import sys, os, re, time, getopt, shlex, inspect, xnudefines
import lldb
import uuid
import base64
import json
from importlib import reload
from importlib.util import find_spec
from functools import wraps
from ctypes import c_ulonglong as uint64_t
from ctypes import c_void_p as voidptr_t
import core
from core import caching
from core.standard import *
from core.configuration import *
from core.kernelcore import *
from utils import *
from core.lazytarget import *
""" Kernel Debugging macros for lldb.
Please make sure you read the README COMPLETELY BEFORE reading anything below.
It is very critical that you read coding guidelines in Section E in README file.
-h Show the help string for the command.
-c [always|auto|never|0|1]
Control the colorized output of certain commands
-o <path/to/filename> The output of this command execution will be saved to file. Parser information or errors will
not be sent to file though. eg /tmp/output.txt
-s <filter_string> The "filter_string" param is parsed to python regex expression and each line of output
will be printed/saved only if it matches the expression.
-v [-v...] Each additional -v will increase the verbosity of the command.
-p <plugin_name> Send the output of the command to plugin. Please see README for usage of plugins.
# End Utility functions
# Debugging specific utility functions
#decorators. Not to be called directly.
def static_var(var_name, initial_value):
def _set_var(obj):
setattr(obj, var_name, initial_value)
return obj
return _set_var
def header(initial_value):
def _set_header(obj):
setattr(obj, 'header', initial_value)
return obj
return _set_header
def md_header(fmt, args):
def _set_md_header(obj):
header = "|" + "|".join(fmt.split(" ")).format(*args) + "|"
colhead = map(lambda fmt, col: "-"*len(fmt.format(col)), fmt.split(" "), args)
sub_header = "|" + "|".join(colhead) + "|"
setattr(obj, 'markdown', "\n".join([header, sub_header]))
return obj
return _set_md_header
# holds type declarations done by xnu.
#DONOTTOUCHME: Exclusive use of lldb_type_summary only.
lldb_summary_definitions = {}
def lldb_type_summary(types_list):
""" A function decorator to register a summary for a type in lldb.
params: types_list - [] an array of types that you wish to register a summary callback function. (ex. ['task *', 'task_t'])
returns: Nothing. This is a decorator.
def _get_summary(obj):
summary_function_name = "LLDBSummary" + obj.__name__
def _internal_summary_function(lldbval, internal_dict):
args, _, _, _ = inspect.getargspec(obj)
if 'O' in args:
stream = CommandOutput(summary_function_name, fhandle=sys.stdout)
with RedirectStdStreams(stdout=stream), caching.ImplicitContext(lldbval):
return '\n' + obj.header + '\n' + obj(core.value(lldbval), O=stream)
out_string = ""
if internal_dict != None and len(obj.header) > 0 :
out_string += "\n" + obj.header +"\n"
with caching.ImplicitContext(lldbval):
out_string += obj(core.value(lldbval))
return out_string
myglobals = globals()
myglobals[summary_function_name] = _internal_summary_function
summary_function = myglobals[summary_function_name]
summary_function.__doc__ = obj.__doc__
global lldb_summary_definitions
for single_type in types_list:
if config['showTypeSummary']:
if single_type in lldb_summary_definitions:
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("type summary delete --category kernel \""+ single_type + "\"")
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("type summary add \""+ single_type +"\" --category kernel --python-function " + MODULE_NAME + "." + summary_function_name)
lldb_summary_definitions[single_type] = obj
return obj
return _get_summary
# Exception handling from commands
"********************* LLDB found an exception *********************\n"
" There has been an uncaught exception.\n"
" It could be because the debugger was disconnected.\n"
" In order to debug the macro being run, run the macro again\n"
" with the `--debug` flag to get richer information, for example:\n"
" (lldb) showtask --debug 0x1234\n"
" In order to file a bug report instead, run the macro again\n"
