This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
""" Please make sure you read the README COMPLETELY BEFORE reading anything below.
It is very critical that you read coding guidelines in Section E in README file.
from xnu import *
from utils import *
from string import *
from socket import *
import tempfile
import xnudefines
from netdefines import *
from routedefines import *
from mbufdefines import *
def GetDlilIfFlagsAsString(dlil_if_flags):
""" Return a formatted string description of the dlil interface flags
out_string = ""
flags = (unsigned)(dlil_if_flags & 0xffff)
i = 0
num = 1
while num <= flags:
if flags & num:
out_string += dlil_if_flags_strings[i] + ","
i += 1
num = num << 1
return out_string.rstrip(",")
def GetIfFlagsAsString(if_flags):
""" Return a formatted string description of the interface flags
out_string = ""
flags = (unsigned)(if_flags & 0xffff)
i = 0
num = 1
while num <= flags:
if flags & num:
out_string += if_flags_strings[i] + ","
i += 1
num = num << 1
return out_string.rstrip(",")
def ShowIfConfiguration(ifnet):
""" Display ifconfig-like output for the ifnet
iface = Cast(ifnet, 'ifnet *')
dlifnet = Cast(ifnet, 'dlil_ifnet *')
out_string = ""
format_string = "{0: <s}: flags={1: <x} <{2: <s}> index {3: <d} mtu {4: <d}"
if iface :
out_string += format_string.format(iface.if_xname, (iface.if_flags & 0xffff), GetIfFlagsAsString(iface.if_flags), iface.if_index, iface.if_data.ifi_mtu)
out_string += "\n\tdlil flags=" + hex(dlifnet.dl_if_flags)+ " <" + GetDlilIfFlagsAsString(dlifnet.dl_if_flags) + ">"
out_string += "\n\t(struct ifnet *)" + hex(ifnet)
if iface.if_snd and iface.if_snd.ifcq_len :
out_string += "\n\t" + str(iface.if_snd.ifcq_len)
if dlifnet.dl_if_inpstorage.dlth_pkts.qlen :
out_string += "\n\t" + str(dlifnet.dl_if_inpstorage.dlth_pkts.qlen)
def GetIfConfiguration(ifname):
""" Return ifnet structure corresponding to the ifname passed in
global kern
ifnets = kern.globals.ifnet_head
for ifnet in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(ifnets, "if_link") :
if str(ifnet.if_xname) == ifname :
return ifnet
return None
# Macro: net_get_always_on_pktap
def NetGetAlwaysOnPktap(cmd_args=None):
""" Dump the always-on packet capture to /tmp/dump.pktap
for i in range(0, 10):
ifnet = GetIfConfiguration("pktap"+str(i))
if not ifnet:
if ifnet.if_bpf == 0:
ifnet = None
if ifnet.if_bpf.bif_dlist.bd_headdrop == 0:
ifnet = None
if not ifnet:
print("Could not find a pktap interface")
bpf_d = ifnet.if_bpf.bif_dlist
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="dump-", suffix=".pktap", dir="/tmp/", mode="wb", delete=False)
err = lldb.SBError()
if bpf_d.bd_hbuf != 0:
addr = bpf_d.bd_hbuf[0].GetSBValue().GetLoadAddress()
hlen = (unsigned(bpf_d.bd_hlen)+(4-1))&~(4-1)
buf = LazyTarget.GetProcess().ReadMemory(addr, hlen, err)
print("Error, getting sbuf")
addr = bpf_d.bd_sbuf[0].GetSBValue().GetLoadAddress()
slen = (unsigned(bpf_d.bd_slen)+(4-1))&~(4-1)
buf = LazyTarget.GetProcess().ReadMemory(addr, slen, err)
print("Error, getting sbuf")
# EndMacro: net_get_always_on_pktap
# Macro: ifconfig
def ShowIfconfig(cmd_args=None) :
""" Display ifconfig-like output, and print the (struct ifnet *) pointers for further inspection
if cmd_args != None and len(cmd_args) > 0:
showall = 1
showall = 0
ifnets = kern.globals.ifnet_head
for ifnet in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(ifnets, "if_link"):
if (showall == 1):
# EndMacro: ifconfig
#Macro: ifconfig_dlil
def ShowIfconfigDlil(cmd_args=None) :
""" Display ifconfig-like output for DLIL interface list, print (struct ifnet *) pointer and dlil info for further inspection
dlil_ifnets = kern.globals.dlil_ifnet_head
for dlil_ifnet in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(dlil_ifnets, "dl_if_link"):
print(GetIfaddrs(Cast(dlil_ifnet, 'ifnet *')))
# EndMacro: ifconfig_dlil
def GetAddressAsStringColonHex(addr, count):
out_string = ""
i = 0
addr_format_string = "{0:02x}"
while (i < count):
if (i == 0):
out_string += addr_format_string.format(unsigned(addr[i]))[-2:]
out_string += ":" + addr_format_string.format(unsigned(addr[i]))[-2:]
i += 1
return out_string
def GetSocketAddrAsStringUnspec(sockaddr):
out_string = ""
out_string += GetAddressAsStringColonHex(sockaddr.sa_data, sockaddr.sa_len - 2)
return out_string
def GetSocketAddrAsStringUnix(sockaddr):
sock_unix = Cast(sockaddr, 'sockaddr_un *')
if (sock_unix == 0):
return "(null)"
if (len(str(sock_unix.sun_path)) > 0):
return str(sock_unix.sun_path)
return "\"\""
def GetInAddrAsString(ia):
out_string = ""
inaddr = Cast(ia, 'in_addr *')
packed_value = struct.pack('I', unsigned(ia.s_addr))
out_string = inet_ntoa(packed_value)
return out_string
def GetIn6AddrAsString(ia):
addr_raw_string = ":".join(["{0:02x}{1:02x}".format(unsigned(ia[i]),
unsigned(ia[i+1])) for i in range(0, 16, 2)])
return inet_ntop(AF_INET6, inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr_raw_string))
def GetSocketAddrAsStringInet(sockaddr):
sock_in = Cast(sockaddr, 'sockaddr_in *')
return GetInAddrAsString(addressof(sock_in.sin_addr))
def GetSocketAddrAsStringInet6(sockaddr):
sock_in6 = Cast(sockaddr, 'sockaddr_in6 *')
return GetIn6AddrAsString(sock_in6.sin6_addr.__u6_addr.__u6_addr8)
def GetSocketAddrAsStringLink(sockaddr):
sock_link = Cast(sockaddr, 'sockaddr_dl *')
if sock_link is None:
return "(null)"
out_string = ""
if (sock_link.sdl_nlen == 0 and sock_link.sdl_alen == 0 and sock_link.sdl_slen == 0):
out_string = "link#" + str(int(sock_link.sdl_index))
out_string += GetAddressAsStringColonHex(addressof(sock_link.sdl_data[sock_link.sdl_nlen]), sock_link.sdl_alen)
return out_string
def GetSocketAddrAsStringAT(sockaddr):
out_string = ""
sock_addr = Cast(sockaddr, 'sockaddr *')
out_string += GetAddressAsStringColonHex(sockaddr.sa_data, sockaddr.sa_len - 2)
return out_string
def GetSocketAddrAsString(sockaddr):
if sockaddr is None :
return "(null)"
out_string = ""
if (sockaddr.sa_family == 0):
out_string += "UNSPC "
elif (sockaddr.sa_family == 1):
out_string += "UNIX "
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringUnix(sockaddr)
elif (sockaddr.sa_family == 2):
out_string += "INET "
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringInet(sockaddr)
elif (sockaddr.sa_family == 30):
out_string += "INET6 "
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringInet6(sockaddr)
elif (sockaddr.sa_family == 18):
out_string += "LINK "
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringLink(sockaddr)
elif (sockaddr.sa_family == 16):
out_string += "ATLK "
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringAT(sockaddr)
out_string += "FAM " + str(sockaddr.sa_family)
out_string += GetAddressAsStringColonHex(sockaddr.sa_data, sockaddr.sa_len)
return out_string
# Macro: showifaddrs
def ShowIfaddrs(cmd_args=None):
""" Show the (struct ifnet).if_addrhead list of addresses for the given ifp
if cmd_args != None and len(cmd_args) > 0 :
ifp = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ifnet *')
if not ifp:
print("Unknown value passed as argument.")
i = 1
for ifaddr in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(ifp.if_addrhead, "ifa_link"):
format_string = "\t{0: <d}: 0x{1: <x} {2: <s} [{3: <d}]"
print(format_string.format(i, ifaddr, GetSocketAddrAsString(ifaddr.ifa_addr), ifaddr.ifa_refcnt))
i += 1
else :
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
# EndMacro: showifaddrs
def GetIfaddrs(ifp):
out_string = ""
if (ifp != 0):
i = 1
for ifaddr in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(ifp.if_addrhead, "ifa_link"):
format_string = "\t{0: <d}: 0x{1: <x} {2: <s} [{3: <d}]"
out_string += format_string.format(i, ifaddr, GetSocketAddrAsString(ifaddr.ifa_addr), ifaddr.ifa_refcnt) + "\n"
i += 1
out_string += "Missing argument 0 in user function."
