, ipc_entry, ipc_port, port_disp):
""" Callback which uses 'ctx' as the set of all ports found in the
iteration. This should *not* be used from a recursive
call to IterateAllPorts.
global intransit_idx
(p_set, p_intransit, p_bytask) = ctx
## Add the port address to the set of all port addresses
if entry_idx == intransit_idx:
if task.active or (task.halting and not task.active):
if not task in p_bytask:
p_bytask[task] = { 'transit':0, 'table':0, 'other':0 }
if entry_idx == intransit_idx:
p_bytask[task]['transit'] += 1
elif entry_idx >= 0:
p_bytask[task]['table'] += 1
p_bytask[task]['other'] += 1
@header(f"{'#ports': <10s} {'in transit': <10s} {'Special': <10s}")
@lldb_command('countallports', 'P', fancy=True)
def CountAllPorts(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine to search for all as many references to ipc_port structures in the kernel
that we can find.
Usage: countallports [-P]
-P : include port sets in the count (default: NO)
p_set = set()
p_intransit = set()
p_bytask = {}
find_psets = False
if "-P" in cmd_options:
find_psets = True
## optionally include port sets
## DO recurse on busy ports
## DO log progress
IterateAllPorts(None, CountPortsCallback, (p_set, p_intransit, p_bytask), find_psets, True, True)
sys.stderr.write(f"{' ':120s}\r")
# sort by ipc table size
with O.table(GetTaskIPCSummary.header + ' ' + CountAllPorts.header):
for task, port_summary in sorted(p_bytask.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]['table'], reverse=True):
outstring, _ = GetTaskIPCSummary(task)
outstring += f" {port_summary['table']: <10d} {port_summary['transit']: <10d} {port_summary['other']: <10d}"
print(f"\nTotal ports found: {len(p_set)}")
print(f"Number of ports In Transit: {len(p_intransit)}")
# EndMacro: countallports
# Macro: showpipestats
def ShowPipeStats(cmd_args=None):
""" Display pipes usage information in the kernel
print("Number of pipes: {: d}".format(kern.globals.amountpipes))
print("Memory used by pipes: {:s}".format(sizeof_fmt(int(kern.globals.amountpipekva))))
print("Max memory allowed for pipes: {:s}".format(sizeof_fmt(int(kern.globals.maxpipekva))))
# EndMacro: showpipestats
# Macro: showtaskbusyports
@lldb_command('showtaskbusyports', fancy=True)
def ShowTaskBusyPorts(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine to print information about receive rights belonging to this task that
have enqueued messages. This is often a sign of a blocked or hung process
Usage: showtaskbusyports <task address>
if not cmd_args:
print("No arguments passed. Please pass in the address of a task")
task = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task_t')
is_tableval, num_entries = GetSpaceTable(task.itk_space)
if is_tableval:
ports = GetSpaceObjectsWithBits(is_tableval, num_entries, 0x00020000,
gettype('struct ipc_port'))
with O.table(PrintPortSummary.header):
for port in ports:
if port.xGetIntegerByPath('.ip_messages.imq_msgcount'):
PrintPortSummary(value(port.AddressOf()), O=O)
# EndMacro: showtaskbusyports
# Macro: showallbusyports
@lldb_command('showallbusyports', fancy=True)
def ShowAllBusyPorts(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine to print information about all receive rights on the system that
have enqueued messages.
