This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
""" Please make sure you read the README file COMPLETELY BEFORE reading anything below.
It is very critical that you read coding guidelines in Section E in README file.
from xnu import *
import sys
import shlex
import math
from utils import *
import xnudefines
from process import *
import macho
import json
from ctypes import c_int64
from operator import itemgetter
from kext import GetUUIDSummary
from kext import FindKmodNameForAddr
from core.iterators import (
import kmemory
def get_vme_offset(vme):
return unsigned(vme.vme_offset) << 12
def get_vme_object(vme):
""" Return the vm object or submap associated with the entry """
if vme.is_sub_map:
return kern.CreateTypedPointerFromAddress(vme.vme_submap << 2, 'struct _vm_map')
if vme.vme_kernel_object:
if hasattr(vme, 'vme_is_tagged') and vme.vme_is_tagged:
return kern.globals.kernel_object_tagged
return kern.globals.kernel_object_default
kmem = kmemory.KMem.get_shared()
packed = unsigned(vme.vme_object_or_delta)
addr = kmem.vm_page_packing.unpack(packed)
if addr:
return kern.CreateTypedPointerFromAddress(addr, 'struct vm_object')
return 0
def IterateZPerCPU(root):
""" obsolete """
return (value(v) for v in kmemory.ZPercpuValue(root.GetRawSBValue()))
@lldb_command('showzpcpu', "S")
def ShowZPerCPU(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Routine to show per-cpu zone allocated variables
Usage: showzpcpu [-S] expression [field]
-S : sum the values instead of printing them
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("No arguments passed")
pcpu = LazyTarget.GetTarget().chkCreateValueFromExpression('value', cmd_args[0])
for t in kmemory.ZPercpuValue(pcpu):
if len(cmd_args) > 1:
t = t.GetValueForExpressionPath('.{}'.format(cmd_args[1]))
if "-S" in cmd_options:
acc += t.xGetValueAsInteger()
if "-S" in cmd_options:
def ZoneName(zone, zone_security):
""" Formats the name for a given zone
zone - value : A pointer to a zone
zone_security - value : A pointer to zone security flags
the formated name for the zone
names = [ "", "shared.", "data.", "" ]
return "{:s}{:s}".format(names[int(zone_security.z_kheap_id)], zone.z_name)
def GetZoneByName(name):
""" Internal function to find a zone by name
for i in range(1, int(kern.GetGlobalVariable('num_zones'))):
z = addressof(kern.globals.zone_array[i])
zs = addressof(kern.globals.zone_security_array[i])
if ZoneName(z, zs) == name:
return z
return None
def PrettyPrintDictionary(d):
""" Internal function to pretty print a dictionary with string or integer values
params: The dictionary to print
for key, value in list(d.items()):
key += ":"
if isinstance(value, int):
print("{:<30s} {: >10d}".format(key, value))
elif isinstance(value, float):
print("{:<30s} {: >10.2f}".format(key, value))
print("{:<30s} {: >10s}".format(key, value))
# Macro: memstats
@lldb_command('memstats', 'J')
def Memstats(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Prints out a summary of various memory statistics. In particular vm_page_wire_count should be greater than 2K or you are under memory pressure.
usage: memstats -J
Output json
print_json = False
if "-J" in cmd_options:
print_json = True
memstats = {}
memstats["vm_page_free_count"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_free_count)
memstats["vm_page_free_reserved"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_free_reserved)
memstats["vm_page_free_min"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_free_min)
memstats["vm_page_free_target"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_free_target)
memstats["vm_page_active_count"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_active_count)
memstats["vm_page_inactive_count"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_inactive_count)
memstats["vm_page_inactive_target"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_inactive_target)
memstats["vm_page_wire_count"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_wire_count)
memstats["vm_page_purgeable_count"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_purgeable_count)
memstats["vm_page_anonymous_count"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_anonymous_count)
memstats["vm_page_external_count"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_external_count)
memstats["vm_page_xpmapped_ext_count"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_xpmapped_external_count)
memstats["vm_page_xpmapped_min"] = int(kern.globals.vm_pageout_state.vm_page_xpmapped_min)
memstats["vm_page_pageable_ext_count"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_pageable_external_count)
memstats["vm_page_filecache_min"] = int(kern.globals.vm_pageout_state.vm_page_filecache_min)
memstats["vm_page_pageable_int_count"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_pageable_internal_count)
memstats["vm_page_throttled_count"] = int(kern.globals.vm_page_throttled_count)
if hasattr(kern.globals, 'compressor_object'):
memstats["compressor_count"] = int(kern.globals.compressor_object.resident_page_count)
memstats["compressed_count"] = int(kern.globals.c_segment_pages_compressed)
if memstats["compressor_count"] > 0:
memstats["compression_ratio"] = memstats["compressed_count"] / memstats["compressor_count"]
memstats["compression_ratio"] = 0
memstats["memorystatus_level"] = int(kern.globals.memorystatus_level)
memstats["memorystatus_available_pages"] = int(kern.globals.memorystatus_available_pages)
memstats["memorystatus_available_pages_critical"] = int(kern.globals.memorystatus_available_pages_critical_base)
memstats["memorystatus_available_pages_idle"] = int(kern.globals.memorystatus_available_pages_critical_idle)
memstats["memorystatus_available_pages_hwm"] = int(kern.globals.memorystatus_available_pages_pressure)
memstats["inuse_ptepages_count"] = int(kern.globals.inuse_ptepages_count)
except AttributeError:
# Serializing to json here ensure we always catch bugs preventing
# serialization
as_json = json.dumps(memstats)
if print_json:
def TestMemstats(kernel_target, config, lldb_obj, isConnected ):
""" Test the functionality of memstats command
- False on failure
- True on success
if not isConnected:
print("Target is not connected. Cannot test memstats")
return False
res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
lldb_obj.debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().HandleCommand("memstats", res)
result = res.GetOutput()
if result.split(":")[1].strip().find('None') == -1 :
return True
return False
# EndMacro: memstats
# Macro: showpgz
@lldb_command('showpgz', "A", fancy=True)
def PGZSummary(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine to show all live PGZ allocations
Usage: showpgz [-A]
-A show freed entries too
bt = uses = slots = 0
slots = unsigned(kern.GetGlobalVariable('pgz_slots'))
uses = unsigned(kern.GetGlobalVariable('pgz_uses'))
pgzbt = unsigned(kern.GetGlobalVariable('pgz_backtraces'))
guards = unsigned(kern.GetGlobalVariable('zone_guard_pages'))
if uses == 0:
print("PGZ disabled")
if pgzbt == 0:
print("PGZ not initialized yet")
zi = kern.GetGlobalVariable('zone_info')
page_size = unsigned(kern.globals.page_size)
pgz_min = unsigned(zi.zi_pgz_range.min_address) + page_size
pgz_max = unsigned(zi.zi_pgz_range.max_address)
target = LazyTarget.GetTarget()
whatis = kmemory.WhatisProvider.get_shared()
for i, addr in enumerate(range(pgz_min, pgz_max, 2 * page_size)):
mo = whatis.find_provider(addr).lookup(addr)
if not mo.real_addr:
live = mo.status == 'allocated'
if not live and "-A" not in cmd_options:
with O.table("Element {:4d}: {:<#20x} ({:<s})".format(i, mo.elem_addr,
print("PGZ Allocation backtrace:")
for pc in mo.meta.pgz_alloc_bt_frames:
print(" " + GetSourceInformationForAddress(pc))
if not live:
print("PGZ Free backtrace:")
for pc in mo.meta.pgz_free_bt_frames:
print(" " + GetSourceInformationForAddress(pc))
avail = kern.GetGlobalVariable("pgz_slot_avail")
quarantine = kern.GetGlobalVariable("pgz_quarantine")
print("{:<20s}: {:<d}".format("slots", slots))
print("{:<20s}: {:<d}".format("slots_used", slots - avail - quarantine))
print("{:<20s}: {:<d}".format("slots_avail", avail))
print("{:<20s}: {:<d}".format("quarantine", quarantine))
print("{:<20s}: {:<d}".format("sampling", kern.GetGlobalVariable("pgz_sample_rate")))
print("{:<20s}: {:<d}".format("guard pages", guards))
# EndMacro: showpgz
def WhatIsHelper(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to show information about a kernel pointer
Usage: whatis <address>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("No arguments passed")
address = kmemory.KMem.get_shared().make_address(ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0]))
provider = kmemory.WhatisProvider.get_shared().find_provider(address)
mo = provider.lookup(address)
mo.describe(verbose = True)
# Macro: showzcache
@header("{:18s} {:32s} {:>8s} {:>6s} {:>6s} {:>6s} {:>6s} {:>6s} {:>7s} {:<s}".format(
def GetZoneCacheCPUSummary(zone, zone_security, O):
""" Summarize a zone's cache broken up per cpu
zone: value - obj representing a zone in kernel
str - summary of the zone's per CPU cache contents
format_string = '{zone:#018x} {:32s} {cont:8.2f} '
format_string += '{used:6d} {cached:6d} {recirc:6d} {free:6d} {fail:6d} '
format_string += '{zone.z_depot_size:3d}/{zone.z_depot_limit:3d} {cpuinfo:s}'
cache_elem_count = 0
mag_capacity = unsigned(kern.GetGlobalVariable('_zc_mag_size'))
recirc_elem_count = zone.z_recirc.zd_full * mag_capacity
free_elem_count = zone.z_elems_free + recirc_elem_count
cpu_info = ""
if zone.z_pcpu_cache:
depot_cur = 0
depot_full = 0
depot_empty = 0
for cache in IterateZPerCPU(zone.z_pcpu_cache):
depot_cur += unsigned(cache.zc_alloc_cur)
depot_cur += unsigned(cache.zc_free_cur)
depot_full += unsigned(cache.zc_depot.zd_full)
depot_empty += unsigned(cache.zc_depot.zd_empty)
cache_elem_count += depot_cur + depot_full * mag_capacity
cpus = unsigned(kern.globals.zpercpu_early_count)
cpu_info = "total: {:d}, avg: {:.1f}, full: {:d}, emtpy: {:d}".format(
depot_cur, float(depot_cur) / cpus, depot_full, depot_empty)
fail = 0
for stats in IterateZPerCPU(zone.z_stats):
fail += unsigned(stats.zs_alloc_fail)
print(O.format(format_string, ZoneName(zone, zone_security),
cached=cache_elem_count, free=free_elem_count,
used=zone.z_elems_avail - cache_elem_count - free_elem_count,
min_wma = (zone.z_elems_free_wma - zone.z_recirc_full_wma * mag_capacity) // 256,
cont=float(zone.z_recirc_cont_wma) / 256.,
fail=fail, recirc=recirc_elem_count,
zone=zone, cpuinfo = cpu_info))
@lldb_command('showzcache', fancy=True)
def ZcacheCPUPrint(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
Routine to print a summary listing of all the kernel zones cache contents
Usage: showzcache [-V]
Use -V to see more detailed output
global kern
with O.table(GetZoneCacheCPUSummary.header):
if len(cmd_args) == 1:
zone = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct zone *')
zone_array = [z[0] for z in kern.zones]
zid = zone_array.index(zone)
zone_security = kern.zones[zid][1]
GetZoneCacheCPUSummary(zone, zone_security, O);
for zval, zsval in kern.zones:
if zval.z_self:
GetZoneCacheCPUSummary(zval, zsval, O)
# EndMacro: showzcache
def kalloc_array_decode(addr, elt_type):
pac_shift = unsigned(kern.globals.kalloc_array_type_shift)
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
size = None
ptr = None
if pac_shift:
addr = unsigned(addr)
z_mask = 1 << pac_shift
if addr & z_mask:
size = ((addr & 0x10) + 32) << (addr & 0xf)
ptr = addr & ~0x1f
size = (addr & (page_size - 1)) * page_size
ptr = addr & -page_size
if ptr: ptr |= z_mask
KALLOC_ARRAY_PTR_FIX = 0xffff800000000000 # ~0ul << 47
# do not cast to an address, otherwise lldb/lldbwrap will sign-extend
# and erase the top bits that have meaning, and sadness ensues
addr = addr.GetSBValue().GetValueAsUnsigned()
size = addr >> (KALLOC_ARRAY_TYPE_BIT + 1)
if (addr & (1 << KALLOC_ARRAY_TYPE_BIT)):
size *= page_size
if isinstance(elt_type, str):
elt_type = gettype(elt_type)
target = LazyTarget.GetTarget()
ptr = target.xCreateValueFromAddress(None, ptr, elt_type)
return (value(ptr.AddressOf()), size // elt_type.GetByteSize())
# Macro: zprint
def GetZone(zone_val, zs_val, marks, security_marks):
""" Internal function which gets a phython dictionary containing important zone information.
zone_val: value - obj representing a zone in kernel
zone - python dictionary with zone stats
pcpu_scale = 1
if zone_val.z_percpu:
pcpu_scale = unsigned(kern.globals.zpercpu_early_count)
pagesize = kern.globals.page_size
zone = {}
mag_capacity = unsigned(kern.GetGlobalVariable('_zc_mag_size'))
zone["page_count"] = unsigned(zone_val.z_wired_cur) * pcpu_scale
zone["allfree_page_count"] = unsigned(zone_val.z_wired_empty)
cache_elem_count = 0
free_elem_count = zone_val.z_elems_free + zone_val.z_recirc.zd_full * mag_capacity
if zone_val.z_pcpu_cache:
for cache in IterateZPerCPU(zone_val.z_pcpu_cache):
cache_elem_count += unsigned(cache.zc_alloc_cur)
cache_elem_count += unsigned(cache.zc_free_cur)
cache_elem_count += unsigned(cache.zc_depot.zd_full) * mag_capacity
alloc_fail_count = 0
for stats in IterateZPerCPU(zone_val.z_stats):
alloc_fail_count += unsigned(stats.zs_alloc_fail)
zone["alloc_fail_count"] = alloc_fail_count
zone["size"] = zone["page_count"] * pagesize
zone["submap_idx"] = unsigned(zs_val.z_submap_idx)
zone["free_size"] = free_elem_count * zone_val.z_elem_size * pcpu_scale
zone["cached_size"] = cache_elem_count * zone_val.z_elem_size * pcpu_scale
zone["used_size"] = zone["size"] - zone["free_size"] - zone["cached_size"]
zone["element_count"] = zone_val.z_elems_avail - zone_val.z_elems_free - cache_elem_count
zone["cache_element_count"] = cache_elem_count
zone["free_element_count"] = free_elem_count
if zone_val.z_percpu:
zone["allocation_size"] = unsigned(pagesize)
zone["allocation_ncpu"] = unsigned(zone_val.z_chunk_pages)
zone["allocation_size"] = unsigned(zone_val.z_chunk_pages * pagesize)
zone["allocation_ncpu"] = 1
zone["allocation_count"] = unsigned(zone["allocation_size"]) // unsigned(zone_val.z_elem_size)
zone["allocation_waste"] = (zone["allocation_size"] % zone_val.z_elem_size) * zone["allocation_ncpu"]
zone["destroyed"] = bool(getattr(zone_val, 'z_self', None))
for mark, _ in marks:
if mark == "exhaustible":
zone[mark] = int(zone_val.z_wired_max) != 0xffffffff
zone[mark] = bool(getattr(zone_val, mark, None))
for mark, _ in security_marks:
zone[mark] = bool(getattr(zone_val, mark, None))
zone["name"] = ZoneName(zone_val, zs_val)
zone["sequester_page_count"] = (unsigned(zone_val.z_va_cur) -
unsigned(zone_val.z_wired_cur)) * pcpu_scale
zone["page_count_max"] = unsigned(zone_val.z_wired_max) * pcpu_scale
# Ensure the zone is serializable
return zone
@header(("{:<18s} {:_^47s} {:_^24s} {:_^13s} {:_^28s}\n"+
"{:<18s} {:>11s} {:>11s} {:>11s} {:>11s} {:>8s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:>6s} {:>6s} {:>8s} {:>6s} {:>5s} {:>7s} {:<22s} {:<20s}").format(
'', 'SIZE (bytes)', 'ELEMENTS (#)', 'PAGES', 'ALLOC CHUNK CONFIG',
def GetZoneSummary(zone_val, zs_val, marks, security_marks, stats):
""" Summarize a zone with important information. See help zprint for description of each field
zone_val: value - obj representing a zone in kernel
str - summary of the zone
pagesize = kern.globals.page_size
out_string = ""
zone = GetZone(zone_val, zs_val, marks, security_marks)
pcpu_scale = 1
if zone_val.z_percpu:
pcpu_scale = unsigned(kern.globals.zpercpu_early_count)
format_string = '{zone:#018x} {zd[size]:11,d} {zd[used_size]:11,d} {zd[cached_size]:11,d} {zd[free_size]:11,d} '
format_string += '{zd[element_count]:8,d} {zd[cache_element_count]:7,d} {zd[free_element_count]:7,d} '
format_string += '{z_wired_cur:6,d} {z_wired_empty:6,d} '
format_string += '{alloc_size_kb:3,d}K ({zone.z_chunk_pages:d}) '
format_string += '{zd[allocation_count]:6,d} {zd[allocation_waste]:5,d} {z_elem_size:7,d} '
format_string += '{markings:<22s} {zone_name:<20s}'
markings = ""
markings += "I" if zone["destroyed"] else " "
for mark, sigil in marks:
if mark == "exhaustible":
markings += sigil if int(zone_val.z_wired_max) != 0xffffffff else " "
markings += sigil if getattr(zone_val, mark, None) else " "
for mark, sigil in security_marks:
markings += sigil if getattr(zone_val, mark, None) else " "
markings += "%" if zone["submap_idx"] == 1 else " "
alloc_size_kb = zone["allocation_size"] // 1024
out_string += format_string.format(zone=zone_val, zd=zone,
z_wired_cur=unsigned(zone_val.z_wired_cur) * pcpu_scale,
z_wired_empty=unsigned(zone_val.z_wired_empty) * pcpu_scale,
z_elem_size=unsigned(zone_val.z_elem_size) * pcpu_scale,
alloc_size_kb=alloc_size_kb, markings=markings, zone_name=zone["name"])
if zone["exhaustible"] :
out_string += " (max: {:d})".format(zone["page_count_max"] * pagesize)
if zone["sequester_page_count"] != 0 :
out_string += " (sequester: {:d})".format(zone["sequester_page_count"])
stats["cur_size"] += zone["size"]
stats["used_size"] += zone["used_size"]
stats["cached_size"] += zone["cached_size"]
stats["free_size"] += zone["free_size"]
stats["cur_pages"] += zone["page_count"]
stats["free_pages"] += zone["allfree_page_count"]
stats["seq_pages"] += zone["sequester_page_count"]
return out_string
@lldb_command('zprint', "J", fancy=True)
def Zprint(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine to print a summary listing of all the kernel zones
usage: zprint -J
Output json
All columns are printed in decimal
$ - not encrypted during hibernation
% - zone is a read-only zone
A - currently trying to allocate more backing memory from kmem_alloc without VM priv
C - collectable
D - destructible
E - Per-cpu caching is enabled for this zone
G - currently running GC
H - exhaustible
I - zone was destroyed and is no longer valid
L - zone is being logged
O - does not allow refill callout to fill zone on noblock allocation
R - will be refilled when below low water mark
L - zone is LIFO
global kern
marks = [
["collectable", "C"],
["z_destructible", "D"],
["exhaustible", "H"],
["z_elems_rsv", "R"],
["no_callout", "O"],
["z_btlog", "L"],
["z_expander", "A"],
["z_pcpu_cache", "E"],
security_marks = [
["z_noencrypt", "$"],
["z_lifo", "L"],
stats = {
"cur_size": 0, "used_size": 0, "cached_size": 0, "free_size": 0,
"cur_pages": 0, "free_pages": 0, "seq_pages": 0
print_json = False
if "-J" in cmd_options:
print_json = True
if print_json:
zones = []
for zval, zsval in kern.zones:
if zval.z_self:
zones.append(GetZone(zval, zsval, marks, security_marks))
with O.table(GetZoneSummary.header):
for zval, zsval in kern.zones:
if zval.z_self:
print(GetZoneSummary(zval, zsval, marks, security_marks, stats))
format_string = '{VT.Bold}{name:19s} {stats[cur_size]:11,d} {stats[used_size]:11,d} {stats[cached_size]:11,d} {stats[free_size]:11,d} '
format_string += ' '
format_string += '{stats[cur_pages]:6,d} {stats[free_pages]:6,d}{VT.EndBold} '
format_string += '(sequester: {VT.Bold}{stats[seq_pages]:,d}{VT.EndBold})'
print(O.format(format_string, name="TOTALS", filler="", stats=stats))
def TestZprint(kernel_target, config, lldb_obj, isConnected ):
""" Test the functionality of zprint command
- False on failure
- True on success
if not isConnected:
print("Target is not connected. Cannot test memstats")
return False
res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
lldb_obj.debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().HandleCommand("zprint", res)
result = res.GetOutput()
if len(result.split("\n")) > 2:
return True
return False
# EndMacro: zprint
# Macro: showtypes
def GetBelongingKext(addr):
kernel_range_start = kern.GetGlobalVariable('segDATACONSTB')
kernel_range_end = kernel_range_start + kern.GetGlobalVariable(
kernel_range_start = kern.GetGlobalVariable('sconst')
kernel_range_end = kernel_range_start + kern.GetGlobalVariable(
if addr >= kernel_range_start and addr <= kernel_range_end:
kext_name = "__kernel__"
kext_name = FindKmodNameForAddr(addr)
if kext_name is None:
kext_name = "<not loaded>"
return kext_name
def GetHeapIDForView(ktv):
kalloc_type_heap_array = kern.GetGlobalVariable('kalloc_type_heap_array')
kt_var_heaps = kern.GetGlobalVariable('kt_var_heaps') + 1
heap_id = 0
for i in range(kt_var_heaps):
heap = kalloc_type_heap_array[i]
ktv_start = cast(heap.kt_views, "struct kalloc_type_var_view *")
if ktv_start.kt_heap_start == ktv.kt_heap_start:
heap_id = i
return heap_id
def PrintVarHdr():
print(' {0: <24s} {1: <40s} {2: <50s} {3: <20s} {4: <20s}'.format(
"kalloc_type_var_view", "typename", "kext", "signature(hdr)",
def PrintVarType(ktv_cur, prev_types):
typename = str(ktv_cur.kt_name)
typename = typename.split("site.")[1]
sig_hdr = str(ktv_cur.kt_sig_hdr)
sig_type = str(ktv_cur.kt_sig_type)
if typename not in prev_types or prev_types[typename] != [sig_hdr, sig_type]:
print_sig = [sig_hdr, sig_type]
if sig_type == "":
print_sig = ["data-only", ""]
print(' {0: <#24x} {1: <40s} {2: <50s} {3: <20s} {4: <20s}'
.format(ktv_cur, typename, GetBelongingKext(ktv_cur),
print_sig[0], print_sig[1]))
prev_types[typename] = [sig_hdr, sig_type]
def PrintVarTypesPerHeap(idx):
print("Heap: %d" % (idx))
kalloc_type_heap_array = kern.GetGlobalVariable('kalloc_type_heap_array')
kt_var_heaps = kern.GetGlobalVariable('kt_var_heaps') + 1
assert(idx < kt_var_heaps)
heap = kalloc_type_heap_array[idx]
ktv_cur = cast(heap.kt_views, "struct kalloc_type_var_view *")
prev_types = {}
while ktv_cur:
PrintVarType(ktv_cur, prev_types)
ktv_cur = cast(ktv_cur.kt_next, "struct kalloc_type_var_view *")
def ShowAllVarTypes():
print("Variable kalloc type views")
kt_var_heaps = kern.GetGlobalVariable('kt_var_heaps') + 1
for i in range(kt_var_heaps):
def PrintFixedHdr():
print(' {0: <24s} {1: <40s} {2: <50s} {3: <10s}'.format(
"kalloc_type_view", "typename", "kext", "signature"))
def PrintFixedType(kt_cur, prev_types):
typename = str(kt_cur.kt_zv.zv_name)
if "site." in typename:
typename = typename.split("site.")[1]
sig = str(kt_cur.kt_signature)
if typename not in prev_types or prev_types[typename] != sig:
print_sig = sig
if sig == "":
print_sig = "data-only"
print(' {0: <#24x} {1: <40s} {2: <50s} {3: <10s}'.format(
kt_cur, typename, GetBelongingKext(kt_cur), print_sig))
prev_types[typename] = sig
def PrintTypes(z):
kt_cur = cast(z.z_views, "struct kalloc_type_view *")
prev_types = {}
while kt_cur:
PrintFixedType(kt_cur, prev_types)
kt_cur = cast(kt_cur.kt_zv.zv_next, "struct kalloc_type_view *")
def ShowTypesPerSize(size):
kalloc_type_zarray = kern.GetGlobalVariable('kalloc_type_zarray')
num_kt_sizeclass = kern.GetGlobalVariable('num_kt_sizeclass')
for i in range(num_kt_sizeclass):
zone = kalloc_type_zarray[i]
if zone and zone.z_elem_size == size:
while zone:
print("Zone: %s (0x%x)" % (zone.z_name, zone))
zone = zone.z_kt_next
def ShowAllTypes():
kalloc_type_zarray = kern.GetGlobalVariable('kalloc_type_zarray')
num_kt_sizeclass = kern.GetGlobalVariable('num_kt_sizeclass')
for i in range(num_kt_sizeclass):
zone = kalloc_type_zarray[i]
while zone:
print("Zone: %s (0x%x)" % (zone.z_name, zone))
zone = zone.z_kt_next
@lldb_command('showkalloctypes', 'Z:S:K:V')
def ShowKallocTypes(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
prints kalloc types for a zone or sizeclass
Usage: showkalloctypes [-Z <zone pointer or name>] [-S <sizeclass>] [-V]
Use -Z to show kalloc types associated to the specified zone name/ptr
Use -S to show all kalloc types of the specified sizeclass
Use -K to show the type and zone associated with a kalloc type view
Use -V to show all variable sized kalloc types
If no options are provided kalloc types for all zones is printed.