" with the `--radar` flag which will produce a tarball to\n"
" attach to your report, for example:\n"
" (lldb) showtask --radar 0x1234\n"
def _format_exc(exc, vt):
import traceback, textwrap
out_str = ""
w = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=100, placeholder="...", max_lines=3)
tb = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(exc, limit=None, lookup_lines=True, capture_locals=True)
for frame in tb.stack:
out_str += (
f"File \"{vt.DarkBlue}{frame.filename}\"{vt.Magenta}@{frame.lineno}{vt.Reset} "
f"in {vt.Bold}{vt.DarkCyan}{}{vt.Reset}\n"
out_str += " Locals:\n"
for name, value in frame.locals.items():
variable = f" {vt.Bold}{vt.DarkGreen}{name}{vt.Reset} = "
first = True
for wline in w.wrap(str(value)):
if first:
out_str += variable + f"{vt.Oblique}{wline}\n"
first = False
out_str += " " * (len(name) + 7) + wline + "\n"
out_str += vt.EndOblique
out_str += " " + "-" * 100 + "\n"
src = open(frame.filename, "r")
except IOError:
out_str += " < Sources not available >\n"
with src:
lines = src.readlines()
startline = frame.lineno - 3 if frame.lineno > 2 else 0
endline = min(frame.lineno + 2, len(lines))
for lineno in range(startline, endline):
if lineno + 1 == frame.lineno:
fmt = vt.Bold + vt.Default
marker = '>'
fmt = vt.Default
marker = ' '
out_str += f"{fmt} {marker} {lineno + 1:5} {lines[lineno].rstrip()}{vt.Reset}\n"
out_str += " " + "-" * 100 + "\n"
out_str += "\n"
return out_str
_RADAR_URL = "rdar://new/problem?title=LLDB%20macro%20failed%3A%20{}&attachments={}"
def diagnostic_report(exc, stream, cmd_name, debug_opts, lldb_log_fname=None):
""" Collect diagnostic report for radar submission.
@param exc (Exception type)
Exception being reported.
@param stream (OutputObject)
Command's output stream to support formattting.
@param cmd_name (str)
Name of command being executed.
@param debug_opts ([str])
List of active debugging options (--debug, --radar, --pdb)
@param lldb_log_fname (str)
LLDB log file name to collect (optional)
# Print prologue common to all exceptions handling modes.
print(stream.VT.DarkRed + _LLDB_WARNING.format(lldb_version=lldb.SBDebugger.GetVersionString()))
print(stream.VT.Bold + stream.VT.DarkGreen + type(exc).__name__ +
stream.VT.Default + ": {}".format(str(exc)) + stream.VT.Reset)
if not debug_opts:
raise exc
# Display enhanced diagnostics when requested.
if "--debug" in debug_opts:
# Format exception for terminal
print(_format_exc(exc, stream.VT))
# Construct tar.gz bundle for radar attachement
if "--radar" in debug_opts:
import tarfile, urllib.parse
print("Creating radar bundle ...")
itime = int(time.time())
tar_fname = "/tmp/debug.{:d}.tar.gz".format(itime)
with, "w") as tar:
# Collect LLDB log. It can't be unlinked here because it is still used
# for the whole duration of xnudebug debug enable.
if lldb_log_fname is not None:
print(" Adding {}".format(lldb_log_fname))
tar.add(lldb_log_fname, "radar/lldb.log")
# Collect traceback
tb_fname = "/tmp/tb.{:d}.log".format(itime)
print(" Adding {}".format(tb_fname))
with open(tb_fname,"w") as f:
f.write(f"{type(exc).__name__}: {str(exc)}\n\n")
f.write(_format_exc(exc, NOVT()))
tar.add(tb_fname, "radar/traceback.log")
# Radar submission
print(stream.VT.DarkRed + "Please attach {} to your radar or open the URL below:".format(tar_fname) + stream.VT.Reset)
print(" " + _RADAR_URL.format(urllib.parse.quote(cmd_name),urllib.parse.quote(tar_fname)))
# Enter pdb when requested.
if "--pdb" in debug_opts:
print("Starting debugger ...")
import pdb
return False
#global cache of documentation for lldb commands exported by this module
#DONOTTOUCHME: Exclusive use of lldb_command only.
lldb_command_documentation = {}
_DEBUG_OPTS = { "--debug", "--radar", "--pdb" }
def lldb_command(cmd_name, option_string = '', fancy=False):
""" A function decorator to define a command with name 'cmd_name' in the lldb scope to call python function.
params: cmd_name - str : name of command to be set in lldb prompt.
option_string - str: getopt like option string. Only CAPITAL LETTER options allowed.
see README on Customizing command options.