with O.table(PrintPortSummary.header):
port_ty = gettype("struct ipc_port")
for port in kmemory.Zone("ipc ports").iter_allocated(port_ty):
if port.xGetIntegerByPath('.ip_messages.imq_msgcount') > 0:
PrintPortSummary(value(port.AddressOf()), O=O)
# EndMacro: showallbusyports
# Macro: showallports
@lldb_command('showallports', fancy=True)
def ShowAllPorts(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine to print information about all allocated ports in the system
usage: showallports
with O.table(PrintPortSummary.header):
port_ty = gettype("struct ipc_port")
for port in kmemory.Zone("ipc ports").iter_allocated(port_ty):
PrintPortSummary(value(port.AddressOf()), show_kmsg_summary=False, O=O)
# EndMacro: showallports
# Macro: findkobjectport
@lldb_command('findkobjectport', fancy=True)
def FindKobjectPort(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Locate all ports pointing to a given kobject
usage: findkobjectport <kobject-addr>
kobj_addr = unsigned(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0]))
kmem = kmemory.KMem.get_shared()
port_ty = gettype("struct ipc_port")
with O.table(PrintPortSummary.header):
for port in kmemory.Zone("ipc ports").iter_allocated(port_ty):
if port.xGetIntegerByPath('.ip_object.io_bits') & 0x3ff == 0:
ip_kobject = kmem.make_address(port.xGetScalarByName('ip_kobject'))
if ip_kobject == kobj_addr:
PrintPortSummary(value(port.AddressOf()), show_kmsg_summary=False, O=O)
# EndMacro: findkobjectport
# Macro: showtaskbusypsets
@lldb_command('showtaskbusypsets', fancy=True)
def ShowTaskBusyPortSets(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine to print information about port sets belonging to this task that
have enqueued messages. This is often a sign of a blocked or hung process
Usage: showtaskbusypsets <task address>
if not cmd_args:
print("No arguments passed. Please pass in the address of a task")
task = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task_t')
is_tableval, num_entries = GetSpaceTable(task.itk_space)
if is_tableval:
psets = GetSpaceObjectsWithBits(is_tableval, num_entries, 0x00080000,
gettype('struct ipc_pset'))
with O.table(PrintPortSetSummary.header):
for pset in (value(v.AddressOf()) for v in psets):
for wq in Waitq(addressof(pset.ips_wqset)).iterateMembers():
if wq.asPort().ip_messages.imq_msgcount > 0:
PrintPortSetSummary(pset, space=task.itk_space, O=O)
# EndMacro: showtaskbusyports
# Macro: showallbusypsets
@lldb_command('showallbusypsets', fancy=True)
def ShowAllBusyPortSets(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine to print information about all port sets on the system that
have enqueued messages.
with O.table(PrintPortSetSummary.header):
pset_ty = gettype("struct ipc_pset")
for pset in kmemory.Zone("ipc port sets").iter_allocated(pset_ty):
pset = value(pset.AddressOf())
for wq in Waitq(addressof(pset.ips_wqset)).iterateMembers():
port = wq.asPort()
if port.ip_messages.imq_msgcount > 0:
PrintPortSetSummary(pset, space=port.ip_receiver, O=O)
# EndMacro: showallbusyports
# Macro: showallpsets
@lldb_command('showallpsets', fancy=True)
def ShowAllPortSets(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine to print information about all allocated psets in the system
usage: showallpsets
with O.table(PrintPortSetSummary.header):
pset_ty = gettype("struct ipc_pset")
for pset in kmemory.Zone("ipc port sets").iter_allocated(pset_ty):
PrintPortSetSummary(value(pset.AddressOf()), O=O)
# EndMacro: showallports
# Macro: showbusyportsummary
def ShowBusyPortSummary(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print a summary of information about all receive rights
on the system that have enqueued messages.
