This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
Macros relating to VM Pageout Scan.
from core.cvalue import sizeof, value
import json
from memory import PrettyPrintDictionary
from process import GetTaskSummary
import re
from scheduler import GetRecentTimestamp
from typing import Iterable, Optional
from xnu import header, lldb_command, kern, xnudebug_test
class VmPageoutStats(Iterable):
def __init__(self, num_samples: Optional[int] = None):
self.num_samples = num_samples
self.stats = kern.globals.vm_pageout_stats
self.num_stats = sizeof(self.stats) // sizeof(self.stats[0]) = kern.globals.vm_pageout_stat_now
def __iter__(self):
self.samples_iterated = 0
self.index = - 1 if > 0 else self.num_stats - 1
return self
## Iterate stats in reverse chronological order
def __next__(self):
if self.index ==
raise StopIteration
if (self.num_samples is not None and
self.samples_iterated == self.num_samples):
raise StopIteration
self.samples_iterated += 1
if self.index == 0:
self.index = self.num_stats - 1
self.index -= 1
return self
def page_counts(self) -> str:
stat = self.stats[self.index]
return (f'{stat.vm_page_active_count:12d} '
f'{stat.vm_page_inactive_count:12d} '
f'{stat.vm_page_speculative_count:12d} '
f'{stat.vm_page_anonymous_count:12d} '
f'{stat.vm_page_free_count:12d} '
f'{stat.vm_page_wire_count:12d} '
f'{stat.vm_page_compressor_count:12d} '
f'{stat.vm_page_pages_compressed:12d} '
f'{stat.vm_page_pageable_internal_count:12d} '
f'{stat.vm_page_pageable_external_count:12d} '
f'{stat.vm_page_realtime_count:12d} '
def page_stats(self) -> str:
stat = self.stats[self.index]
return (f'{stat.considered:12d} '
f'{stat.pages_grabbed:12d} '
f'{stat.pages_freed:12d} '
f'{stat.pages_compressed:12d} '
f'{stat.pages_evicted:12d} '
f'{stat.pages_purged:12d} '
f'{stat.skipped_external:12d} '
f'{stat.skipped_internal:12d} '
f'{stat.freed_speculative:12d} '
f'{stat.freed_internal:12d} '
f'{stat.freed_external:12d} '
f'{stat.freed_cleaned:12d} '
f'{stat.freed_internal:12d} '
f'{stat.freed_external:12d} '
f'{stat.inactive_referenced:12d} '
f'{stat.inactive_nolock:12d} '
f'{stat.reactivation_limit_exceeded:12d} '
f'{stat.throttled_internal_q:12d} '
f'{stat.throttled_external_q:12d} '
f'{stat.forcereclaimed_sharedcache:12d} '
f'{stat.forcereclaimed_realtime:12d} '
f'{stat.protected_sharedcache:12d} '
# Macro: showvmpagehistory
@header(f"{'active':>12s} "
f"{'inactive':>12s} "
f"{'speculative':>12s} "
f"{'anonymous':>12s} "
f"{'free':>12s} "
f"{'wired':>12s} "
f"{'compressor':>12s} "
f"{'compressed':>12s} "
f"{'pageable_int':>12s} "
f"{'pageable_ext':>12s} "
f"{'realtime':>12s} "
@lldb_command('showvmpageouthistory', 'S:')
def ShowVMPageoutHistory(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
Dump a recent history of VM page dispostions in reverse chronological order.
usage: showvmpagehistory [-S samples]
-S n Show only `n` most recent samples (samples are collect at 1 Hz)
num_samples = int(cmd_options['-S']) if '-S' in cmd_options else None
for stat in VmPageoutStats(num_samples):
def TestMemstats(kernel_target, config, lldb_obj, isConnected ):
""" Test the functionality of showvmpageouthistory command
- False on failure
- True on success
if not isConnected:
print("Target is not connected. Cannot test memstats")
return False
res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
lldb_obj.debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().HandleCommand("showvmpageouthistory", res)
result = res.GetOutput()
if len(result.splitlines()) < 2:
print("Result has fewer than two lines")
return False
for line in result.splitlines():
matches = re.findall(r'(\d+|[\w_]+)', line)
if len(matches) < 12:
print("Line has fewer than 12 elements!")
return False
return True
# EndMacro: showvmpageouthistory
# Macro: showvmpageoutstats
@header(f"{'considered':>12s} "
f"{'grabbed':>12s} "
f"{'freed':>12s} "
f"{'compressed':>12s} "
f"{'evicted':>12s} "
f"{'purged':>12s} "
f"{'skipped_ext':>12s} "
f"{'skipped_int':>12s} "
f"{'freed_spec':>12s} "
f"{'freed_int':>12s} "
f"{'freed_ext':>12s} "
f"{'cleaned':>12s} "
f"{'cleaned_ext':>12s} "
f"{'cleaned_int':>12s} "
f"{'inact_ref':>12s} "
f"{'inact_lck':>12s} "
f"{'react_lim':>12s} "
f"{'thrtl_int':>12s} "
f"{'thrtl_ext':>12s} "
f"{'forced_sc':>12s} "
f"{'forced_rt':>12s} "
f"{'prot_sc':>12s} "
@lldb_command('showvmpageoutstats', 'S:')
def ShowVMPageoutStats(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
Dump a recent history of VM pageout statistics in reverse chronological order.
usage: showvmpageoutstats [-S samples]
-S n Show only `n` most recent samples (samples are collect at 1 Hz)
num_samples = int(cmd_options['-S']) if '-S' in cmd_options else None
for stat in VmPageoutStats(num_samples):
def TestMemstats(kernel_target, config, lldb_obj, isConnected ):
""" Test the functionality of showvmpageoutstats command
- False on failure
- True on success
if not isConnected:
print("Target is not connected. Cannot test showmvmpageoutstats")
return False
res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
lldb_obj.debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().HandleCommand("showvmpageoutstats", res)
result = res.GetOutput()
if len(result.splitlines()) < 2:
print("Result has fewer than two lines")
return False
for line in result.splitlines():
matches = re.findall(r'(\d|[\w_]+)', line)
if len(matches) < 23:
print("Line has fewer than 23 elements!")
return False
return True
# EndMacro: showvmpageoutstats