fancy - bool : whether the command will receive an 'O' object to do fancy output (tables, indent, color)
if option_string != option_string.upper():
raise RuntimeError("Cannot setup command with lowercase option args. %s" % option_string)
def _cmd(obj):
def _internal_command_function(debugger, command, exe_ctx, result, internal_dict):
global config, lldb_run_command_state
stream = CommandOutput(cmd_name, result)
# need to avoid printing on stdout if called from lldb_run_command.
if 'active' in lldb_run_command_state and lldb_run_command_state['active']:
debuglog('Running %s from lldb_run_command' % command)
command_args = shlex.split(command)
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('type category disable kernel')
def_verbose_level = config['verbosity']
# Filter out debugging arguments and enable logging
debug_opts = [opt for opt in command_args if opt in _DEBUG_OPTS]
command_args = [opt for opt in command_args if opt not in _DEBUG_OPTS]
lldb_log_filename = None
if "--radar" in debug_opts:
lldb_log_filename = "/tmp/lldb.{:d}.log".format(int(time.time()))
lldb_run_command("log enable --file {:s} lldb api".format(lldb_log_filename))
lldb_run_command("log enable --file {:s} gdb-remote packets".format(lldb_log_filename))
lldb_run_command("log enable --file {:s} kdp-remote packets".format(lldb_log_filename))
stream.setOptions(command_args, option_string)
if stream.verbose_level != 0:
config['verbosity'] += stream.verbose_level
with RedirectStdStreams(stdout=stream), caching.ImplicitContext(exe_ctx):
args = { 'cmd_args': stream.target_cmd_args }
if option_string:
args['cmd_options'] = stream.target_cmd_options
if fancy:
args['O'] = stream
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Execution interrupted by user")
except ArgumentError as arg_error:
if str(arg_error) != "HELP":
print("Argument Error: " + str(arg_error))
print("{0:s}:\n {1:s}".format(cmd_name, obj.__doc__.strip()))
return False
except Exception as exc:
if "--radar" in debug_opts: lldb_run_command("log disable")
return diagnostic_report(exc, stream, cmd_name, debug_opts, lldb_log_filename)
if config['showTypeSummary']:
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('type category enable kernel' )
if stream.pluginRequired :
plugin = LoadXNUPlugin(stream.pluginName)
if plugin == None :
print("Could not load plugins."+stream.pluginName)
plugin.plugin_init(kern, config, lldb, kern.IsDebuggerConnected())
return_data = plugin.plugin_execute(cmd_name, result.GetOutput())
#restore the verbose level after command is complete
config['verbosity'] = def_verbose_level
myglobals = globals()
command_function_name = obj.__name__+"Command"
myglobals[command_function_name] = _internal_command_function
command_function = myglobals[command_function_name]
if not obj.__doc__ :
print("ERROR: Cannot register command({:s}) without documentation".format(cmd_name))
return obj
obj.__doc__ += "\n" + COMMON_HELP_STRING
command_function.__doc__ = obj.__doc__
global lldb_command_documentation
if cmd_name in lldb_command_documentation:
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("command script delete "+cmd_name)
lldb_command_documentation[cmd_name] = (obj.__name__, obj.__doc__.lstrip(), option_string)
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("command script add -f " + MODULE_NAME + "." + command_function_name + " " + cmd_name)
setattr(obj, 'fancy', fancy)
if fancy:
def wrapped_fun(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
if O is None:
stream = CommandOutput(cmd_name, fhandle=sys.stdout)
with RedirectStdStreams(stdout=stream):
return obj(cmd_args, cmd_options, O=stream)
return obj(cmd_args, cmd_options, O)
return wrapped_fun
return obj
return _cmd
def lldb_alias(alias_name, cmd_line):
""" define an alias in the lldb command line.
A programatic way of registering an alias. This basically does
(lldb)command alias alias_name "cmd_line"
lldb_alias('readphys16', 'readphys 16')
alias_name = alias_name.strip()
cmd_line = cmd_line.strip()
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("command alias " + alias_name + " "+ cmd_line)
def SetupLLDBTypeSummaries(reset=False):
global lldb_summary_definitions, MODULE_NAME
if reset:
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("type category delete kernel ")
for single_type in list(lldb_summary_definitions.keys()):
summary_function = lldb_summary_definitions[single_type]
lldb_cmd = "type summary add \""+ single_type +"\" --category kernel --python-function " + MODULE_NAME + ".LLDBSummary" + summary_function.__name__
if config['showTypeSummary']:
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("type category enable kernel")
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("type category disable kernel")
def LoadXNUPlugin(name):
""" Try to load a plugin from the plugins directory.