if '-Z' in cmd_options:
zone_arg = cmd_options['-Z']
zone = GetZoneByName(zone_arg)
if not zone:
zone = kern.GetValueFromAddress(zone_arg, 'struct zone *')
raise ArgumentError("Invalid zone {:s}".format(zone_arg))
kalloc_type_var_str = "kalloc.type.var"
zname = str(zone.z_name)
if kalloc_type_var_str in zname:
print("Fixed size typed allocations for zone %s\n" % zname)
zone_array = [z[0] for z in kern.zones]
zid = zone_array.index(zone)
zone_security = kern.zones[zid][1]
if "data.kalloc." in ZoneName(zone, zone_security):
# Print variable kalloc types that get redirected to data heap
print("Variable sized typed allocations\n")
if '-S' in cmd_options:
size = unsigned(cmd_options['-S'])
if size == 0:
raise ArgumentError("Invalid size {:s}".format(cmd_options['-S']))
if '-K' in cmd_options:
ktv_arg = cmd_options['-K']
ktv = kern.GetValueFromAddress(ktv_arg, 'kalloc_type_view_t')
raise ArgumentError("Invalid kalloc type view {:s}".format(ktv_arg))
zone = ktv.kt_zv.zv_zone
# Var views have version info in the first 16bits
if zone & 0xf == 0:
print("View is in zone %s\n" % zone.z_name)
PrintFixedType(ktv, {})
ktv = kern.GetValueFromAddress(ktv_arg, 'kalloc_type_var_view_t')
heap_id = GetHeapIDForView(ktv)
print("View is in heap %d\n" % heap_id)
PrintVarType(ktv, {})
if '-V' in cmd_options:
# EndMacro: showkalloctypes
# Macro: showzchunks
@header("{: <20s} {: <20s} {: <20s} {: <10s} {: <8s} {: <4s} {: >9s}".format(
"Zone", "Metadata", "Page", "Kind", "Queue", "Pgs", "Allocs"))
def GetZoneChunk(zone, meta, queue, O=None):
format_string = "{zone.address: <#20x} "
format_string += "{meta.address: <#20x} {meta.page_addr: <#20x} "
format_string += "{kind:<10s} {queue:<8s} {pgs:<1d}/{chunk:<1d} "
format_string += "{alloc_count: >4d}/{avail_count: >4d}"
alloc_count = avail_count = 0
chunk = zone.chunk_pages
meta_sbv = meta.mo_sbv
if meta_sbv != meta.sbv:
kind = "secondary"
pgs = zone.chunk_pages - meta_sbv.xGetIntegerByName('zm_page_index')
if meta_sbv.xGetIntegerByName('zm_guarded'):
format_string += " {VT.Green}guarded-after{VT.Default}"
kind = "primary"
pgs = meta_sbv.xGetIntegerByName('zm_chunk_len')
if pgs == 0:
pgs = chunk
prev_sbv = meta_sbv.xGetSiblingValueAtIndex(-1)
if prev_sbv.xGetIntegerByName('zm_chunk_len') == GetEnumValue('zm_len_t', 'ZM_PGZ_GUARD'):
format_string += " {VT.Green}guarded-before{VT.Default}"
if pgs == chunk and meta_sbv.xGetIntegerByName('zm_guarded'):
format_string += " {VT.Green}guarded-after{VT.Default}"
alloc_count = meta_sbv.xGetIntegerByName('zm_alloc_size') // zone.elem_outer_size
avail_count = chunk * zone.kmem.page_size // zone.elem_outer_size
return O.format(format_string, zone=zone, meta=meta,
alloc_count=alloc_count, avail_count=avail_count,
queue=queue, kind=kind, pgs=pgs, chunk=chunk)
def ShowZChunksImpl(zone, extra_addr=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
verbose = '-V' in cmd_options
cached = zone.cached()
recirc = zone.recirc()
def do_content(meta, O, indent=False):
with O.table("{:>5s} {:<20s} {:<10s}".format("#", "Element", "State"), indent=indent):
for i, e in enumerate(meta.iter_all(zone)):
if not meta.is_allocated(zone, e):
status = "free"
elif e in cached:
status = "cached"
elif e in recirc:
status = "recirc"
status = "allocated"
print(O.format("{:5d} {:<#20x} {:10s}", i, e, status))
if extra_addr is None:
with O.table(GetZoneChunk.header):
metas = (
(name, meta)
for name in ('full', 'partial', 'empty',)
for meta in zone.iter_page_queue('z_pageq_' + name)
for name, meta in metas:
print(GetZoneChunk(zone, meta, name, O))
if verbose: do_content(meta, O, indent=True);
whatis = kmemory.WhatisProvider.get_shared()
mo = whatis.find_provider(extra_addr).lookup(extra_addr)
if zone.kmem.meta_range.contains(extra_addr):
meta = mo
meta = mo.meta
with O.table(GetZoneChunk.header):
print(GetZoneChunk(zone, meta, "N/A", O))
do_content(meta, O)
@lldb_command('showzchunks', "IV", fancy=True)
def ShowZChunks(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
prints the list of zone chunks, or the content of a given chunk
Usage: showzchunks <zone> [-I] [-V] [address]
Use -I to interpret [address] as a page index
Use -V to show the contents of all the chunks
[address] can by any address belonging to the zone, or metadata
if not cmd_args:
return O.error('missing zone argument')
zone = kmemory.Zone(ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0]))
if len(cmd_args) == 1:
ShowZChunksImpl(zone, cmd_options=cmd_options, O=O)
ShowZChunksImpl(zone, extra_addr=ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1]), cmd_options=cmd_options, O=O)
@lldb_command('showallzchunks', fancy=True)
def ShowAllZChunks(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
prints the list of all zone chunks
Usage: showallzchunks
for zid in range(kmemory.KMem.get_shared().num_zones):
z = kmemory.Zone(zid)
if z.initialized:
ShowZChunksImpl(z, O=O)
# EndMacro: showzchunks
# Macro: zstack stuff
ZSTACK_OPS = { 0: "free", 1: "alloc" }
@lldb_command('showbtref', "A", fancy=True)
def ShowBTRef(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Show a backtrace ref
usage: showbtref <ref...>
btl = kmemory.BTLibrary.get_shared()
for arg in cmd_args:
arg = ArgumentStringToInt(arg)
@lldb_command('_showbtlibrary', fancy=True)
def ShowBTLibrary(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Dump the entire bt library (debugging tool for the bt library itself)
usage: showbtlibrary
target = LazyTarget.GetTarget()
kmem = kmemory.KMem.get_shared()
btl = kmemory.BTLibrary.get_shared()
btl_shift = btl.shift
hdr = "{:<12s} {:<12s} {:<12s} {:>3s} {:>5s} {:<20s}".format(
"btref", "hash", "next", "len", "ref", "stack")
hdr2 = hdr + " {:<20s}".format("smr seq")
with O.table("{:<20s} {:>6s} {:>6s}".format("hash", "idx", "slot")):
loop = (
(i, arr, j, ref)
for i, arr in enumerate(kmem.iter_addresses(target.xIterAsULong(
btl.hash_address, btl.buckets
for j, ref in enumerate(target.xIterAsUInt32(
arr, kmemory.BTLibrary.BTL_HASH_COUNT
if ref
for i, arr, j, ref in loop:
print(O.format("{:#20x} {:6d} {:6d}", arr, i, j))
with O.table(hdr, indent=True):
while ref:
bts = btl.get_stack(ref)
err = ""
h = bts.bts_hash
if (h & 0xff) != j:
err = O.format(" {VT.DarkRed}wrong slot{VT.Default}")
if (h >> (32 - btl_shift)) != i:
err += O.format(" {VT.DarkRed}wrong bucket{VT.Default}")
"{0.bts_ref:#010x} "
"{0.bts_hash:#010x} "
"{0.bts_next:#010x} "
"{0.bts_len:>3d} "
"{0.refcount:>5d} "
bts, err, v=bts.sbv
ref = bts.bts_next
with O.table(hdr2, indent=True):
ref = btl.free_head
while ref:
bts = btl.get_stack(ref)
"{0.bts_ref:#010x} "
"{0.bts_hash:#010x} "
"{0.bts_next:#010x} "
"{0.bts_len:>3d} "
"{0.refcount:>5d} "
"{&v:<#20x} "
bts, v=bts.sbv
ref = bts.next_free
@header("{:<20s} {:<6s} {:>9s}".format("btlog", "type", "count"))
@lldb_command('showbtlog', fancy=True)
def ShowBTLog(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Display a summary of the specified btlog
Usage: showbtlog <btlog address>
if not cmd_args:
return O.error('missing btlog address argument')
btlib = kmemory.BTLibrary.get_shared()
with O.table(ShowBTLog.header):
btl = btlib.btlog_from_address(ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0]))
print(O.format("{0.address:<#20x} {0.btl_type:<6s} {0.btl_count:>9d}", btl))
@lldb_command('showbtlogrecords', 'B:E:C:FR', fancy=True)
def ShowBTLogRecords(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Print all records in the btlog from head to tail.
Usage: showbtlogrecords <btlog addr> [-B <btref>] [-E <addr>] [-F]
-B <btref> limit output to elements with backtrace <ref>
-E <addr> limit output to elements with address <addr>
-C <num> number of elements to show
-F show full backtraces
-R reverse order
if not cmd_args:
return O.error('missing btlog argument')
btref = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_options["-B"]) if "-B" in cmd_options else None
element = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_options["-E"]) if "-E" in cmd_options else None
count = int(cmd_options["-C"], 0) if "-C" in cmd_options else None
reverse = "-R" in cmd_options
btlib = kmemory.BTLibrary.get_shared()
btlog = btlib.btlog_from_address(ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0]))
with O.table("{:<10s} {:<20s} {:>3s} {:<10s}".format("idx", "element", "OP", "backtrace")):
for i, record in enumerate(btlog.iter_records(
wantElement=element, wantBtref=btref, reverse=reverse
print(O.format("{0.index:<10d} {0.address:<#20x} {0.op:>3d} {0.ref:#010x}", record))
if "-F" in cmd_options:
print(*btlib.get_stack(record.ref).symbolicated_frames(prefix=" "), sep="\n")
if count and i >= count:
@lldb_command('zstack_showzonesbeinglogged', fancy=True)
def ZstackShowZonesBeingLogged(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Show all zones which have BTLog enabled.
global kern
with O.table("{:<20s} {:<20s} {:<6s} {:s}".format("zone", "btlog", "type", "name")):
for zval, zsval in kern.zones:
btlog = getattr(zval, 'z_btlog', None)
if not btlog: continue
btlog = kmemory.BTLog(btlog.GetSBValue())
print(O.format("{0:<#20x} {1.address:<#20x} {1.btl_type:<6s} {2:s}",
zval, btlog, ZoneName(zval, zsval)))
@header("{:<8s} {:10s} {:>10s}".format("op", "btref", "count"))
def ZStackShowIndexEntries(O, btlib, btidx):
Helper function to show BTLog index() entries
with O.table(ZStackShowIndexEntries.header):
for ref, op, count in btidx:
print(O.format("{:<8s} {:#010x} {:10d}", ZSTACK_OPS[op], ref, count))
print(*btlib.get_stack(ref).symbolicated_frames(prefix=" "), sep="\n")
@lldb_command('zstack', fancy=True)
def Zstack(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Zone leak debugging: Print the stack trace logged at <index> in the stacks list.
Usage: zstack <btlog addr> <index> [<count>]
If a <count> is supplied, it prints <count> stacks starting at <index>.
The suggested usage is to look at stacks with high percentage of refs (maybe > 25%).
The stack trace that occurs the most is probably the cause of the leak. Use zstack_findleak for that.
if not cmd_args:
return O.error('missing btlog argument')
btlib = kmemory.BTLibrary.get_shared()
btlog = btlib.btlog_from_address(ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0]))
btidx = sorted(btlog.index())
ZStackShowIndexEntries(O, btlib, btidx)
@lldb_command('zstack_inorder', fancy=True)
def ZStackObsolete(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
*** Obsolte macro ***
return O.error("Obsolete macro")
@lldb_command('zstack_findleak', fancy=True)
def zstack_findleak(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Zone leak debugging: search the log and print the stack with the most active entries.
Usage: zstack_findleak <btlog addr> [<count>]
This is useful for verifying a suspected stack as being the source of
the leak.
if not cmd_args:
return O.error('missing btlog argument')
count = 1
if len(cmd_args) > 1:
count = int(cmd_args[1])
btlib = kmemory.BTLibrary.get_shared()
btlog = btlib.btlog_from_address(ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0]))
if not btlog.is_hash():
return O.error('btlog is not a hash')
btidx = sorted(btlog.index(), key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True)
ZStackShowIndexEntries(O, btlib, btidx[:count])
@header("{:<8s} {:10s}".format("op", "btref"))
@lldb_command('zstack_findelem', fancy=True)
def ZStackFindElem(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Zone corruption debugging: search the zone log and print out the stack traces for all log entries that
refer to the given zone element.
Usage: zstack_findelem <btlog addr> <elem addr>
When the kernel panics due to a corrupted zone element,
get the element address and use this command.
This will show you the stack traces of all logged zalloc and zfree
operations which tells you who touched the element in the recent past.
This also makes double-frees readily apparent.
if len(cmd_args) < 2:
return O.error('missing btlog or element argument')
btlib = kmemory.BTLibrary.get_shared()
btlog = btlib.btlog_from_address(ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0]))
addr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1])
prev_op = None
with O.table(ZStackFindElem.header):
for _, _, op, ref in btlog.iter_records(wantElement=addr):
print(O.format("{:<8s} {:#010x}", ZSTACK_OPS[op], ref))
print(*btlib.get_stack(ref).symbolicated_frames(prefix=" "), sep="\n")
if prev_op == op:
O.error("******** double {:s} ********", ZSTACK_OPS[op])
prev_op = op
@lldb_command('zstack_findtop', 'N:', fancy=True)
def ShowZstackTop(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Zone leak debugging: search the log and print the stacks with the most active references
in the stack trace.
Usage: zstack_findtop [-N <n-stacks>] <btlog-addr>
if not cmd_args:
return O.error('missing btlog argument')
count = int(cmd_options.get("-N", 5))
btlib = kmemory.BTLibrary.get_shared()
btlog = btlib.btlog_from_address(ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0]))
btidx = sorted(btlog.index(), key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True)
ZStackShowIndexEntries(O, btlib, btidx[:count])
# EndMacro: zstack stuff
#Macro: showpcpu
@lldb_command('showpcpu', "N:V", fancy=True)
def ShowPCPU(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Show per-cpu variables
usage: showpcpu [-N <cpu>] [-V] <variable name>
Use -N <cpu> to only dump the value for a given CPU number
Use -V to dump the values of the variables after their addresses
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("No arguments passed")
cpu = int(cmd_options["-N"], 0) if "-N" in cmd_options else None
var = kmemory.PERCPUValue(cmd_args[0])
fmt = "{VT.Bold}CPU {cpu:2d}{VT.Reset} ({type} *){addr:#x}"
if "-V" in cmd_options:
fmt = "{VT.Bold}CPU {cpu:2d} ({type} *){addr:#x}{VT.Reset} {v!s}\n"
if cpu is not None:
v = var[cpu]
except IndexError:
raise ArgumentError("Invalid cpu {}".format(cpu))
print(O.format(fmt, cpu=cpu, type=v.GetType().GetDisplayTypeName(), addr=v.GetLoadAddress(), v=v))
for cpu, v in var.items():
print(O.format(fmt, cpu=cpu, type=v.GetType().GetDisplayTypeName(), addr=v.GetLoadAddress(), v=v))
#EndMacro: showpcpu
# Macro: showioalloc
def ShowIOAllocations(cmd_args=None):
""" Show some accounting of memory allocated by IOKit allocators. See ioalloccount man page for details.
Routine to display a summary of memory accounting allocated by IOKit allocators.
print("Instance allocation = {0: <#0x} = {1: d}K".format(kern.globals.debug_ivars_size, kern.globals.debug_ivars_size // 1024))
print("Container allocation = {0: <#0x} = {1: d}K".format(kern.globals.debug_container_malloc_size, kern.globals.debug_container_malloc_size // 1024))
print("IOMalloc allocation = {0: <#0x} = {1: d}K".format(kern.globals.debug_iomalloc_size, kern.globals.debug_iomalloc_size // 1024))
print("Container allocation = {0: <#0x} = {1: d}K".format(kern.globals.debug_iomallocpageable_size, kern.globals.debug_iomallocpageable_size // 1024))
# EndMacro: showioalloc
# Macro: showselectmem
@lldb_command('showselectmem', "S:")
def ShowSelectMem(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Show memory cached by threads on calls to select.
usage: showselectmem [-v]
-v : print each thread's memory
(one line per thread with non-zero select memory)
-S {addr} : Find the thread whose thread-local select set
matches the given address
verbose = False
opt_wqs = 0
if config['verbosity'] > vHUMAN:
verbose = True
if "-S" in cmd_options:
opt_wqs = unsigned(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-S"], 'uint64_t *'))
if opt_wqs == 0:
raise ArgumentError("Invalid waitq set address: {:s}".format(cmd_options["-S"]))
selmem = 0
if verbose:
print("{:18s} {:10s} {:s}".format('Task', 'Thread ID', 'Select Mem (bytes)'))
for t in kern.tasks:
for th in IterateQueue(t.threads, 'thread *', 'task_threads'):
uth = GetBSDThread(th)
wqs = 0
if hasattr(uth, 'uu_allocsize'): # old style
thmem = uth.uu_allocsize
wqs = uth.uu_wqset
elif hasattr(uth, 'uu_wqstate_sz'): # new style
thmem = uth.uu_wqstate_sz
wqs = uth.uu_wqset
print("What kind of uthread is this?!")
if opt_wqs and opt_wqs == unsigned(wqs):
print("FOUND: {:#x} in thread: {:#x} ({:#x})".format(opt_wqs, unsigned(th), unsigned(th.thread_id)))
if verbose and thmem > 0:
print("{:<#18x} {:<#10x} {:d}".format(unsigned(t), unsigned(th.thread_id), thmem))
selmem += thmem
print("Total: {:d} bytes ({:d} kbytes)".format(selmem, selmem // 1024))
# Endmacro: showselectmem
# Macro: showtaskvme
@lldb_command('showtaskvme', "PS")
def ShowTaskVmeHelper(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Display a summary list of the specified vm_map's entries
Usage: showtaskvme <task address> (ex. showtaskvme 0x00ataskptr00 )
Use -S flag to show VM object shadow chains
Use -P flag to show pager info (mapped file, compressed pages, ...)
show_pager_info = False
show_all_shadows = False
if "-P" in cmd_options:
show_pager_info = True
if "-S" in cmd_options:
show_all_shadows = True
task = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task *')
ShowTaskVMEntries(task, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows)
@lldb_command('showallvme', "PS")
def ShowAllVME(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Routine to print a summary listing of all the vm map entries
Go Through each task in system and show the vm memory regions
Use -S flag to show VM object shadow chains
Use -P flag to show pager info (mapped file, compressed pages, ...)
show_pager_info = False
show_all_shadows = False
if "-P" in cmd_options:
show_pager_info = True
if "-S" in cmd_options:
show_all_shadows = True
for task in kern.tasks:
ShowTaskVMEntries(task, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows)
def ShowAllVM(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print a summary listing of all the vm maps
for task in kern.tasks:
print(GetTaskSummary.header + ' ' + GetProcSummary.header)
print(GetTaskSummary(task) + ' ' + GetProcSummary(GetProcFromTask(task)))
def ShowTaskVM(cmd_args=None):
""" Display info about the specified task's vm_map
syntax: (lldb) showtaskvm <task_ptr>
if not cmd_args:
return False
task = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task *')
if not task:
print("Unknown arguments.")
return False
print(GetTaskSummary.header + ' ' + GetProcSummary.header)
print(GetTaskSummary(task) + ' ' + GetProcSummary(GetProcFromTask(task)))
return True
def GetLedgerEntryBalance(template, ledger, idx):
entry = GetLedgerEntryWithTemplate(template, ledger, idx)
return entry['balance']
class VmStats(object):
def __init__(self):
self.wired_count = 0
self.resident_count = 0
self.new_resident_count = 0
self.resident_max = 0
self.internal = 0
self.external = 0
self.reusable = 0
self.footprint = 0
self.footprint_peak = 0
self.compressed = 0
self.compressed_peak = 0
self.compressed_lifetime = 0
def error(self):
error = ''
if self.internal < 0:
error += '*'
if self.external < 0:
error += '*'
if self.reusable < 0:
error += '*'
if self.footprint < 0:
error += '*'
if self.compressed < 0:
error += '*'
if self.compressed_peak < 0:
error += '*'
if self.compressed_lifetime < 0:
error += '*'
if self.new_resident_count +self.reusable != self.resident_count:
error += '*'
return error
def __str__(self):
entry_format = "{s.vmmap.hdr.nentries: >6d} {s.wired_count: >10d} {s.vsize: >10d} {s.resident_count: >10d} {s.new_resident_count: >10d} {s.resident_max: >10d} {s.internal: >10d} {s.external: >10d} {s.reusable: >10d} {s.footprint: >10d} {s.footprint_peak: >10d} {s.compressed: >10d} {s.compressed_peak: >10d} {s.compressed_lifetime: >10d} { >10d} {s.proc_name: <32s} {s.error}"
return entry_format.format(s=self)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __add__(self, other):
self.wired_count += other.wired_count
self.resident_count += other.resident_count
self.new_resident_count += other.new_resident_count
self.resident_max += other.resident_max
self.internal += other.internal
self.external += other.external
self.reusable += other.reusable
self.footprint += other.footprint
self.footprint_peak += other.footprint_peak
self.compressed += other.compressed
self.compressed_peak += other.compressed_peak
self.compressed_lifetime += other.compressed_lifetime
return self
@lldb_command('showallvmstats', 'S:A')
def ShowAllVMStats(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Print a summary of vm statistics in a table format
usage: showallvmstats
A sorting option may be provided of <wired_count, resident_count, resident_max, internal, external, reusable, footprint, footprint_peak, compressed, compressed_peak, compressed_lifetime, new_resident_count, proc_name, pid, vsize>
e.g. to sort by compressed memory use:
showallvmstats -S compressed
Default behavior is to sort in descending order. To use ascending order, you may provide -A.