return out_string
def GetCapabilitiesAsString(flags):
""" Return a formatted string description of the interface flags
out_string = ""
i = 0
num = 1
while num <= flags:
if flags & num:
out_string += if_capenable_strings[i] + ","
i += 1
num = num << 1
return out_string.rstrip(",")
def GetIfEflagsAsString(if_eflags):
""" Return a formatted string description of the interface extra flags
out_string = ""
flags = unsigned(if_eflags)
i = 0
num = 1
while num <= flags:
if flags & num:
out_string += if_eflags_strings[i] + ","
i += 1
num = num << 1
return out_string.rstrip(",")
def GetIfXflagsAsString(if_xflags):
""" Return a formatted string description of the interface extended flags
out_string = ""
flags = unsigned(if_xflags)
i = 0
num = 1
while num <= flags:
if flags & num:
out_string += if_xflags_strings[i] + ","
i += 1
num = num << 1
return out_string.rstrip(",")
def ShowDlilIfnetConfiguration(dlil_ifnet, show_all) :
""" Formatted display of dlil_ifnet structures
if dlil_ifnet is None :
dlil_iface = Cast(dlil_ifnet, 'dlil_ifnet *')
iface = Cast(dlil_ifnet, 'ifnet *')
out_string = ""
if (dlil_iface.dl_if_flags & DLIF_REUSE) :
out_string += "*"
format_string = "{0: <s}: flags={1: <x} <{2: <s}> index {3: <d} mtu {4: <d}"
extended_flags_format_string = "\n\teflags={0: <x} <{1: <s}>"
extra_flags_format_string = "\n\txflags={0: <x} <{1: <s}>"
capenabled_format_string = "\n\toptions={0: <x} <{1: <s}>"
if (dlil_iface.dl_if_flags & DLIF_INUSE) :
out_string += format_string.format(iface.if_xname, (iface.if_flags & 0xffff), GetIfFlagsAsString(iface.if_flags), iface.if_index, iface.if_data.ifi_mtu)
else :
out_string += format_string.format("[" + str(iface.if_name) + str(int(iface.if_unit)) + "]", (iface.if_flags & 0xffff), GetIfFlagsAsString(iface.if_flags), iface.if_index, iface.if_data.ifi_mtu)
if (iface.if_eflags) :
out_string += extended_flags_format_string.format(iface.if_eflags, GetIfEflagsAsString(iface.if_eflags))
if (iface.if_xflags) :
out_string += extra_flags_format_string.format(iface.if_xflags, GetIfXflagsAsString(iface.if_xflags))
if (iface.if_capenable) :
out_string += capenabled_format_string.format(iface.if_capenable, GetCapabilitiesAsString(iface.if_capenable))
out_string += "\n\t(struct ifnet *)" + hex(dlil_ifnet) + "\n"
if show_all :
out_string += GetIfaddrs(iface)
out_string += "\n"
# Macro: showifnets
def ShowIfnets(cmd_args=None) :
""" Display ifconfig-like output for all attached and detached interfaces
showall = 0
if cmd_args != None and len(cmd_args) > 0 :
showall = 1
dlil_ifnets = kern.globals.dlil_ifnet_head
for dlil_ifnet in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(dlil_ifnets, "dl_if_link"):
ShowDlilIfnetConfiguration(dlil_ifnet, showall)
# EndMacro: showifnets
# Macro: showifmultiaddrs
def ShowIfMultiAddrs(cmd_args=None) :
""" Show the list of multicast addresses for the given ifp
out_string = ""
if cmd_args != None and len(cmd_args) > 0 :
ifp = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ifnet *')
if not ifp:
print("Unknown value passed as argument.")
ifmulti = cast(ifp.if_multiaddrs.lh_first, 'ifmultiaddr *')
i = 0
while ifmulti != 0:
ifma_format_string = "\t{0: <d}: 0x{1: <x} "
out_string += (ifma_format_string.format(i + 1, ifmulti))
if (ifmulti.ifma_addr.sa_family == 2):
if (ifmulti.ifma_ll != 0):
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringLink(ifmulti.ifma_ll.ifma_addr) + " "
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringInet(ifmulti.ifma_addr)
if (ifmulti.ifma_addr.sa_family == 30):
if (ifmulti.ifma_ll != 0):
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringLink(ifmulti.ifma_ll.ifma_addr) + " "
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringInet6(ifmulti.ifma_addr) + " "
if (ifmulti.ifma_addr.sa_family == 18):
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringLink(ifmulti.ifma_addr) + " "
if (ifmulti.ifma_addr.sa_family == 0):
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringUnspec(ifmulti.ifma_addr) + " "
out_string += "[" + str(int(ifmulti.ifma_refcount)) + "]\n"
ifmulti = cast(ifmulti.ifma_link.le_next, 'ifmultiaddr *')
i += 1
else :
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
# EndMacro: showifmultiaddrs
# Macro: showinmultiaddrs
def ShowInMultiAddrs(cmd_args=None) :
""" Show the contents of IPv4 multicast address records
out_string = ""
inmultihead = kern.globals.in_multihead
inmulti = cast(inmultihead.lh_first, 'in_multi *')
i = 0
while inmulti != 0:
ifp = inmulti.inm_ifp
inma_format_string = "\t{0: <d}: 0x{1: <x} "
out_string += inma_format_string.format(i + 1, inmulti) + " "
out_string += GetInAddrAsString(addressof(inmulti.inm_addr)) + " "
ifma_format_string = "(ifp 0x{0: <x} [{1: <s}] ifma {2: <x})"
out_string += ifma_format_string.format(ifp, ifp.if_xname, inmulti.inm_ifma) + "\n"
inmulti = cast(inmulti.inm_link.le_next, 'in_multi *')
i += 1
# EndMacro: showinmultiaddrs
# Macro: showin6multiaddrs
def ShowIn6MultiAddrs(cmd_args=None) :
""" Show the contents of IPv6 multicast address records
out_string = ""
in6multihead = kern.globals.in6_multihead
in6multi = cast(in6multihead.lh_first, 'in6_multi *')
i = 0
while in6multi != 0:
ifp = in6multi.in6m_ifp
inma_format_string = "\t{0: <d}: 0x{1: <x} "
out_string += inma_format_string.format(i + 1, in6multi) + " "
out_string += GetIn6AddrAsString((in6multi.in6m_addr.__u6_addr.__u6_addr8)) + " "
ifma_format_string = "(ifp 0x{0: <x} [{1: <s}] ifma {2: <x})"
out_string += ifma_format_string.format(ifp, ifp.if_xname, in6multi.in6m_ifma) + "\n"
in6multi = cast(in6multi.in6m_entry.le_next, 'in6_multi *')
i += 1
# EndMacro: showin6multiaddrs
def GetTcpState(tcpcb):
out_string = ""
tp = Cast(tcpcb, 'tcpcb *')
if (int(tp) != 0):
if tp.t_state == 0:
out_string += "CLOSED\t"
if tp.t_state == 1:
out_string += "LISTEN\t"
if tp.t_state == 2:
out_string += "SYN_SENT\t"
if tp.t_state == 3:
out_string += "SYN_RCVD\t"
if tp.t_state == 4:
out_string += "ESTABLISHED\t"
if tp.t_state == 5:
out_string += "CLOSE_WAIT\t"
if tp.t_state == 6:
out_string += "FIN_WAIT_1\t"
if tp.t_state == 7:
out_string += "CLOSING\t"
if tp.t_state == 8:
out_string += "LAST_ACK\t"
if tp.t_state == 9:
out_string += "FIN_WAIT_2\t"
if tp.t_state == 10:
out_string += "TIME_WAIT\t"
return out_string
def GetSocketProtocolAsString(sock):
out_string = ""
inpcb = Cast(sock.so_pcb, 'inpcb *')
if sock.so_proto.pr_protocol == 6:
out_string += " TCP "
out_string += GetTcpState(inpcb.inp_ppcb)
if sock.so_proto.pr_protocol == 17:
out_string += " UDP "
if sock.so_proto.pr_protocol == 1:
out_string += " ICMP "
if sock.so_proto.pr_protocol == 254:
out_string += " DIVERT "
if sock.so_proto.pr_protocol == 255:
out_string += " RAW "
return out_string
def GetInAddr4to6AsString(inaddr):
out_string = ""
if (inaddr is not None):
ia = Cast(inaddr, 'unsigned char *')
inaddr_format_string = "{0:d}:{1:d}:{2:d}:{3:d}"
out_string += inaddr_format_string.format(unsigned(ia[0]), unsigned(ia[1]), unsigned(ia[2]), unsigned(ia[3]))
return out_string
def GetInPortAsString(port):
out_string = ""
port_string = Cast(port, 'char *')
port_unsigned = dereference(Cast(port, 'unsigned short *'))
if ((((port_unsigned & 0xff00) >> 8) == port_string[0])) and (((port_unsigned & 0x00ff) == port_string[1])):
out_string += ":" + str(int(port_unsigned))
out_string += ":" + str(int(((port_unsigned & 0xff00) >> 8) | ((port_unsigned & 0x00ff) << 8)))
return out_string
def GetIPv4SocketAsString(sock) :
out_string = ""
pcb = Cast(sock.so_pcb, 'inpcb *')
if (pcb == 0):
out_string += "inpcb: (null) "
out_string += "inpcb: " + hex(pcb)
out_string += GetSocketProtocolAsString(sock)
out_string += GetInAddr4to6AsString(addressof(pcb.inp_dependladdr.inp46_local.ia46_addr4))
out_string += GetInPortAsString(addressof(pcb.inp_lport))
out_string += " -> "
out_string += GetInAddr4to6AsString(addressof(pcb.inp_dependfaddr.inp46_foreign.ia46_addr4))
out_string += GetInPortAsString(addressof(pcb.inp_fport))
return out_string
def GetIPv6SocketAsString(sock) :
out_string = ""
pcb = Cast(sock.so_pcb, 'inpcb *')
if (pcb == 0):
out_string += "inpcb: (null) "
out_string += "inpcb: " + hex(pcb) + " "
out_string += GetSocketProtocolAsString(sock)
out_string += GetIn6AddrAsString((pcb.inp_dependladdr.inp6_local.__u6_addr.__u6_addr8))
out_string += GetInPortAsString(addressof(pcb.inp_lport))
out_string += " -> "
out_string += GetIn6AddrAsString((pcb.inp_dependfaddr.inp6_foreign.__u6_addr.__u6_addr8))
out_string += GetInPortAsString(addressof(pcb.inp_fport))
return out_string
def GetUnixDomainSocketAsString(sock) :
out_string = ""
pcb = Cast(sock.so_pcb, 'unpcb *')
if (pcb == 0):
out_string += "unpcb: (null) "
out_string += "unpcb: " + hex(pcb) + " "
out_string += "unp_vnode: " + hex(pcb.unp_vnode) + " "
out_string += "unp_conn: " + hex(pcb.unp_conn) + " "
out_string += "unp_addr: " + GetSocketAddrAsStringUnix(pcb.unp_addr)
return out_string
def GetVsockSocketAsString(sock) :
out_string = ""
pcb = Cast(sock.so_pcb, 'vsockpcb *')
if (pcb == 0):
out_string += "vsockpcb: (null) "
out_string += "vsockpcb: " + hex(pcb) + " "
out_string += str(pcb.local_address) + " "
out_string += str(pcb.remote_address)
return out_string
def GetSocket(socket) :
""" Show the contents of a socket
so = kern.GetValueFromAddress(unsigned(socket), 'socket *')
if (so):
out_string = ""
sock_format_string = "so: 0x{0:<x} options 0x{1:<x} state 0x{2:<x}"
out_string += sock_format_string.format(so, so.so_options, so.so_state)
domain = so.so_proto.pr_domain
domain_name_format_string = " {0:<s} "
out_string += domain_name_format_string.format(domain.dom_name)
if (domain.dom_family == 1):
out_string += GetUnixDomainSocketAsString(so)
if (domain.dom_family == 2):
out_string += GetIPv4SocketAsString(so)
if (domain.dom_family == 30):
out_string += GetIPv6SocketAsString(so)
if (domain.dom_family == 40):
out_string += GetVsockSocketAsString(so)
out_string += " s=" + str(int(so.so_snd.sb_cc)) + " r=" + str(int(so.so_rcv.sb_cc)) + " usecnt=" + str(int(so.so_usecount))
out_string += "(null)"
return out_string
# EndMacro: showsocket
# Macro: showsocket
def ShowSocket(cmd_args=None) :
""" Show the contents of a socket
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) == 0:
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
so = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'socket *')
if (len(str(cmd_args[0])) > 0):
out_string = ""
sock_format_string = "so: 0x{0:<x} options 0x{1:<x} state 0x{2:<x}"
out_string += sock_format_string.format(so, so.so_options, so.so_state)
domain = so.so_proto.pr_domain
domain_name_format_string = " {0:<s} "