retval = None
module_obj = __import__('plugins.'+name, globals(), locals(), [], -1)
module_obj = module_obj.__dict__[name]
defs = dir(module_obj)
if 'plugin_init' in defs and 'plugin_execute' in defs and 'plugin_cleanup' in defs:
retval = module_obj
print("Plugin is not correctly implemented. Please read documentation on implementing plugins")
print("plugin not found :"+name)
return retval
def ProcessXNUPluginResult(result_data):
""" Look at the returned data from plugin and see if anymore actions are required or not
params: result_data - list of format (status, out_string, more_commands)
ret_status = result_data[0]
ret_string = result_data[1]
ret_commands = result_data[2]
if not ret_status:
print("Plugin failed: " + ret_string)
if len(ret_commands) >= 0:
for cmd in ret_commands:
print("Running command on behalf of plugin:" + cmd)
# holds tests registered with xnu.
#DONOTTOUCHME: Exclusive use of xnudebug_test only
lldb_command_tests = {}
def xnudebug_test(test_name):
""" A function decoratore to register a test with the framework. Each test is supposed to be of format
def Test<name>(kernel_target, config, lldb_obj, isConnected )
NOTE: The testname should start with "Test" else exception will be raised.
def _test(obj):
global lldb_command_tests
if obj.__name__.find("Test") != 0 :
print("Test name ", obj.__name__ , " should start with Test")
raise ValueError
lldb_command_tests[test_name] = (test_name, obj.__name__, obj, obj.__doc__)
return obj
return _test
# End Debugging specific utility functions
# Kernel Debugging specific classes and accessor methods
# global access object for target kernel
def GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(array_base, index):
""" Subscript indexing for arrays that are represented in C as pointers.
for ex. int *arr = malloc(20*sizeof(int));
now to get 3rd int from 'arr' you'd do
arr[2] in C
array_base : core.value - representing a pointer type (ex. base of type 'ipc_entry *')
index : int - 0 based index into the array
core.value : core.value of the same type as array_base_val but pointing to index'th element
array_base_val = array_base.GetSBValue()
base_address = array_base_val.GetValueAsUnsigned()
size = array_base_val.GetType().GetPointeeType().GetByteSize()
obj_address = base_address + (index * size)
obj = kern.GetValueFromAddress(obj_address, array_base_val.GetType().name)
return Cast(obj, array_base_val.GetType())
kern: KernelTarget = None
def GetLLDBThreadForKernelThread(thread_obj):
""" Get a reference to lldb.SBThread representation for kernel thread.
thread_obj : core.cvalue - thread object of type thread_t
lldb.SBThread - lldb thread object for getting backtrace/registers etc.
tid = unsigned(thread_obj.thread_id)
lldb_process = LazyTarget.GetProcess()
sbthread = lldb_process.GetThreadByID(tid)
if not sbthread.IsValid():
# in case lldb doesnt know about this thread, create one
if hasattr(lldb_process, "CreateOSPluginThread"):
debuglog("creating os plugin thread on the fly for {0:d} 0x{1:x}".format(tid, thread_obj))
lldb_process.CreateOSPluginThread(tid, unsigned(thread_obj))
raise RuntimeError("LLDB process does not support CreateOSPluginThread.")
sbthread = lldb_process.GetThreadByID(tid)
if not sbthread.IsValid():
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find lldb thread for tid={0:d} thread = {1:#018x} (#16049947: have you put 'settings set target.load-script-from-symbol-file true' in your .lldbinit?)".format(tid, thread_obj))
return sbthread
def GetKextSymbolInfo(load_addr):
""" Get a string descriptiong load_addr <kextname> + offset
load_addr - int address value of pc in backtrace.
returns: str - kext name + offset string. If no cached data available, warning message is returned.