e.g. to sort by pid in ascending order:
showallvmstats -S pid -A
valid_sorting_options = ['wired_count', 'resident_count', 'resident_max', 'internal', \
'external', 'reusable', 'compressed', 'compressed_peak', \
'compressed_lifetime', 'new_resident_count', \
'proc_name', 'pid', 'vsize', 'footprint']
if ('-S' in cmd_options) and (cmd_options['-S'] not in valid_sorting_options):
raise ArgumentError('Invalid sorting key \'{}\' provided to -S'.format(cmd_options['-S']))
sort_key = cmd_options['-S'] if '-S' in cmd_options else None
ascending_sort = False
if '-A' in cmd_options:
if sort_key is None:
raise ArgumentError('A sorting key must be provided when specifying ascending sorting order')
ascending_sort = True
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
hdr_format = "{:>6s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:<20s} {:1s}"
print(hdr_format.format('#ents', 'wired', 'vsize', 'rsize', 'NEW RSIZE', 'max rsize', 'internal', 'external', 'reusable', 'footprint', 'footprint', 'compressed', 'compressed', 'compressed', 'pid', 'command', ''))
print(hdr_format.format('', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(peak)', '(current)', '(peak)', '(lifetime)', '', '', ''))
total_format = "{0: >6} {s.wired_count: >10d} {1: >10} {s.resident_count: >10d} {s.new_resident_count: >10d} {s.resident_max: >10d} {s.internal: >10d} {s.external: >10d} {s.reusable: >10d} {s.footprint: >10d} {s.footprint_peak: >10d} {s.compressed: >10d} {s.compressed_peak: >10d} {s.compressed_lifetime: >10d} {1: >10} {1: <32}"
ledger_template = kern.globals.task_ledger_template
entry_indices = {}
entry_keys = ['wired_mem', 'phys_mem', 'internal', 'external', 'reusable', 'internal_compressed', 'phys_footprint']
for key in entry_keys:
entry_indices[key] = GetLedgerEntryIndex(ledger_template, key)
assert(entry_indices[key] != -1)
vmstats_totals = VmStats()
vmstats_tasks = []
for task in kern.tasks:
vmstats = VmStats()
proc = GetProcFromTask(task)
vmmap = Cast(, '_vm_map *')
page_size = 1 << int(vmmap.hdr.page_shift)
task_ledgerp = task.ledger
def GetLedgerEntryBalancePages(template, ledger, index):
return GetLedgerEntryBalance(template, ledger, index) // page_size
vmstats.wired_count = GetLedgerEntryBalancePages(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, entry_indices['wired_mem'])
vmstats.resident_count = GetLedgerEntryBalancePages(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, entry_indices['phys_mem'])
vmstats.resident_max = GetLedgerEntryWithTemplate(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, entry_indices['phys_mem'])['lifetime_max'] // page_size
vmstats.internal = GetLedgerEntryBalancePages(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, entry_indices['internal'])
vmstats.external = GetLedgerEntryBalancePages(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, entry_indices['external'])
vmstats.reusable = GetLedgerEntryBalancePages(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, entry_indices['reusable'])
vmstats.footprint = GetLedgerEntryBalancePages(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, entry_indices['phys_footprint'])
vmstats.footprint_peak = GetLedgerEntryWithTemplate(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, entry_indices['phys_footprint'])['lifetime_max'] // page_size
vmstats.compressed = GetLedgerEntryBalancePages(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, entry_indices['internal_compressed'])
vmstats.compressed_peak = GetLedgerEntryWithTemplate(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, entry_indices['internal_compressed'])['lifetime_max'] // page_size
vmstats.compressed_lifetime = GetLedgerEntryWithTemplate(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, entry_indices['internal_compressed'])['credit'] // page_size
vmstats.new_resident_count = vmstats.internal + vmstats.external
vmstats.proc = proc
vmstats.proc_name = GetProcName(proc) = GetProcPID(proc)
vmstats.vmmap = vmmap
vmstats.vsize = unsigned(vmmap.size) // page_size
vmstats.task = task
vmstats_totals += vmstats
if sort_key:
if sort_key:
vmstats_tasks.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x, sort_key), reverse=not ascending_sort)
for vmstats in vmstats_tasks:
print(total_format.format('TOTAL', '', s=vmstats_totals))
def ShowTaskVMEntries(task, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows):
""" Routine to print out a summary listing of all the entries in a vm_map
task - core.value : a object of type 'task *'
print("vm_map entries for task " + hex(task))
if not
print("Task {0: <#020x} has map = 0x0")
return None
vme_list_head =
vme_ptr_type = GetType('vm_map_entry *')
for vme in IterateQueue(vme_list_head, vme_ptr_type, "links"):
print(GetVMEntrySummary(vme, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows))
return None
def ShowMap(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print out info about the specified vm_map
usage: showmap <vm_map>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowMap.__doc__)
map_val = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_map_t')
def ShowMapVME(cmd_args=None):
"""Routine to print out info about the specified vm_map and its vm entries
usage: showmapvme <vm_map>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowMapVME.__doc__)
map_val = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_map_t')
vme_list_head = map_val.hdr.links
vme_ptr_type = GetType('vm_map_entry *')
for vme in IterateQueue(vme_list_head, vme_ptr_type, "links"):
return None
@lldb_command("showrangevme", "N:")
def ShowRangeVME(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
"""Routine to print all vm map entries in the specified kmem range
usage: showrangevme -N <kmem_range_id>
if '-N' in cmd_options:
range_id = unsigned(cmd_options['-N'])
raise ArgumentError("Range ID not specified")
map = kern.globals.kernel_map
range = kern.globals.kmem_ranges[range_id]
start_vaddr = range.min_address
end_vaddr = range.max_address
showmapvme(map, start_vaddr, end_vaddr)
return None
def ShowVmTagBtLog(cmd_args=None):
"""Routine to print vmtag backtracing corresponding to boot-arg "vmtaglog"
usage: showvmtagbtlog
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
map = kern.globals.kernel_map
first_entry =
last_entry = map.hdr.links.prev
entry = first_entry
btrefs = []
while entry != last_entry:
if (entry.vme_kernel_object == 1) \
and (entry.vme_tag_btref != 0) \
and (entry.in_transition == 0):
count = (entry.links.end - entry.links.start) // page_size
btrefs.append((entry.vme_tag_btref, count))
entry =
btrefs.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
btlib = kmemory.BTLibrary.get_shared()
if btrefs:
print('Found {} btrefs in the kernel object\n'.format(len(btrefs)))
for ref, count in btrefs:
print('{}'.format('*' * 80))
print('btref: {:#08x}, count: {}\n'.format(ref, count))
print(*btlib.get_stack(ref).symbolicated_frames(prefix=" "), sep="\n")
print("btrefs from non-kernel object:\n")
btlog = btlib.btlog_from_address(int(kern.globals.vmtaglog_btlog))
btidx = sorted(btlog.index(), key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True)
for ref, _, count in btidx:
print('ref: {:#08x}, count: {}'.format(ref, count))
print(*btlib.get_stack(ref).symbolicated_frames(prefix=" "), sep="\n")
def ShowMapRanges(cmd_args=None):
"""Routine to print out info about the specified vm_map and its vm entries
usage: showmapranges <vm_map>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowMapVME.__doc__)
map_val = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_map_t')
for idx in range(2):
print(GetVMRangeSummary(map_val.user_range[idx], idx))
return None
def GetResidentPageCount(vmmap):
resident_pages = 0
ledger_template = kern.globals.task_ledger_template
if vmmap.pmap != 0 and vmmap.pmap != kern.globals.kernel_pmap and vmmap.pmap.ledger != 0:
idx = GetLedgerEntryIndex(ledger_template, "phys_mem")
phys_mem = GetLedgerEntryBalance(ledger_template, vmmap.pmap.ledger, idx)
resident_pages = phys_mem // kern.globals.page_size
return resident_pages
@lldb_type_summary(['_vm_map *', 'vm_map_t'])
@header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s} {2: <20s} {3: >5s} {4: >5s} {5: <20s} {6: <20s} {7: <7s}".format("vm_map", "pmap", "vm_size", "#ents", "rpage", "hint", "first_free", "pgshift"))
def GetVMMapSummary(vmmap):
""" Display interesting bits from vm_map struct """
out_string = ""
format_string = "{0: <#020x} {1: <#020x} {2: <#020x} {3: >5d} {4: >5d} {5: <#020x} {6: <#020x} {7: >7d}"
vm_size = uint64_t(vmmap.size).value
resident_pages = GetResidentPageCount(vmmap)
first_free = 0
if int(vmmap.holelistenabled) == 0: first_free = vmmap.f_s._first_free
out_string += format_string.format(vmmap, vmmap.pmap, vm_size, vmmap.hdr.nentries, resident_pages, vmmap.hint, first_free, vmmap.hdr.page_shift)
return out_string
@header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s} {2: <5s} {3: >7s} {4: <20s} {5: <20s} {6: <4s}".format("entry", "start", "prot", "#page", "object", "offset", "tag"))
def GetVMEntrySummary(vme):
""" Display vm entry specific information. """
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
out_string = ""
format_string = "{0: <#020x} {1: <#20x} {2: <1x}{3: <1x}{4: <3s} {5: >7d} {6: <#020x} {7: <#020x} {8: >#4x}"
vme_protection = int(
vme_max_protection = int(vme.max_protection)
vme_extra_info_str ="SC-Ds"[int(vme.inheritance)]
if int(vme.is_sub_map) != 0 :
vme_extra_info_str +="s"
elif int(vme.needs_copy) != 0 :
vme_extra_info_str +="n"
num_pages = (unsigned(vme.links.end) - unsigned(vme.links.start)) // page_size
out_string += format_string.format(vme, vme.links.start, vme_protection, vme_max_protection,
vme_extra_info_str, num_pages, get_vme_object(vme), get_vme_offset(vme), vme.vme_alias)
return out_string
@header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s} {2: <20s} {3: <20s}".format("range", "min_address", "max_address", "size"))
def GetVMRangeSummary(vmrange, idx=0):
""" Display vm range specific information. """
range_id = [
out_string = ""
format_string = "{0: <20s} {1: <#020x} {2: <#020x} {3: <#20x}"
range_name = range_id[idx]
min_address = vmrange.min_address
max_address = vmrange.max_address
range_size = max_address - min_address
out_string += format_string.format(range_name, min_address, max_address, range_size)
return out_string
# EndMacro: showtaskvme
def ShowMapWired(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print out a summary listing of all the entries with wired pages in a vm_map
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument", ShowMapWired.__doc__)
map_val = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_map_t')
@lldb_type_summary(['mount *'])
@header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s} {2: <20s} {3: <12s} {4: <12s} {5: <12s} {6: >6s} {7: <30s} {8: <35s} {9: <30s}".format('volume(mp)', 'mnt_data', 'mnt_devvp', 'flag', 'kern_flag', 'lflag', 'type', 'mnton', 'mntfrom', 'iosched supported'))
def GetMountSummary(mount):
""" Display a summary of mount on the system
out_string = ("{mnt: <#020x} {mnt.mnt_data: <#020x} {mnt.mnt_devvp: <#020x} {mnt.mnt_flag: <#012x} " +
"{mnt.mnt_kern_flag: <#012x} {mnt.mnt_lflag: <#012x} {vfs.f_fstypename: >6s} " +
"{vfs.f_mntonname: <30s} {vfs.f_mntfromname: <35s} {iomode: <30s}").format(mnt=mount, vfs=mount.mnt_vfsstat, iomode=('Yes' if (mount.mnt_ioflags & 0x4) else 'No'))
return out_string
def ShowAllMounts(cmd_args=None):
""" Print all mount points
mntlist = kern.globals.mountlist
for mnt in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(mntlist, 'mnt_list'):
lldb_alias('ShowAllVols', 'showallmounts')
def _GetVnodePathName(vnode, vnodename):
""" Internal function to get vnode path string from vnode structure.
vnode - core.value
vnodename - str
returns Nothing. The output will be stored in the static variable.
if not vnode:
if int(vnode.v_flag) & 0x1 and int(hex(vnode.v_mount), 16) !=0:
if int(vnode.v_mount.mnt_vnodecovered):
_GetVnodePathName(vnode.v_mount.mnt_vnodecovered, str(vnode.v_mount.mnt_vnodecovered.v_name) )
_GetVnodePathName(vnode.v_parent, str(vnode.v_parent.v_name))
_GetVnodePathName.output += "/%s" % vnodename
def GetVnodePath(vnode):
""" Get string representation of the vnode
params: vnodeval - value representing vnode * in the kernel
return: str - of format /path/to/something
out_str = ''
if vnode:
if (int(vnode.v_flag) & 0x000001) and int(hex(vnode.v_mount), 16) != 0 and (int(vnode.v_mount.mnt_flag) & 0x00004000) :
out_str += "/"
_GetVnodePathName.output = ''
if abs(vnode.v_name) != 0:
_GetVnodePathName(vnode, str(vnode.v_name))
out_str += _GetVnodePathName.output
out_str += 'v_name = NULL'
_GetVnodePathName.output = ''
return out_str
def ShowVnodePath(cmd_args=None):
""" Prints the path for a vnode
usage: showvnodepath <vnode>
if cmd_args != None and len(cmd_args) > 0 :
vnode_val = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vnode *')
if vnode_val:
# Macro: showvnodedev
def GetVnodeDevInfo(vnode):
""" Internal function to get information from the device type vnodes
params: vnode - value representing struct vnode *
return: str - formatted output information for block and char vnode types passed as param
vnodedev_output = ""
vblk_type = GetEnumValue('vtype::VBLK')
vchr_type = GetEnumValue('vtype::VCHR')
if (vnode.v_type == vblk_type) or (vnode.v_type == vchr_type):
devnode = Cast(vnode.v_data, 'devnode_t *')
devnode_dev =
devnode_major = (devnode_dev >> 24) & 0xff
devnode_minor = devnode_dev & 0x00ffffff
# boilerplate device information for a vnode
vnodedev_output += "Device Info:\n\t vnode:\t\t{:#x}".format(vnode)
vnodedev_output += "\n\t type:\t\t"
if (vnode.v_type == vblk_type):
vnodedev_output += "VBLK"
if (vnode.v_type == vchr_type):
vnodedev_output += "VCHR"
vnodedev_output += "\n\t name:\t\t{:<s}".format(vnode.v_name)
vnodedev_output += "\n\t major, minor:\t{:d},{:d}".format(devnode_major, devnode_minor)
vnodedev_output += "\n\t mode\t\t0{:o}".format(unsigned(devnode.dn_mode))
vnodedev_output += "\n\t owner (u,g):\t{:d} {:d}".format(devnode.dn_uid, devnode.dn_gid)
# decode device specific data
vnodedev_output += "\nDevice Specific Information:\t"
if (vnode.v_type == vblk_type):
vnodedev_output += "Sorry, I do not know how to decode block devices yet!"
vnodedev_output += "\nMaybe you can write me!"
if (vnode.v_type == vchr_type):
# Device information; this is scanty
# range check
if (devnode_major > 42) or (devnode_major < 0):
vnodedev_output += "Invalid major #\n"
# static assignments in conf
elif (devnode_major == 0):
vnodedev_output += "Console mux device\n"
elif (devnode_major == 2):
vnodedev_output += "Current tty alias\n"
elif (devnode_major == 3):
vnodedev_output += "NULL device\n"
elif (devnode_major == 4):
vnodedev_output += "Old pty slave\n"
elif (devnode_major == 5):
vnodedev_output += "Old pty master\n"
elif (devnode_major == 6):
vnodedev_output += "Kernel log\n"
elif (devnode_major == 12):
vnodedev_output += "Memory devices\n"
# Statically linked dynamic assignments
elif unsigned(kern.globals.cdevsw[devnode_major].d_open) == unsigned(kern.GetLoadAddressForSymbol('ptmx_open')):
vnodedev_output += "Cloning pty master not done\n"
#GetVnodeDevCpty(devnode_major, devnode_minor)
elif unsigned(kern.globals.cdevsw[devnode_major].d_open) == unsigned(kern.GetLoadAddressForSymbol('ptsd_open')):
vnodedev_output += "Cloning pty slave not done\n"
#GetVnodeDevCpty(devnode_major, devnode_minor)
vnodedev_output += "RESERVED SLOT\n"
vnodedev_output += "{:#x} is not a device".format(vnode)
return vnodedev_output
def ShowVnodeDev(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to display details of all vnodes of block and character device types
Usage: showvnodedev <address of vnode>
if not cmd_args:
print("No arguments passed")
return False
vnode_val = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vnode *')
if not vnode_val:
print("unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args))
return False
# EndMacro: showvnodedev
# Macro: showvnodelocks
def GetVnodeLock(lockf):
""" Internal function to get information from the given advisory lock
params: lockf - value representing v_lockf member in struct vnode *
return: str - formatted output information for the advisory lock
vnode_lock_output = ''
lockf_flags = lockf.lf_flags
lockf_type = lockf.lf_type
if lockf_flags & 0x20:
vnode_lock_output += ("{: <8s}").format('flock')
if lockf_flags & 0x40:
vnode_lock_output += ("{: <8s}").format('posix')
if lockf_flags & 0x80:
vnode_lock_output += ("{: <8s}").format('prov')
if lockf_flags & 0x10:
vnode_lock_output += ("{: <4s}").format('W')
if lockf_flags & 0x400:
vnode_lock_output += ("{: <8s}").format('ofd')
vnode_lock_output += ("{: <4s}").format('.')
# POSIX file vs advisory range locks
if lockf_flags & 0x40:
lockf_proc = Cast(lockf.lf_id, 'proc *')
vnode_lock_output += ("PID {: <18d}").format(GetProcPID(lockf_proc))
vnode_lock_output += ("ID {: <#019x}").format(int(lockf.lf_id))
# lock type
if lockf_type == 1:
vnode_lock_output += ("{: <12s}").format('shared')
if lockf_type == 3:
vnode_lock_output += ("{: <12s}").format('exclusive')
if lockf_type == 2:
vnode_lock_output += ("{: <12s}").format('unlock')
vnode_lock_output += ("{: <12s}").format('unknown')
# start and stop values
vnode_lock_output += ("{: #018x} ..").format(lockf.lf_start)
vnode_lock_output += ("{: #018x}\n").format(lockf.lf_end)
return vnode_lock_output
@header("{0: <3s} {1: <7s} {2: <3s} {3: <21s} {4: <11s} {5: ^19s} {6: ^17s}".format('*', 'type', 'W', 'held by', 'lock type', 'start', 'end'))
def GetVnodeLocksSummary(vnode):
""" Internal function to get summary of advisory locks for the given vnode
params: vnode - value representing the vnode object
return: str - formatted output information for the summary of advisory locks
out_str = ''
if vnode:
lockf_list = vnode.v_lockf
for lockf_itr in IterateLinkedList(lockf_list, 'lf_next'):
out_str += ("{: <4s}").format('H')
out_str += GetVnodeLock(lockf_itr)
lockf_blocker = lockf_itr.lf_blkhd.tqh_first
while lockf_blocker:
out_str += ("{: <4s}").format('>')
out_str += GetVnodeLock(lockf_blocker)
lockf_blocker = lockf_blocker.lf_block.tqe_next
return out_str
def ShowVnodeLocks(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to display list of advisory record locks for the given vnode address
Usage: showvnodelocks <address of vnode>
if not cmd_args:
print("No arguments passed")
return False
vnode_val = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vnode *')
if not vnode_val:
print("unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args))
return False
# EndMacro: showvnodelocks
# Macro: showproclocks
def ShowProcLocks(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to display list of advisory record locks for the given process
Usage: showproclocks <address of proc>
if not cmd_args:
print("No arguments passed")
return False
proc = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'proc *')
if not proc:
print("unknown arguments:", str(cmd_args))
return False
out_str = ''
proc_filedesc = addressof(proc.p_fd)
fd_ofiles = proc_filedesc.fd_ofiles
seen = 0
for fd in range(0, unsigned(proc_filedesc.fd_afterlast)):
if fd_ofiles[fd]:
fglob = fd_ofiles[fd].fp_glob
fo_type = fglob.fg_ops.fo_type
if fo_type == 1:
fg_data = Cast(fglob.fg_data, 'void *')
fg_vnode = Cast(fg_data, 'vnode *')
name = fg_vnode.v_name
lockf_itr = fg_vnode.v_lockf
if lockf_itr:
if not seen:
seen = seen + 1
out_str += ("\n( fd {:d}, name ").format(fd)
if not name:
out_str += "(null) )\n"
out_str += "{:s} )\n".format(name)
print("\n{0: d} total locks for {1: #018x}".format(seen, proc))
# EndMacro: showproclocks
@lldb_type_summary(["cs_blob *"])
@md_header("{:<20s} {:<20s} {:<8s} {:<8s} {:<15s} {:<15s} {:<15s} {:<20s} {:<10s} {:<15s} {:<40s} {:>50s}", ["vnode", "ro_addr", "base", "start", "end", "mem_size", "mem_offset", "mem_kaddr", "profile?", "team_id", "cdhash", "vnode_name"])
@header("{:<20s} {:<20s} {:<8s} {:<8s} {:<15s} {:<15s} {:<15s} {:<20s} {:<10s} {:<15s} {:<40s} {:>50s}".format("vnode", "ro_addr", "base", "start", "end", "mem_size", "mem_offset", "mem_kaddr", "profile?", "team_id", "cdhash", "vnode_name"))
def GetCSBlobSummary(cs_blob, markdown=False):
""" Get a summary of important information out of csblob
format_defs = ["{:<#20x}", "{:<#20x}", "{:<8d}", "{:<8d}", "{:<15d}", "{:<15d}", "{:<15d}", "{:<#20x}", "{:<10s}", "{:<15s}", "{:<40s}", "{:>50s}"]
if not markdown:
format_str = " ".join(format_defs)
format_str = "|" + "|".join(format_defs) + "|"
vnode = cs_blob.csb_vnode
ro_addr = cs_blob.csb_ro_addr
base_offset = cs_blob.csb_base_offset
start_offset = cs_blob.csb_start_offset
end_offset = cs_blob.csb_end_offset
mem_size = cs_blob.csb_mem_size
mem_offset = cs_blob.csb_mem_offset
mem_kaddr = cs_blob.csb_mem_kaddr
hasProfile = int(cs_blob.profile_kaddr) != 0
team_id_ptr = int(cs_blob.csb_teamid)
team_id = ""
if team_id_ptr != 0:
team_id = str(cs_blob.csb_teamid)
elif cs_blob.csb_platform_binary == 1:
team_id = "platform"
team_id = "<no team>"
cdhash = ""
for i in range(20):
cdhash += "{:02x}".format(cs_blob.csb_cdhash[i])
name_ptr = int(vnode.v_name)
name =""
if name_ptr != 0:
name = str(vnode.v_name)
return format_str.format(vnode, ro_addr, base_offset, start_offset, end_offset, mem_size, mem_offset, mem_kaddr, "Y" if hasProfile else "N", team_id, cdhash, name)
def iterate_all_cs_blobs(onlyUmanaged=False):
mntlist = kern.globals.mountlist
for mntval in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(mntlist, 'mnt_list'):
for vnode in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(mntval.mnt_vnodelist, 'v_mntvnodes'):
vtype = int(vnode.v_type)
## We only care about REG files
if (vtype == 1) and (vnode.v_un.vu_ubcinfo != 0):
cs_blob_ptr = int(vnode.v_un.vu_ubcinfo.cs_blobs)
while cs_blob_ptr != 0:
cs_blob = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cs_blob_ptr, "cs_blob *")
cs_blob_ptr = int(cs_blob.csb_next)
if onlyUmanaged:
pmapEntryPtr = int(cs_blob.csb_csm_obj)
if pmapEntryPtr != 0:
pmapEntry = kern.GetValueFromAddress(pmapEntryPtr, "struct pmap_cs_code_directory *")
if int(pmapEntry.managed) != 0:
yield cs_blob
def ShowAllCSBlobs(cmd_args=[]):
""" Display info about all cs_blobs associated with vnodes
Usage: showallcsblobs [unmanaged] [markdown]
If you pass in unmanaged, the output will be restricted to those objects
that are stored in VM_KERN_MEMORY_SECURITY as kobjects
If you pass in markdown, the output will be a nicely formatted markdown
table that can be pasted around.
options = {"unmanaged", "markdown"}
if len(set(cmd_args).difference(options)) > 0:
print("Unknown options: see help showallcsblobs for usage")
markdown = "markdown" in cmd_args
if not markdown:
sorted_blobs = sorted(iterate_all_cs_blobs(onlyUmanaged="unmanaged" in cmd_args), key=lambda blob: int(blob.csb_mem_size), reverse=True)
for csblob in sorted_blobs:
print(GetCSBlobSummary(csblob, markdown=markdown))
def meanof(data):
return sum(data) / len(data)
def pstddev(data):
mean = meanof(data)
ssum = 0
for v in data:
ssum += (v - mean) ** 2
return math.sqrt(ssum / len(data))
def TriageCSBlobMemoryUsage(cmd_args=[]):
""" Display statistics on cs_blob memory usage in the VM_KERN_MEMORY_SECURITY tag
Usage: triagecsblobmemory [dump] [all]
If you pass in all, the statistics will NOT be restricted to the VM_KERN_MEMORY_SECURITY tag.
if you pass in dump, after the triage is finished a json blob with vnode names and
the associated memory usage will be generated.
options = {"dump", "all"}
if len(set(cmd_args).difference(options)) > 0:
print("Unknown options: see help triagecsblobmemory for usage")
sorted_blobs = sorted(iterate_all_cs_blobs(onlyUmanaged="all" not in cmd_args), key=lambda blob: int(blob.csb_mem_size), reverse=True)
blob_usages = [int(csblob.csb_mem_size) for csblob in sorted_blobs]
print("Total unmanaged blobs: ", len(blob_usages))
print("Total unmanaged memory usage {:.0f}K".format(sum(blob_usages)/1024))
print("Average blob size: {:.0f} +- {:.0f} bytes".format(meanof(blob_usages), pstddev(blob_usages)))
if "dump" in cmd_args:
perps = dict()
for blob in sorted_blobs:
name_ptr = int(blob.csb_vnode.v_name)
if name_ptr != 0:
name = str(blob.csb_vnode.v_name)
if name in perps:
perps[name] = [int(blob.csb_mem_size)]
print("Skipped blob because it has no vnode name:", blob)
@lldb_type_summary(['vnode_t', 'vnode *'])
@header("{0: <20s} {1: >8s} {2: >9s} {3: >8s} {4: <20s} {5: <6s} {6: <20s} {7: <6s} {8: <6s} {9: <35s}".format('vnode', 'usecount', 'kusecount', 'iocount', 'v_data', 'vtype', 'parent', 'mapped', 'cs_version', 'name'))
def GetVnodeSummary(vnode):
""" Get a summary of important information out of vnode
out_str = ''
format_string = "{0: <#020x} {1: >8d} {2: >8d} {3: >8d} {4: <#020x} {5: <6s} {6: <#020x} {7: <6s} {8: <6s} {9: <35s}"
usecount = int(vnode.v_usecount)
kusecount = int(vnode.v_kusecount)
iocount = int(vnode.v_iocount)
v_data_ptr = int(hex(vnode.v_data), 16)
vtype = int(vnode.v_type)
vtype_str = "%d" % vtype
vnode_types = ['VNON', 'VREG', 'VDIR', 'VBLK', 'VCHR', 'VLNK', 'VSOCK', 'VFIFO', 'VBAD', 'VSTR', 'VCPLX'] # see vnode.h for enum type definition
if vtype >= 0 and vtype < len(vnode_types):
vtype_str = vnode_types[vtype]
parent_ptr = int(hex(vnode.v_parent), 16)
name_ptr = int(hex(vnode.v_name), 16)
name =""
if name_ptr != 0:
name = str(vnode.v_name)
elif int(vnode.v_tag) == 16 :
cnode = Cast(vnode.v_data, 'cnode *')
name = "hfs: %s" % str( Cast(cnode.c_desc.cd_nameptr, 'char *'))
print("Failed to cast 'cnode *' type likely due to missing HFS kext symbols.")