task_queue_head = kern.globals.tasks
ipc_table_size = 0
ipc_busy_ports = 0
ipc_msgs = 0
for tsk in kern.tasks:
(summary, table_size, nbusy, nmsgs) = GetTaskBusyIPCSummary(tsk)
ipc_table_size += table_size
ipc_busy_ports += nbusy
ipc_msgs += nmsgs
for t in kern.terminated_tasks:
(summary, table_size, nbusy, nmsgs) = GetTaskBusyIPCSummary(tsk)
ipc_table_size += table_size
ipc_busy_ports += nbusy
ipc_msgs += nmsgs
print("Total Table Size: {:d}, Busy Ports: {:d}, Messages in-flight: {:d}".format(ipc_table_size, ipc_busy_ports, ipc_msgs))
# EndMacro: showbusyportsummary
# Macro: showport / showpset
def ShowPortOrPset(obj, space=0, O=None):
""" Routine that lists details about a given IPC port or pset
Syntax: (lldb) showport 0xaddr
if not obj or obj == xnudefines.IPC_OBJECT_DEAD:
otype = (obj.io_bits & 0x7fff0000) >> 16
if otype == 0: # IOT_PORT
with O.table(PrintPortSummary.header):
PrintPortSummary(cast(obj, 'ipc_port_t'), show_sets=True, O=O)
elif otype == 1: # IOT_PSET
with O.table(PrintPortSetSummary.header):
PrintPortSetSummary(cast(obj, 'ipc_pset_t'), space, O=O)
@lldb_command('showport', 'K', fancy=True)
def ShowPort(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine that lists details about a given IPC port
usage: showport <address>
# -K is default and kept for backward compat, it used to mean "show kmsg queue"
if not cmd_args:
return O.error("Missing port argument")
obj = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct ipc_object *')
ShowPortOrPset(obj, O=O)
@lldb_command('showpset', "S:", fancy=True)
def ShowPSet(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine that prints details for a given ipc_pset *
usage: showpset [-S <space>] <address>
if not cmd_args:
return O.error("Missing port argument")
space = 0
if "-S" in cmd_options:
space = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-S"], 'struct ipc_space *')
obj = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct ipc_object *')
ShowPortOrPset(obj, space=space, O=O)
# EndMacro: showport / showpset
# Macro: showkmsg:
def ShowKMSG(cmd_args=[]):
""" Show detail information about a <ipc_kmsg_t> structure
Usage: (lldb) showkmsg <ipc_kmsg_t>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError('Invalid arguments')
kmsg = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ipc_kmsg_t')
# EndMacro: showkmsg
# IPC importance inheritance related macros.
def ShowAllIITs(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Development only macro. Show list of all iits allocated in the system. """
iit_queue = kern.globals.global_iit_alloc_queue
except ValueError:
print("This debug macro is only available in development or debug kernels")
for iit in IterateQueue(iit_queue, 'struct ipc_importance_task *', 'iit_allocation'):
@header("{: <18s} {: <3s} {: <18s} {: <32s} {: <18s} {: <8s}".format("ipc_imp_inherit", "don", "to_task", "proc_name", "from_elem", "depth"))
@lldb_type_summary(['ipc_importance_inherit *', 'ipc_importance_inherit_t'])
def GetIPCImportanceInheritSummary(iii):
""" describes iii object of type ipc_importance_inherit_t * """
out_str = ""
fmt = "{o: <#18x} {don: <3s} {o.iii_to_task.iit_task: <#18x} {task_name: <20s} {o.iii_from_elem: <#18x} {o.iii_depth: <#8x}"
donating_str = ""
if unsigned(iii.iii_donating):
donating_str = "DON"
taskname = GetProcNameForTask(iii.iii_to_task.iit_task)
if hasattr(iii.iii_to_task, 'iit_bsd_pid'):
taskname = "({:d}) {:s}".format(iii.iii_to_task.iit_bsd_pid, iii.iii_to_task.iit_procname)
out_str += fmt.format(o=iii, task_name = taskname, don=donating_str)
return out_str
@static_var('recursion_count', 0)
@header("{: <18s} {: <4s} {: <8s} {: <8s} {: <18s} {: <18s}".format("iie", "type", "refs", "made", "#kmsgs", "#inherits"))
@lldb_type_summary(['ipc_importance_elem *'])