symbol_name = "None"
symbol_offset = load_addr
kmod_val = kern.globals.kmod
if not kern.arch.startswith('arm64'):
for kval in IterateLinkedList(kmod_val, 'next'):
if load_addr >= unsigned(kval.address) and \
load_addr <= (unsigned(kval.address) + unsigned(kval.size)):
symbol_name =
symbol_offset = load_addr - unsigned(kval.address)
return "{:#018x} {:s} + {:#x} \n".format(load_addr, symbol_name, symbol_offset)
# only for arm64 we do lookup for split kexts.
if not GetAllKextSummaries.cached():
if str(GetConnectionProtocol()) != "core":
return "{:#018x} ~ kext info not available. please run 'showallkexts' once ~ \n".format(load_addr)
for kval in GetAllKextSummaries():
text_seg = text_segment(kval.segments)
if load_addr >= text_seg.vmaddr and \
load_addr <= (text_seg.vmaddr + text_seg.vmsize):
symbol_name =
symbol_offset = load_addr - text_seg.vmaddr
return "{:#018x} {:s} + {:#x} \n".format(load_addr, symbol_name, symbol_offset)
def GetThreadBackTrace(thread_obj, verbosity = vHUMAN, prefix = ""):
""" Get a string to display back trace for a thread.
thread_obj - core.cvalue : a thread object of type thread_t.
verbosity - int : either of vHUMAN, vSCRIPT or vDETAIL to describe the verbosity of output
prefix - str : a string prefix added before the line for each frame.
isContinuation - bool : is thread a continuation?
str - a multi line string showing each frame in backtrace.
is_continuation = not bool(unsigned(thread_obj.kernel_stack))
thread_val = GetLLDBThreadForKernelThread(thread_obj)
out_string = ""
kernel_stack = unsigned(thread_obj.kernel_stack)
reserved_stack = unsigned(thread_obj.reserved_stack)
if not is_continuation:
if kernel_stack and reserved_stack:
out_string += prefix + "reserved_stack = {:#018x}\n".format(reserved_stack)
out_string += prefix + "kernel_stack = {:#018x}\n".format(kernel_stack)
out_string += prefix + "continuation ="
iteration = 0
last_frame_p = 0
for frame in thread_val.frames:
addr = frame.GetPCAddress()
load_addr = addr.GetLoadAddress(LazyTarget.GetTarget())
function = frame.GetFunction()
frame_p = frame.GetFP()
mod_name = frame.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
if iteration == 0 and not is_continuation:
out_string += prefix +"stacktop = {:#018x}\n".format(frame_p)
if not function:
# No debug info for 'function'.
out_string += prefix
if not is_continuation:
out_string += "{fp:#018x} ".format(fp = frame_p)
symbol = frame.GetSymbol()
if not symbol:
out_string += GetKextSymbolInfo(load_addr)
file_addr = addr.GetFileAddress()
start_addr = symbol.GetStartAddress().GetFileAddress()
symbol_name = symbol.GetName()
symbol_offset = file_addr - start_addr
out_string += "{addr:#018x} {mod}`{symbol} + {offset:#x} \n".format(addr=load_addr,
mod=mod_name, symbol=symbol_name, offset=symbol_offset)
# Debug info is available for 'function'.
func_name = frame.GetFunctionName()
# file_name = frame.GetLineEntry().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
# line_num = frame.GetLineEntry().GetLine()
func_name = '%s [inlined]' % func_name if frame.IsInlined() else func_name
if is_continuation and frame.IsInlined():
debuglog("Skipping frame for thread {:#018x} since its inlined".format(thread_obj))
out_string += prefix
if not is_continuation:
out_string += "{fp:#018x} ".format(fp=frame_p)
if len(frame.arguments) > 0:
strargs = "(" + str(frame.arguments).replace('\n', ', ') + ")"
out_string += "{addr:#018x} {func}{args} \n".format(
addr=load_addr, func=func_name, args=strargs)
out_string += "{addr:#018x} {func}(void) \n".format(
addr=load_addr, func=func_name)
iteration += 1
if frame_p:
last_frame_p = frame_p
if not is_continuation and last_frame_p:
out_string += prefix + "stackbottom = {:#018x}".format(last_frame_p)
out_string = out_string.replace("variable not available","")
return out_string
def GetSourceInformationForAddress(addr):
""" convert and address to function +offset information.
params: addr - int address in the binary to be symbolicated
returns: string of format "0xaddress: function + offset"
return str(kern.SymbolicateFromAddress(addr, fullSymbol=True)[0])
return '{0:<#x} <unknown: use `addkextaddr {0:#x}` to resolve>'.format(addr)
def GetFrameLocalVariable(variable_name, frame_no=0):
""" Find a local variable by name
variable_name: str - name of variable to search for
core.value - if the variable is found.