out_string += domain_name_format_string.format(domain.dom_name)
if (domain.dom_family == 1):
out_string += GetUnixDomainSocketAsString(so)
if (domain.dom_family == 2):
out_string += GetIPv4SocketAsString(so)
if (domain.dom_family == 30):
out_string += GetIPv6SocketAsString(so)
if (domain.dom_family == 40):
out_string += GetVsockSocketAsString(so)
print("Unknown value passed as argument.")
# EndMacro: showsocket
def GetProcSockets(proc, total_snd_cc, total_rcv_cc, total_sock_fd):
""" Given a proc_t pointer, display information about its sockets
out_string = ""
if proc is None:
out_string += "Unknown value passed as argument."
snd_cc = 0
rcv_cc = 0
sock_fd_seen = 0
"""struct filedesc *"""
proc_filedesc = addressof(proc.p_fd)
"""struct fileproc **"""
proc_ofiles = proc_filedesc.fd_ofiles
""" high-water mark of fd_ofiles """
if proc_filedesc.fd_nfiles != 0:
for fd in range(0, unsigned(proc_filedesc.fd_afterlast)):
if (unsigned(proc_ofiles[fd]) != 0 and proc_ofiles[fd].fp_glob != 0):
fg = proc_ofiles[fd].fp_glob
fg_data = Cast(fg.fg_data, 'void *')
if (int(fg.fg_ops.fo_type) == 2):
if (proc_filedesc.fd_ofileflags[fd] & 4):
out_string += "U: "
out_string += " "
out_string += "fd = " + str(fd) + " "
if (fg_data != 0):
out_string += GetSocket(fg_data)
out_string += "\n"
so = Cast(fg_data, 'socket *')
snd_cc += int(so.so_snd.sb_cc)
total_snd_cc[0] += int(so.so_snd.sb_cc)
rcv_cc += int(so.so_rcv.sb_cc)
total_rcv_cc[0] += int(so.so_rcv.sb_cc)
sock_fd_seen += 1
out_string += ""
out_string += "total sockets " + str(int(sock_fd_seen)) + " snd_cc " + str(int(snd_cc)) + " rcv_cc " + str(int(rcv_cc)) + "\n"
total_sock_fd[0] = sock_fd_seen
return out_string
# Macro: showprocsockets
def ShowProcSockets(cmd_args=None):
""" Given a proc_t pointer, display information about its sockets
total_snd_cc = [0]
total_rcv_cc = [0]
sock_fd_seen = [0]
out_string = ""
if cmd_args != None and len(cmd_args) > 0 :
proc = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'proc *')
if not proc:
print("Unknown value passed as argument.")
print(GetProcSockets(proc, total_snd_cc, total_rcv_cc, sock_fd_seen))
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
# EndMacro: showprocsockets
# Macro: showallprocsockets
def ShowAllProcSockets(cmd_args=None):
"""Display information about the sockets of all the processes
total_snd_cc = [0]
total_rcv_cc = [0]
for proc in kern.procs:
sock_fd_seen = [0]
out_str = ""
out_str += GetProcSockets(proc, total_snd_cc, total_rcv_cc, sock_fd_seen)
if sock_fd_seen[0] != 0:
print ("total_snd_cc: " + str(int(total_snd_cc[0])) + " total_rcv_cc: " + str(int(total_rcv_cc[0])) + "\n")
# EndMacro: showallprocsockets
def GetRtEntryPrDetailsAsString(rte):
out_string = ""
rt = Cast(rte, 'rtentry *')
dst = Cast(rt.rt_nodes[0].rn_u.rn_leaf.rn_Key, 'sockaddr *')
isv6 = 0
dst_string_format = "{0:<18s}"
if (dst.sa_family == AF_INET):
out_string += dst_string_format.format(GetSocketAddrAsStringInet(dst)) + " "
if (dst.sa_family == AF_INET6):
out_string += dst_string_format.format(GetSocketAddrAsStringInet6(dst)) + " "
isv6 = 1
if (dst.sa_family == AF_LINK):
out_string += dst_string_format.format(GetSocketAddrAsStringLink(dst))
if (isv6 == 1):
out_string += " "
out_string += " "
out_string += dst_string_format.format(GetSocketAddrAsStringUnspec(dst)) + " "
gw = Cast(rt.rt_gateway, 'sockaddr *')
if (gw.sa_family == AF_INET):
out_string += dst_string_format.format(GetSocketAddrAsStringInet(gw)) + " "
if (gw.sa_family == 30):
out_string += dst_string_format.format(GetSocketAddrAsStringInet6(gw)) + " "
isv6 = 1
if (gw.sa_family == 18):
out_string += dst_string_format.format(GetSocketAddrAsStringLink(gw)) + " "
if (isv6 == 1):
out_string += " "
out_string += " "
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_WASCLONED):
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
rt_flags_string_format = "0x{0:<16x}"
out_string += rt_flags_string_format.format(rt.rt_parent) + " "
rt_flags_string_format = "0x{0:<8x}"
out_string += rt_flags_string_format.format(rt.rt_parent) + " "
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
out_string += " "
out_string += " "
rt_refcnt_rmx_string_format = "{0:<d} {1:>10d} "
out_string += rt_refcnt_rmx_string_format.format(rt.rt_refcnt, rt.rt_rmx.rmx_pksent) + " "
rtf_string_format = "{0:>s}"
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_UP):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("U")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("G")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_HOST):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("H")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_REJECT):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("R")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_DYNAMIC):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("D")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_MODIFIED):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("M")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_CLONING):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("C")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_PRCLONING):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("c")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_LLINFO):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("L")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_STATIC):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("S")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_PROTO1):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("1")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_PROTO2):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("2")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_PROTO3):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("3")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_WASCLONED):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("W")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_BROADCAST):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("b")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_MULTICAST):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("m")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_XRESOLVE):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("X")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_BLACKHOLE):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("B")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_IFSCOPE):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("I")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_CONDEMNED):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("Z")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_IFREF):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("i")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_PROXY):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("Y")
if (rt.rt_flags & RTF_ROUTER):
out_string += rtf_string_format.format("r")
out_string += "/"
out_string += str(rt.rt_ifp.if_name)
out_string += str(int(rt.rt_ifp.if_unit))
out_string += "\n"
return out_string
def GetRtTableAsString(rt_tables):
out_string = ""
rn = Cast(rt_tables.rnh_treetop, 'radix_node *')
rnh_cnt = rt_tables.rnh_cnt
while (rn.rn_bit >= 0):
rn = rn.rn_u.rn_node.rn_L
while 1:
base = Cast(rn, 'radix_node *')
while ((rn.rn_parent.rn_u.rn_node.rn_R == rn) and (rn.rn_flags & RNF_ROOT == 0)):
rn = rn.rn_parent
rn = rn.rn_parent.rn_u.rn_node.rn_R
while (rn.rn_bit >= 0):
rn = rn.rn_u.rn_node.rn_L
next_rn = rn
while (base != 0):
rn = base
base = rn.rn_u.rn_leaf.rn_Dupedkey
if ((rn.rn_flags & RNF_ROOT) == 0):
rt = Cast(rn, 'rtentry *')
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
rtentry_string_format = "0x{0:<18x}"
out_string += rtentry_string_format.format(rt) + " "
rtentry_string_format = "0x{0:<10x}"
out_string += rtentry_string_format.format(rt) + " "
out_string += GetRtEntryPrDetailsAsString(rt) + " "
rn = next_rn
if ((rn.rn_flags & RNF_ROOT) != 0):
return out_string
def GetRtInetAsString():
rt_tables = kern.globals.rt_tables[2]
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
rt_table_header_format_string = "{0:<18s} {1: <16s} {2:<20s} {3:<16s} {4:<8s} {5:<8s} {6:<8s}"
print(rt_table_header_format_string.format("rtentry", " dst", "gw", "parent", "Refs", "Use", "flags/if"))
print(rt_table_header_format_string.format("-" * 18, "-" * 16, "-" * 16, "-" * 16, "-" * 8, "-" * 8, "-" * 8))
rt_table_header_format_string = "{0:<8s} {1:<16s} {2:<18s} {3:<8s} {4:<8s} {5:<8s} {6:<8s}"
print(rt_table_header_format_string.format("rtentry", "dst", "gw", "parent", "Refs", "Use", "flags/if"))
print(rt_table_header_format_string.format("-" * 8, "-" * 16, "-" * 16, "-" * 8, "-" * 8, "-" * 8, "-" * 8))
def GetRtInet6AsString():
rt_tables = kern.globals.rt_tables[30]
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
rt_table_header_format_string = "{0:<18s} {1: <16s} {2:<20s} {3:<16s} {4:<8s} {5:<8s} {6:<8s}"
print(rt_table_header_format_string.format("rtentry", " dst", "gw", "parent", "Refs", "Use", "flags/if"))
print(rt_table_header_format_string.format("-" * 18, "-" * 16, "-" * 16, "-" * 16, "-" * 8, "-" * 8, "-" * 8))
rt_table_header_format_string = "{0:<8s} {1:<16s} {2:<18s} {3:<8s} {4:<8s} {5:<8s} {6:<8s}"
print(rt_table_header_format_string.format("rtentry", "dst", "gw", "parent", "Refs", "Use", "flags/if"))
print(rt_table_header_format_string.format("-" * 8, "-" * 16, "-" * 18, "-" * 8, "-" * 8, "-" * 8, "-" * 8))
# Macro: show_rt_inet
def ShowRtInet(cmd_args=None):
""" Display the IPv4 routing table
# EndMacro: show_rt_inet
# Macro: show_rt_inet6
def ShowRtInet6(cmd_args=None):
""" Display the IPv6 routing table
# EndMacro: show_rt_inet6
# Macro: rtentry_showdbg
def ShowRtEntryDebug(cmd_args=None):
""" Print the debug information of a route entry
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) == 0:
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
out_string = ""
cnt = 0
rtd = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'rtentry_dbg *')
rtd_summary_format_string = "{0:s} {1:d}"
out_string += rtd_summary_format_string.format("Total holds : ", rtd.rtd_refhold_cnt) + "\n"
out_string += rtd_summary_format_string.format("Total releases : ", rtd.rtd_refrele_cnt) + "\n"
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = rtd.rtd_alloc.pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nAlloc: (thread " + hex( + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = rtd.rtd_free.pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nFree: (thread " + hex( + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