def GetIPCImportanceElemSummary(iie):
""" describes an ipc_importance_elem * object """
if GetIPCImportanceElemSummary.recursion_count > 500:
GetIPCImportanceElemSummary.recursion_count = 0
return "Recursion of 500 reached"
out_str = ''
fmt = "{: <#18x} {: <4s} {: <8d} {: <8d} {: <#18x} {: <#18x}"
if unsigned(iie.iie_bits) & xnudefines.IIE_TYPE_MASK:
type_str = "INH"
inherit_count = 0
type_str = 'TASK'
iit = Cast(iie, 'struct ipc_importance_task *')
inherit_count = sum(1 for i in IterateQueue(iit.iit_inherits, 'struct ipc_importance_inherit *', 'iii_inheritance'))
refs = unsigned(iie.iie_bits) >> xnudefines.IIE_TYPE_BITS
made_refs = unsigned(iie.iie_made)
kmsg_count = sum(1 for i in IterateQueue(iie.iie_kmsgs, 'struct ipc_kmsg *', 'ikm_inheritance'))
out_str += fmt.format(iie, type_str, refs, made_refs, kmsg_count, inherit_count)
if config['verbosity'] > vHUMAN:
if kmsg_count > 0:
out_str += "\n\t"+ GetKMsgSummary.header
for k in IterateQueue(iie.iie_kmsgs, 'struct ipc_kmsg *', 'ikm_inheritance'):
out_str += "\t" + "{: <#18x}".format(GetKmsgHeader(k).msgh_remote_port) + ' ' + GetKMsgSummary(k, "\t").lstrip()
out_str += "\n"
if inherit_count > 0:
out_str += "\n\t" + GetIPCImportanceInheritSummary.header + "\n"
for i in IterateQueue(iit.iit_inherits, 'struct ipc_importance_inherit *', 'iii_inheritance'):
out_str += "\t" + GetIPCImportanceInheritSummary(i) + "\n"
out_str += "\n"
if type_str == "INH":
iii = Cast(iie, 'struct ipc_importance_inherit *')
out_str += "Inherit from: " + GetIPCImportanceElemSummary(iii.iii_from_elem)
return out_str
@header("{: <18s} {: <18s} {: <32}".format("iit", "task", "name"))
@lldb_type_summary(['ipc_importance_task *'])
def GetIPCImportantTaskSummary(iit):
""" iit is a ipc_importance_task value object.
fmt = "{: <#18x} {: <#18x} {: <32}"
pname = GetProcNameForTask(iit.iit_task)
if hasattr(iit, 'iit_bsd_pid'):
pname = "({:d}) {:s}".format(iit.iit_bsd_pid, iit.iit_procname)
out_str += fmt.format(iit, iit.iit_task, pname)
return out_str
def ShowIPCImportanceTasks(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" display a list of all tasks with ipc importance information.
Usage: (lldb) showallimportancetasks
Tip: add "-v" to see detailed information on each kmsg or inherit elems
print(' ' + GetIPCImportantTaskSummary.header + ' ' + GetIPCImportanceElemSummary.header)
for t in kern.tasks:
s = ""
if unsigned(t.task_imp_base):
s += ' ' + GetIPCImportantTaskSummary(t.task_imp_base)
s += ' ' + GetIPCImportanceElemSummary(addressof(t.task_imp_base.iit_elem))
@lldb_command('showipcimportance', '')
def ShowIPCImportance(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Describe an importance from <ipc_importance_elem_t> argument.
Usage: (lldb) showimportance <ipc_importance_elem_t>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Please provide valid argument")
elem = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ipc_importance_elem_t')
@header("{: <18s} {: <10s} {: <18s} {: <8s} {: <5s} {: <5s} {: <5s}".format("ivac", "refs", "tbl", "tblsize", "index", "Grow", "freelist"))
@lldb_type_summary(['ipc_voucher_attr_control *', 'ipc_voucher_attr_control_t'])
def GetIPCVoucherAttrControlSummary(ivac):
""" describes a voucher attribute control settings """
out_str = ""
fmt = "{c: <#18x} {c.ivac_refs.ref_count: <10d} {c.ivac_table: <#18x} {c.ivac_table_size: <8d} {c.ivac_key_index: <5d} {growing: <5s} {c.ivac_freelist: <5d}"
growing_str = ""
if unsigned(ivac) == 0:
return "{: <#18x}".format(ivac)
if unsigned(ivac.ivac_is_growing):
growing_str = "Y"
out_str += fmt.format(c=ivac, growing = growing_str)
return out_str
def ShowIPCVoucherAttributeControl(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Show summary of voucher attribute contols.