print("Please run 'addkext -N' to load HFS kext symbols.")
mapped = '-'
csblob_version = '-'
if (vtype == 1) and (vnode.v_un.vu_ubcinfo != 0):
csblob_version = '{: <6d}'.format(vnode.v_un.vu_ubcinfo.cs_add_gen)
# Check to see if vnode is mapped/unmapped
if (vnode.v_un.vu_ubcinfo.ui_flags & 0x8) != 0:
mapped = '1'
mapped = '0'
out_str += format_string.format(vnode, usecount, kusecount, iocount, v_data_ptr, vtype_str, parent_ptr, mapped, csblob_version, name)
return out_str
def ShowAllVnodes(cmd_args=None):
""" Display info about all vnodes
mntlist = kern.globals.mountlist
for mntval in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(mntlist, 'mnt_list'):
for vnodeval in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(mntval.mnt_vnodelist, 'v_mntvnodes'):
def ShowVnode(cmd_args=None):
""" Display info about one vnode
usage: showvnode <vnode>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Please provide valid vnode argument. Type help showvnode for help.")
vnodeval = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0],'vnode *')
def ShowVolVnodes(cmd_args=None):
""" Display info about all vnodes of a given mount_t
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Please provide a valide mount_t argument. Try 'help showvolvnodes' for help")
mntval = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'mount_t')
for vnodeval in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(mntval.mnt_vnodelist, 'v_mntvnodes'):
def ShowVolBusyVnodes(cmd_args=None):
""" Display info about busy (iocount!=0) vnodes of a given mount_t
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Please provide a valide mount_t argument. Try 'help showvolbusyvnodes' for help")
mntval = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'mount_t')
for vnodeval in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(mntval.mnt_vnodelist, 'v_mntvnodes'):
if int(vnodeval.v_iocount) != 0:
def ShowAllBusyVnodes(cmd_args=None):
""" Display info about all busy (iocount!=0) vnodes
mntlistval = kern.globals.mountlist
for mntval in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(mntlistval, 'mnt_list'):
def PrintVnode(cmd_args=None):
""" Prints out the fields of a vnode struct
Usage: print_vnode <vnode>
if not cmd_args:
print("Please provide valid vnode argument. Type help print_vnode for help.")
def ShowWorkqVnodes(cmd_args=None):
""" Print the vnode worker list
Usage: showworkqvnodes <struct mount *>
if not cmd_args:
print("Please provide valid mount argument. Type help showworkqvnodes for help.")
mp = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'mount *')
vp = Cast(mp.mnt_workerqueue.tqh_first, 'vnode *')
while int(vp) != 0:
vp = vp.v_mntvnodes.tqe_next
def ShowNewVnodes(cmd_args=None):
""" Print the new vnode list
Usage: shownewvnodes <struct mount *>
if not cmd_args:
print("Please provide valid mount argument. Type help shownewvnodes for help.")
mp = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'mount *')
vp = Cast(mp.mnt_newvnodes.tqh_first, 'vnode *')
while int(vp) != 0:
vp = vp.v_mntvnodes.tqe_next
def ShowProcVnodes(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print out all the open fds which are vnodes in a process
Usage: showprocvnodes <proc *>
if not cmd_args:
print("Please provide valid proc argument. Type help showprocvnodes for help.")
procptr = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'proc *')
fdptr = addressof(procptr.p_fd)
if int(fdptr.fd_cdir) != 0:
print('{0: <25s}\n{1: <s}\n{2: <s}'.format('Current Working Directory:', GetVnodeSummary.header, GetVnodeSummary(fdptr.fd_cdir)))
if int(fdptr.fd_rdir) != 0:
print('{0: <25s}\n{1: <s}\n{2: <s}'.format('Current Root Directory:', GetVnodeSummary.header, GetVnodeSummary(fdptr.fd_rdir)))
print('\n' + '{0: <5s} {1: <7s} {2: <20s} '.format('fd', 'flags', 'fileglob') + GetVnodeSummary.header)
for fd in range(fdptr.fd_nfiles):
fproc = fdptr.fd_ofiles[fd]
if unsigned(fproc) != 0:
fglob = fproc.fp_glob
if (unsigned(fglob) != 0) and (unsigned(fglob.fg_ops.fo_type) == 1):
flags = ""
if (fproc.fp_flags & GetEnumValue('fileproc_flags_t', 'FP_CLOEXEC')):
flags += 'E'
if (fproc.fp_flags & GetEnumValue('fileproc_flags_t', 'FP_CLOFORK')):
flags += 'F'
if (fdptr.fd_ofileflags[fd] & 4):
flags += 'R'
if (fdptr.fd_ofileflags[fd] & 8):
flags += 'C'
# Strip away PAC to avoid LLDB accessing memory through signed pointers below.
fgdata = kern.GetValueFromAddress(kern.StripKernelPAC(fglob.fg_data), 'vnode *')
print('{0: <5d} {1: <7s} {2: <#020x} '.format(fd, flags, fglob) + GetVnodeSummary(fgdata))
def ShowAllProcVnodes(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print out all the open fds which are vnodes
procptr = Cast(kern.globals.allproc.lh_first, 'proc *')
while procptr and int(procptr) != 0:
print('{:<s}'.format("=" * 106))
procptr = procptr.p_list.le_next
def TestShowAllVnodes(kernel_target, config, lldb_obj, isConnected ):
""" Test the functionality of vnode related commands
- False on failure
- True on success
if not isConnected:
print("Target is not connected. Cannot test memstats")
return False
res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
lldb_obj.debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().HandleCommand("showallvnodes", res)
result = res.GetOutput()
if len(result.split("\n")) > 2 and result.find('VREG') != -1 and len(result.splitlines()[2].split()) > 5:
return True
return False
#Macro: showlock
@lldb_type_summary(['lck_mtx_t *'])
@header("===== Mutex Lock Summary =====")
def GetMutexLockSummary(mtx):
""" Summarize mutex lock with important information.
mtx: value - obj representing a mutex lock in kernel
out_str - summary of the mutex lock
if not mtx:
return "Invalid lock value: 0x0"
grp = getLockGroupFromCgidInternal(mtx.lck_mtx_grp)
if kern.arch == "x86_64":
out_str = "Lock Type : MUTEX\n"
if mtx.lck_mtx_state == 0x07fe2007 :
out_str += "*** Tagged as DESTROYED ({:#x}) ***\n".format(mtx.lck_mtx_state)
out_str += "Number of Waiters : {mtx.lck_mtx_waiters:#d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
out_str += "ILocked : {mtx.lck_mtx_ilocked:#d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
out_str += "MLocked : {mtx.lck_mtx_mlocked:#d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
out_str += "Pri : {mtx.lck_mtx_pri:#d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
out_str += "Spin : {mtx.lck_mtx_spin:#d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
out_str += "Profiling : {mtx.lck_mtx_profile:#d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
out_str += "Group : {grp.lck_grp_name:s} ({grp:#x})\n".format(grp=grp)
out_str += "Owner Thread : {:#x}\n".format(getThreadFromCtidInternal(mtx.lck_mtx_owner))
out_str = "Lock Type : MUTEX\n"
if mtx.lck_mtx_type != GetEnumValue('lck_type_t', 'LCK_TYPE_MUTEX') or == 0xc0fe2007:
out_str += "*** Likely DESTROYED ***\n"
out_str += "ILocked : {mtx.lck_mtx.ilocked:#d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
out_str += "Spin : {mtx.lck_mtx.spin_mode:#d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
out_str += "Needs Wakeup : {mtx.lck_mtx.needs_wakeup:#d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
out_str += "Profiling : {mtx.lck_mtx.profile:#d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
out_str += "Group : {grp.lck_grp_name:s} ({grp:#x})\n".format(grp=grp)
out_str += "Owner Thread : {:#x}\n".format(getThreadFromCtidInternal(mtx.lck_mtx.owner))
out_str += "Turnstile : {:#x}\n".format(getTurnstileFromCtidInternal(mtx.lck_mtx_tsid))
mcs_ilk_next_map = {}
if mtx.lck_mtx.as_tail or mtx.lck_mtx.ilk_tail:
for cpu in range(0, kern.globals.zpercpu_early_count):
mcs = kern.PERCPU_GET('lck_mcs', cpu).mcs_mtx
if unsigned(mcs.lmm_ilk_current) != unsigned(mtx):
if mcs.lmm_ilk_next:
mcs_ilk_next_map[unsigned(mcs.lmm_ilk_next)] = cpu | 0x4000
idx = unsigned(mtx.lck_mtx.as_tail)
s = set()
q = []
while idx:
mcs = addressof(kern.PERCPU_GET('lck_mcs', idx & 0x3fff).mcs_mtx)
q.append(((idx & 0x3fff), mcs))
if idx in s: break
idx = unsigned(mcs.lmm_as_prev)
from misc import GetCpuDataForCpuID
out_str += "Adapt. spin tail : {mtx.lck_mtx.as_tail:d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
for (cpu, mcs) in q:
out_str += " CPU {:2d}, thread {:#x}, node {:d}\n".format(
cpu, GetCpuDataForCpuID(cpu).cpu_active_thread, mcs)
idx = unsigned(mtx.lck_mtx.ilk_tail)
q = []
s = set()
while idx:
mcs = addressof(kern.PERCPU_GET('lck_mcs', idx & 0x3fff).mcs_mtx)
q.append((idx & 0x3fff, mcs))
if idx in s: break
idx = unsigned(mcs_ilk_next_map.get(unsigned(mcs), 0))
out_str += "Interlock tail : {mtx.lck_mtx.ilk_tail:d}\n".format(mtx=mtx)
for (cpu, mcs) in q:
out_str += " CPU {:2d}, thread {:#x}, node {:d}\n".format(
cpu, GetCpuDataForCpuID(cpu).cpu_active_thread, mcs)
return out_str
@header("===== HWTicketLock Summary =====")
def GetHWTicketLockSummary(tu, show_header):
""" Summarize hw ticket lock with important information.
tu value - obj representing a hw_lck_ticket_t in kernel
out_str - summary of the lock
out_str = ""
if tu.lck_type != GetEnumValue('lck_type_t', 'LCK_TYPE_TICKET'):
out_str += "HW Ticket Lock does not have the right type\n"
elif show_header:
out_str += "Lock Type\t\t: HW TICKET LOCK\n"
if not(tu.lck_valid):
out_str += "HW Ticket Lock was invalidated\n"
out_str += "Current Ticket\t\t: {:#x}\n".format(tu.cticket)
out_str += "Next Ticket\t\t: {:#x}\n".format(tu.nticket)
if tu.lck_is_pv:
out_str += "Lock is a paravirtualized lock\n"
return out_str
@lldb_type_summary(['lck_ticket_t *'])
@header("===== TicketLock Summary =====")
def GetTicketLockSummary(tlock):
""" Summarize ticket lock with important information.
tlock: value - obj representing a ticket lock in kernel
out_str - summary of the ticket lock
if not tlock:
return "Invalid lock value: 0x0"
out_str = "Lock Type\t\t: TICKETLOCK\n"
if tlock.lck_ticket_type != GetEnumValue('lck_type_t', 'LCK_TYPE_TICKET'):
out_str += "Ticket Lock Invalid\n"
if tlock.lck_ticket_type == GetEnumValue('lck_type_t', 'LCK_TYPE_NONE'):
out_str += "*** Likely DESTROYED ***\n"
return out_str
out_str += GetHWTicketLockSummary(tlock.tu, False)
out_str += "Owner Thread\t\t: "
if tlock.lck_ticket_owner == 0:
out_str += "None\n"
out_str += "{:#x}\n".format(getThreadFromCtidInternal(tlock.lck_ticket_owner))
return out_str
@lldb_type_summary(['lck_spin_t *'])
@header("===== SpinLock Summary =====")
def GetSpinLockSummary(spinlock):
""" Summarize spinlock with important information.
spinlock: value - obj representing a spinlock in kernel
out_str - summary of the spinlock
if not spinlock:
return "Invalid lock value: 0x0"
out_str = "Lock Type\t\t: SPINLOCK\n"
if kern.arch == "x86_64":
out_str += "Interlock\t\t: {:#x}\n".format(spinlock.interlock)
return out_str
if spinlock.type != LCK_SPIN_TYPE:
out_str += "Spinlock Invalid"
return out_str
lock_data = spinlock.hwlock.lock_data
if lock_data == 1:
out_str += "Invalid state: interlock is locked but no owner\n"
return out_str
out_str += "Owner Thread\t\t: "
if lock_data == 0:
out_str += "None\n"
out_str += "{:#x}\n".format(lock_data & ~0x1)
if (lock_data & 1) == 0:
out_str += "Invalid state: owned but interlock bit is not set\n"
return out_str
@lldb_type_summary(['lck_rw_t *'])
@header("===== RWLock Summary =====")
def GetRWLockSummary(rwlock):
""" Summarize rwlock with important information.
rwlock: value - obj representing a lck_rw_lock in kernel
out_str - summary of the rwlock
if not rwlock:
return "Invalid lock value: 0x0"
out_str = "Lock Type\t\t: RWLOCK\n"
if rwlock.lck_rw_type != GetEnumValue('lck_type_t', 'LCK_TYPE_RW'):
out_str += "*** Likely DESTROYED ***\n"
lock_word = rwlock.lck_rw
out_str += "Blocking\t\t: "
if lock_word.can_sleep == 0:
out_str += "FALSE\n"
out_str += "TRUE\n"
if lock_word.priv_excl == 0:
out_str += "Recusive\t\t: shared recursive\n"
out_str += "Interlock\t\t: {:#x}\n".format(lock_word.interlock)
out_str += "Writer bits\t\t: "
if lock_word.want_upgrade == 0 and lock_word.want_excl == 0:
out_str += "-\n"
if lock_word.want_upgrade == 1:
out_str += "Read-to-write upgrade requested"
if lock_word.want_excl == 1:
out_str += ","
out_str += "\n"
if lock_word.want_excl == 1:
out_str += "Write ownership requested\n"
out_str += "Write owner\t\t: {:#x}\n".format(getThreadFromCtidInternal(rwlock.lck_rw_owner))
out_str += "Reader(s) \t\t: "
if lock_word.shared_count > 0:
out_str += "{:#d}\n".format(lock_word.shared_count)
out_str += "No readers\n"
if lock_word.r_waiting == 1:
out_str += "Reader(s) blocked\t: TRUE\n"
if lock_word.w_waiting == 1:
out_str += "Writer(s) blocked\t: TRUE\n"
return out_str
@lldb_command('showlock', 'HMRST')
def ShowLock(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Show info about a lock - its state and owner thread details
Usage: showlock <address of a lock>
-H : to consider <addr> as hw_lck_ticket_t
-M : to consider <addr> as lck_mtx_t
-R : to consider <addr> as lck_rw_t
-S : to consider <addr> as lck_spin_t
-T : to consider <addr> as lck_ticket_t
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Please specify the address of the lock whose info you want to view.")
summary_str = ""
addr = cmd_args[0]
## from osfmk/arm/locks.h
if "-M" in cmd_options:
lock_mtx = kern.GetValueFromAddress(addr, 'struct lck_mtx_s *')
summary_str = GetMutexLockSummary(lock_mtx)
elif "-S" in cmd_options:
lock_spin = kern.GetValueFromAddress(addr, 'struct lck_spin_s *')
summary_str = GetSpinLockSummary(lock_spin)
elif "-H" in cmd_options:
tu = kern.GetValueFromAddress(addr, 'union hw_lck_ticket_s *')
summary_str = GetHWTicketLockSummary(tu, True)
elif "-T" in cmd_options:
tlock = kern.GetValueFromAddress(addr, 'struct lck_ticket_s *')
summary_str = GetTicketLockSummary(tlock)
elif "-R" in cmd_options:
lock_rw = kern.GetValueFromAddress(addr, 'struct lck_rw_s *')
summary_str = GetRWLockSummary(lock_rw)
summary_str = "Please specify supported lock option(-H/-M/-R/-S/-T)"
#EndMacro: showlock
def getThreadRW(thread, debug, elem_find, force_print):
""" Helper routine for finding per thread rw lock:
String with info
out = ""
## if we are not in debug mode do not access thread.rw_lock_held
if not debug:
if not force_print:
if thread.rwlock_count == 0:
return out
out = "{:<19s} {:>19s} \n".format("Thread", "rwlock_count")
out += "{:<#19x} ".format(thread)
out += "{:>19d} ".format(thread.rwlock_count)
return out
rw_locks_held = thread.rw_lock_held
if not force_print:
if thread.rwlock_count == 0 and rw_locks_held.rwld_locks_acquired == 0:
return out
out = "{:<19s} {:>19s} {:>19s} {:>29s}\n".format("Thread", "rwlock_count", "rwlock_acquired", "RW_Debug_info_missing")
out += "{:<#19x} ".format(thread)
out += "{:>19d} ".format(thread.rwlock_count)
out += "{:>19d} ".format(rw_locks_held.rwld_locks_acquired)
if rw_locks_held.rwld_overflow:
out += "{:>29s}\n".format("TRUE")
out += "{:>29s}\n".format("FALSE")
kmem = kmemory.KMem.get_shared()
found = set()
if rw_locks_held.rwld_locks_saved > 0:
lock_entry = rw_locks_held.rwld_locks
num_entry = sizeof(lock_entry) // sizeof(lock_entry[0])
out += "{:>10s} {:<19s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:<19s}\n".format(" ", "Lock", "Write", "Read", " ", "Caller")
for i in range(num_entry):
entry = lock_entry[i]
if entry.rwlde_lock:
out += "{:>10s} ".format(" ")
out += "{:<#19x} ".format(entry.rwlde_lock)
write = 0
read = 0
if entry.rwlde_mode_count < 0:
write = 1
if entry.rwlde_mode_count > 0:
read = entry.rwlde_mode_count
out += "{:>10d} ".format(write)
out += "{:>10d} ".format(read)
out += "{:>10s} ".format(" ")
caller = kmem.rwlde_caller_packing.unpack(unsigned(entry.rwlde_caller_packed))
out += "{:<#19x}\n".format(caller)
if elem_find != 0:
if elem_find in found:
return out
return ""
return out
def rwLockDebugDisabled():
## LCK_OPTION_DISABLE_RW_DEBUG 0x10 from lock_types.h
if (kern.globals.LcksOpts and 0x10) == 0x10:
return True
return False
def ShowThreadRWLck(cmd_args = None):
""" Routine to print a best effort summary of rwlocks held
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Please specify the thread pointer")
thread = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'thread_t')
if not thread:
raise ArgumentError("Invalid thread pointer")
debug = True
if rwLockDebugDisabled():
print("WARNING: Best effort per-thread rwlock tracking is OFF\n")
debug = False
string = getThreadRW(thread, debug, 0, True)
if len(string): print(string)
# EndMacro: showthreadrwlck
def ShowAllRWLckHeld(cmd_args = None):
""" Routine to print a summary listing of all read/writer locks
tracked per thread
debug = True
if rwLockDebugDisabled():
print("WARNING: Best effort per-thread rwlock tracking is OFF\n")
debug = False
for t in kern.tasks:
for th in IterateQueue(t.threads, 'thread *', 'task_threads'):
string = getThreadRW(th, debug, 0, False)
if len(string): print(string)
# EndMacro: showallrwlckheld
def tryFindRwlckHolders(cmd_args = None):
""" Best effort routing to find the current holders of
a rwlock
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Please specify a rw_lock_t pointer")
if rwLockDebugDisabled():
print("WARNING: Best effort per-thread rwlock tracking is OFF\n")
print("This is a best effort mechanism, if threads have lock info missing we might not be able to find the lock.\n")
rw_to_find = cmd_args[0]
for t in kern.tasks:
for th in IterateQueue(t.threads, 'thread *', 'task_threads'):
string = getThreadRW(th, True, rw_to_find, False)
if len(string): print(string)
# EndMacro: tryfindrwlckholders
def clz64(var):
var = unsigned(var)
if var == 0:
return 64
c = 63
while (var & (1 << c)) == 0:
c -= 1
return 63 - c
def getThreadFromCtidInternal(ctid):
CTID_MASK = (1 << 20) - 1
nonce = unsigned(kern.globals.ctid_nonce)
if not ctid:
return kern.GetValueFromAddress(0, 'struct thread *')
# unmangle the compact TID
ctid = unsigned(ctid ^ nonce)
if ctid == CTID_MASK:
ctid = nonce
index = clz64(CTID_BASE_TABLE) - clz64(ctid | (CTID_BASE_TABLE - 1)) + 1
table = kern.globals.ctid_table
return cast(table.cidt_array[index][ctid], 'struct thread *')
def getLockGroupFromCgidInternal(cgid):
CGID_MASK = 0xffff
cgid &= CGID_MASK
if not cgid:
return kern.GetValueFromAddress(0, 'lck_grp_t *')
index = clz64(CGID_BASE_TABLE) - clz64(cgid | (CGID_BASE_TABLE - 1)) + 1
table = kern.globals.lck_grp_table
return cast(table.cidt_array[index][cgid], 'lck_grp_t *')
def getTurnstileFromCtidInternal(ctid):
CTSID_MASK = (1 << 20) - 1
nonce = unsigned(kern.globals.ctsid_nonce)
if not ctid:
return kern.GetValueFromAddress(0, 'struct turnstile *')
# unmangle the compact TID
ctid = unsigned(ctid ^ nonce)
if ctid == CTSID_MASK:
ctid = nonce
index = clz64(CTSID_BASE_TABLE) - clz64(ctid | (CTSID_BASE_TABLE - 1)) + 1
table = kern.globals.ctsid_table
return cast(table.cidt_array[index][ctid], 'struct turnstile *')
def getThreadFromCtid(cmd_args = None):
""" Get the thread pointer associated with the ctid
Usage: getthreadfromctid <ctid>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Please specify a ctid")
ctid = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
thread = getThreadFromCtidInternal(ctid)
if thread:
print("Thread pointer {:#x}".format(thread))
else :
print("Thread not found")
def getTurnstileFromCtid(cmd_args = None):
""" Get the turnstile pointer associated with the ctsid
Usage: getturnstilefromctsid <ctid>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Please specify a ctid")
ctid = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
ts = getTurnstileFromCtidInternal(ctid)
if ts:
print("Turnstile pointer {:#x}".format(ts))
else :
print("Turnstile not found")
# EndMacro: showkernapfsreflock
def showAPFSReflock(cmd_args = None):
""" Show info about a show_kern_apfs_reflock_t
Usage: show_kern_apfs_reflock <kern_apfs_reflock_t>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Please specify a kern_apfs_reflock_t pointer")
raw_addr = cmd_args[0]
reflock = kern.GetValueFromAddress(raw_addr, 'kern_apfs_reflock_t')
summary = "\n"
if reflock.kern_apfs_rl_owner != 0 :
summary += "Owner ctid \t: \t{reflock.kern_apfs_rl_owner:#d} ".format(reflock=reflock)
ctid = reflock.kern_apfs_rl_owner
thread = getThreadFromCtidInternal(ctid)
summary += "(thread_t {:#x})\n".format(thread)
else :
summary += "No Owner\n"
summary += "Waiters \t: \t{reflock.kern_apfs_rl_waiters:#d}\n".format(reflock=reflock)
summary += "Delayed Free \t: \t{reflock.kern_apfs_rl_delayed_free:#d}\n".format(reflock=reflock)
summary += "Wake \t\t: \t{reflock.kern_apfs_rl_wake:#d}\n".format(reflock=reflock)
summary += "Allocated \t: \t{reflock.kern_apfs_rl_allocated:#d}\n".format(reflock=reflock)
summary += "Allow Force \t: \t{reflock.kern_apfs_rl_allow_force:#d}\n".format(reflock=reflock)
summary += "RefCount \t: \t{reflock.kern_apfs_rl_count:#d}\n".format(reflock=reflock)
# EndMacro: showkernapfsreflock
#Macro: showbootermemorymap
def ShowBooterMemoryMap(cmd_args=None):
""" Prints out the phys memory map from kernelBootArgs
Supported only on x86_64
if kern.arch != 'x86_64':
print("showbootermemorymap not supported on this architecture")
out_string = ""
# Memory type map
memtype_dict = {
0: 'Reserved',
1: 'LoaderCode',
2: 'LoaderData',
3: 'BS_code',
4: 'BS_data',
5: 'RT_code',
6: 'RT_data',
7: 'Convention',
8: 'Unusable',
9: 'ACPI_recl',
10: 'ACPI_NVS',
11: 'MemMapIO',
12: 'MemPortIO',
13: 'PAL_code'
boot_args = kern.globals.kernelBootArgs
msize = boot_args.MemoryMapDescriptorSize
mcount = boot_args.MemoryMapSize // unsigned(msize)
out_string += "{0: <12s} {1: <19s} {2: <19s} {3: <19s} {4: <10s}\n".format("Type", "Physical Start", "Number of Pages", "Virtual Start", "Attributes")
i = 0
while i < mcount:
mptr = kern.GetValueFromAddress(unsigned(boot_args.MemoryMap) + kern.VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS + unsigned(i*msize), 'EfiMemoryRange *')
mtype = unsigned(mptr.Type)
if mtype in memtype_dict:
out_string += "{0: <12s}".format(memtype_dict[mtype])
out_string += "{0: <12s}".format("UNKNOWN")
if mptr.VirtualStart == 0:
out_string += "{0: #019x} {1: #019x} {2: <19s} {3: #019x}\n".format(mptr.PhysicalStart, mptr.NumberOfPages, ' '*19, mptr.Attribute)
out_string += "{0: #019x} {1: #019x} {2: #019x} {3: #019x}\n".format(mptr.PhysicalStart, mptr.NumberOfPages, mptr.VirtualStart, mptr.Attribute)
i = i + 1
#EndMacro: showbootermemorymap
def ShowAllPurgeableVmObjects(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print a summary listing of all the purgeable vm objects
print("\n-------------------- VOLATILE OBJECTS --------------------\n")
print("\n-------------------- NON-VOLATILE OBJECTS --------------------\n")
def ShowAllPurgeableNonVolatileVmObjects(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print a summary listing of all the vm objects in
the purgeable_nonvolatile_queue
nonvolatile_total = lambda:None
nonvolatile_total.objects = 0
nonvolatile_total.vsize = 0
nonvolatile_total.rsize = 0
nonvolatile_total.wsize = 0
nonvolatile_total.csize = 0
nonvolatile_total.disowned_objects = 0
nonvolatile_total.disowned_vsize = 0
nonvolatile_total.disowned_rsize = 0
nonvolatile_total.disowned_wsize = 0
nonvolatile_total.disowned_csize = 0
queue_len = kern.globals.purgeable_nonvolatile_count
queue_head = kern.globals.purgeable_nonvolatile_queue
print('purgeable_nonvolatile_queue:{: <#018x} purgeable_volatile_count:{:d}\n'.format(kern.GetLoadAddressForSymbol('purgeable_nonvolatile_queue'),queue_len))
print('N:non-volatile V:volatile E:empty D:deny\n')
print('{:>6s} {:<6s} {:18s} {:1s} {:>6s} {:>16s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>3s} {:18s} {:>6s} {:<20s}\n'.format("#","#","object","P","refcnt","size (pages)","resid","wired","compressed","tag","owner","pid","process"))
idx = 0
for object in IterateQueue(queue_head, 'struct vm_object *', 'objq'):
idx += 1
ShowPurgeableNonVolatileVmObject(object, idx, queue_len, nonvolatile_total)
print("disowned objects:{:<10d} [ virtual:{:<10d} resident:{:<10d} wired:{:<10d} compressed:{:<10d} ]\n".format(nonvolatile_total.disowned_objects, nonvolatile_total.disowned_vsize, nonvolatile_total.disowned_rsize, nonvolatile_total.disowned_wsize, nonvolatile_total.disowned_csize))
print(" all objects:{:<10d} [ virtual:{:<10d} resident:{:<10d} wired:{:<10d} compressed:{:<10d} ]\n".format(nonvolatile_total.objects, nonvolatile_total.vsize, nonvolatile_total.rsize, nonvolatile_total.wsize, nonvolatile_total.csize))
def ShowPurgeableNonVolatileVmObject(object, idx, queue_len, nonvolatile_total):
""" Routine to print out a summary a VM object in purgeable_nonvolatile_queue
object - core.value : a object of type 'struct vm_object *'
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
if object.purgable == 0:
purgable = "N"
elif object.purgable == 1:
purgable = "V"
elif object.purgable == 2:
purgable = "E"
elif object.purgable == 3:
purgable = "D"
purgable = "?"
