This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
from xnu import *
from utils import *
from core.configuration import *
import sys
import struct
def _swap32(i):
return struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack(">I", i))[0]
def _getSafeQ(queue):
g_wqs = kern.GetGlobalVariable('global_waitqs')
g_cnt = unsigned(kern.GetGlobalVariable('g_num_waitqs'))
q_hash = unsigned(queue)
q_hash >>= 4
q_hash *= 0x5052acdb
q_hash &= 0xffffffff
q_hash ^= _swap32(q_hash)
return addressof(g_wqs[q_hash & (g_cnt - 1)])
class Waitq(object):
Helper class to wrap wait queues
def __init__(self, addr):
self._wq = kern.CreateTypedPointerFromAddress(unsigned(addr), 'struct waitq')
self._ty = unsigned(self._wq.waitq_type) & 0x7
def kind(self):
return GetEnumName('waitq_type_t', self._ty, 'WQT_')
def fifo(self):
return self._wq.waitq_fifo
def irq_safe(self):
return self._ty in [
GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_QUEUE'),
GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_TURNSTILE')]
def safe_queue(self):
if self.irq_safe():
return self._wq
elif self._ty == GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_PORT'):
ts = self._wq.waitq_ts
if ts: return ts.ts_waitq.waitq_ts
return 0
return _getSafeQ(self._wq)
def bitsStr(self):
out_str = ""
cticket = int(self._wq.waitq_interlock.cticket)
cticket &= ~1
if cticket != int(self._wq.waitq_interlock.nticket):
out_str += "L"
out_str += "-"
if self._wq.waitq_fifo:
out_str += 'F'
out_str += "-"
if self.irq_safe():
out_str += 'I'
out_str += "-"
if self._wq.waitq_preposted:
out_str += 'P'
out_str += "-"
return out_str
def hasThreads(self):
for _ in self.iterateThreads():
return True
return False
def hasSets(self):
for _ in self.iterateSets():
return True
return False
def hasMembers(self):
for _ in self.iterateMemberLinks():
return True
return False
def iterateThreads(self):
if self._ty == GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_PORT'):
ts = self._wq.waitq_ts
if ts:
for t in IterateSchedPriorityQueue(ts.ts_waitq.waitq_prio_queue,
'struct thread', 'wait_prioq_links'):
yield t
elif self._ty == GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_TURNSTILE'):
for t in IterateSchedPriorityQueue(self._wq.waitq_prio_queue,
'struct thread', 'wait_prioq_links'):
yield t
elif self._ty == GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_QUEUE'):
for t in IterateCircleQueue(self._wq.waitq_queue, 'thread', 'wait_links'):
yield t
for t in IterateCircleQueue(_getSafeQ(self._wq).waitq_queue, 'thread', 'wait_links'):
if t.waitq.wq_q == self._wq: yield t
def asTurnstile(self):
if self._ty == GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_TURNSTILE'):
return containerof(self._wq, 'turnstile', 'ts_waitq')
return None
def asSelinfo(self):
if self._ty == GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_SELECT'):
return containerof(self._wq, 'selinfo', 'si_waitq')
return None
def asPort(self):
if self._ty == GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_PORT'):
return containerof(self._wq, 'ipc_port', 'ip_waitq')
return None
def asPset(self):
if self._ty == GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_PORT_SET'):
return containerof(self._wq, 'ipc_pset', 'ips_wqset')
return None
def iterateSets(self):
if self._ty == GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_PORT'):
for link in IterateCircleQueue(self._wq.waitq_links, 'struct waitq_link', 'wql_qlink'):
wqs = link.wql_wqs & ~1
if wqs: yield Waitq(kern.GetValueFromAddress(wqs))
if self._ty == GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_SELECT'):
link =
while link:
sellink = containerof(link, 'struct waitq_sellink', 'wql_next')
wqs = sellink.wql_wqs & ~1
if wqs: yield Waitq(kern.GetValueFromAddress(wqs))
link =
def iterateMembers(self):
for l in self.iterateMemberLinks():
yield Waitq(l.wql_wq)
def iterateMemberLinks(self):
if self._ty == GetEnumValue('waitq_type_t', 'WQT_PORT_SET'):
wqs = kern.CreateTypedPointerFromAddress(unsigned(self._wq), 'struct waitq_set')
for l in IterateCircleQueue(wqs.wqset_links, 'struct waitq_link', 'wql_slink'):
yield l
for l in IterateCircleQueue(wqs.wqset_preposts, 'struct waitq_link', 'wql_slink'):
yield l
@lldb_type_summary(['waitq_t', 'waitq', 'waitq *', 'waitq_set', 'waitq_set *', 'select_set', 'select_set *'])
@header("{:<20s} {:<20s} {:<10s} {:<4s} {:>16s} {:>8s}".format(
'waitq', 'safequeue', 'kind', 'bits', 'evtmask', 'waiters'))
def GetWaitqSummary(waitq):
if isinstance(waitq, Waitq):
wq = waitq
wq = Waitq(waitq)
threads = len([t for t in wq.iterateThreads()])
return "{q:<#20x} {safeq:<#20x} {kind:<10s} {bits:<4s} {q.waitq_eventmask:>#16x} {threads:>8d}".format(
q=wq._wq, safeq=wq.safe_queue(), kind=wq.kind(), bits=wq.bitsStr(), threads=threads)
# Macro: showwaitq
def ShowWaitqHelper(waitq, O=None):
if waitq.hasThreads():
with O.table("{:<20s} {:<20s}".format('waiter', 'event'), indent=True):
for thread in waitq.iterateThreads():
print("{:<#20x} {:<#20x}".format(unsigned(thread), thread.wait_event))
if waitq.hasSets():
with O.table(GetWaitqSummary.header, indent=True):
for wqs in waitq.iterateSets():
if waitq.hasMembers():
with O.table(GetWaitqSummary.header, indent=True):
for link in waitq.iterateMemberLinks():
@lldb_command('showwaitq', fancy=True)
def ShowWaitq(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Print waitq structure summary.