Usage: (lldb) showivac <ipc_voucher_attr_control_t>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Please provide correct arguments.")
ivac = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ipc_voucher_attr_control_t')
if config['verbosity'] > vHUMAN:
cur_entry_index = 0
last_entry_index = unsigned(ivac.ivac_table_size)
print("index " + GetIPCVoucherAttributeEntrySummary.header)
while cur_entry_index < last_entry_index:
print("{: <5d} ".format(cur_entry_index) + GetIPCVoucherAttributeEntrySummary(addressof(ivac.ivac_table[cur_entry_index])))
cur_entry_index += 1
@header("{: <18s} {: <30s} {: <30s} {: <30s} {: <30s}".format("ivam", "get_value_fn", "extract_fn", "release_value_fn", "command_fn"))
@lldb_type_summary(['ipc_voucher_attr_manager *', 'ipc_voucher_attr_manager_t'])
def GetIPCVoucherAttrManagerSummary(ivam):
""" describes a voucher attribute manager settings """
out_str = ""
fmt = "{: <#18x} {: <30s} {: <30s} {: <30s} {: <30s}"
if unsigned(ivam) == 0 :
return "{: <#18x}".format(ivam)
get_value_fn = kern.Symbolicate(unsigned(ivam.ivam_get_value))
extract_fn = kern.Symbolicate(unsigned(ivam.ivam_extract_content))
release_value_fn = kern.Symbolicate(unsigned(ivam.ivam_release_value))
command_fn = kern.Symbolicate(unsigned(ivam.ivam_command))
out_str += fmt.format(ivam, get_value_fn, extract_fn, release_value_fn, command_fn)
return out_str
@header("{: <18s} {: <10s} {:s} {:s}".format("ivgte", "key", GetIPCVoucherAttrControlSummary.header.strip(), GetIPCVoucherAttrManagerSummary.header.strip()))
@lldb_type_summary(['ipc_voucher_global_table_element *', 'ipc_voucher_global_table_element_t'])
def GetIPCVoucherGlobalTableElementSummary(ivgte):
""" describes a ipc_voucher_global_table_element object """
out_str = ""
fmt = "{g: <#18x} {g.ivgte_key: <10d} {ctrl_s:s} {mgr_s:s}"
out_str += fmt.format(g=ivgte, ctrl_s=GetIPCVoucherAttrControlSummary(ivgte.ivgte_control), mgr_s=GetIPCVoucherAttrManagerSummary(ivgte.ivgte_manager))
return out_str
@lldb_command('showglobalvouchertable', '')
def ShowGlobalVoucherTable(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" show detailed information of all voucher attribute managers registered with vouchers system
Usage: (lldb) showglobalvouchertable
entry_size = sizeof(kern.globals.iv_global_table[0])
elems = sizeof(kern.globals.iv_global_table) // entry_size
for i in range(elems):
elt = addressof(kern.globals.iv_global_table[i])
# Type summaries for Bag of Bits.
@lldb_type_summary(['user_data_value_element', 'user_data_element_t'])
@header("{0: <20s} {1: <16s} {2: <20s} {3: <20s} {4: <16s} {5: <20s}".format("user_data_ve", "maderefs", "checksum", "hash value", "size", "data"))
def GetBagofBitsElementSummary(data_element):
""" Summarizes the Bag of Bits element
params: data_element = value of the object of type user_data_value_element_t
returns: String with summary of the type.
format_str = "{0: <#20x} {1: <16d} {2: <#20x} {3: <#20x} {4: <16d}"
out_string = format_str.format(data_element, unsigned(data_element.e_made), data_element.e_sum, data_element.e_hash, unsigned(data_element.e_size))
out_string += " 0x"
for i in range(0, (unsigned(data_element.e_size) - 1)):
out_string += "{:02x}".format(int(data_element.e_data[i]))
return out_string
def GetIPCHandleSummary(handle_ptr):
""" converts a handle value inside a voucher attribute table to ipc element and returns appropriate summary.
params: handle_ptr - uint64 number stored in handle of voucher.