if object.pager == 0:
compressed_count = 0
compressor_pager = Cast(object.pager, 'compressor_pager *')
compressed_count = compressor_pager.cpgr_num_slots_occupied
print("{:>6d}/{:<6d} {: <#018x} {:1s} {:>6d} {:>16d} {:>10d} {:>10d} {:>10d} {:>3d} {: <#018x} {:>6d} {:<20s}\n".format(idx,queue_len,object,purgable,object.ref_count,object.vo_un1.vou_size // page_size,object.resident_page_count,object.wired_page_count,compressed_count, object.vo_ledger_tag, object.vo_un2.vou_owner,GetProcPIDForObjectOwner(object.vo_un2.vou_owner),GetProcNameForObjectOwner(object.vo_un2.vou_owner)))
nonvolatile_total.objects += 1
nonvolatile_total.vsize += object.vo_un1.vou_size // page_size
nonvolatile_total.rsize += object.resident_page_count
nonvolatile_total.wsize += object.wired_page_count
nonvolatile_total.csize += compressed_count
if object.vo_un2.vou_owner == 0:
nonvolatile_total.disowned_objects += 1
nonvolatile_total.disowned_vsize += object.vo_un1.vou_size // page_size
nonvolatile_total.disowned_rsize += object.resident_page_count
nonvolatile_total.disowned_wsize += object.wired_page_count
nonvolatile_total.disowned_csize += compressed_count
def ShowAllPurgeableVolatileVmObjects(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print a summary listing of all the vm objects in
the purgeable queues
volatile_total = lambda:None
volatile_total.objects = 0
volatile_total.vsize = 0
volatile_total.rsize = 0
volatile_total.wsize = 0
volatile_total.csize = 0
volatile_total.disowned_objects = 0
volatile_total.disowned_vsize = 0
volatile_total.disowned_rsize = 0
volatile_total.disowned_wsize = 0
volatile_total.disowned_csize = 0
purgeable_queues = kern.globals.purgeable_queues
print("---------- OBSOLETE\n")
ShowPurgeableQueue(purgeable_queues[0], volatile_total)
print("\n\n---------- FIFO\n")
ShowPurgeableQueue(purgeable_queues[1], volatile_total)
print("\n\n---------- LIFO\n")
ShowPurgeableQueue(purgeable_queues[2], volatile_total)
print("disowned objects:{:<10d} [ virtual:{:<10d} resident:{:<10d} wired:{:<10d} compressed:{:<10d} ]\n".format(volatile_total.disowned_objects, volatile_total.disowned_vsize, volatile_total.disowned_rsize, volatile_total.disowned_wsize, volatile_total.disowned_csize))
print(" all objects:{:<10d} [ virtual:{:<10d} resident:{:<10d} wired:{:<10d} compressed:{:<10d} ]\n".format(volatile_total.objects, volatile_total.vsize, volatile_total.rsize, volatile_total.wsize, volatile_total.csize))
purgeable_count = kern.globals.vm_page_purgeable_count
purgeable_wired_count = kern.globals.vm_page_purgeable_wired_count
if purgeable_count != volatile_total.rsize or purgeable_wired_count != volatile_total.wsize:
mismatch = "<--------- MISMATCH\n"
mismatch = ""
print("vm_page_purgeable_count: resident:{:<10d} wired:{:<10d} {:s}\n".format(purgeable_count, purgeable_wired_count, mismatch))
def ShowPurgeableQueue(qhead, volatile_total):
print("----- GROUP 0\n")
ShowPurgeableGroup(qhead.objq[0], volatile_total)
print("----- GROUP 1\n")
ShowPurgeableGroup(qhead.objq[1], volatile_total)
print("----- GROUP 2\n")
ShowPurgeableGroup(qhead.objq[2], volatile_total)
print("----- GROUP 3\n")
ShowPurgeableGroup(qhead.objq[3], volatile_total)
print("----- GROUP 4\n")
ShowPurgeableGroup(qhead.objq[4], volatile_total)
print("----- GROUP 5\n")
ShowPurgeableGroup(qhead.objq[5], volatile_total)
print("----- GROUP 6\n")
ShowPurgeableGroup(qhead.objq[6], volatile_total)
print("----- GROUP 7\n")
ShowPurgeableGroup(qhead.objq[7], volatile_total)
def ShowPurgeableGroup(qhead, volatile_total):
idx = 0
for object in IterateQueue(qhead, 'struct vm_object *', 'objq'):
if idx == 0:
# print "{:>6s} {:18s} {:1s} {:>6s} {:>16s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:18s} {:>6s} {:<20s} {:18s} {:>6s} {:<20s} {:s}\n".format("#","object","P","refcnt","size (pages)","resid","wired","compressed","owner","pid","process","volatilizer","pid","process","")
print("{:>6s} {:18s} {:1s} {:>6s} {:>16s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>3s} {:18s} {:>6s} {:<20s}\n".format("#","object","P","refcnt","size (pages)","resid","wired","compressed","tag","owner","pid","process"))
idx += 1
ShowPurgeableVolatileVmObject(object, idx, volatile_total)
def ShowPurgeableVolatileVmObject(object, idx, volatile_total):
""" Routine to print out a summary a VM object in a purgeable queue
object - core.value : a object of type 'struct vm_object *'
## if int(object.vo_un2.vou_owner) != int(object.vo_purgeable_volatilizer):
# diff=" !="
## else:
# diff=" "
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
if object.purgable == 0:
purgable = "N"
elif object.purgable == 1:
purgable = "V"
elif object.purgable == 2:
purgable = "E"
elif object.purgable == 3:
purgable = "D"
purgable = "?"
if object.pager == 0:
compressed_count = 0
compressor_pager = Cast(object.pager, 'compressor_pager *')
compressed_count = compressor_pager.cpgr_num_slots_occupied
# print "{:>6d} {: <#018x} {:1s} {:>6d} {:>16d} {:>10d} {:>10d} {:>10d} {: <#018x} {:>6d} {:<20s} {: <#018x} {:>6d} {:<20s} {:s}\n".format(idx,object,purgable,object.ref_count,object.vo_un1.vou_size/page_size,object.resident_page_count,object.wired_page_count,compressed_count,object.vo_un2.vou_owner,GetProcPIDForObjectOwner(object.vo_un2.vou_owner),GetProcNameForObjectOwner(object.vo_un2.vou_owner),object.vo_purgeable_volatilizer,GetProcPIDForObjectOwner(object.vo_purgeable_volatilizer),GetProcNameForObjectOwner(object.vo_purgeable_volatilizer),diff)
print("{:>6d} {: <#018x} {:1s} {:>6d} {:>16d} {:>10d} {:>10d} {:>10d} {:>3d} {: <#018x} {:>6d} {:<20s}\n".format(idx,object,purgable,object.ref_count,object.vo_un1.vou_size // page_size,object.resident_page_count,object.wired_page_count,compressed_count, object.vo_ledger_tag, object.vo_un2.vou_owner,GetProcPIDForObjectOwner(object.vo_un2.vou_owner),GetProcNameForObjectOwner(object.vo_un2.vou_owner)))
volatile_total.objects += 1
volatile_total.vsize += object.vo_un1.vou_size // page_size
volatile_total.rsize += object.resident_page_count
volatile_total.wsize += object.wired_page_count
volatile_total.csize += compressed_count
if object.vo_un2.vou_owner == 0:
volatile_total.disowned_objects += 1
volatile_total.disowned_vsize += object.vo_un1.vou_size // page_size
volatile_total.disowned_rsize += object.resident_page_count
volatile_total.disowned_wsize += object.wired_page_count
volatile_total.disowned_csize += compressed_count
def GetCompressedPagesForObject(obj):
pager = Cast(obj.pager, 'compressor_pager_t')
return pager.cpgr_num_slots_occupied
""" # commented code below
if pager.cpgr_num_slots > 128:
slots_arr = pager.cpgr_slots.cpgr_islots
num_indirect_slot_ptr = (pager.cpgr_num_slots + 127) / 128
index = 0
compressor_slot = 0
compressed_pages = 0
while index < num_indirect_slot_ptr:
compressor_slot = 0
if slots_arr[index]:
while compressor_slot < 128:
if slots_arr[index][compressor_slot]:
compressed_pages += 1
compressor_slot += 1
index += 1
slots_arr = pager.cpgr_slots.cpgr_dslots
compressor_slot = 0
compressed_pages = 0
while compressor_slot < pager.cpgr_num_slots:
if slots_arr[compressor_slot]:
compressed_pages += 1
compressor_slot += 1
return compressed_pages
def ShowTaskVMEntries(task, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows):
""" Routine to print out a summary listing of all the entries in a vm_map
task - core.value : a object of type 'task *'
print("vm_map entries for task " + hex(task))
if not
print("Task {0: <#020x} has map = 0x0")
return None
showmapvme(, 0, 0, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows)
@lldb_command("showmapvme", "A:B:F:PRST")
def ShowMapVME(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, entry_filter=None):
"""Routine to print out info about the specified vm_map and its vm entries
usage: showmapvme <vm_map> [-A start] [-B end] [-S] [-P]
Use -A <start> flag to start at virtual address <start>
Use -B <end> flag to end at virtual address <end>
Use -F <virtaddr> flag to find just the VME containing the given VA
Use -S flag to show VM object shadow chains
Use -P flag to show pager info (mapped file, compressed pages, ...)
Use -R flag to reverse order
Use -T to show red-black tree pointers
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowMapVME.__doc__)
show_pager_info = False
show_all_shadows = False
show_upl_info = False
show_rb_tree = False
start_vaddr = 0
end_vaddr = 0
reverse_order = False
if "-A" in cmd_options:
start_vaddr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_options['-A'])
if "-B" in cmd_options:
end_vaddr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_options['-B'])
if "-F" in cmd_options:
start_vaddr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_options['-F'])
end_vaddr = start_vaddr
if "-P" in cmd_options:
show_pager_info = True
if "-S" in cmd_options:
show_all_shadows = True
if "-R" in cmd_options:
reverse_order = True
if "-T" in cmd_options:
show_rb_tree = True
if "-U" in cmd_options:
show_upl_info = True
map = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_map_t')
showmapvme(map, start_vaddr, end_vaddr, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows, reverse_order, show_rb_tree, entry_filter, show_upl_info)
@lldb_command("showmapcopyvme", "A:B:F:PRSTU")
def ShowMapCopyVME(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
"""Routine to print out info about the specified vm_map_copy and its vm entries
usage: showmapcopyvme <vm_map_copy> [-A start] [-B end] [-S] [-P]
Use -A <start> flag to start at virtual address <start>
Use -B <end> flag to end at virtual address <end>
Use -F <virtaddr> flag to find just the VME containing the given VA
Use -S flag to show VM object shadow chains
Use -P flag to show pager info (mapped file, compressed pages, ...)
Use -R flag to reverse order
Use -T to show red-black tree pointers
Use -U flag to show UPL info
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowMapVME.__doc__)
show_pager_info = False
show_all_shadows = False
show_rb_tree = False
start_vaddr = 0
end_vaddr = 0
reverse_order = False
if "-A" in cmd_options:
start_vaddr = unsigned(int(cmd_options['-A'], 16))
if "-B" in cmd_options:
end_vaddr = unsigned(int(cmd_options['-B'], 16))
if "-F" in cmd_options:
start_vaddr = unsigned(int(cmd_options['-F'], 16))
end_vaddr = start_vaddr
if "-P" in cmd_options:
show_pager_info = True
if "-S" in cmd_options:
show_all_shadows = True
if "-R" in cmd_options:
reverse_order = True
if "-T" in cmd_options:
show_rb_tree = True
map = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_map_copy_t')
showmapcopyvme(map, start_vaddr, end_vaddr, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows, reverse_order, show_rb_tree)
@lldb_command("showmaptpro", "A:B:F:PRST")
def ShowMapTPRO(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
"""Routine to print out info about the specified vm_map and its TPRO entries
usage: showmaptpro <vm_map> [-A start] [-B end] [-S] [-P]
Use -A <start> flag to start at virtual address <start>
Use -B <end> flag to end at virtual address <end>
Use -F <virtaddr> flag to find just the VME containing the given VA
Use -S flag to show VM object shadow chains
Use -P flag to show pager info (mapped file, compressed pages, ...)
Use -R flag to reverse order
Use -T to show red-black tree pointers
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowMapTPRO.__doc__)
def filter_entries(vme):
if vme.used_for_tpro:
return True
except AttributeError:
return False
ShowMapVME(cmd_args, cmd_options, filter_entries)
@header("{:>20s} {:>15s} {:>15s} {:>15s} {:>20s} {:>20s} {:>20s} {:>20s} {:>20s} {:>15s}".format(
"VM page", "vmp_busy", "vmp_dirty", "vmp_cleaning", "vmp_on_specialq", "vmp_object", "Object Unpacked", "Pager", "paging_in_progress", "activity_in_progress"))
@lldb_command("showvmpage", "OC", fancy=True)
def ShowVMPage(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
"""Routine to print out a VM Page
usage: showvmpage <vm_page> [-O] [-C]
-O: show VM object info for page.
-C: search page in stacks
if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
raise ArgumentError("invalid arguments")
show_object_info = False
show_callchain = False
if "-O" in cmd_options:
show_object_info = True
if "-C" in cmd_options:
show_callchain = True
page = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_page_t')
if not page:
raise ArgumentError("Unknown arguments: {:s}".format(cmd_args[0]))
m_object_val = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(page.vmp_object)
object = kern.GetValueFromAddress(m_object_val, 'vm_object_t')
if not object:
print("No valid object: {:s}".format(m_object_val))
print("{:>#20x} {:>15d} {:>15d} {:>15d} {:>20d} {:>#20x} {:>#20x} {:>#20x} {:>20d} {:>15d}".format(
page, page.vmp_busy, page.vmp_dirty, page.vmp_cleaning, page.vmp_on_specialq, page.vmp_object, object, pager, paging_in_progress, activity_in_progress))
if show_object_info:
print("\nPrinting object info for given page",object)
showvmobject(object, 0, 0, 1, 1)
if show_callchain:
print("Searching for Page: ",hex(page))
show_call_chain(hex(page), O)
print("Searching for object: ",hex(m_object_val))
print("Searching for Pager: ",hex(pager))
@lldb_command("showvmobject", "A:B:PRSTU")
def ShowVMObject(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
"""Routine to print out a VM object and its shadow chain
usage: showvmobject <vm_object> [-S] [-P]
-S: show VM object shadow chain
-P: show pager info (mapped file, compressed pages, ...)
-U: show UPL info
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowVMObject.__doc__)
show_pager_info = False
show_all_shadows = False
show_upl_info = False
if "-P" in cmd_options:
show_pager_info = True
if "-S" in cmd_options:
show_all_shadows = True
if "-U" in cmd_options:
show_upl_info = True
object = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_object_t')
showvmobject(object, 0, 0, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows, show_upl_info)
def PrintUPLSummary(upl, spacing=''):
indented_spacing = spacing + " "*4
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
print(f"{spacing} {VT.Bold}{'Address (upl_t)':<18} {'Creator (thread)':<18} {'# pages':<10} {'associated UPL'}{VT.EndBold}")
num_pages = math.ceil(upl.u_size / page_size)
associated_upl = f'{upl.associated_upl:#018x}' if upl.associated_upl else ''
print(f'{spacing} {upl:#018x} {upl.upl_creator:#018x} {num_pages:<8} {associated_upl}')
first_page_info = True
for page_ind in range(num_pages):
if first_page_info:
print(f"{indented_spacing} {VT.Bold}{'upl_index':<12} {'Address (upl_page_info *)':<28} {'ppnum':<24} {'page (vm_page_t)':<28}{VT.EndBold}")
first_page_info = False
# lite_list is a bitfield marking pages locked by UPL
bits_per_element = sizeof(upl.lite_list[0])
bitfield_number = int(page_ind / bits_per_element)
bit_in_bitfield = (1 << (page_ind % bits_per_element))
if upl.lite_list[bitfield_number] & (bit_in_bitfield):
upl_page_info = upl.page_list[page_ind]
ppnum = upl_page_info.phys_addr
page = _vm_page_get_page_from_phys(ppnum)
page_addr = '' if page is None else f'{unsigned(addressof(page)):<#28x}'
print(f"{indented_spacing} {page_ind:<12} {unsigned(addressof(upl_page_info)):<#28x} {ppnum:<#24x} {page_addr}")
def PrintVMObjUPLs(uplq_head):
spacing = " "*19
for upl in IterateQueue(uplq_head, 'upl_t', 'uplq'):
PrintUPLSummary(upl, spacing)
def showvmobject(object, offset=0, size=0, show_pager_info=False, show_all_shadows=False, show_upl_info=False):
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
vnode_pager_ops = kern.globals.vnode_pager_ops
vnode_pager_ops_addr = unsigned(addressof(vnode_pager_ops))
depth = 0
if size == 0 and object != 0 and object.internal:
size = object.vo_un1.vou_size
while object != 0:
depth += 1
if not show_all_shadows and depth != 1 and object.shadow != 0:
offset += unsigned(object.vo_un2.vou_shadow_offset)
object = object.shadow
if object.copy_strategy == 0:
elif object.copy_strategy == 2:
elif object.copy_strategy == 4:
elif object.copy_strategy == 6:
if object.internal:
internal = "internal"
internal = "external"
purgeable = "NVED"[int(object.purgable)]
pager_string = ""
if object.phys_contiguous:
pager_string = pager_string + "phys_contig {:#018x}:{:#018x} ".format(unsigned(object.vo_un2.vou_shadow_offset), unsigned(object.vo_un1.vou_size))
pager = object.pager
if show_pager_info and pager != 0:
if object.internal:
pager_string = pager_string + "-> compressed:{:d} ({:#018x})".format(GetCompressedPagesForObject(object), object.pager)
elif unsigned(pager.mo_pager_ops) == vnode_pager_ops_addr:
vnode_pager = Cast(pager,'vnode_pager *')
pager_string = pager_string + "-> " + GetVnodePath(vnode_pager.vnode_handle)
pager_string = pager_string + "-> {:s}:{: <#018x}".format(pager.mo_pager_ops.memory_object_pager_name, pager)
print("{:>18d} {:#018x}:{:#018x} {: <#018x} ref:{:<6d} ts:{:1d} strat:{:1s} purg:{:1s} {:s} wtag:{:d} ({:d} {:d} {:d}) {:s}".format(depth,offset,offset+size,object,object.ref_count,object.true_share,copy_strategy,purgeable,internal,object.wire_tag,unsigned(object.vo_un1.vou_size) // page_size,object.resident_page_count,object.wired_page_count,pager_string))
# print " #{:<5d} obj {: <#018x} ref:{:<6d} ts:{:1d} strat:{:1s} {:s} size:{:<10d} wired:{:<10d} resident:{:<10d} reusable:{:<10d}".format(depth,object,object.ref_count,object.true_share,copy_strategy,internal,object.vo_un1.vou_size/page_size,object.wired_page_count,object.resident_page_count,object.reusable_page_count)
if show_upl_info:
offset += unsigned(object.vo_un2.vou_shadow_offset)
object = object.shadow
def showmapvme(map, start_vaddr, end_vaddr, show_pager_info=False, show_all_shadows=False, reverse_order=False, show_rb_tree=False, entry_filter=None, show_upl_info=False):
rsize = GetResidentPageCount(map)
print("{:<18s} {:<18s} {:<18s} {:>10s} {:>18s} {:>18s}:{:<18s} {:<7s}".format("vm_map","pmap","size","#ents","rsize","start","end","pgshift"))
print("{: <#018x} {: <#018x} {:#018x} {:>10d} {:>18d} {:#018x}:{:#018x} {:>7d}".format(map,map.pmap,unsigned(map.size),map.hdr.nentries,rsize,map.hdr.links.start,map.hdr.links.end,map.hdr.page_shift))
showmaphdrvme(map.hdr, map.pmap, start_vaddr, end_vaddr, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows, reverse_order, show_rb_tree, entry_filter, show_upl_info)
def showmapcopyvme(mapcopy, start_vaddr=0, end_vaddr=0, show_pager_info=True, show_all_shadows=True, reverse_order=False, show_rb_tree=False, show_upl_info=False):
print("{:<18s} {:<18s} {:<18s} {:>10s} {:>18s} {:>18s}:{:<18s} {:<7s}".format("vm_map_copy","offset","size","#ents","rsize","start","end","pgshift"))
print("{: <#018x} {:#018x} {:#018x} {:>10d} {:>18d} {:#018x}:{:#018x} {:>7d}".format(mapcopy,mapcopy.offset,mapcopy.size,mapcopy.c_u.hdr.nentries,0,mapcopy.c_u.hdr.links.start,mapcopy.c_u.hdr.links.end,mapcopy.c_u.hdr.page_shift))
showmaphdrvme(mapcopy.c_u.hdr, 0, start_vaddr, end_vaddr, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows, reverse_order, show_rb_tree, None, show_upl_info)
def showmaphdrvme(maphdr, pmap, start_vaddr, end_vaddr, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows, reverse_order, show_rb_tree, entry_filter, show_upl_info):
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
vnode_pager_ops = kern.globals.vnode_pager_ops
vnode_pager_ops_addr = unsigned(addressof(vnode_pager_ops))
if hasattr(kern.globals, 'compressor_object'):
compressor_object = kern.globals.compressor_object
compressor_object = -1;
vme_list_head = maphdr.links
vme_ptr_type = GetType('vm_map_entry *')
print("{:<18s} {:>18s}:{:<18s} {:>10s} {:<8s} {:<16s} {:<18s} {:<18s}".format("entry","start","end","#pgs","tag.kmod","prot&flags","object","offset"))
last_end = unsigned(maphdr.links.start)
skipped_entries = 0
for vme in IterateQueue(vme_list_head, vme_ptr_type, "links", reverse_order):
if start_vaddr != 0 and end_vaddr != 0:
if unsigned(vme.links.start) > end_vaddr:
if unsigned(vme.links.end) <= start_vaddr:
last_end = unsigned(vme.links.end)
skipped_entries = skipped_entries + 1
if skipped_entries != 0:
print("... skipped {:d} entries ...".format(skipped_entries))
skipped_entries = 0
if entry_filter and not entry_filter(vme):
if unsigned(vme.links.start) != last_end:
print("{:18s} {:#018x}:{:#018x} {:>10d}".format("------------------",last_end,vme.links.start,(unsigned(vme.links.start) - last_end) // page_size))
last_end = unsigned(vme.links.end)
size = unsigned(vme.links.end) - unsigned(vme.links.start)
object = get_vme_object(vme)
if object == 0:
object_str = "{: <#018x}".format(object)
elif vme.is_sub_map:
object_str = None
if object == kern.globals.bufferhdr_map:
object_str = "BUFFERHDR_MAP"
elif object == kern.globals.mb_map:
object_str = "MB_MAP"
elif object == kern.globals.bsd_pageable_map:
object_str = "BSD_PAGEABLE_MAP"
elif object == kern.globals.ipc_kernel_map:
object_str = "IPC_KERNEL_MAP"
elif object == kern.globals.ipc_kernel_copy_map:
object_str = "IPC_KERNEL_COPY_MAP"
elif hasattr(kern.globals, 'io_submap') and object == kern.globals.io_submap:
object_str = "IO_SUBMAP"
elif hasattr(kern.globals, 'pgz_submap') and object == kern.globals.pgz_submap:
object_str = "ZALLOC:PGZ"
elif hasattr(kern.globals, 'compressor_map') and object == kern.globals.compressor_map:
object_str = "COMPRESSOR_MAP"
elif hasattr(kern.globals, 'g_kext_map') and object == kern.globals.g_kext_map:
object_str = "G_KEXT_MAP"
elif hasattr(kern.globals, 'vector_upl_submap') and object == kern.globals.vector_upl_submap:
object_str = "VECTOR_UPL_SUBMAP"
elif object == kern.globals.zone_meta_map:
object_str = "ZALLOC:META"
for i in range(0, int(GetEnumValue('zone_submap_idx_t', 'Z_SUBMAP_IDX_COUNT'))):
if object == kern.globals.zone_submaps[i]:
object_str = "ZALLOC:{:s}".format(GetEnumName('zone_submap_idx_t', i, 'Z_SUBMAP_IDX_'))
if object_str is None:
object_str = "submap:{: <#018x}".format(object)
if object == kern.globals.kernel_object_default:
object_str = "KERNEL_OBJECT"
elif hasattr(kern.globals, 'kernel_object_tagged') and object == kern.globals.kernel_object_tagged:
elif object == compressor_object:
object_str = "COMPRESSOR_OBJECT"
object_str = "{: <#018x}".format(object)
offset = get_vme_offset(vme)
tag = unsigned(vme.vme_alias)
protection = ""
if & 0x1:
protection +="r"
protection += "-"
if & 0x2:
protection += "w"
protection += "-"
if & 0x4:
protection += "x"
protection += "-"
max_protection = ""
if vme.max_protection & 0x1:
max_protection +="r"
max_protection += "-"
if vme.max_protection & 0x2:
max_protection += "w"
max_protection += "-"
if vme.max_protection & 0x4:
max_protection += "x"
max_protection += "-"
vme_flags = ""
if vme.is_sub_map:
vme_flags += "s"
if vme.needs_copy:
vme_flags += "n"
if vme.use_pmap:
vme_flags += "p"
if vme.wired_count:
vme_flags += "w"
if vme.used_for_jit:
vme_flags += "j"
if vme.vme_permanent:
vme_flags += "!"