None - if not found or not Valid
retval = None
sbval = None
lldb_SBThread = LazyTarget.GetProcess().GetSelectedThread()
frame = lldb_SBThread.GetSelectedFrame()
if frame_no :
frame = lldb_SBThread.GetFrameAtIndex(frame_no)
if frame :
sbval = frame.FindVariable(variable_name)
if sbval and sbval.IsValid():
retval = core.cvalue.value(sbval)
return retval
# Begin Macros for kernel debugging
def KernelDebugCommandsHelp(cmd_args=None):
""" Show a list of registered commands for kenel debugging.
global lldb_command_documentation
print("List of commands provided by " + MODULE_NAME + " for kernel debugging.")
cmds = list(lldb_command_documentation.keys())
for cmd in cmds:
if isinstance(lldb_command_documentation[cmd][-1], str):
print(" {0: <20s} - {1}".format(cmd , lldb_command_documentation[cmd][1].split("\n")[0].strip()))
print(" {0: <20s} - {1}".format(cmd , "No help string found."))
print('Each of the functions listed here accept the following common options. ')
print('Additionally, each command implementation may have more options. "(lldb) help <command> " will show these options.')
return None
def ShowRawCommand(cmd_args=None):
""" A command to disable the kernel summaries and show data as seen by the system.
This is useful when trying to read every field of a struct as compared to brief summary
command = " ".join(cmd_args)
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('type category disable kernel' )
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('type category enable kernel' )
def XnuDebugCommand(cmd_args=None):
""" command interface for operating on the xnu macros. Allowed commands are as follows
Reload a submodule from the xnu/tools/lldb directory. Do not include the ".py" suffix in modulename.
usage: xnudebug reload <modulename> (eg. memory, process, stats etc)
remove any cached data held in static or dynamic data cache.
usage: xnudebug flushcache
Start running registered test with <name> from various modules.
usage: xnudebug test <name> (eg. test_memstats)
Go through all registered tests and run them
Toggle state of debug configuration flag.
Profile an lldb command and write its profile info to a file.
usage: xnudebug profile <path_to_profile> <cmd...>
e.g. `xnudebug profile /tmp/ showallstacks
Collect coverage for an lldb command and save it to a file.
usage: xnudebug coverage <path_to_coverage_file> <cmd ...>
e.g. `xnudebug coverage /tmp/showallstacks_coverage.cov showallstacks`
An HTML report can then be generated via `coverage html --data-file=<path>`
global config
command_args = cmd_args
if len(command_args) == 0:
raise ArgumentError("No command specified.")
supported_subcommands = ['debug', 'reload', 'test', 'testall', 'flushcache', 'profile', 'coverage']
subcommand = GetLongestMatchOption(command_args[0], supported_subcommands, True)
if len(subcommand) == 0:
raise ArgumentError("Subcommand (%s) is not a valid command. " % str(command_args[0]))
subcommand = subcommand[0].lower()
if subcommand == 'debug':
if command_args[-1].lower().find('dis') >=0 and config['debug']:
config['debug'] = False
print("Disabled debug logging.")
elif command_args[-1].lower().find('dis') < 0 and not config['debug']:
config['debug'] = True
EnableLLDBAPILogging() # provided by
print("Enabled debug logging. \nPlease run 'xnudebug debug disable' to disable it again. ")
if subcommand == 'flushcache':
print("Current size of cache: {}".format(caching.GetSizeOfCache()))
if subcommand == 'reload':
module_name = command_args[-1]
if module_name in sys.modules:
print(module_name + " is reloaded from " + sys.modules[module_name].__file__)
print("Unable to locate module named ", module_name)
if subcommand == 'testall':
for test_name in list(lldb_command_tests.keys()):
print("[BEGIN]", test_name)
res = lldb_command_tests[test_name][2](kern, config, lldb, True)
if res:
print("[PASSED] {:s}".format(test_name))
print("[FAILED] {:s}".format(test_name))
if subcommand == 'test':
test_name = command_args[-1]
if test_name in lldb_command_tests:
test = lldb_command_tests[test_name]
print("Running test {:s}".format(test[0]))
if test[2](kern, config, lldb, True) :
print("[PASSED] {:s}".format(test[0]))
print("[FAILED] {:s}".format(test[0]))
return ""
print("No such test registered with name: {:s}".format(test_name))
print("XNUDEBUG Available tests are:")
for i in list(lldb_command_tests.keys()):
return None
if subcommand == 'profile':
save_path = command_args[1]
import cProfile, pstats, io
pr = cProfile.Profile()
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand(" ".join(command_args[2:]))
print("=" * 80)
s = io.StringIO()
ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s)
print(f"Profile info saved to \"{save_path}\"")
if subcommand == 'coverage':
coverage_module = find_spec('coverage')
if not coverage_module:
print("Missing 'coverage' module. Please install it for the interpreter currently running.`")
save_path = command_args[1]
import coverage
cov = coverage.Coverage(data_file=save_path)
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand(" ".join(command_args[2:]))
print(f"Coverage info saved to: \"{save_path}\"")
return False
def ShowVersion(cmd_args=None):
""" Read the kernel version string from a fixed address in low
memory. Useful if you don't know which kernel is on the other end,
and need to find the appropriate symbols. Beware that if you've
loaded a symbol file, but aren't connected to a remote target,
the version string from the symbol file will be displayed instead.