returns: str - string summary of the element held in internal structure
elem = kern.GetValueFromAddress(handle_ptr, 'ipc_importance_elem_t')
if elem.iie_bits & xnudefines.IIE_TYPE_MASK:
iie = Cast(elem, 'struct ipc_importance_inherit *')
return GetIPCImportanceInheritSummary(iie)
iit = Cast(elem, 'struct ipc_importance_task *')
return GetIPCImportantTaskSummary(iit)
def GetATMHandleSummary(handle_ptr):
""" Convert a handle value to atm value and returns corresponding summary of its fields.
params: handle_ptr - uint64 number stored in handle of voucher
returns: str - summary of atm value
return "???"
def GetBankHandleSummary(handle_ptr):
""" converts a handle value inside a voucher attribute table to bank element and returns appropriate summary.
params: handle_ptr - uint64 number stored in handle of voucher.
returns: str - summary of bank element
if handle_ptr == 1 :
return "Bank task of Current task"
elem = kern.GetValueFromAddress(handle_ptr, 'bank_element_t')
if elem.be_type & 1 :
ba = Cast(elem, 'struct bank_account *')
return GetBankAccountSummary(ba)
bt = Cast(elem, 'struct bank_task *')
return GetBankTaskSummary(bt)
def GetBagofBitsHandleSummary(handle_ptr):
""" Convert a handle value to bag of bits value and returns corresponding summary of its fields.
params: handle_ptr - uint64 number stored in handle of voucher
returns: str - summary of bag of bits element
elem = kern.GetValueFromAddress(handle_ptr, 'user_data_element_t')
return GetBagofBitsElementSummary(elem)
@static_var('attr_managers',{1: GetATMHandleSummary, 2: GetIPCHandleSummary, 3: GetBankHandleSummary, 7: GetBagofBitsHandleSummary})
def GetHandleSummaryForKey(handle_ptr, key_num):
""" Get a summary of handle pointer from the voucher attribute manager.
For example key 2 -> ipc and it puts either ipc_importance_inherit_t or ipc_important_task_t.
key 3 -> Bank and it puts either bank_task_t or bank_account_t.
key 7 -> Bag of Bits and it puts user_data_element_t in handle. So summary of it would be Bag of Bits content and refs etc.
key_num = int(key_num)
if key_num not in GetHandleSummaryForKey.attr_managers:
return "Unknown key %d" % key_num
return GetHandleSummaryForKey.attr_managers[key_num](handle_ptr)
@header("{: <18s} {: <18s} {: <10s} {: <4s} {: <18s} {: <18s}".format("ivace", "value_handle", "#refs", "rel?", "maderefs", "next_layer"))
@lldb_type_summary(['ivac_entry *', 'ivac_entry_t'])
def GetIPCVoucherAttributeEntrySummary(ivace, manager_key_num = 0):
""" Get summary for voucher attribute entry.
out_str = ""
fmt = "{e: <#18x} {e.ivace_value: <#18x} {e.ivace_refs: <10d} {release: <4s} {made_refs: <18s} {next_layer: <18s}"
release_str = ""
free_str = ""
made_refs = ""
next_layer = ""
if unsigned(ivace.ivace_releasing):
release_str = "Y"
if unsigned(ivace.ivace_free):
free_str = 'F'
if unsigned(ivace.ivace_layered):
next_layer = "{: <#18x}".format(ivace.ivace_u.ivaceu_layer)
made_refs = "{: <18d}".format(ivace.ivace_u.ivaceu_made)
out_str += fmt.format(e=ivace, release=release_str, made_refs=made_refs, next_layer=next_layer)
if config['verbosity'] > vHUMAN and manager_key_num > 0:
out_str += " " + GetHandleSummaryForKey(unsigned(ivace.ivace_value), manager_key_num)
if config['verbosity'] > vHUMAN :
out_str += ' {: <2s} {: <4d} {: <4d}'.format(free_str, ivace.ivace_next, ivace.ivace_index)
return out_str
def ShowIVACFreeList(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Walk the free list and print every entry in the list.