while (cnt < RTD_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = rtd.rtd_refhold[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nHold [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(rtd.rtd_refhold[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
cnt = 0
while (cnt < RTD_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = rtd.rtd_refrele[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nRelease [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(rtd.rtd_refrele[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
out_string += "\nTotal locks : " + str(int(rtd.rtd_lock_cnt))
out_string += "\nTotal unlocks : " + str(int(rtd.rtd_unlock_cnt))
cnt = 0
while (cnt < RTD_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = rtd.rtd_lock[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nLock [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(rtd.rtd_lock[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
cnt = 0
while (cnt < RTD_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = rtd.rtd_unlock[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nUnlock [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(rtd.rtd_unlock[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: rtentry_showdbg
# Macro: inm_showdbg
def InmShowDebug(cmd_args=None):
""" Print the debug information of an IPv4 multicast address
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) == 0:
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
out_string = ""
cnt = 0
inm = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'in_multi_dbg *')
in_multi_summary_format_string = "{0:s} {1:d}"
out_string += in_multi_summary_format_string.format("Total holds : ", inm.inm_refhold_cnt)
out_string += in_multi_summary_format_string.format("Total releases : ", inm.inm_refrele_cnt)
while (cnt < INM_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = inm.inm_refhold[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nHold [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(inm.inm_refhold[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
cnt = 0
while (cnt < INM_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = inm.inm_refrele[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nRelease [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(inm.inm_refrele[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: inm_showdbg
# Macro: ifma_showdbg
def IfmaShowDebug(cmd_args=None):
""" Print the debug information of a link multicast address
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) == 0:
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
out_string = ""
cnt = 0
ifma = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ifmultiaddr_dbg *')
link_multi_summary_format_string = "{0:s} {1:d}"
out_string += link_multi_summary_format_string.format("Total holds : ", ifma.ifma_refhold_cnt) + "\n"
out_string += link_multi_summary_format_string.format("Total releases : ", ifma.ifma_refrele_cnt) + "\n"
while (cnt < IFMA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = ifma.ifma_refhold[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nHold [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(ifma.ifma_refhold[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
cnt = 0
while (cnt < IFMA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = ifma.ifma_refrele[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nRelease [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(ifma.ifma_refrele[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: ifma_showdbg
# Macro: ifpref_showdbg
def IfpRefShowDebug(cmd_args=None):
""" Print the debug information of an interface ref count
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) == 0:
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
out_string = ""
cnt = 0
dl_if = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'dlil_ifnet_dbg *')
dl_if_summary_format_string = "{0:s} {1:d}"
out_string += dl_if_summary_format_string.format("Total holds : ", dl_if.dldbg_if_refhold_cnt)
out_string += dl_if_summary_format_string.format("Total releases : ", dl_if.dldbg_if_refrele_cnt)
while (cnt < IF_REF_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = dl_if.dldbg_if_refhold[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nHold [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(dl_if.dldbg_if_refhold[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
cnt = 0
while (cnt < IF_REF_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = dl_if.dldbg_if_refrele[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nRelease [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(dl_if.dldbg_if_refrele[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: ifpref_showdbg
# Macro: ndpr_showdbg
def ndprShowDebug(cmd_args=None):
""" Print the debug information of a nd_prefix structure
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) == 0:
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
out_string = ""
cnt = 0
ndpr = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'nd_prefix_dbg *')
ndpr_summary_format_string = "{0:s} {1:d}"
out_string += ndpr_summary_format_string.format("Total holds : ", ndpr.ndpr_refhold_cnt)
out_string += ndpr_summary_format_string.format("Total releases : ", ndpr.ndpr_refrele_cnt)
while (cnt < NDPR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = ndpr.ndpr_refhold[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nHold [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(ndpr.ndpr_refhold[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
cnt = 0
while (cnt < NDPR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = ndpr.ndpr_refrele[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nRelease [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(ndpr.ndpr_refrele[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: ndpr_showdbg
# Macro: nddr_showdbg
def nddrShowDebug(cmd_args=None):
""" Print the debug information of a nd_defrouter structure
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) == 0:
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
out_string = ""
cnt = 0
nddr = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'nd_defrouter_dbg *')
nddr_summary_format_string = "{0:s} {1:d}"
out_string += nddr_summary_format_string.format("Total holds : ", nddr.nddr_refhold_cnt)
out_string += nddr_summary_format_string.format("Total releases : ", nddr.nddr_refrele_cnt)
while (cnt < NDDR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = nddr.nddr_refhold[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nHold [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(nddr.nddr_refhold[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
cnt = 0
while (cnt < NDDR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = nddr.nddr_refrele[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nRelease [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(nddr.nddr_refrele[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: nddr_showdbg
# Macro: imo_showdbg
def IpmOptions(cmd_args=None):
""" Print the debug information of a ip_moptions structure
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) == 0:
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
out_string = ""
cnt = 0
imo = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ip_moptions_dbg *')
imo_summary_format_string = "{0:s} {1:d}"
out_string += imo_summary_format_string.format("Total holds : ", imo.imo_refhold_cnt)
out_string += imo_summary_format_string.format("Total releases : ", imo.imo_refrele_cnt)
while (cnt < IMO_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = imo.imo_refhold[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nHold [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(imo.imo_refhold[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
cnt = 0
while (cnt < IMO_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = imo.imo_refrele[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nRelease [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(imo.imo_refrele[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: imo_showdbg
# Macro: im6o_showdbg
def IpmOptions(cmd_args=None):
""" Print the debug information of a ip6_moptions structure
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) == 0:
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
out_string = ""
cnt = 0
im6o = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ip6_moptions_dbg *')
im6o_summary_format_string = "{0:s} {1:d}"
out_string += im6o_summary_format_string.format("Total holds : ", im6o.im6o_refhold_cnt)
out_string += im6o_summary_format_string.format("Total releases : ", im6o.im6o_refrele_cnt)
while (cnt < IM6O_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = im6o.im6o_refhold[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nHold [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(im6o.im6o_refhold[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
cnt = 0
while (cnt < IM6O_TRACE_HIST_SIZE):
ix = 0
while (ix < CTRACE_STACK_SIZE):
kgm_pc = im6o.im6o_refrele[cnt].pc[ix]
if (kgm_pc != 0):
if (ix == 0):
out_string += "\nRelease [" + str(int(cnt)) + "] (thread " + hex(im6o.im6o_refrele[cnt].th) + "):\n"
out_string += str(int(ix + 1)) + ": "
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(kgm_pc)
out_string += "\n"
ix += 1
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: im6o_showdbg
# Macro: rtentry_trash
def RtEntryTrash(cmd_args=None):
""" Walk the list of trash route entries
out_string = ""
rt_trash_head = kern.globals.rttrash_head
rtd = Cast(rt_trash_head.tqh_first, 'rtentry_dbg *')
rt_trash_format_string = "{0:4d}: {1:x} {2:3d} {3:6d} {4:6d}"
cnt = 0
while (int(rtd) != 0):
if (cnt == 0):
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
print(" rtentry ref hold rele dst gw parent flags/if\n")
print(" ----------------- --- ------ ------ --------------- ----- ------------------ -----------\n")
print(" rtentry ref hold rele dst gw parent flags/if\n")
print(" --------- --- ------ ------ --------------- ----- ---------- -----------\n")
out_string += rt_trash_format_string.format(cnt, rtd, rtd.rtd_refhold_cnt - rtd.rtd_refrele_cnt, rtd.rtd_refhold_cnt, rtd.rtd_refrele_cnt) + " "
out_string += GetRtEntryPrDetailsAsString(rtd) + "\n"
rtd = rtd.rtd_trash_link.tqe_next
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: rtentry_trash
# Macro: show_rtentry
def ShRtEntry(cmd_args=None):
""" Print rtentry.