if vme.used_for_tpro:
vme_flags += "t"
except AttributeError:
tagstr = ""
if pmap == kern.globals.kernel_pmap:
xsite = Cast(kern.globals.vm_allocation_sites[tag],'OSKextAccount *')
if xsite and & 0x0200:
tagstr = ".{:<3d}".format(xsite.loadTag)
rb_info = ""
if show_rb_tree:
rb_info = "l={: <#018x} r={: <#018x} p={: <#018x}".format(,,
print("{: <#018x} {:#018x}:{:#018x} {:>10d} {:>3d}{:<4s} {:3s}/{:3s}/{:<8s} {:<18s} {:<#18x} {:s}".format(vme,vme.links.start,vme.links.end,(unsigned(vme.links.end)-unsigned(vme.links.start)) // page_size,tag,tagstr,protection,max_protection,vme_flags,object_str,offset, rb_info))
if (show_pager_info or show_all_shadows) and vme.is_sub_map == 0 and get_vme_object(vme) != 0:
object = get_vme_object(vme)
object = 0
showvmobject(object, offset, size, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows, show_upl_info)
if start_vaddr != 0 or end_vaddr != 0:
elif unsigned(maphdr.links.end) > last_end:
print("{:18s} {:#018x}:{:#018x} {:>10d}".format("------------------",last_end,maphdr.links.end,(unsigned(maphdr.links.end) - last_end) // page_size))
return None
def CountMapTags(map, tagcounts, slow):
page_size = unsigned(kern.globals.page_size)
vme_list_head = map.hdr.links
vme_ptr_type = GetType('vm_map_entry *')
for vme in IterateQueue(vme_list_head, vme_ptr_type, "links"):
object = get_vme_object(vme)
tag = vme.vme_alias
if object == kern.globals.kernel_object_default or (hasattr(kern.globals, 'kernel_object_tagged') and object == kern.globals.kernel_object_tagged):
count = 0
if not slow:
count = unsigned(vme.links.end - vme.links.start) // page_size
addr = unsigned(vme.links.start)
while addr < unsigned(vme.links.end):
hash_id = _calc_vm_page_hash(object, addr)
page_list = kern.globals.vm_page_buckets[hash_id].page_list
page = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(page_list)
while (page != 0):
vmpage = kern.GetValueFromAddress(page, 'vm_page_t')
if (addr == unsigned(vmpage.vmp_offset)) and (object == vm_object_t(_vm_page_unpack_ptr(vmpage.vmp_object))):
if (not vmpage.vmp_local) and (vmpage.vmp_wire_count > 0):
count += 1
page = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(vmpage.vmp_next_m)
addr += page_size
tagcounts[tag] += count
elif vme.is_sub_map:
CountMapTags(Cast(object,'vm_map_t'), tagcounts, slow)
return None
def CountWiredObject(object, tagcounts):
tagcounts[unsigned(object.wire_tag)] += object.wired_page_count
return None
def GetKmodIDName(kmod_id):
kmod_val = kern.globals.kmod
for kmod in IterateLinkedList(kmod_val, 'next'):
if ( == kmod_id):
return "{:<50s}".format(
return "??"
FixedTags = {
def GetVMKernName(tag):
""" returns the formatted name for a vmtag and
the sub-tag for kmod tags.
if tag in FixedTags:
return (FixedTags[tag], "")
site = kern.globals.vm_allocation_sites[tag]
if site:
if site.flags & 0x007F:
cstr = addressof(site.subtotals[site.subtotalscount])
return ("{:<50s}".format(str(Cast(cstr, 'char *'))), "")
if site.flags & 0x0200:
xsite = Cast(site,'OSKextAccount *')
tagstr = ".{:<3d}".format(xsite.loadTag)
return (GetKmodIDName(xsite.loadTag), tagstr);
return (kern.Symbolicate(site), "")
return ("", "")
def vm_kern_tag_conversion(tag):
s, tagstr = GetVMKernName(tag)
if tagstr != '':
return "{} ({}{})".format(s.strip(), tag, tagstr)
if s != '':
return "{} ({})".format(s.strip(), tag)
return str(tag)
@lldb_command("showvmtags", "ASJO")
def showvmtags(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
"""Routine to print out info about kernel wired page allocations
usage: showvmtags
iterates kernel map and vm objects totaling allocations by tag.
usage: showvmtags -S [-O]
also iterates kernel object pages individually - slow.
usage: showvmtags -A [-O]
show all tags, even tags that have no wired count
usage: showvmtags -J [-O]
Output json
-O: list in increasing size order
slow = False
print_json = False
if "-S" in cmd_options:
slow = True
all_tags = False
if "-A" in cmd_options:
all_tags = True
if "-J" in cmd_options:
print_json = True
page_size = unsigned(kern.globals.page_size)
nsites = unsigned(kern.globals.vm_allocation_tag_highest) + 1
tagcounts = [0] * nsites
tagmapped = [0] * nsites
if kern.globals.vm_tag_active_update:
for tag in range(nsites):
site = kern.globals.vm_allocation_sites[tag]
if site:
tagcounts[tag] = unsigned(
tagmapped[tag] = unsigned(site.mapped)
queue_head = kern.globals.vm_objects_wired
for object in IterateQueue(queue_head, 'struct vm_object *', 'wired_objq'):
if object != kern.globals.kernel_object_default and ((not hasattr(kern.globals, 'kernel_object_tagged')) or object != kern.globals.kernel_object_tagged):
CountWiredObject(object, tagcounts)
CountMapTags(kern.globals.kernel_map, tagcounts, slow)
total = 0
totalmapped = 0
tags = []
for tag in range(nsites):
if all_tags or tagcounts[tag] or tagmapped[tag]:
current = {}
total += tagcounts[tag]
totalmapped += tagmapped[tag]
(sitestr, tagstr) = GetVMKernName(tag)
current["name"] = sitestr
current["size"] = tagcounts[tag]
current["mapped"] = tagmapped[tag]
current["tag"] = tag
current["tagstr"] = tagstr
current["subtotals"] = []
site = kern.globals.vm_allocation_sites[tag]
for sub in range(site.subtotalscount):
alloctag = unsigned(site.subtotals[sub].tag)
amount = unsigned(site.subtotals[sub].total)
subsite = kern.globals.vm_allocation_sites[alloctag]
if alloctag and subsite:
(sitestr, tagstr) = GetVMKernName(alloctag)
"amount": amount,
"flags": int(subsite.flags),
"tag": alloctag,
"tagstr": tagstr,
"sitestr": sitestr,
if "-O" in cmd_options:
tags.sort(key = lambda tag: tag['size'])
# Serializing to json here ensure we always catch bugs preventing
# serialization
as_json = json.dumps(tags)
if print_json:
print(" vm_allocation_tag_highest: {:<7d} ".format(nsites - 1))
print(" {:<7s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:<50s}".format("tag.kmod", "size", "mapped", "name"))
for tag in tags:
if not tagstr:
tagstr = ""
print(" {:>3d}{:<4s} {:>7d}K {:>7d}K {:<50s}".format(tag["tag"], tag["tagstr"], tag["size"] // 1024, tag["mapped"] // 1024, tag["name"]))
for sub in tag["subtotals"]:
if ((sub["flags"] & 0x007f) == 0):
kind_str = "named"
kind_str = "from"
print(" {:>7s} {:>7d}K {:s} {:>3d}{:<4s} {:<50s}".format(" ", sub["amount"] // 1024, kind_str, sub["tag"], sub["tagstr"], sub["sitestr"]))
print("Total: {:>7d}K {:>7d}K".format(total // 1024, totalmapped // 1024))
return None
def FindVMEntriesForVnode(task, vn):
""" returns an array of vme that have the vnode set to defined vnode
each entry in array is of format (vme, start_addr, end_address, protection)
retval = []
vmmap =
pmap = vmmap.pmap
pager_ops_addr = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.vnode_pager_ops))
debuglog("pager_ops_addr %s" % hex(pager_ops_addr))
if unsigned(pmap) == 0:
return retval
vme_list_head = vmmap.hdr.links
vme_ptr_type = gettype('vm_map_entry *')
for vme in IterateQueue(vme_list_head, vme_ptr_type, 'links'):
#print vme
if unsigned(vme.is_sub_map) == 0 and unsigned(get_vme_object(vme)) != 0:
obj = get_vme_object(vme)
while obj != 0:
if obj.pager != 0:
if obj.internal:
vn_pager = Cast(obj.pager, 'vnode_pager *')
if unsigned(vn_pager.vn_pgr_hdr.mo_pager_ops) == pager_ops_addr and unsigned(vn_pager.vnode_handle) == unsigned(vn):
retval.append((vme, unsigned(vme.links.start), unsigned(vme.links.end), unsigned(
obj = obj.shadow
return retval
def ShowTaskLoadInfo(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Print the load address and uuid for the process
Usage: (lldb)showtaskloadinfo <task_t>
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Insufficient arguments")
t = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct task *')
print_format = "0x{0:x} - 0x{1:x} {2: <50s} (??? - ???) <{3: <36s}> {4: <50s}"
p = GetProcFromTask(t)
if not p:
print("Task has no associated BSD process.")
uuid_out_string = GetUUIDSummary(p.p_uuid)
filepath = GetVnodePath(p.p_textvp)
libname = filepath.split('/')[-1]
mappings = FindVMEntriesForVnode(t, p.p_textvp)
load_addr = 0
end_addr = 0
for m in mappings:
if m[3] == 5:
load_addr = m[1]
end_addr = m[2]
print(print_format.format(load_addr, end_addr,
libname, uuid_out_string, filepath))
@header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s} {2: <20s}".format("vm_page_t", "offset", "object"))
def VMPageLookup(cmd_args=None):
""" Print the pages in the page bucket corresponding to the provided object and offset.
Usage: (lldb)vmpagelookup <vm_object_t> <vm_offset_t>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 2:
raise ArgumentError("Please specify an object and offset.")
format_string = "{0: <#020x} {1: <#020x} {2: <#020x}\n"
obj = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0],'unsigned long long')
off = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[1],'unsigned long long')
hash_id = _calc_vm_page_hash(obj, off)
page_list = kern.globals.vm_page_buckets[hash_id].page_list
print("hash_id: 0x%x page_list: 0x%x\n" % (unsigned(hash_id), unsigned(page_list)))
page = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(page_list)
while (page != 0) :
pg_t = kern.GetValueFromAddress(page, 'vm_page_t')
print(format_string.format(page, pg_t.vmp_offset, _vm_page_unpack_ptr(pg_t.vmp_object)))
page = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(pg_t.vmp_next_m)
def VmPageGetPhysPage(cmd_args=None):
""" return the physical page for a vm_page_t
usage: vm_page_get_phys_page <vm_page_t>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Please provide valid vm_page_t. Type help vm_page_get_phys_page for help.")
page = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_page_t')
phys_page = _vm_page_get_phys_page(page)
print("phys_page = 0x%x\n" % phys_page)
def _vm_page_get_phys_page(page):
if kern.arch == 'x86_64':
return page.vmp_phys_page
if page == 0 :
return 0
m = unsigned(page)
if m >= unsigned(kern.globals.vm_page_array_beginning_addr) and m < unsigned(kern.globals.vm_page_array_ending_addr) :
return (m - unsigned(kern.globals.vm_page_array_beginning_addr)) // sizeof('struct vm_page') + unsigned(kern.globals.vm_first_phys_ppnum)
page_with_ppnum = Cast(page, 'uint32_t *')
ppnum_offset = sizeof('struct vm_page') // sizeof('uint32_t')
return page_with_ppnum[ppnum_offset]
def _vm_page_get_page_from_phys(ppnum):
""" Attempt to return page struct from physical page address"""
if kern.arch == 'x86_64':
return None
page_index = ppnum - unsigned(kern.globals.vm_first_phys_ppnum)
if page_index >= 0 and page_index < kern.globals.vm_pages_count:
page = kern.globals.vm_pages[page_index]
return page
return None
def VmPageUnpackPtr(cmd_args=None):
""" unpack a pointer
usage: vm_page_unpack_ptr <packed_ptr>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Please provide valid packed pointer argument. Type help vm_page_unpack_ptr for help.")
packed = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0],'unsigned long')
unpacked = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(packed)
print("unpacked pointer = 0x%x\n" % unpacked)
def _vm_page_unpack_ptr(page):
if kern.ptrsize == 4 :
return page
if page == 0 :
return page
params = kern.globals.vm_page_packing_params
ptr_shift = params.vmpp_shift
ptr_mask = kern.globals.vm_packed_from_vm_pages_array_mask
# when no mask and shift on 64bit systems, we're working with real/non-packed pointers
if ptr_shift == 0 and ptr_mask == 0:
return page
if unsigned(page) & unsigned(ptr_mask):
masked_page = (unsigned(page) & ~ptr_mask)
# can't use addressof(kern.globals.vm_pages[masked_page]) due to 32 bit limitation in SB bridge
vm_pages_addr = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.vm_pages[0]))
element_size = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.vm_pages[1])) - vm_pages_addr
return (vm_pages_addr + masked_page * element_size)
kmem = kmemory.KMem.get_shared()
return kmem.vm_page_packing.unpack(unsigned(page))
def CalcVMPageHash(cmd_args=None):
""" Get the page bucket corresponding to the provided object and offset.
Usage: (lldb)calcvmpagehash <vm_object_t> <vm_offset_t>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 2:
raise ArgumentError("Please specify an object and offset.")
obj = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0],'unsigned long long')
off = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[1],'unsigned long long')
hash_id = _calc_vm_page_hash(obj, off)
print("hash_id: 0x%x page_list: 0x%x\n" % (unsigned(hash_id), unsigned(kern.globals.vm_page_buckets[hash_id].page_list)))
return None
def _calc_vm_page_hash(obj, off):
bucket_hash = (int) (kern.globals.vm_page_bucket_hash)
hash_mask = (int) (kern.globals.vm_page_hash_mask)
one = (obj * bucket_hash) & 0xFFFFFFFF
two = off >> unsigned(kern.globals.page_shift)
three = two ^ bucket_hash
four = one + three
hash_id = four & hash_mask
return hash_id
#Macro: showallocatedzoneelement
@lldb_command('showallocatedzoneelement', fancy=True)
def ShowAllocatedElementsInZone(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Show all the allocated elements in a zone
usage: showzoneallocelements <address of zone>
if len(cmd_args) < 1:
raise ArgumentError("Please specify a zone")
zone = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct zone *')
array = kern.GetGlobalVariable('zone_array')
index = (unsigned(zone) - array.GetSBValue().GetLoadAddress()) // gettype('struct zone').GetByteSize()
with O.table("{:<8s} {:<s}".format("Index", "Address")):
i = 1
for elem in kmemory.Zone(index):
print(O.format("{:>8d} {:#x}", i, elem))
i += 1
#EndMacro: showallocatedzoneelement
def match_vm_page_attributes(page, matching_attributes):
page_ptr = addressof(page)
unpacked_vm_object = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(page.vmp_object)
matched_attributes = 0
if "vmp_q_state" in matching_attributes and (page.vmp_q_state == matching_attributes["vmp_q_state"]):
matched_attributes += 1
if "vm_object" in matching_attributes and (unsigned(unpacked_vm_object) == unsigned(matching_attributes["vm_object"])):
matched_attributes += 1
if "vmp_offset" in matching_attributes and (unsigned(page.vmp_offset) == unsigned(matching_attributes["vmp_offset"])):
matched_attributes += 1
if "phys_page" in matching_attributes and (unsigned(_vm_page_get_phys_page(page_ptr)) == unsigned(matching_attributes["phys_page"])):
matched_attributes += 1
if "bitfield" in matching_attributes and unsigned(page.__getattr__(matching_attributes["bitfield"])) == 1:
matched_attributes += 1
return matched_attributes
#Macro scan_vm_pages
@header("{0: >26s}{1: >20s}{2: >10s}{3: >20s}{4: >20s}{5: >16s}".format("vm_pages_index/zone", "vm_page", "q_state", "vm_object", "offset", "ppn", "bitfield", "from_zone_map"))
@lldb_command('scan_vm_pages', 'S:O:F:I:P:B:I:N:ZA')
def ScanVMPages(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Scan the global vm_pages array (-A) and/or vmpages zone (-Z) for pages with matching attributes.
usage: scan_vm_pages <matching attribute(s)> [-A start vm_pages index] [-N number of pages to scan] [-Z scan vm_pages zone]
scan_vm_pages -A: scan vm pages in the global vm_pages array
scan_vm_pages -Z: scan vm pages allocated from the vm.pages zone
scan_vm_pages <-A/-Z> -S <vm_page_q_state value>: Find vm pages in the specified queue
scan_vm_pages <-A/-Z> -O <vm_object>: Find vm pages in the specified vm_object
scan_vm_pages <-A/-Z> -F <offset>: Find vm pages with the specified vmp_offset value
scan_vm_pages <-A/-Z> -P <phys_page>: Find vm pages with the specified physical page number
scan_vm_pages <-A/-Z> -B <bitfield>: Find vm pages with the bitfield set
scan_vm_pages <-A> -I <start_index>: Start the scan from start_index
scan_vm_pages <-A> -N <npages>: Scan at most npages
if (len(cmd_options) < 1):
raise ArgumentError("Please specify at least one matching attribute")
vm_pages = kern.globals.vm_pages
vm_pages_count = kern.globals.vm_pages_count
start_index = 0
npages = vm_pages_count
scan_vmpages_array = False
scan_vmpages_zone = False
attribute_count = 0
if "-A" in cmd_options:
scan_vmpages_array = True
if "-Z" in cmd_options:
scan_vmpages_zone = True
if not scan_vmpages_array and not scan_vmpages_zone:
raise ArgumentError("Please specify where to scan (-A: vm_pages array, -Z: vm.pages zone)")
attribute_values = {}
if "-S" in cmd_options:
attribute_values["vmp_q_state"] = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-S"], 'int')
attribute_count += 1
if "-O" in cmd_options:
attribute_values["vm_object"] = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-O"], 'vm_object_t')
attribute_count += 1
if "-F" in cmd_options:
attribute_values["vmp_offset"] = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-F"], 'unsigned long long')
attribute_count += 1
if "-P" in cmd_options:
attribute_values["phys_page"] = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-P"], 'unsigned int')
attribute_count += 1
if "-B" in cmd_options:
valid_vmp_bitfields = [
attribute_values["bitfield"] = cmd_options["-B"]
if attribute_values["bitfield"] in valid_vmp_bitfields:
attribute_count += 1
raise ArgumentError("Unknown bitfield: {0:>20s}".format(bitfield))
if "-I" in cmd_options:
start_index = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-I"], 'int')
npages = vm_pages_count - start_index
if "-N" in cmd_options:
npages = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-N"], 'int')
if npages == 0:
raise ArgumentError("You specified -N 0, nothing to be scanned")
end_index = start_index + npages - 1
if end_index >= vm_pages_count:
raise ArgumentError("Index range out of bound. vm_pages_count: {0:d}".format(vm_pages_count))
header_after_n_lines = 40
format_string = "{0: >26s}{1: >#20x}{2: >10d}{3: >#20x}{4: >#20x}{5: >#16x}"
found_in_array = 0
if scan_vmpages_array:
print("Scanning vm_pages[{0:d} to {1:d}] for {2:d} matching attribute(s)......".format(start_index, end_index, attribute_count))
i = start_index
while i <= end_index:
page = vm_pages[i]
if match_vm_page_attributes(page, attribute_values) == attribute_count:
if found_in_array % header_after_n_lines == 0:
print(format_string.format(str(i), addressof(page), page.vmp_q_state, _vm_page_unpack_ptr(page.vmp_object), page.vmp_offset, _vm_page_get_phys_page(addressof(page))))
found_in_array += 1
i += 1
found_in_zone = 0
if scan_vmpages_zone:
page_size = kern.GetGlobalVariable('page_size')
print("Scanning vm.pages zone for {0:d} matching attribute(s)......".format(attribute_count))
print("Scanning page queues in the vm_pages zone...")
for elem in kmemory.Zone('vm pages'):
page = kern.GetValueFromAddress(elem, 'vm_page_t')
if match_vm_page_attributes(page, attribute_values) == attribute_count:
if found_in_zone % header_after_n_lines == 0:
vm_object = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(page.vmp_object)
phys_page = _vm_page_get_phys_page(page)
print(format_string.format("vm_pages zone", elem, page.vmp_q_state, vm_object, page.vmp_offset, phys_page))
found_in_zone += 1
total = found_in_array + found_in_zone
print("Found {0:d} vm pages ({1:d} in array, {2:d} in zone) matching the requested {3:d} attribute(s)".format(total, found_in_array, found_in_zone, attribute_count))
#EndMacro scan_vm_pages
@header("{0: <10s} of {1: <10s} {2: <20s} {3: <20s} {4: <20s} {5: <10s} {6: <5s}\t{7: <28s}\t{8: <50s}".format("index", "total", "vm_page_t", "offset", "next", "phys_page", "wire#", "first bitfield", "second bitfield"))
@lldb_command('vmobjectwalkpages', 'CSBNQP:O:')
def VMObjectWalkPages(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Print the resident pages contained in the provided object. If a vm_page_t is provided as well, we
specifically look for this page, highlighting it in the output or noting if it was not found. For
each page, we confirm that it points to the object. We also keep track of the number of pages we
see and compare this to the object's resident page count field.