usage: (lldb) showivacfreelist <ipc_voucher_attr_control_t>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError('Please provide <ipc_voucher_attr_control_t>')
ivac = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ipc_voucher_attr_control_t')
if unsigned(ivac.ivac_freelist) == 0:
print("ivac table is full")
print("index " + GetIPCVoucherAttributeEntrySummary.header)
next_free = unsigned(ivac.ivac_freelist)
while next_free != 0:
print("{: <5d} ".format(next_free) + GetIPCVoucherAttributeEntrySummary(addressof(ivac.ivac_table[next_free])))
next_free = unsigned(ivac.ivac_table[next_free].ivace_next)
@header('{: <18s} {: <8s} {: <18s} {: <18s}'.format("ipc_voucher", "refs", "table", "voucher_port"))
@lldb_type_summary(['ipc_voucher *', 'ipc_voucher_t'])
def GetIPCVoucherSummary(voucher, show_entries=False):
""" describe a voucher from its ipc_voucher * object """
out_str = ""
fmt = "{v: <#18x} {v.iv_refs: <8d} {table_addr: <#18x} {v.iv_port: <#18x}"
out_str += fmt.format(v = voucher, table_addr = addressof(voucher.iv_table))
entries_str = ''
if show_entries or config['verbosity'] > vHUMAN:
elems = sizeof(voucher.iv_table) // sizeof(voucher.iv_table[0])
entries_header_str = "\n\t" + "{: <5s} {: <3s} {: <16s} {: <30s}".format("index", "key", "value_index", "manager") + " " + GetIPCVoucherAttributeEntrySummary.header
fmt = "{: <5d} {: <3d} {: <16d} {: <30s}"
for i in range(elems):
voucher_entry_index = unsigned(voucher.iv_table[i])
if voucher_entry_index:
s = fmt.format(i, GetVoucherManagerKeyForIndex(i), voucher_entry_index, GetVoucherAttributeManagerNameForIndex(i))
e = GetVoucherValueHandleFromVoucherForIndex(voucher, i)
if e is not None:
s += " " + GetIPCVoucherAttributeEntrySummary(addressof(e), GetVoucherManagerKeyForIndex(i) )
if entries_header_str :
entries_str = entries_header_str
entries_header_str = ''
entries_str += "\n\t" + s
if not entries_header_str:
entries_str += "\n\t"
out_str += entries_str
return out_str
def GetVoucherManagerKeyForIndex(idx):
""" Returns key number for index based on global table. Will raise index error if value is incorrect
return unsigned(kern.globals.iv_global_table[idx].ivgte_key)
def GetVoucherAttributeManagerForKey(k):
""" Walks through the iv_global_table and finds the attribute manager name
params: k - int key number of the manager
return: cvalue - the attribute manager object.
None - if not found
retval = None
entry_size = sizeof(kern.globals.iv_global_table[0])
elems = sizeof(kern.globals.iv_global_table) // entry_size
for i in range(elems):
elt = addressof(kern.globals.iv_global_table[i])
if k == unsigned(elt.ivgte_key):
retval = elt.ivgte_manager
return retval
def GetVoucherAttributeControllerForKey(k):
""" Walks through the iv_global_table and finds the attribute controller
params: k - int key number of the manager
return: cvalue - the attribute controller object.
None - if not found
retval = None
entry_size = sizeof(kern.globals.iv_global_table[0])
elems = sizeof(kern.globals.iv_global_table) // entry_size
for i in range(elems):
elt = addressof(kern.globals.iv_global_table[i])
if k == unsigned(elt.ivgte_key):
retval = elt.ivgte_control
return retval
def GetVoucherAttributeManagerName(ivam):
""" find the name of the ivam object
param: ivam - cvalue object of type ipc_voucher_attr_manager_t
returns: str - name of the manager
return kern.Symbolicate(unsigned(ivam))
def GetVoucherAttributeManagerNameForIndex(idx):
""" get voucher attribute manager name for index
return: str - name of the attribute manager object
return GetVoucherAttributeManagerName(GetVoucherAttributeManagerForKey(GetVoucherManagerKeyForIndex(idx)))
def GetVoucherValueHandleFromVoucherForIndex(voucher, idx):
""" traverse the voucher attrs and get value_handle in the voucher attr controls table
voucher - cvalue object of type ipc_voucher_t
idx - int index in the entries for which you wish to get actual handle for
returns: cvalue object of type ivac_entry_t
None if no handle found.