out_string = ""
rt = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'rtentry *')
out_string += GetRtEntryPrDetailsAsString(rt) + "\n"
# EndMacro: show_rtentry
# Macro: inifa_trash
def InIfaTrash(cmd_args=None):
""" Walk the list of trash in_ifaddr entries
out_string = ""
ifa_trash_head = kern.globals.inifa_trash_head
ifa = Cast(ifa_trash_head.tqh_first, 'in_ifaddr_dbg *')
inifa_trash_format_string = "{0:4d}: {1:x} {2:3d} {3:6d} {4:6d}"
cnt = 0
while (int(ifa) != 0):
if (cnt == 0):
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
print(" in_ifa ref hold rele")
print(" ------------------ --- ------ ----")
print(" in_ifa ref hold rele")
print(" ---------- --- ----- ------")
out_string += inifa_trash_format_string.format(cnt + 1, ifa, ifa.inifa_refhold_cnt - ifa.inifa_refrele_cnt, ifa.inifa_refhold_cnt, ifa.inifa_refrele_cnt) + " "
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringInet(ifa.inifa.ia_ifa.ifa_addr) + "\n"
ifa = ifa.inifa_trash_link.tqe_next
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: inifa_trash
# Macro: in6ifa_trash
def In6IfaTrash(cmd_args=None):
""" Walk the list of trash in6_ifaddr entries
out_string = ""
in6ifa_trash_head = kern.globals.in6ifa_trash_head
ifa = Cast(in6ifa_trash_head.tqh_first, 'in6_ifaddr_dbg *')
in6ifa_trash_format_string = "{0:4d}: 0x{1:x} {2:3d} {3:6d} {4:6d}"
cnt = 0
while (int(ifa) != 0):
if (cnt == 0):
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
print(" in6_ifa ref hold rele")
print(" ------------------ --- ------ ------")
print(" in6_ifa ref hold rele")
print(" ---------- --- ------ ------")
out_string += in6ifa_trash_format_string.format(cnt + 1, ifa, ifa.in6ifa_refhold_cnt - ifa.in6ifa_refrele_cnt, ifa.in6ifa_refhold_cnt, ifa.in6ifa_refrele_cnt) + " "
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsStringInet6(ifa.in6ifa.ia_ifa.ifa_addr) + "\n"
ifa = ifa.in6ifa_trash_link.tqe_next
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: in6ifa_trash
# Macro: inm_trash
def InmTrash(cmd_args=None):
""" Walk the list of trash in_multi entries
out_string = ""
inm_trash_head = kern.globals.inm_trash_head
inm = Cast(inm_trash_head.tqh_first, 'in_multi_dbg *')
inm_trash_format_string = "{0:4d}: {1:x} {2:3d} {3:6d} {4:6d}"
cnt = 0
while (int(inm) != 0):
if (cnt == 0):
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
print(" inm ref hold rele")
print(" ------------------ --- ------ ------")
print(" inm ref hold rele")
print(" ---------- --- ------ ------")
out_string += inm_trash_format_string.format(cnt + 1, inm, inm.inm_refhold_cnt - inm.inm_refrele_cnt, inm.inm_refhold_cnt, inm.inm_refrele_cnt) + " "
out_string += GetInAddrAsString(addressof(inm.inm.inm_addr)) + "\n"
inm = inm.inm_trash_link.tqe_next
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: inm_trash
# Macro: in6m_trash
def In6mTrash(cmd_args=None):
""" Walk the list of trash in6_multi entries
out_string = ""
in6m_trash_head = kern.globals.in6m_trash_head
in6m = Cast(in6m_trash_head.tqh_first, 'in6_multi_dbg *')
in6m_trash_format_string = "{0:4d}: {1:x} {2:3d} {3:6d} {4:6d}"
cnt = 0
while (int(in6m) != 0):
if (cnt == 0):
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
print(" in6m ref hold rele")
print(" ------------------ --- ------ ------")
print(" in6m ref hold rele")
print(" ---------- --- ------ ------")
out_string += in6m_trash_format_string.format(cnt + 1, in6m, in6m.in6m_refhold_cnt - in6m.in6m_refrele_cnt, in6m.in6m_refhold_cnt, in6m.in6m_refrele_cnt) + " "
out_string += GetIn6AddrAsString(addressof(in6m.in6m.in6m_addr)) + "\n"
in6m = in6m.in6m_trash_link.tqe_next
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: in6m_trash
# Macro: ifma_trash
def IfmaTrash(cmd_args=None):
""" Walk the list of trash ifmultiaddr entries
out_string = ""
ifma_trash_head = kern.globals.ifma_trash_head
ifma = Cast(ifma_trash_head.tqh_first, 'ifmultiaddr_dbg *')
ifma_trash_format_string = "{0:4d}: {1:x} {2:3d} {3:6d} {4:6d}"
cnt = 0
while (int(ifma) != 0):
if (cnt == 0):
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
print(" ifma ref hold rele")
print(" ------------------ --- ------ ------")
print(" ifma ref hold rele")
print(" ---------- --- ------ ------")
out_string += ifma_trash_format_string.format(cnt + 1, ifma, ifma.ifma_refhold_cnt - ifma.ifma_refrele_cnt, ifma.ifma_refhold_cnt, ifma.ifma_refrele_cnt) + " "
out_string += GetSocketAddrAsString(ifma.ifma.ifma_addr) + "\n"
out_string += " @ " + ifma.ifma.ifma_ifp.if_xname
ifma = ifma.ifma_trash_link.tqe_next
cnt += 1
# EndMacro: ifma_trash
def GetInPcb(pcb, proto):
out_string = ""
out_string += hex(pcb)
if (proto == IPPROTO_TCP):
out_string += " tcp"
elif (proto == IPPROTO_UDP):
out_string += " udp"
elif (proto == IPPROTO_RAW):
out_string += " raw"
out_string += str(proto) + "."