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> : Walk and print all the pages for a given object (up to 4K pages by default)
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -C : list pages in compressor after processing resident pages
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -B : Walk and print all the pages for a given object (up to 4K pages by default), traversing the memq backwards
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -N : Walk and print all the pages for a given object, ignore the page limit
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -Q : Walk all pages for a given object, looking for known signs of corruption (i.e. q_state == VM_PAGE_IS_WIRED && wire_count == 0)
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -P <vm_page_t> : Walk all the pages for a given object, annotate the specified page in the output with ***
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -P <vm_page_t> -S : Walk all the pages for a given object, stopping when we find the specified page
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -O <offset> : Like -P, but looks for given offset
if (cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1):
raise ArgumentError("Please specify at minimum a vm_object_t and optionally a vm_page_t")
out_string = ""
obj = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_object_t')
page = 0
if "-P" in cmd_options:
page = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options['-P'], 'vm_page_t')
off = -1
if "-O" in cmd_options:
off = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options['-O'], 'vm_offset_t')
stop = 0
if "-S" in cmd_options:
if page == 0 and off < 0:
raise ArgumentError("-S can only be passed when a page is specified with -P or -O")
stop = 1
walk_backwards = False
if "-B" in cmd_options:
walk_backwards = True
quiet_mode = False
if "-Q" in cmd_options:
quiet_mode = True
if not quiet_mode:
format_string = "{0: <#10d} of {1: <#10d} {2: <#020x} {3: <#020x} {4: <#020x} {5: <#010x} {6: <#05d}\t"
first_bitfield_format_string = "{0: <#2d}:{1: <#1d}:{2: <#1d}:{3: <#1d}:{4: <#1d}:{5: <#1d}:{6: <#1d}\t"
second_bitfield_format_string = "{0: <#1d}:{1: <#1d}:{2: <#1d}:{3: <#1d}:{4: <#1d}:{5: <#1d}:{6: <#1d}:"
second_bitfield_format_string += "{7: <#1d}:{8: <#1d}:{9: <#1d}:{10: <#1d}:{11: <#1d}:{12: <#1d}:"
second_bitfield_format_string += "{13: <#1d}:{14: <#1d}:{15: <#1d}:{16: <#1d}:{17: <#1d}:{18: <#1d}:{19: <#1d}:"
second_bitfield_format_string += "{20: <#1d}:{21: <#1d}:{22: <#1d}:{23: <#1d}:{24: <#1d}:{25: <#1d}:{26: <#1d}"
limit = 4096 #arbitrary limit of number of pages to walk
ignore_limit = 0
if "-N" in cmd_options:
ignore_limit = 1
show_compressed = 0
if "-C" in cmd_options:
show_compressed = 1
page_count = 0
res_page_count = unsigned(obj.resident_page_count)
page_found = False
pages_seen = set()
for vmp in IterateQueue(obj.memq, "vm_page_t", "vmp_listq", walk_backwards, unpack_ptr_fn=_vm_page_unpack_ptr):
page_count += 1
out_string = ""
if (page != 0 and not(page_found) and vmp == page):
out_string += "******"
page_found = True
if (off > 0 and not(page_found) and vmp.vmp_offset == off):
out_string += "******"
page_found = True
if page != 0 or off > 0 or quiet_mode:
if (page_count % 1000) == 0:
print("traversed %d pages ...\n" % (page_count))
out_string += format_string.format(page_count, res_page_count, vmp, vmp.vmp_offset, _vm_page_unpack_ptr(, _vm_page_get_phys_page(vmp), vmp.vmp_wire_count)
out_string += first_bitfield_format_string.format(vmp.vmp_q_state, vmp.vmp_on_specialq, vmp.vmp_gobbled, vmp.vmp_laundry, vmp.vmp_no_cache,
vmp.vmp_private, vmp.vmp_reference)
if hasattr(vmp,'slid'):
vmp_slid = vmp.slid
vmp_slid = 0
out_string += second_bitfield_format_string.format(vmp.vmp_busy, vmp.vmp_wanted, vmp.vmp_tabled, vmp.vmp_hashed, vmp.vmp_fictitious, vmp.vmp_clustered,
vmp.vmp_pmapped, vmp.vmp_xpmapped, vmp.vmp_wpmapped, vmp.vmp_free_when_done, vmp.vmp_absent,
vmp.vmp_error, vmp.vmp_dirty, vmp.vmp_cleaning, vmp.vmp_precious, vmp.vmp_overwriting,
vmp.vmp_restart, vmp.vmp_unusual, 0, 0,
vmp.vmp_cs_validated, vmp.vmp_cs_tainted, vmp.vmp_cs_nx, vmp.vmp_reusable, vmp.vmp_lopage, vmp_slid,
if (vmp in pages_seen):
print(out_string + "cycle detected! we've seen vm_page_t: " + "{0: <#020x}".format(unsigned(vmp)) + " twice. stopping...\n")
if (_vm_page_unpack_ptr(vmp.vmp_object) != unsigned(obj)):
print(out_string + " vm_page_t: " + "{0: <#020x}".format(unsigned(vmp)) + " points to different vm_object_t: " + "{0: <#020x}".format(unsigned(_vm_page_unpack_ptr(vmp.vmp_object))))
if (vmp.vmp_q_state == VM_PAGE_IS_WIRED) and (vmp.vmp_wire_count == 0):
print(out_string + " page in wired state with wire_count of 0\n")
print("vm_page_t: " + "{0: <#020x}".format(unsigned(vmp)) + "\n")
if (hasattr(vmp, 'vmp_unused_page_bits') and (vmp.vmp_unused_page_bits != 0)):
print(out_string + " unused bits not zero for vm_page_t: " + "{0: <#020x}".format(unsigned(vmp)) + " unused__pageq_bits: %d\n" % (vmp.vmp_unused_page_bits))
if (hasattr(vmp, 'vmp_unused_object_bits') and (vmp.vmp_unused_object_bits != 0)):
print(out_string + " unused bits not zero for vm_page_t: " + "{0: <#020x}".format(unsigned(vmp)) + " unused_object_bits : %d\n" % (vmp.vmp_unused_object_bits))
if False:
hash_id = _calc_vm_page_hash(obj, vmp.vmp_offset)
hash_page_list = kern.globals.vm_page_buckets[hash_id].page_list
hash_page = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(hash_page_list)
hash_page_t = 0
while (hash_page != 0):
hash_page_t = kern.GetValueFromAddress(hash_page, 'vm_page_t')
if hash_page_t == vmp:
hash_page = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(hash_page_t.vmp_next_m)
if (unsigned(vmp) != unsigned(hash_page_t)):
print(out_string + "unable to find page: " + "{0: <#020x}".format(unsigned(vmp)) + " from object in kernel page bucket list\n")
print(lldb_run_command("vm_page_info %s 0x%x" % (cmd_args[0], unsigned(vmp.vmp_offset))))
if (page_count >= limit and not(ignore_limit)):
print(out_string + "Limit reached (%d pages), stopping..." % (limit))
if page_found and stop:
print("Object reports resident page count of: %d we stopped after traversing %d and finding the requested page.\n" % (unsigned(obj.res_page_count), unsigned(page_count)))
if (page != 0):
print("page found? : %s\n" % page_found)
if (off > 0):
print("page found? : %s\n" % page_found)
print("Object reports resident page count of %d, we saw %d pages when we walked the resident list.\n" % (unsigned(obj.resident_page_count), unsigned(page_count)))
if show_compressed != 0 and obj.pager != 0 and unsigned(obj.pager.mo_pager_ops) == unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.compressor_pager_ops)):
pager = Cast(obj.pager, 'compressor_pager *')
chunks = pager.cpgr_num_slots // 128
pagesize = kern.globals.page_size
page_idx = 0
while page_idx < pager.cpgr_num_slots:
if chunks != 0:
chunk = pager.cpgr_slots.cpgr_islots[page_idx // 128]
slot = chunk[page_idx % 128]
elif pager.cpgr_num_slots > 2:
slot = pager.cpgr_slots.cpgr_dslots[page_idx]
slot = pager.cpgr_slots.cpgr_eslots[page_idx]
if slot != 0:
print("compressed page for offset: %x slot %x\n" % ((page_idx * pagesize) - obj.paging_offset, slot))
page_idx = page_idx + 1
def ShowAllAppleProtectPagers(cmd_args=None):
"""Routine to print all apple_protect pagers
usage: show_all_apple_protect_pagers
print("{:>3s} {:<3s} {:<18s} {:>5s} {:>5s} {:>6s} {:>6s} {:<18s} {:<18s} {:<18s} {:<18s} {:<18s}\n".format("#", "#", "pager", "refs", "ready", "mapped", "cached", "object", "offset", "crypto_offset", "crypto_start", "crypto_end"))
qhead = kern.globals.apple_protect_pager_queue
qtype = GetType('apple_protect_pager *')
qcnt = kern.globals.apple_protect_pager_count
idx = 0
for pager in IterateQueue(qhead, qtype, "pager_queue"):
idx = idx + 1
show_apple_protect_pager(pager, qcnt, idx)
def ShowAppleProtectPager(cmd_args=None):
"""Routine to print out info about an apple_protect pager
usage: show_apple_protect_pager <pager>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowAppleProtectPager.__doc__)
pager = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'apple_protect_pager_t')
show_apple_protect_pager(pager, 1, 1)
def show_apple_protect_pager(pager, qcnt, idx):
object = pager.backing_object
shadow = object.shadow
while shadow != 0:
object = shadow
shadow = object.shadow
vnode_pager = Cast(object.pager,'vnode_pager *')
filename = GetVnodePath(vnode_pager.vnode_handle)
if hasattr(pager, "ap_pgr_hdr_ref"):
refcnt = pager.ap_pgr_hdr_ref
refcnt = pager.ap_pgr_hdr.mo_ref
print("{:>3}/{:<3d} {: <#018x} {:>5d} {:>5d} {:>6d} {:>6d} {: <#018x} {:#018x} {:#018x} {:#018x} {:#018x}\n\tcrypt_info:{: <#018x} <decrypt:{: <#018x} end:{:#018x} ops:{: <#018x} refs:{:<d}>\n\tvnode:{: <#018x} {:s}\n".format(idx, qcnt, pager, refcnt, pager.is_ready, pager.is_mapped, pager.is_cached, pager.backing_object, pager.backing_offset, pager.crypto_backing_offset, pager.crypto_start, pager.crypto_end, pager.crypt_info, pager.crypt_info.page_decrypt, pager.crypt_info.crypt_end, pager.crypt_info.crypt_ops, pager.crypt_info.crypt_refcnt, vnode_pager.vnode_handle, filename))
showvmobject(pager.backing_object, pager.backing_offset, pager.crypto_end - pager.crypto_start, show_pager_info=True, show_all_shadows=True, show_upl_info=True)
def ShowAllSharedRegionPagers(cmd_args=None):
"""Routine to print all shared_region pagers
usage: show_all_shared_region_pagers
print("{:>3s} {:<3s} {:<18s} {:>5s} {:>5s} {:>6s} {:<18s} {:<18s} {:<18s} {:<18s}\n".format("#", "#", "pager", "refs", "ready", "mapped", "object", "offset", "jop_key", "slide", "slide_info"))
qhead = kern.globals.shared_region_pager_queue
qtype = GetType('shared_region_pager *')
qcnt = kern.globals.shared_region_pager_count
idx = 0
for pager in IterateQueue(qhead, qtype, "srp_queue"):
idx = idx + 1
show_shared_region_pager(pager, qcnt, idx)
def ShowSharedRegionPager(cmd_args=None):
"""Routine to print out info about a shared_region pager
usage: show_shared_region_pager <pager>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowSharedRegionPager.__doc__)
pager = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'shared_region_pager_t')
show_shared_region_pager(pager, 1, 1)
def show_shared_region_pager(pager, qcnt, idx):
object = pager.srp_backing_object
shadow = object.shadow
while shadow != 0:
object = shadow
shadow = object.shadow
vnode_pager = Cast(object.pager,'vnode_pager *')
filename = GetVnodePath(vnode_pager.vnode_handle)
if hasattr(pager, 'srp_ref_count'):
ref_count = pager.srp_ref_count
ref_count = pager.srp_header.mo_ref
if hasattr(pager, 'srp_jop_key'):
jop_key = pager.srp_jop_key
jop_key = -1
print("{:>3}/{:<3d} {: <#018x} {:>5d} {:>5d} {:>6d} {: <#018x} {:#018x} {:#018x} {:#018x}\n\tvnode:{: <#018x} {:s}\n".format(idx, qcnt, pager, ref_count, pager.srp_is_ready, pager.srp_is_mapped, pager.srp_backing_object, pager.srp_backing_offset, jop_key, pager.srp_slide_info.si_slide, pager.srp_slide_info, vnode_pager.vnode_handle, filename))
showvmobject(pager.srp_backing_object, pager.srp_backing_offset, pager.srp_slide_info.si_end - pager.srp_slide_info.si_start, show_pager_info=True, show_all_shadows=True, show_upl_info=True)
def ShowAllDyldPagers(cmd_args=None):
"""Routine to print all dyld pagers
usage: show_all_dyld_pagers
qhead = kern.globals.dyld_pager_queue
qtype = GetType('dyld_pager *')
qcnt = kern.globals.dyld_pager_count
idx = 0
for pager in IterateQueue(qhead, qtype, "dyld_pager_queue"):
idx = idx + 1
show_dyld_pager(pager, qcnt, idx)
@header("{:>3s} {:<3s} {:<18s} {:>5s} {:>5s} {:>6s} {:<18s} {:<18s} {:<18s}\n".format("#", "#", "pager", "refs", "ready", "mapped", "object", "link_info", "link_info_size"))
def ShowDyldPager(cmd_args=None):
"""Routine to print out info about a dyld pager
usage: show_dyld_pager <pager>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowDyldPager.__doc__)
pager = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'dyld_pager_t')
show_dyld_pager(pager, 1, 1)
def show_dyld_pager(pager, qcnt, idx):
object = pager.dyld_backing_object
shadow = object.shadow
while shadow != 0:
object = shadow
shadow = object.shadow
vnode_pager = Cast(object.pager,'vnode_pager *')
filename = GetVnodePath(vnode_pager.vnode_handle)
ref_count = pager.dyld_header.mo_ref
print("{:>3d}/{:<3d} {: <#018x} {:>5d} {:>5d} {:>6d} {: <#018x} {:#018x} {:#018x}".format(idx, qcnt, pager, ref_count, pager.dyld_is_ready, pager.dyld_is_mapped, pager.dyld_backing_object, pager.dyld_link_info, pager.dyld_link_info_size))
print("\tvnode:{: <#018x} {:s}\n".format(vnode_pager.vnode_handle, filename))
showvmobject(pager.dyld_backing_object, show_pager_info=True, show_all_shadows=True, show_upl_info=True)
def show_dyld_pager_regions(pager):
"""Routine to print out region info about a dyld pager
print("\t\t{:>3s}/{:<3s} {:<18s} {:<18s} {:<18s}".format("#", "#", "file_offset", "address", "size"))
for idx in range(pager.dyld_num_range):
print("\t\t{:>3d}/{:<3d} {: <#018x} {: <#018x} {: <#018x}".format(idx + 1, pager.dyld_num_range, pager.dyld_file_offset[idx], pager.dyld_address[idx], pager.dyld_size[idx]))
def ShowConsoleRingData(cmd_args=None):
""" Print console ring buffer stats and data
cr = kern.globals.console_ring
print("console_ring = {:#018x} buffer = {:#018x} length = {:<5d} used = {:<5d} read_ptr = {:#018x} write_ptr = {:#018x}".format(addressof(cr), cr.buffer, cr.len, cr.used, cr.read_ptr, cr.write_ptr))
pending_data = []
for i in range(unsigned(cr.used)):
idx = ((unsigned(cr.read_ptr) - unsigned(cr.buffer)) + i) % unsigned(cr.len)
if pending_data:
def ShowJetsamZprintSnapshot():
""" Helper function for the ShowJetsamSnapshot lldb command to print the last Jetsam zprint snapshot
jzs_trigger_band = kern.GetGlobalVariable('jzs_trigger_band')
jzs_gencount = kern.GetGlobalVariable('jzs_gencount')
jzs_names = kern.globals.jzs_names
jzs_info = kern.globals.jzs_info
print("Jetsam zprint snapshot jzs_trigger_band: {:2d}\n".format(jzs_trigger_band))
if (unsigned(jzs_gencount) == ((1 << 64) - 1)):
print("No jetsam zprint snapshot found\n")
print("Jetsam zprint snapshot jzs_trigger_band: {:2d}\n".format(jzs_trigger_band))
info_hdr = "{0: >3s} {1: <30s} {2: >6s} {3: >11s} {4: >11s} {5: >10s} {6: >11s} {7: >11s} {8: >6s}"
info_fmt = "{0: >3d} {1: <30s} {2: >6d} {3: >11d} {4: >11d} {5: >10d} {6: >11d} {7: >11d} {8: >6d}"
count = kern.GetGlobalVariable('jzs_zone_cnt')
print("\nJetsam zprint snapshot: zone info for {:3d} zones when jetsam last hit band: {:2d}, jzs_gencount: {:6d}\n\n".format(count, jzs_trigger_band, jzs_gencount))
print(info_hdr.format("", "", "elem", "cur", "max", "cur", "max", "cur", "alloc"))
print(info_hdr.format("#", "name", "size", "size", "size", "#elts", "#elts", "inuse", "size"))
idx = 0;
while idx < count:
info = dereference(Cast(addressof(jzs_info[idx]), 'mach_zone_info_t *'))
if info.mzi_elem_size > 0:
print(info_fmt.format(idx, jzs_names[idx].mzn_name, info.mzi_elem_size, \
info.mzi_cur_size, info.mzi_max_size, \
info.mzi_cur_size / info.mzi_elem_size, info.mzi_max_size / info.mzi_elem_size, \
info.mzi_count, info.mzi_alloc_size))
idx += 1
jzs_meminfo = kern.globals.jzs_meminfo
count = kern.GetGlobalVariable('jzs_meminfo_cnt')
print("\nJetsam zprint snapshot: wired memory info when jetsam last hit band: {:2d}, jzs_gencount: {:6d}\n\n".format(jzs_trigger_band, jzs_gencount))
print(" {:<7s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:<50s}".format("tag.kmod", "peak", "size", "name"))
idx = 0;
while idx < count:
meminfo = dereference(Cast(addressof(jzs_meminfo[idx]), 'mach_memory_info_t *'))
peak = meminfo.peak / 1024
size = meminfo.size / 1024
if peak > 0:
tag = unsigned(meminfo.tag)
(sitestr, tagstr) = GetVMKernName(tag)
print(" {:>3d}{:<4s} {:>7d}K {:>7d}K {:<50s}".format(tag, tagstr, peak, size, sitestr))
idx += 1
# Macro: showjetsamsnapshot
@lldb_command("showjetsamsnapshot", "DA")
def ShowJetsamSnapshot(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Dump entries in the jetsam snapshot table
usage: showjetsamsnapshot [-D] [-A]
Use -D flag to print extra physfootprint details
Use -A flag to print all entries (regardless of valid count)
# Not shown are uuid, user_data, cpu_time
global kern
show_footprint_details = False
show_all_entries = False
if "-D" in cmd_options:
show_footprint_details = True
if "-A" in cmd_options:
show_all_entries = True
valid_count = kern.globals.memorystatus_jetsam_snapshot_count
max_count = kern.globals.memorystatus_jetsam_snapshot_max
if show_all_entries:
count = max_count
count = valid_count
if int(count) == 0:
print("The jetsam snapshot is empty.")
print("Use -A to force dump all entries (regardless of valid count)")
# Dumps the snapshot header info
print(lldb_run_command('p *memorystatus_jetsam_snapshot'))
hdr_format = "{0: >32s} {1: >5s} {2: >4s} {3: >6s} {4: >6s} {5: >20s} {6: >20s} {7: >20s} {8: >5s} {9: >10s} {10: >6s} {11: >6s} {12: >10s} {13: >15s} {14: >15s} {15: >15s}"
if show_footprint_details:
hdr_format += "{16: >15s} {17: >15s} {18: >12s} {19: >12s} {20: >17s} {21: >10s} {22: >13s} {23: >10s}"
if not show_footprint_details:
print(hdr_format.format('command', 'index', 'pri', 'cid', 'pid', 'starttime', 'killtime', 'idletime', 'kill', '#ents', 'fds', 'gen', 'state', 'footprint', 'purgeable', 'lifetimeMax'))
print(hdr_format.format('', '', '', '', '', '(abs)', '(abs)', '(abs)', 'cause', '', '', 'Count', '', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)'))
print(hdr_format.format('command', 'index', 'pri', 'cid', 'pid', 'starttime', 'killtime', 'idletime', 'kill', '#ents', 'fds', 'gen', 'state', 'footprint', 'purgeable', 'lifetimeMax', '|| internal', 'internal_comp', 'iokit_mapped', 'purge_nonvol', 'purge_nonvol_comp', 'alt_acct', 'alt_acct_comp', 'page_table'))
print(hdr_format.format('', '', '', '', '', '(abs)', '(abs)', '(abs)', 'cause', '', '', 'Count', '', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)'))
entry_format = "{ >32s} {index: >5d} {e.priority: >4d} {e.jse_coalition_jetsam_id: >6d} { >6d} "\
"{e.jse_starttime: >20d} {e.jse_killtime: >20d} "\
"{e.jse_idle_delta: >20d} {e.killed: >5d} {e.jse_memory_region_count: >10d} "\
"{e.fds: >6d} {e.jse_gencount: >6d} {e.state: >10x} {e.pages: >15d} "\
"{e.purgeable_pages: >15d} {e.max_pages_lifetime: >15d}"
if show_footprint_details:
entry_format += "{e.jse_internal_pages: >15d} "\
"{e.jse_internal_compressed_pages: >15d} "\
"{e.jse_iokit_mapped_pages: >12d} "\
"{e.jse_purgeable_nonvolatile_pages: >12d} "\
"{e.jse_purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed_pages: >17d} "\
"{e.jse_alternate_accounting_pages: >10d} "\
"{e.jse_alternate_accounting_compressed_pages: >13d} "\
"{e.jse_page_table_pages: >10d}"
snapshot_list = kern.globals.memorystatus_jetsam_snapshot.entries
idx = 0
while idx < count:
current_entry = dereference(Cast(addressof(snapshot_list[idx]), 'jetsam_snapshot_entry *'))
print(entry_format.format(index=idx, e=current_entry))
idx +=1
# EndMacro: showjetsamsnapshot
# Macro: showjetsambucket
@lldb_command('showjetsamband', 'J')
def ShowJetsamBand(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Print the processes in a jetsam band.
Usage: showjetsamband band_number [-J]
-J : Output pids as json
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("invalid arguments")
if len(cmd_args) != 1:
raise ArgumentError("insufficient arguments")
print_json = "-J" in cmd_options
bucket_number = int(cmd_args[0])
buckets = kern.GetGlobalVariable('memstat_bucket')
bucket = value(buckets.GetSBValue().CreateValueFromExpression(None,
'memstat_bucket[%d]' %(bucket_number)))
l = bucket.list
pids = []
if not print_json:
for i in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(l, "p_memstat_list"):
if not print_json:
as_json = json.dumps(pids)
if print_json:
# Macro: showvnodecleanblk/showvnodedirtyblk
def _GetBufSummary(buf):
""" Get a summary of important information out of a buf_t.
initial = "(struct buf) {0: <#0x} ="
# List all of the fields in this buf summary.
entries = [buf.b_hash, buf.b_vnbufs, buf.b_freelist, buf.b_timestamp, buf.b_whichq,
buf.b_flags, buf.b_lflags, buf.b_error, buf.b_bufsize, buf.b_bcount, buf.b_resid,
buf.b_dev, buf.b_datap, buf.b_lblkno, buf.b_blkno, buf.b_iodone, buf.b_vp,
buf.b_rcred, buf.b_wcred, buf.b_upl, buf.b_real_bp, buf.b_act, buf.b_drvdata,
buf.b_fsprivate, buf.b_transaction, buf.b_dirtyoff, buf.b_dirtyend, buf.b_validoff,
buf.b_validend, buf.b_redundancy_flags, buf.b_proc, buf.b_attr]
# Join an (already decent) string representation of each field
# with newlines and indent the region.
joined_strs = "\n".join([str(i).rstrip() for i in entries]).replace('\n', "\n ")
# Add the total string representation to our title and return it.
out_str = initial.format(int(buf)) + " {\n " + joined_strs + "\n}\n\n"
return out_str
def _ShowVnodeBlocks(dirty=True, cmd_args=None):
""" Display info about all [dirty|clean] blocks in a vnode.