manager_key = GetVoucherManagerKeyForIndex(idx)
voucher_num_elems = sizeof(voucher.iv_table) // sizeof(voucher.iv_table[0])
if idx >= voucher_num_elems:
debuglog("idx %d is out of range max: %d" % (idx, voucher_num_elems))
return None
voucher_entry_value = unsigned(voucher.iv_table[idx])
debuglog("manager_key %d" % manager_key)
ivac = GetVoucherAttributeControllerForKey(manager_key)
if ivac is None or unsigned(ivac) == 0:
debuglog("No voucher attribute controller for idx %d" % idx)
return None
ivac = kern.GetValueFromAddress(unsigned(ivac), 'ipc_voucher_attr_control_t') # ??? No idea why lldb does not addressof directly
ivace_table = ivac.ivac_table
if voucher_entry_value >= unsigned(ivac.ivac_table_size):
print("Failed to get ivace for value %d in table of size %d" % (voucher_entry_value, unsigned(ivac.ivac_table_size)))
return None
return ivace_table[voucher_entry_value]
def ShowAllVouchers(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Display a list of all vouchers in the global voucher hash table
Usage: (lldb) showallvouchers
voucher_ty = gettype("struct ipc_voucher")
for v in kmemory.Zone("ipc vouchers").iter_allocated(voucher_ty):
@lldb_command('showvoucher', '')
def ShowVoucher(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Describe a voucher from <ipc_voucher_t> argument.
Usage: (lldb) showvoucher <ipc_voucher_t>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Please provide valid argument")
voucher = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ipc_voucher_t')
print(GetIPCVoucherSummary(voucher, show_entries=True))
def ShowPortSendRights(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Display a list of send rights across all tasks for a given port.
Usage: (lldb) showportsendrights <ipc_port_t>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("no port address provided")
port = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct ipc_port *')
if not port or port == xnudefines.MACH_PORT_DEAD:
return FindPortRights(cmd_args=[unsigned(port)], cmd_options={'-R':'S'})
def ShowTaskSuspenders(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Display the tasks and send rights that are holding a target task suspended.
Usage: (lldb) showtasksuspenders <task_t>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("no task address provided")
task = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task_t')
if task.suspend_count == 0:
print("task {:#x} ({:s}) is not suspended".format(unsigned(task), GetProcNameForTask(task)))
# If the task has been suspended by the kernel (potentially by
# kperf, using task_suspend_internal) or a client of task_suspend2
# that does not convert its task suspension token to a port using
# convert_task_suspension_token_to_port, then it's impossible to determine
# which task did the suspension.
port = task.itk_resume
if task.pidsuspended:
print("task {:#x} ({:s}) has been `pid_suspend`ed. (Probably runningboardd's fault. Go look at the syslog for \"Suspending task.\")".format(unsigned(task), GetProcNameForTask(task)))
elif not port:
print("task {:#x} ({:s}) is suspended but no resume port exists".format(unsigned(task), GetProcNameForTask(task)))
return FindPortRights(cmd_args=[unsigned(port)], cmd_options={'-R':'S'})
# Macro: showmqueue:
@lldb_command('showmqueue', fancy=True)
def ShowMQueue(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine that lists details about a given mqueue.
An mqueue is directly tied to a mach port, so it just shows the details of that port.
Syntax: (lldb) showmqueue <address>
if not cmd_args:
return O.error("Missing mqueue argument")
space = 0
mqueue = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct ipc_mqueue *')
portoff = getfieldoffset('struct ipc_port', 'ip_messages')
port = unsigned(ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])) - unsigned(portoff)
obj = kern.GetValueFromAddress(port, 'struct ipc_object *')
ShowPortOrPset(obj, O=O)
# EndMacro: showmqueue