if (pcb.inp_vflag & INP_IPV4):
out_string += "4 "
if (pcb.inp_vflag & INP_IPV6):
out_string += "6 "
if (pcb.inp_vflag & INP_IPV4):
out_string += " "
out_string += GetInAddrAsString(addressof(pcb.inp_dependladdr.inp46_local.ia46_addr4))
out_string += " "
out_string += GetIn6AddrAsString((pcb.inp_dependladdr.inp6_local.__u6_addr.__u6_addr8))
out_string += " "
out_string += Getntohs(pcb.inp_lport)
out_string += " "
if (pcb.inp_vflag & INP_IPV4):
out_string += " "
out_string += GetInAddrAsString(addressof(pcb.inp_dependfaddr.inp46_foreign.ia46_addr4))
out_string += GetIn6AddrAsString((pcb.inp_dependfaddr.inp6_foreign.__u6_addr.__u6_addr8))
out_string += " "
out_string += Getntohs(pcb.inp_fport)
out_string += " "
if (proto == IPPROTO_TCP):
out_string += GetTcpState(pcb.inp_ppcb)
out_string += "\n\t"
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_RECVOPTS):
out_string += "recvopts "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_RECVRETOPTS):
out_string += "recvretopts "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_RECVDSTADDR):
out_string += "recvdstaddr "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_HDRINCL):
out_string += "hdrincl "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_HIGHPORT):
out_string += "highport "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_LOWPORT):
out_string += "lowport "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_ANONPORT):
out_string += "anonport "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_RECVIF):
out_string += "recvif "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_MTUDISC):
out_string += "mtudisc "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_STRIPHDR):
out_string += "striphdr "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_RECV_ANYIF):
out_string += "recv_anyif "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_INADDR_ANY):
out_string += "inaddr_any "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_RECVTTL):
out_string += "recvttl "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_UDP_NOCKSUM):
out_string += "nocksum "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_BOUND_IF):
out_string += "boundif "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_IPV6_V6ONLY):
out_string += "v6only "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_PKTINFO):
out_string += "pktinfo "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_HOPLIMIT):
out_string += "hoplimit "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_HOPOPTS):
out_string += "hopopts "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_DSTOPTS):
out_string += "dstopts "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_RTHDR):
out_string += "rthdr "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_RTHDRDSTOPTS):
out_string += "rthdrdstopts "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_TCLASS):
out_string += "rcv_tclass "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_AUTOFLOWLABEL):
out_string += "autoflowlabel "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_BINDV6ONLY):
out_string += "bindv6only "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_RFC2292):
out_string += "RFC2292 "
if (pcb.inp_flags & IN6P_MTU):
out_string += "rcv_pmtu "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_PKTINFO):
out_string += "pktinfo "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_FLOW_SUSPENDED):
out_string += "suspended "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_NO_IFT_CELLULAR):
out_string += "nocellular "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_FLOW_CONTROLLED):
out_string += "flowctld "
if (pcb.inp_flags & INP_FC_FEEDBACK):
out_string += "fcfeedback "
if (pcb.inp_flags2 & INP2_TIMEWAIT):
out_string += "timewait "
if (pcb.inp_flags2 & INP2_IN_FCTREE):
out_string += "in_fctree "
if (pcb.inp_flags2 & INP2_WANT_APP_POLICY):
out_string += "want_app_policy "
out_string += "\n\t"
so = pcb.inp_socket
if (so != 0):
out_string += "so=" + str(so) + " s=" + str(int(so.so_snd.sb_cc)) + " r=" + str(int(so.so_rcv.sb_cc))
if proto == IPPROTO_TCP :
tcpcb = cast(pcb.inp_ppcb, 'tcpcb *')
out_string += " reass=" + str(int(tcpcb.t_reassqlen))
out_string += " usecnt=" + str(int(so.so_usecount)) + ", "
if (pcb.inp_state == 0 or pcb.inp_state == INPCB_STATE_INUSE):
out_string += "inuse"
if (pcb.inp_state == INPCB_STATE_DEAD):
out_string += "dead"
out_string += "unknown (" + str(int(pcb.inp_state)) + ")"
return out_string
def CalcMbufInList(mpkt, pkt_cnt, buf_byte_cnt, mbuf_cnt, mbuf_cluster_cnt):
while (mpkt != 0):
mp = mpkt
if kern.globals.mb_uses_mcache == 1:
mpkt = mp.m_hdr.mh_nextpkt
mpkt = mp.M_hdr_common.M_hdr.mh_nextpkt
pkt_cnt[0] +=1
while (mp != 0):
if kern.globals.mb_uses_mcache == 1:
mnext = mp.m_hdr.mh_next
mflags = mp.m_hdr.mh_flags
mtype = mp.m_hdr.mh_type
mnext = mp.M_hdr_common.M_hdr.mh_next
mflags = mp.M_hdr_common.M_hdr.mh_flags
mtype = mp.M_hdr_common.M_hdr.mh_type
mbuf_cnt[0] += 1
buf_byte_cnt[int(mtype)] += 256
buf_byte_cnt[Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST] += 256
if (mflags & 0x01):
mbuf_cluster_cnt[0] += 1
if kern.globals.mb_uses_mcache == 1:
extsize = mp.M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_ext.ext_size
extsize = mp.M_hdr_common.M_ext.ext_size
buf_byte_cnt[int(mtype)] += extsize
buf_byte_cnt[Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST] += extsize
mp = mnext
def CalcMbufInSB(so, snd_cc, snd_buf, rcv_cc, rcv_buf, snd_record_cnt, rcv_record_cnt, snd_mbuf_cnt, rcv_mbuf_cnt, snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt, rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt):
snd_cc[0] += so.so_snd.sb_cc
mpkt = so.so_snd.sb_mb
CalcMbufInList(mpkt, snd_record_cnt, snd_buf, snd_mbuf_cnt, snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt)
rcv_cc[0] += so.so_rcv.sb_cc
mpkt = so.so_rcv.sb_mb
CalcMbufInList(mpkt, rcv_record_cnt, rcv_buf, rcv_mbuf_cnt, rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt)
# Macro: show_socket_sb_mbuf_usage
def ShowSocketSbMbufUsage(cmd_args=None):
""" Display for a socket the mbuf usage of the send and receive socket buffers
if cmd_args is None or len(cmd_args) == 0:
print("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
so = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'socket *')
out_string = ""
if (so != 0):
snd_mbuf_cnt = [0]
snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt = [0]
snd_record_cnt = [0]
snd_cc = [0]
snd_buf = [0] * (Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST + 1)
rcv_mbuf_cnt = [0]
rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt = [0]
rcv_record_cnt = [0]
rcv_cc = [0]
rcv_buf = [0] * (Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST + 1)
total_mbuf_bytes = 0
CalcMbufInSB(so, snd_cc, snd_buf, rcv_cc, rcv_buf, snd_record_cnt, rcv_record_cnt, snd_mbuf_cnt, rcv_mbuf_cnt, snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt, rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt)
out_string += "total send mbuf count: " + str(int(snd_mbuf_cnt[0])) + " receive mbuf count: " + str(int(rcv_mbuf_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total send mbuf cluster count: " + str(int(snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt[0])) + " receive mbuf cluster count: " + str(int(rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total send record count: " + str(int(snd_record_cnt[0])) + " receive record count: " + str(int(rcv_record_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total snd_cc (total bytes in send buffers): " + str(int(snd_cc[0])) + " rcv_cc (total bytes in receive buffers): " + str(int(rcv_cc[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total snd_buf bytes " + str(int(snd_buf[Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST])) + " rcv_buf bytes " + str(int(rcv_buf[Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST])) + "\n"
for x in range(Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST):
if (snd_buf[x] != 0 or rcv_buf[x] != 0):
out_string += "total snd_buf bytes of type " + Mbuf_Type.reverse_mapping[x] + " : " + str(int(snd_buf[x])) + " total recv_buf bytes of type " + Mbuf_Type.reverse_mapping[x] + " : " + str(int(rcv_buf[x])) + "\n"
total_mbuf_bytes += snd_buf[x] + rcv_buf[x]
# EndMacro: show_socket_sb_mbuf_usage
def GetMptcpInfo():
mptcp = kern.globals.mtcbinfo
mppcb = cast(mptcp.mppi_pcbs.tqh_first, 'mppcb *')
pcbseen = 0
reinject_byte_cnt=[0] * (Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST + 1)
snd_mbuf_cnt = [0]
snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt = [0]
snd_record_cnt = [0]
snd_cc = [0]
snd_buf = [0] * (Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST + 1)
rcv_mbuf_cnt = [0]
rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt = [0]
rcv_record_cnt = [0]
rcv_cc = [0]
rcv_buf = [0] * (Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST + 1)
total_mbuf_bytes = 0
while mppcb != 0:
mpte = mppcb.mpp_pcbe
pcbseen += 1
CalcMbufInList(mpte.mpte_reinjectq, reinject_cnt, reinject_byte_cnt, reinject_mbuf_cnt, reinject_mbuf_cluster_cnt)
socket = mppcb.mpp_socket
if socket != 0:
CalcMbufInSB(socket, snd_cc, snd_buf, rcv_cc, rcv_buf, snd_record_cnt, rcv_record_cnt, snd_mbuf_cnt, rcv_mbuf_cnt, snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt, rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt)