usage: showwaitq <waitq/waitq_set>
if not cmd_args:
return O.error("Missing waitq argument")
with O.table(GetWaitqSummary.header):
ShowWaitqHelper(Waitq(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct waitq *')), O)
# EndMacro: showwaitq
# Macro: showglobalwaitqs
@lldb_command('showglobalwaitqs', 'A', fancy=True)
def ShowGlobalWaitqs(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Summarize global waitq usage
usage: showglobalwaitqs [-A]
-A : show all queues, not only non empty ones
full = '-A' in cmd_options
with O.table(GetWaitqSummary.header):
for q in range(0, int(kern.globals.g_num_waitqs)):
wq = Waitq(addressof(kern.globals.global_waitqs[q]))
if not full and not wq.hasThreads():
ShowWaitqHelper(wq, O)
# EndMacro: showglobalwaitqs
# Macro: showglobalqstats
@lldb_command('showglobalqstats', "OF")
def ShowGlobalQStats(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Summarize global waitq statistics
usage: showglobalqstats [-O] [-F]
-O : only output waitqs with outstanding waits
-F : output as much backtrace as was recorded
global kern
q = 0
if not hasattr(kern.globals, 'g_waitq_stats'):
print("No waitq stats support (use DEVELOPMENT kernel)!")
print("Global waitq stats")
print("{0: <18s} {1: <8s} {2: <8s} {3: <8s} {4: <8s} {5: <8s} {6: <32s}".format('waitq', '#waits', '#wakes', '#diff', '#fails', '#clears', 'backtraces'))
waiters_only = False
full_bt = False
if "-O" in cmd_options:
waiters_only = True
if "-F" in cmd_options:
full_bt = True
fmt_str = "{q: <#18x} {stats.waits: <8d} {stats.wakeups: <8d} {diff: <8d} {stats.failed_wakeups: <8d} {stats.clears: <8d} {bt_str: <s}"
while q < kern.globals.g_num_waitqs:
waitq = kern.globals.global_waitqs[q]
stats = kern.globals.g_waitq_stats[q]
diff = stats.waits - stats.wakeups
if diff == 0 and waiters_only:
q = q + 1
last_waitstr = ''
last_wakestr = ''
fw_str = ''
if (stats.last_wait[0]):
last_waitstr = GetSourceInformationForAddress(unsigned(stats.last_wait[0]))
if (stats.last_wakeup[0]):
last_wakestr = GetSourceInformationForAddress(unsigned(stats.last_wakeup[0]))
if (stats.last_failed_wakeup[0]):
fw_str = GetSourceInformationForAddress(unsigned(stats.last_failed_wakeup[0]))
if full_bt:
f = 1
while f < kern.globals.g_nwaitq_btframes:
if stats.last_wait[f]:
last_waitstr = "{0}->{1}".format(GetSourceInformationForAddress(unsigned(stats.last_wait[f])), last_waitstr)
if stats.last_wakeup[f]:
last_wakestr = "{0}->{1}".format(GetSourceInformationForAddress(unsigned(stats.last_wakeup[f])), last_wakestr)
if stats.last_failed_wakeup[f]:
fw_str = "{0}->{1}".format(GetSourceInformationForAddress(unsigned(stats.last_failed_wakeup[f])), fw_str)
f = f + 1
bt_str = ''
if last_waitstr:
bt_str += "wait : " + last_waitstr
if last_wakestr:
if bt_str:
bt_str += "\n{0: <70s} ".format('')
bt_str += "wake : " + last_wakestr
if fw_str:
if bt_str:
bt_str += "\n{0: <70s} ".format('')
bt_str += "fails: " + fw_str
print(fmt_str.format(q=addressof(waitq), stats=stats, diff=diff, bt_str=bt_str))
q = q + 1
# EndMacro: showglobalqstats