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Please provide a valid vnode argument.")
vnodeval = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vnode *')
list_head = vnodeval.v_cleanblkhd;
if dirty:
list_head = vnodeval.v_dirtyblkhd
print("Blocklist for vnode {}:".format(cmd_args[0]))
i = 0
for buf in IterateListEntry(list_head, 'b_hash'):
# For each block (buf_t) in the appropriate list,
# ask for a summary and print it.
print("---->\nblock {}: ".format(i) + _GetBufSummary(buf))
i += 1
def ShowVnodeCleanBlocks(cmd_args=None):
""" Display info about all clean blocks in a vnode.
usage: showvnodecleanblk <address of vnode>
_ShowVnodeBlocks(False, cmd_args)
def ShowVnodeDirtyBlocks(cmd_args=None):
""" Display info about all dirty blocks in a vnode.
usage: showvnodedirtyblk <address of vnode>
_ShowVnodeBlocks(True, cmd_args)
# EndMacro: showvnodecleanblk/showvnodedirtyblk
def VmPageLookupInMap(cmd_args=None):
"""Lookup up a page at a virtual address in a VM map
usage: vm_page_lookup_in_map <map> <vaddr>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 2:
print("Invalid argument.", VmPageLookupInMap.__doc__)
map = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_map_t')
vaddr = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[1], 'vm_map_offset_t')
print("vaddr {:#018x} in map {: <#018x}".format(vaddr, map))
vm_page_lookup_in_map(map, vaddr)
def vm_page_lookup_in_map(map, vaddr):
vaddr = unsigned(vaddr)
vme_list_head = map.hdr.links
vme_ptr_type = GetType('vm_map_entry *')
for vme in IterateQueue(vme_list_head, vme_ptr_type, "links"):
if unsigned(vme.links.start) > vaddr:
if unsigned(vme.links.end) <= vaddr:
offset_in_vme = vaddr - unsigned(vme.links.start)
print(" offset {:#018x} in map entry {: <#018x} [{:#018x}:{:#018x}] object {: <#018x} offset {:#018x}".format(offset_in_vme, vme, unsigned(vme.links.start), unsigned(vme.links.end), get_vme_object(vme), get_vme_offset(vme)))
offset_in_object = offset_in_vme + get_vme_offset(vme)
obj_or_submap = get_vme_object(vme)
if vme.is_sub_map:
print("vaddr {:#018x} in map {: <#018x}".format(offset_in_object, obj_or_submap))
vm_page_lookup_in_map(obj_or_submap, offset_in_object)
vm_page_lookup_in_object(obj_or_submap, offset_in_object)
def VmPageLookupInObject(cmd_args=None):
"""Lookup up a page at a given offset in a VM object
usage: vm_page_lookup_in_object <object> <offset>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 2:
print("Invalid argument.", VmPageLookupInObject.__doc__)
object = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_object_t')
offset = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[1], 'vm_object_offset_t')
print("offset {:#018x} in object {: <#018x}".format(offset, object))
vm_page_lookup_in_object(object, offset)
def vm_page_lookup_in_object(object, offset):
offset = unsigned(offset)
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
trunc_offset = offset & ~(page_size - 1)
print(" offset {:#018x} in VM object {: <#018x}".format(offset, object))
hash_id = _calc_vm_page_hash(object, trunc_offset)
page_list = kern.globals.vm_page_buckets[hash_id].page_list
page = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(page_list)
while page != 0:
m = kern.GetValueFromAddress(page, 'vm_page_t')
m_object_val = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(m.vmp_object)
m_object = kern.GetValueFromAddress(m_object_val, 'vm_object_t')
if unsigned(m_object) != unsigned(object) or unsigned(m.vmp_offset) != unsigned(trunc_offset):
page = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(m.vmp_next_m)
print(" resident page {: <#018x} phys {:#010x}".format(m, _vm_page_get_phys_page(m)))
if object.pager and object.pager_ready:
offset_in_pager = trunc_offset + unsigned(object.paging_offset)
if not object.internal:
print(" offset {:#018x} in external '{:s}' {: <#018x}".format(offset_in_pager, object.pager.mo_pager_ops.memory_object_pager_name, object.pager))
pager = Cast(object.pager, 'compressor_pager *')
ret = vm_page_lookup_in_compressor_pager(pager, offset_in_pager)
if ret:
if object.shadow and not object.phys_contiguous:
offset_in_shadow = offset + unsigned(object.vo_un2.vou_shadow_offset)
vm_page_lookup_in_object(object.shadow, offset_in_shadow)
print(" page is absent and will be zero-filled on demand")
def VmPageLookupInCompressorPager(cmd_args=None):
"""Lookup up a page at a given offset in a compressor pager
usage: vm_page_lookup_in_compressor_pager <pager> <offset>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 2:
print("Invalid argument.", VmPageLookupInCompressorPager.__doc__)
pager = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'compressor_pager_t')
offset = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[1], 'memory_object_offset_t')
print("offset {:#018x} in compressor pager {: <#018x}".format(offset, pager))
vm_page_lookup_in_compressor_pager(pager, offset)
def vm_page_lookup_in_compressor_pager(pager, offset):
offset = unsigned(offset)
page_size = unsigned(kern.globals.page_size)
page_num = unsigned(offset // page_size)
if page_num > pager.cpgr_num_slots:
print(" *** ERROR: vm_page_lookup_in_compressor_pager({: <#018x},{:#018x}): page_num {:#x} > num_slots {:#x}".format(pager, offset, page_num, pager.cpgr_num_slots))
return 0
slots_per_chunk = 512 // sizeof ('compressor_slot_t')
num_chunks = unsigned((pager.cpgr_num_slots+slots_per_chunk-1) // slots_per_chunk)
if num_chunks > 1:
chunk_idx = unsigned(page_num // slots_per_chunk)
chunk = pager.cpgr_slots.cpgr_islots[chunk_idx]
slot_idx = unsigned(page_num % slots_per_chunk)
slot = GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(chunk, slot_idx)
slot_str = "islots[{:d}][{:d}]".format(chunk_idx, slot_idx)
elif pager.cpgr_num_slots > 2:
slot_idx = page_num
slot = GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(pager.cpgr_slots.cpgr_dslots, slot_idx)
slot_str = "dslots[{:d}]".format(slot_idx)
slot_idx = page_num
slot = GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(pager.cpgr_slots.cpgr_eslots, slot_idx)
slot_str = "eslots[{:d}]".format(slot_idx)
print(" offset {:#018x} in compressor pager {: <#018x} {:s} slot {: <#018x}".format(offset, pager, slot_str, slot))
if slot == 0:
return 0
slot_value = dereference(slot)
print(" value {:#010x}".format(slot_value))
vm_page_lookup_in_compressor(Cast(slot, 'c_slot_mapping_t'))
return 1
def VmPageLookupInCompressor(cmd_args=None):
"""Lookup up a page in a given compressor slot
usage: vm_page_lookup_in_compressor <slot>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", VmPageLookupInCompressor.__doc__)
slot = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'compressor_slot_t *')
print("compressor slot {: <#018x}".format(slot))
C_SV_CSEG_ID = ((1 << 22) - 1)
def vm_page_lookup_in_compressor(slot_ptr):
slot_ptr = Cast(slot_ptr, 'compressor_slot_t *')
slot_value = dereference(slot_ptr)
slot = Cast(slot_value, 'c_slot_mapping')
print("compressor slot {: <#018x} -> {:#010x} cseg {:d} cindx {:d}".format(unsigned(slot_ptr), unsigned(slot_value), slot.s_cseg, slot.s_cindx))
if slot_ptr == 0:
if slot.s_cseg == C_SV_CSEG_ID:
sv = kern.globals.c_segment_sv_hash_table
print("single value[{:#d}]: ref {:d} value {:#010x}".format(slot.s_cindx, sv[slot.s_cindx].c_sv_he_un.c_sv_he.c_sv_he_ref, sv[slot.s_cindx].c_sv_he_un.c_sv_he.c_sv_he_data))
if slot.s_cseg == 0 or unsigned(slot.s_cseg) > unsigned(kern.globals.c_segments_available):
print("*** ERROR: s_cseg {:d} is out of bounds (1 - {:d})".format(slot.s_cseg, unsigned(kern.globals.c_segments_available)))
c_segments = kern.globals.c_segments
c_segments_elt = GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(c_segments, slot.s_cseg-1)
c_seg = c_segments_elt.c_seg
c_no_data = 0
if hasattr(c_seg, 'c_state'):
c_state = c_seg.c_state
if c_state == 0:
c_state_str = "C_IS_EMPTY"
c_no_data = 1
elif c_state == 1:
c_state_str = "C_IS_FREE"
c_no_data = 1
elif c_state == 2:
c_state_str = "C_IS_FILLING"
elif c_state == 3:
c_state_str = "C_ON_AGE_Q"
elif c_state == 4:
c_state_str = "C_ON_SWAPOUT_Q"
elif c_state == 5:
c_state_str = "C_ON_SWAPPEDOUT_Q"
c_no_data = 1
elif c_state == 6:
c_no_data = 1
elif c_state == 7:
c_state_str = "C_ON_SWAPPEDIN_Q"
elif c_state == 8:
c_state_str = "C_ON_MAJORCOMPACT_Q"
elif c_state == 9:
c_state_str = "C_ON_BAD_Q"
c_no_data = 1
c_state_str = "<unknown>"
c_state = -1
c_state_str = "<no c_state field>"
print("c_segments[{:d}] {: <#018x} c_seg {: <#018x} c_state {:#x}={:s}".format(slot.s_cseg-1, c_segments_elt, c_seg, c_state, c_state_str))
c_indx = unsigned(slot.s_cindx)
if hasattr(c_seg, 'c_slot_var_array'):
c_seg_fixed_array_len = kern.globals.c_seg_fixed_array_len
if c_indx < c_seg_fixed_array_len:
cs = c_seg.c_slot_fixed_array[c_indx]
cs = GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(c_seg.c_slot_var_array, c_indx - c_seg_fixed_array_len)
cs = GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(c_seg.c_slots[c_indx // C_SEG_SLOT_ARRAY_SIZE], c_indx & C_SEG_SLOT_ARRAY_MASK)
kmem = kmemory.KMem.get_shared()
c_slot_unpacked_ptr = kmem.c_slot_packing.unpack(unsigned(cs.c_packed_ptr))
print("c_slot {: <#018x} c_offset {:#x} c_size {:#x} c_packed_ptr {:#x} (unpacked: {: <#018x})".format(cs, cs.c_offset, cs.c_size, cs.c_packed_ptr, unsigned(c_slot_unpacked_ptr)))
if unsigned(slot_ptr) != unsigned(c_slot_unpacked_ptr):
print("*** ERROR: compressor slot {: <#018x} points back to {: <#018x} instead of itself".format(slot_ptr, c_slot_unpacked_ptr))
if c_no_data == 0:
c_data = c_seg.c_store.c_buffer + (4 * cs.c_offset)
c_size = cs.c_size
cmd = "memory read {: <#018x} {: <#018x} --force".format(c_data, c_data + c_size)
print("<no compressed data>")
def VMScanAllPages(cmd_args=None):
"""Scans the vm_pages[] array
vm_pages_count = kern.globals.vm_pages_count
vm_pages = kern.globals.vm_pages
free_count = 0
local_free_count = 0
active_count = 0
local_active_count = 0
inactive_count = 0
speculative_count = 0
throttled_count = 0
wired_count = 0
compressor_count = 0
pageable_internal_count = 0
pageable_external_count = 0
secluded_count = 0
secluded_free_count = 0
secluded_inuse_count = 0
i = 0
while i < vm_pages_count:
if i % 10000 == 0:
m = vm_pages[i]
internal = 0
external = 0
m_object_val = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(m.vmp_object)
if m_object:
if m_object.internal:
internal = 1
external = 1
if m.vmp_wire_count != 0 and m.vmp_local == 0:
wired_count = wired_count + 1
pageable = 0
elif m.vmp_throttled:
throttled_count = throttled_count + 1
pageable = 0
elif m.vmp_active:
active_count = active_count + 1
pageable = 1
elif m.vmp_local:
local_active_count = local_active_count + 1
pageable = 0
elif m.vmp_inactive:
inactive_count = inactive_count + 1
pageable = 1
elif m.vmp_speculative:
speculative_count = speculative_count + 1
pageable = 0
elif m.vmp_free:
free_count = free_count + 1
pageable = 0
elif m.vmp_secluded:
secluded_count = secluded_count + 1
if m_object == 0:
secluded_free_count = secluded_free_count + 1
secluded_inuse_count = secluded_inuse_count + 1
pageable = 0
elif m_object == 0 and m.vmp_busy:
local_free_count = local_free_count + 1
pageable = 0
elif m.vmp_compressor:
compressor_count = compressor_count + 1
pageable = 0
print("weird page vm_pages[{:d}]?\n".format(i))
pageable = 0
if pageable:
if internal:
pageable_internal_count = pageable_internal_count + 1
pageable_external_count = pageable_external_count + 1
i = i + 1
print("vm_pages_count = {:d}\n".format(vm_pages_count))
print("wired_count = {:d}\n".format(wired_count))
print("throttled_count = {:d}\n".format(throttled_count))
print("active_count = {:d}\n".format(active_count))
print("local_active_count = {:d}\n".format(local_active_count))
print("inactive_count = {:d}\n".format(inactive_count))
print("speculative_count = {:d}\n".format(speculative_count))
print("free_count = {:d}\n".format(free_count))
print("local_free_count = {:d}\n".format(local_free_count))
print("compressor_count = {:d}\n".format(compressor_count))
print("pageable_internal_count = {:d}\n".format(pageable_internal_count))
print("pageable_external_count = {:d}\n".format(pageable_external_count))
print("secluded_count = {:d}\n".format(secluded_count))
print("secluded_free_count = {:d}\n".format(secluded_free_count))
print("secluded_inuse_count = {:d}\n".format(secluded_inuse_count))
def ShowAllVMNamedEntries(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print a summary listing of all the VM named entries
kmem = kmemory.KMem.get_shared()
ikot_named_entry = GetEnumValue('ipc_kotype_t', 'IKOT_NAMED_ENTRY')
port_ty = gettype('struct ipc_port')
ent_ty = gettype('struct vm_named_entry')
named_entries = (
for port
in kmemory.Zone("ipc ports").iter_allocated(port_ty)
if port.xGetScalarByPath(".ip_object.io_bits") & 0x3ff == ikot_named_entry
for idx, port in enumerate(named_entries):
ko = kmem.make_address(port.xGetScalarByName('ip_kobject'))
ent = port.xCreateValueFromAddress(None, ko, ent_ty)
showmemoryentry(value(ent.AddressOf()), idx=idx + 1, port=value(port.AddressOf()))
def ShowVMNamedEntry(cmd_args=None):
""" Routine to print a VM named entry
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowMapVMNamedEntry.__doc__)
named_entry = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_named_entry_t')
def showmemoryentry(entry, idx=0, port=None):
""" Routine to print out a summary a VM memory entry
entry - core.value : a object of type 'struct vm_named_entry *'
show_pager_info = True
show_all_shadows = True
backing = ""
if entry.is_sub_map == 1:
backing += "SUBMAP"
if entry.is_copy == 1:
backing += "COPY"
if entry.is_object == 1:
backing += "OBJECT"
if entry.is_sub_map == 0 and entry.is_copy == 0 and entry.is_object == 0:
backing += "***?***"
if & 0x1:
prot += "r"
prot += "-"
if & 0x2:
prot += "w"
prot += "-"
if & 0x4:
prot += "x"
prot += "-"
extra_str = ""
if port is not None:
extra_str += " port={:#016x}".format(port)
print("{:d} {: <#018x} prot={:d}/{:s} type={:s} backing={: <#018x} offset={:#016x} dataoffset={:#016x} size={:#016x}{:s}".format(idx,entry,,prot,backing,entry.backing.copy,entry.offset,entry.data_offset,entry.size,extra_str))
if entry.is_sub_map == 1:
showmapvme(, 0, 0, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows)
elif entry.is_copy == 1:
showmapcopyvme(entry.backing.copy, 0, 0, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows)
elif entry.is_object == 1:
showmapcopyvme(entry.backing.copy, 0, 0, show_pager_info, show_all_shadows)
print("***** UNKNOWN TYPE *****")
def ShowMapRB(cmd_args=None):
"""Routine to print out a VM map's RB tree
usage: showmaprb <vm_map>
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
print("Invalid argument.", ShowMapRB.__doc__)
map_val = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'vm_map_t')
vme_type = gettype('struct vm_map_entry')
to_entry = vme_type.xContainerOfTransform('store')
for links in iter_RB_HEAD(map_val.hdr.rb_head_store.GetSBValue(), 'entry'):
return None
@lldb_command('show_all_owned_objects', 'T')
def ShowAllOwnedObjects(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Routine to print the list of VM objects owned by each task
-T: show only ledger-tagged objects
showonlytagged = False
if "-T" in cmd_options:
showonlytagged = True
for task in kern.tasks:
ShowTaskOwnedVmObjects(task, showonlytagged)
@lldb_command('show_task_owned_objects', 'T')
def ShowTaskOwnedObjects(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Routine to print the list of VM objects owned by the specified task
-T: show only ledger-tagged objects
showonlytagged = False
if "-T" in cmd_options:
showonlytagged = True
task = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task *')
ShowTaskOwnedVmObjects(task, showonlytagged)
@lldb_command('showdeviceinfo', 'J')
def ShowDeviceInfo(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Routine to show basic device information (model, build, ncpus, etc...)
Usage: memstats [-J]
-J : Output json
print_json = False
if "-J" in cmd_options:
print_json = True
device_info = {}
device_info["build"] = str(kern.globals.osversion)
device_info["memoryConfig"] = int(kern.globals.max_mem_actual)
device_info["ncpu"] = int(kern.globals.ncpu)
device_info["pagesize"] = int(kern.globals.page_size)
device_info["mlockLimit"] = signed(kern.globals.vm_global_user_wire_limit)
# Serializing to json here ensure we always catch bugs preventing
# serialization
as_json = json.dumps(device_info)
if print_json:
def ShowTaskOwnedVmObjects(task, showonlytagged=False):
""" Routine to print out a summary listing of all the entries in a vm_map
task - core.value : a object of type 'task *'
taskobjq_total = lambda:None
taskobjq_total.objects = 0
taskobjq_total.vsize = 0
taskobjq_total.rsize = 0
taskobjq_total.wsize = 0
taskobjq_total.csize = 0
vmo_list_head = task.task_objq
vmo_ptr_type = GetType('vm_object *')
idx = 0
for vmo in IterateQueue(vmo_list_head, vmo_ptr_type, "task_objq"):
idx += 1
if not showonlytagged or vmo.vo_ledger_tag != 0:
if taskobjq_total.objects == 0:
print(' \n')
print(GetTaskSummary.header + ' ' + GetProcSummary.header)
print(GetTaskSummary(task) + ' ' + GetProcSummary(GetProcFromTask(task)))
print('{:>6s} {:<6s} {:18s} {:1s} {:>6s} {:>16s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>2s} {:18s} {:>6s} {:<20s}\n'.format("#","#","object","P","refcnt","size (pages)","resid","wired","compressed","tg","owner","pid","process"))
ShowOwnedVmObject(vmo, idx, 0, taskobjq_total)
if taskobjq_total.objects != 0:
print(" total:{:<10d} [ virtual:{:<10d} resident:{:<10d} wired:{:<10d} compressed:{:<10d} ]\n".format(taskobjq_total.objects, taskobjq_total.vsize, taskobjq_total.rsize, taskobjq_total.wsize, taskobjq_total.csize))
return None
def ShowOwnedVmObject(object, idx, queue_len, taskobjq_total):
""" Routine to print out a VM object owned by a task
object - core.value : a object of type 'struct vm_object *'
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
if object.purgable == 0:
purgable = "N"
elif object.purgable == 1:
purgable = "V"
elif object.purgable == 2:
purgable = "E"
elif object.purgable == 3:
purgable = "D"
purgable = "?"
if object.pager == 0:
compressed_count = 0
compressor_pager = Cast(object.pager, 'compressor_pager *')
compressed_count = compressor_pager.cpgr_num_slots_occupied
print("{:>6d}/{:<6d} {: <#018x} {:1s} {:>6d} {:>16d} {:>10d} {:>10d} {:>10d} {:>2d} {: <#018x} {:>6d} {:<20s}\n".format(idx,queue_len,object,purgable,object.ref_count,object.vo_un1.vou_size // page_size,object.resident_page_count,object.wired_page_count,compressed_count, object.vo_ledger_tag, object.vo_un2.vou_owner,GetProcPIDForObjectOwner(object.vo_un2.vou_owner),GetProcNameForObjectOwner(object.vo_un2.vou_owner)))
taskobjq_total.objects += 1
taskobjq_total.vsize += object.vo_un1.vou_size // page_size
taskobjq_total.rsize += object.resident_page_count
taskobjq_total.wsize += object.wired_page_count
taskobjq_total.csize += compressed_count
def GetProcPIDForObjectOwner(owner):
""" same as GetProcPIDForTask() but deals with -1 for a disowned object
if unsigned(Cast(owner, 'int')) == unsigned(int(0xffffffff)):
return -1
return GetProcPIDForTask(owner)
def GetProcNameForObjectOwner(owner):
""" same as GetProcNameForTask() but deals with -1 for a disowned object
if unsigned(Cast(owner, 'int')) == unsigned(int(0xffffffff)):
return "<disowned>"
return GetProcNameForTask(owner)
def GetDescForNamedEntry(mem_entry):
out_str = "\n"
out_str += "\t\tmem_entry {:#08x} ref:{:d} offset:{:#08x} size:{:#08x} prot{:d} backing {:#08x}".format(mem_entry, mem_entry.ref_count, mem_entry.offset, mem_entry.size,, mem_entry.backing.copy)
if mem_entry.is_sub_map:
out_str += " is_sub_map"
elif mem_entry.is_copy:
out_str += " is_copy"
elif mem_entry.is_object:
out_str += " is_object"
out_str += " ???"
return out_str
# Macro: showdiagmemthresholds
def GetDiagThresholdConvertSizeToString(size,human_readable):
if human_readable == 1 :
if(size > (1 << 20)) :
return "{0: >7,.2f}MB".format(size / (1 << 20))
elif(size > (1 << 10)) :
return "{0: >7,.2f}KB".format(size / (1 << 10))
return "{0: >7,.2f}B".format(float(size))
else :
return "{0: >9d}B".format(size )
@header("{: >8s} {: >14s} {: >14s} {: >10s} {: >14s} {: >10s} {: >10s} {: <32s}".format(
'PID', 'Footprint',
'Limit', 'Lim Warned','Threshold', 'Thr Warned','Thr Enabled','Command'))
def GetDiagThresholdStatusNode(proc_val,interested_pid,show_all,human_readable):
""" Internal function to get memorystatus information from the given proc
params: proc - value representing struct proc *
return: str - formatted output information for proc object
Options are
-p Define a pid to show information
-a Print all the processes, regardless if threshold is enabled
-r Show data in human readable format
if interested_pid != -1 and int(interested_pid) != int(GetProcPID(proc_val)) :
return ""
LF_ENTRY_ACTIVE = 0x0001 # entry is active if set
LF_WAKE_NEEDED = 0x0100 # one or more threads are asleep
LF_WAKE_INPROGRESS = 0x0200 # the wait queue is being processed
LF_REFILL_SCHEDULED = 0x0400 # a refill timer has been set
LF_REFILL_INPROGRESS = 0x0800 # the ledger is being refilled
LF_CALLED_BACK = 0x1000 # callback was called for balance in deficit
LF_WARNED = 0x2000 # callback was called for balance warning
LF_TRACKING_MAX = 0x4000 # track max balance. Exclusive w.r.t refill
LF_PANIC_ON_NEGATIVE = 0x8000 # panic if it goes negative
LF_TRACK_CREDIT_ONLY = 0x10000 # only update "credit"
LF_DIAG_WARNED = 0x20000 # callback was called for balance diag
LF_DIAG_DISABLED = 0x40000 # diagnostics threshold are disabled at the moment
out_str = ''
task_val = GetTaskFromProc(proc_val)
task_ledgerp = task_val.ledger
ledger_template = kern.globals.task_ledger_template
task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry = GetLedgerEntryWithName(ledger_template, task_ledgerp, 'phys_footprint')
diagmem_threshold = task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry['diag_threshold_scaled']
if diagmem_threshold == -1 and show_all == 0 and interested_pid == -1 :
return ""
diagmem_threshold_warned = task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry['flags'] & LF_DIAG_WARNED
diagmem_threshold_disabled = task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry['flags'] & LF_DIAG_DISABLED
phys_footprint_limit = task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry['limit']
phys_footprint_limit_warned = task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry['flags'] & LF_WARNED
task_mem_footprint = task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry['balance']
if phys_footprint_limit_warned == 0 :
phys_footprint_limit_warned_str = "Not warned"
else :
phys_footprint_limit_warned_str = "Warned"
if diagmem_threshold_warned == 0 :
diagmem_threshold_warned_str = "Not warned"
else :
diagmem_threshold_warned_str = "Warned"
if diagmem_threshold_disabled == 0 :
diagmem_threshold_disabled_str = "Enabled"
else :
diagmem_threshold_disabled_str = "Disabled"
if diagmem_threshold == -1 :
diagmem_threshold_str = "Not set"
else :
diagmem_threshold_str = GetDiagThresholdConvertSizeToString(diagmem_threshold * (1<<20),human_readable)
format_string = '{0: >8d} {1: >14s} {2: >14s} {3: >10s} {4: >14s} {5: >10s} {6: >10s} {7: <32s}'
out_str += format_string.format(
return out_str
def ShowDiagmemThresholds(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Routine to display each entry in diagmem threshold and its ledger related information
Usage: showdiagmemthresholds
Options are
-P Define a pid to show information
-A Print all the processes, regardless if threshold is enabled
-R Show data in human readable format
# If we are focusing only on one PID, lets check
if "-P" in cmd_options:
interested_pid = cmd_options["-P"]
else :
interested_pid = -1
if "-A" in cmd_options:
show_all = 1
else :
show_all = 0
if "-R" in cmd_options:
human_readable = 1
else :
human_readable = 0
bucket_index = 0
bucket_count = 20
while bucket_index < bucket_count:
current_bucket = kern.globals.memstat_bucket[bucket_index]
current_list = current_bucket.list
current_proc = Cast(current_list.tqh_first, 'proc *')
while unsigned(current_proc) != 0:
current_line = GetDiagThresholdStatusNode(current_proc,interested_pid,show_all,human_readable)
if current_line != "" :
current_proc = current_proc.p_memstat_list.tqe_next
bucket_index += 1
# EndMacro: showdiagmemthresholds