mppcb = cast(mppcb.mpp_entry.tqe_next, 'mppcb *')
out_string = ""
out_string += "total pcbs seen: " + str(int(pcbseen)) + "\n"
out_string += "total reinject mbuf count: " + str(int(reinject_mbuf_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total reinject mbuf cluster count: " + str(int(reinject_mbuf_cluster_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total reinject record count: " + str(int(reinject_cnt[0])) + "\n"
for x in range(Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST):
if (reinject_byte_cnt[x] != 0):
out_string += "total reinject bytes of type " + Mbuf_Type.reverse_mapping[x] + " : " + str(int(reinject_byte_cnt[x])) + "\n"
total_mbuf_bytes += reinject_byte_cnt[x]
out_string += "total send mbuf count: " + str(int(snd_mbuf_cnt[0])) + " receive mbuf count: " + str(int(rcv_mbuf_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total send mbuf cluster count: " + str(int(snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt[0])) + " receive mbuf cluster count: " + str(int(rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total send record count: " + str(int(snd_record_cnt[0])) + " receive record count: " + str(int(rcv_record_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total snd_cc (total bytes in send buffers): " + str(int(snd_cc[0])) + " rcv_cc (total bytes in receive buffers): " + str(int(rcv_cc[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total snd_buf bytes " + str(int(snd_buf[Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST])) + " rcv_buf bytes " + str(int(rcv_buf[Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST])) + "\n"
for x in range(Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST):
if (snd_buf[x] != 0 or rcv_buf[x] != 0):
out_string += "total snd_buf bytes of type " + Mbuf_Type.reverse_mapping[x] + " : " + str(int(snd_buf[x])) + " total recv_buf bytes of type " + Mbuf_Type.reverse_mapping[x] + " : " + str(int(rcv_buf[x])) + "\n"
total_mbuf_bytes += snd_buf[x] + rcv_buf[x]
out_string += "total mbuf bytes used by MPTCP: "+ str(total_mbuf_bytes) + "\n"
def GetPcbInfo(pcbi, proto):
tcp_reassqlen = [0]
tcp_reassq_bytes = 0
mbuf_reassq_cnt = [0]
mbuf_reassq_bytes = [0] * (Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST + 1)
mbuf_reassq_cluster = [0]
out_string = ""
snd_mbuf_cnt = [0]
snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt = [0]
snd_record_cnt = [0]
snd_cc = [0]
snd_buf = [0] * (Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST + 1)
rcv_mbuf_cnt = [0]
rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt = [0]
rcv_record_cnt = [0]
rcv_cc = [0]
rcv_buf = [0] * (Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST + 1)
pcbseen = 0
out_string += "lastport " + str(int(pcbi.ipi_lastport)) + " lastlow " + str(int(pcbi.ipi_lastlow)) + " lasthi " + str(int(pcbi.ipi_lasthi)) + "\n"
out_string += "active pcb count is " + str(int(pcbi.ipi_count)) + "\n"
hashsize = pcbi.ipi_hashmask + 1
out_string += "hash size is " + str(int(hashsize)) + "\n"
out_string += str(pcbi.ipi_hashbase) + " has the following inpcb(s):\n"
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
out_string += "pcb proto source port destination port\n"
out_string += "pcb proto source address port destination address port\n\n"
if proto == IPPROTO_RAW:
head = cast(pcbi.ipi_listhead, 'inpcbhead *')
pcb = cast(head.lh_first, 'inpcb *')
while pcb != 0:
pcbseen += 1
out_string += GetInPcb(pcb, proto) + "\n"
so = pcb.inp_socket
if so != 0:
CalcMbufInSB(so, snd_cc, snd_buf, rcv_cc, rcv_buf, snd_record_cnt, rcv_record_cnt, snd_mbuf_cnt, rcv_mbuf_cnt, snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt, rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt)
pcb = cast(pcb.inp_list.le_next, 'inpcb *')
i = 0
hashbase = pcbi.ipi_hashbase
while (i < hashsize):
head = hashbase[i]
pcb = cast(head.lh_first, 'inpcb *')
while pcb != 0:
pcbseen += 1
out_string += GetInPcb(pcb, proto) + "\n"
so = pcb.inp_socket
if so != 0:
CalcMbufInSB(so, snd_cc, snd_buf, rcv_cc, rcv_buf, snd_record_cnt, rcv_record_cnt, snd_mbuf_cnt, rcv_mbuf_cnt, snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt, rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt)
if proto == IPPROTO_TCP and pcb.inp_ppcb:
tcpcb = cast(pcb.inp_ppcb, 'tcpcb *')
reass_entry = cast(tcpcb.t_segq.lh_first, 'tseg_qent *')
curr_reass = 0
while reass_entry != 0:
CalcMbufInList(reass_entry.tqe_m, tcp_reassqlen, mbuf_reassq_bytes, mbuf_reassq_cnt, mbuf_reassq_cluster)
tcp_reassq_bytes += reass_entry.tqe_len
curr_reass += reass_entry.tqe_len
reass_entry = reass_entry.tqe_q.le_next
pcb = cast(pcb.inp_hash.le_next, 'inpcb *')
i += 1
out_string += "total pcbs seen: " + str(int(pcbseen)) + "\n"
out_string += "total send mbuf count: " + str(int(snd_mbuf_cnt[0])) + " receive mbuf count: " + str(int(rcv_mbuf_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total send mbuf cluster count: " + str(int(snd_mbuf_cluster_cnt[0])) + " receive mbuf cluster count: " + str(int(rcv_mbuf_cluster_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total send record count: " + str(int(snd_record_cnt[0])) + " receive record count: " + str(int(rcv_record_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total snd_cc (total bytes in send buffers): " + str(int(snd_cc[0])) + " rcv_cc (total bytes in receive buffers): " + str(int(rcv_cc[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "total snd_buf bytes " + str(int(snd_buf[Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST])) + " rcv_buf bytes " + str(int(rcv_buf[Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST])) + "\n"
for x in range(Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST):
if (snd_buf[x] != 0 or rcv_buf[x] != 0):
out_string += "total snd_buf bytes of type " + Mbuf_Type.reverse_mapping[x] + " : " + str(int(snd_buf[x])) + " total recv_buf bytes of type " + Mbuf_Type.reverse_mapping[x] + " : " + str(int(rcv_buf[x])) + "\n"
out_string += "port hash base is " + hex(pcbi.ipi_porthashbase) + "\n"
if proto == IPPROTO_TCP:
out_string += "TCP reassembly queue length: " + str(tcp_reassqlen[0]) + " TCP-payload bytes: " + str(tcp_reassq_bytes) + "\n"
for x in range(Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST):
if mbuf_reassq_bytes[x] != 0:
out_string += "total reassq bytes of type " + Mbuf_Type.reverse_mapping[x] + " : " + str(mbuf_reassq_bytes[x]) + "\n"
i = 0
hashbase = pcbi.ipi_porthashbase
while (i < hashsize):
head = hashbase[i]
pcb = cast(head.lh_first, 'inpcbport *')
while pcb != 0:
out_string += "\t"
out_string += GetInPcbPort(pcb)
out_string += "\n"
pcb = cast(pcb.phd_hash.le_next, 'inpcbport *')
i += 1
return out_string
def GetInPcbPort(ppcb):
out_string = ""
out_string += hex(ppcb) + ": lport "
out_string += Getntohs(ppcb.phd_port)
return out_string
def Getntohs(port):
out_string = ""
#p = unsigned(int(port) & 0x0000ffff)
p = ((port & 0x0000ff00) >> 8)
p |= ((port & 0x000000ff) << 8)
return str(p)
# Macro: mbuf_list_usage_summary
def ShowMbufListUsageSummary(cmd_args=None):
""" Print mbuf list usage summary
out_string = ""
pkt_cnt = [0]
buf_byte_cnt = [0] * (Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST + 1)
mbuf_cnt = [0]
mbuf_cluster_cnt = [0]
mpkt = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct mbuf *')
CalcMbufInList(mpkt, pkt_cnt, buf_byte_cnt, mbuf_cnt, mbuf_cluster_cnt)
out_string += "Total packet count is " + str(int(pkt_cnt[0])) + "\n"
for x in range(Mbuf_Type.MT_LAST):
if (buf_byte_cnt[x] != 0):
out_string += "Total buf bytes of type " + Mbuf_Type.reverse_mapping[x] + " : " + str(int(buf_byte_cnt[x])) + "\n"
out_string += "Total mbuf count " + str(int(mbuf_cnt[0])) + "\n"
out_string += "Total mbuf cluster count " + str(int(mbuf_cluster_cnt[0])) + "\n"
# Macro: show_kern_event_pcbinfo
def GetKernEventPcbInfo(kev_pcb_head):
out_string = ""
pcb = Cast(kev_pcb_head.lh_first, 'kern_event_pcb *')
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
kev_pcb_format_string = "0x{0:<16x} {1:12d} {2:16d} {3:16d} {4:16d} {5:16d}"
out_string += " evp socket vendor code class filter subclass filter so_rcv.sb_cc so_rcv.sb_mbcnt\n"
out_string += "-------------- ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ---------------\n"
kev_pcb_format_string = "0x{0:<8x} {1:12d} {2:16d} {3:16d} {4:16d} {5:16d}"
out_string += "evp socket vendor code class filter subclass filter so_rcv.sb_cc so_rcv.sb_mbcnt\n"
out_string += "---------- ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ---------------\n"
while (pcb != 0):
out_string += kev_pcb_format_string.format(pcb.evp_socket, pcb.evp_vendor_code_filter, pcb.evp_class_filter, pcb.evp_subclass_filter, pcb.evp_socket.so_rcv.sb_cc, pcb.evp_socket.so_rcv.sb_mbcnt)
out_string += "\n"
pcb = pcb.evp_link.le_next
return out_string
def ShowKernEventPcbInfo(cmd_args=None):
""" Display the list of Kernel Event protocol control block information
# EndMacro: show_kern_event_pcbinfo
# Macro: show_kern_control_pcbinfo
def GetKernControlPcbInfo(ctl_head):
out_string = ""
kctl = Cast(ctl_head.tqh_first, 'kctl *')
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
kcb_format_string = "0x{0:<16x} {1:10d} {2:10d} {3:10d}\n"
kcb_format_string = "0x{0:<8x} {1:10d} {2:10d} {3:10d}\n"
while unsigned(kctl) != 0:
kctl_name = "controller: " + str( + "\n"
out_string += kctl_name
kcb = Cast(kctl.kcb_head.tqh_first, 'ctl_cb *')
if unsigned(kcb) != 0:
if (kern.ptrsize == 8):
out_string += "socket usecount snd_cc rcv_cc\n"
out_string += "------ -------- ------ ------\n"
out_string += "socket usecount snd_cc rcv_cc\n"
out_string += "------ -------- ------ ------\n"
while unsigned(kcb) != 0:
so = Cast(, 'socket *')
snd_cc = so.so_snd.sb_cc
rcv_cc = so.so_rcv.sb_cc
out_string += kcb_format_string.format(, kcb.usecount, snd_cc, rcv_cc)
kcb =
out_string += "\n"
kctl =
return out_string
def ShowKernControlPcbInfo(cmd_args=None):
""" Display the list of Kernel Control protocol control block information
# EndMacro: show_kern_control_pcbinfo
# Macro: show_unix_domain_pcbinfo
def GetUnixDomainPCBAsString(unp, type) :
out_string = ""
pcb = Cast(unp, 'unpcb *')
out_string += "unpcb: " + hex(pcb) + " " + str(type)
out_string += " unp_socket: " + hex(pcb.unp_socket)
out_string += " unp_vnode: " + hex(pcb.unp_vnode)
out_string += " unp_conn: " + hex(pcb.unp_conn)
out_string += " unp_addr: " + GetSocketAddrAsStringUnix(pcb.unp_addr)
out_string += " unp_gencnt: " + str(int(pcb.unp_gencnt))
out_string += " unp_flags: " + hex(pcb.unp_flags)
if pcb.unp_socket != 0:
so = Cast(pcb.unp_socket, 'socket *')
out_string += " s=" + str(int(so.so_snd.sb_cc)) + " r=" + str(int(so.so_rcv.sb_cc)) + " usecnt=" + str(int(so.so_usecount))
return out_string
def GetUnixDomainPcbInfo(unp_head, type):
out_string = ""
unp = Cast(unp_head.lh_first, 'unpcb *')
while unsigned(unp) != 0:
out_string += GetUnixDomainPCBAsString(unp, type)
out_string += "\n"
unp = unp.unp_link.le_next
return out_string
def ShowUnixDomainPcbInfo(cmd_args=None):
""" Display the list of unix domain pcb
print(GetUnixDomainPcbInfo(addressof(kern.globals.unp_dhead), "dgram"))
print(GetUnixDomainPcbInfo(addressof(kern.globals.unp_shead), "stream"))
# EndMacro: show_kern_control_pcbinfo
# Macro: show_tcp_pcbinfo
def ShowTcpPcbInfo(cmd_args=None):
""" Display the list of TCP protocol control block information
print(GetPcbInfo(addressof(kern.globals.tcbinfo), IPPROTO_TCP))
# EndMacro: show_tcp_pcbinfo
# Macro: show_udp_pcbinfo
def ShowUdpPcbInfo(cmd_args=None):
""" Display the list of UDP protocol control block information
print(GetPcbInfo(addressof(kern.globals.udbinfo), IPPROTO_UDP))
# EndMacro: show_udp_pcbinfo
# Macro: show_rip_pcbinfo
def ShowRipPcbInfo(cmd_args=None):
""" Display the list of Raw IP protocol control block information
print(GetPcbInfo(addressof(kern.globals.ripcbinfo), IPPROTO_RAW))
# EndMacro: show_rip_pcbinfo
# Macro: show_mptcp_pcbinfo
def ShowMptcpPcbInfo(cmd_args=None):
""" Display the list of MPTCP protocol control block information
# EndMacro: show_mptcp_pcbinfo
# Macro: show_domains
def ShowDomains(cmd_args=None):
""" Display the list of the domains
out_string = ""
domains =
dp = Cast(domains.tqh_first, 'domain *')
ifma_trash_format_string = "{0:4d}: {1:x} {2:3d} {3:6d} {4:6d}"
cnt = 0
while (dp != 0):
out_string += "\"" + str(dp.dom_name) + "\"" + "[" + str(int(dp.dom_refs)) + " refs] domain " + hex(dp) + "\n"
out_string += " family:\t" + str(int(dp.dom_family)) + "\n"
out_string += " flags:0x\t" + str(int(dp.dom_flags)) + "\n"
out_string += " rtparams:\toff=" + str(int(dp.dom_rtoffset)) + ", maxrtkey=" + str(int(dp.dom_maxrtkey)) + "\n"
if (dp.dom_init):
out_string += " init:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(dp.dom_init) + "\n"
if (dp.dom_externalize):
out_string += " externalize:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(dp.dom_externalize) + "\n"
if (dp.dom_dispose):
out_string += " dispose:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(dp.dom_dispose) + "\n"
if (dp.dom_rtattach):
out_string += " rtattach:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(dp.dom_rtattach) + "\n"
if (dp.dom_old):
out_string += " old:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(dp.dom_old) + "\n"
pr = Cast(dp.dom_protosw.tqh_first, 'protosw *')
while pr != 0:
pru = pr.pr_usrreqs
out_string += "\ttype " + str(int(pr.pr_type)) + ", protocol " + str(int(pr.pr_protocol)) + ", protosw " + hex(pr) + "\n"
out_string += "\t flags:0x\t" + hex(pr.pr_flags) + "\n"
if (pr.pr_input):
out_string += "\t input:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pr.pr_input) + "\n"
if (pr.pr_output):
out_string += "\t output:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pr.pr_output) + "\n"
if (pr.pr_ctlinput):
out_string += "\t ctlinput:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pr.pr_ctlinput) + "\n"
if (pr.pr_ctloutput):
out_string += "\t ctloutput:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pr.pr_ctloutput) + "\n"
if (pr.pr_init):
out_string += "\t init:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pr.pr_init) + "\n"
if (pr.pr_drain):
out_string += "\t drain:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pr.pr_drain) + "\n"
if (pr.pr_sysctl):
out_string += "\t sysctl:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pr.pr_sysctl) + "\n"
if (pr.pr_lock):
out_string += "\t lock:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pr.pr_lock) + "\n"
if (pr.pr_unlock):
out_string += "\t unlock:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pr.pr_unlock) + "\n"
if (pr.pr_getlock):
out_string += "\t getlock:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pr.pr_getlock) + "\n"
if (pr.pr_old):
out_string += "\t old:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pr.pr_old) + "\n"
out_string += "\t pru_flags:0x\t" + hex(pru.pru_flags) + "\n"
out_string += "\t abort:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_abort) + "\n"
out_string += "\t accept:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_accept) + "\n"
out_string += "\t attach:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_attach) + "\n"
out_string += "\t bind:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_bind) + "\n"
out_string += "\t connect:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_connect) + "\n"
out_string += "\t connect2:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_connect2) + "\n"
out_string += "\t connectx:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_connectx) + "\n"
out_string += "\t control:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_control) + "\n"
out_string += "\t detach:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_detach) + "\n"
out_string += "\t disconnect:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_disconnect) + "\n"
out_string += "\t listen:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_listen) + "\n"
out_string += "\t peeraddr:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_peeraddr) + "\n"
out_string += "\t rcvd:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_rcvd) + "\n"
out_string += "\t rcvoob:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_rcvoob) + "\n"
out_string += "\t send:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_send) + "\n"
out_string += "\t sense:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_sense) + "\n"
out_string += "\t shutdown:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_shutdown) + "\n"
out_string += "\t sockaddr:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_sockaddr) + "\n"
out_string += "\t sopoll:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_sopoll) + "\n"
out_string += "\t soreceive:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_soreceive) + "\n"
out_string += "\t sosend:\t"
out_string += GetSourceInformationForAddress(pru.pru_sosend) + "\n"
pr = pr.pr_entry.tqe_next
dp = dp.dom_entry.tqe_next
# EndMacro: show_domains
# Macro: tcp_count_rxt_segments
def TCPCountRxtSegments(cmd_args=None):
""" Size of the t_rxt_segments chain
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
tp = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'tcpcb *')
rxseg = cast(tp.t_rxt_segments.slh_first, 'tcp_rxt_seg *')
cnt = 0
while rxseg != 0:
cnt += 1
rxseg = rxseg.rx_link.sle_next
if (cnt % 1000 == 0):
print(" running count: {:d}".format(cnt))
print(" total count: {:d}".format(cnt))
# EndMacro: tcp_count_rxt_segments
# Macro: tcp_walk_rxt_segments
def TCPWalkRxtSegments(cmd_args=None):
""" Walk the t_rxt_segments chain
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("Missing argument 0 in user function.")
tp = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'tcpcb *')
rxseg = cast(tp.t_rxt_segments.slh_first, 'tcp_rxt_seg *')
cnt = 0
while rxseg != 0:
cnt += 1
rxseg = rxseg.rx_link.sle_next
if (cnt % 1000 == 0):
print(" running count: {:d}".format(cnt))
print(" total count: {:d}".format(cnt))
rxseg = cast(tp.t_rxt_segments.slh_first, 'tcp_rxt_seg *')
cnt = 0
while rxseg != 0:
cnt += 1
out_string = ""
span = rxseg.rx_end - rxseg.rx_start
rxseg_format = "{0:4d} 0x{1:x} rx_start 0x{2:x} rx_end 0x{3:x} rx_count {4:4d} rx_flags 0x{5:x} span {6:d}"
out_string += rxseg_format.format(cnt, rxseg, rxseg.rx_start, rxseg.rx_end, rxseg.rx_count, rxseg.rx_flags, abs(span))
rxseg = rxseg.rx_link.sle_next
# EndMacro: tcp_walk_rxt_segments