This macro expects to be connected to the remote kernel to function
def ProcessPanicStackshot(panic_stackshot_addr, panic_stackshot_len, cmd_options):
""" Process the panic stackshot from the panic header, saving it to a file if it is valid
params: panic_stackshot_addr : start address of the panic stackshot binary data
panic_stackshot_len : length of the stackshot binary data
returns: nothing
if not panic_stackshot_addr:
print("No panic stackshot available (invalid addr)")
if not panic_stackshot_len:
print("No panic stackshot available (zero length)")
if "-D" in cmd_options:
dir_ = cmd_options["-D"]
if os.path.exists(dir_):
if not os.access(dir_, os.W_OK):
print("Write access to {} denied".format(dir_))
except OSError as e:
print("An error occurred {} while creating a folder : {}".format(e, dir_))
dir_ = "/tmp"
id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
ss_binfile = os.path.join(dir_, "panic_%s.bin" % id)
ss_ipsfile = os.path.join(dir_, "panic_%s.ips" % id)
if not SaveDataToFile(panic_stackshot_addr, panic_stackshot_len, ss_binfile, None):
print("Failed to save stackshot binary data to file")
from kcdata import decode_kcdata_file
with open(ss_binfile, "rb") as binfile:
decode_kcdata_file(binfile, ss_ipsfile)
print("Saved ips stackshot file as %s" % ss_ipsfile)
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to decode the stackshot: %s" % str(e))
def ParseEmbeddedPanicLog(panic_header, cmd_options={}):
panic_buf = Cast(panic_header, 'char *')
panic_log_magic = unsigned(panic_header.eph_magic)
panic_log_begin_offset = unsigned(panic_header.eph_panic_log_offset)
panic_log_len = unsigned(panic_header.eph_panic_log_len)
other_log_begin_offset = unsigned(panic_header.eph_other_log_offset)
other_log_len = unsigned(panic_header.eph_other_log_len)
expected_panic_magic = xnudefines.EMBEDDED_PANIC_MAGIC
panic_stackshot_addr = unsigned(panic_header) + unsigned(panic_header.eph_stackshot_offset)
panic_stackshot_len = unsigned(panic_header.eph_stackshot_len)
panic_header_flags = unsigned(panic_header.eph_panic_flags)
warn_str = ""
out_str = ""
if panic_log_magic != 0 and panic_log_magic != expected_panic_magic:
warn_str += "BAD MAGIC! Found 0x%x expected 0x%x" % (panic_log_magic,
if warn_str:
print("\n %s" % warn_str)
if panic_log_begin_offset == 0:
if "-S" in cmd_options:
if panic_header_flags & xnudefines.EMBEDDED_PANIC_STACKSHOT_SUCCEEDED_FLAG:
ProcessPanicStackshot(panic_stackshot_addr, panic_stackshot_len, cmd_options)
print("No panic stackshot available")
elif "-D" in cmd_options:
print("-D option must be specified along with the -S option")
panic_log_curindex = 0
while panic_log_curindex < panic_log_len:
p_char = str(panic_buf[(panic_log_begin_offset + panic_log_curindex)])
out_str += p_char
panic_log_curindex += 1
if other_log_begin_offset != 0:
other_log_curindex = 0
while other_log_curindex < other_log_len:
p_char = str(panic_buf[(other_log_begin_offset + other_log_curindex)])
out_str += p_char
other_log_curindex += 1
def ParseMacOSPanicLog(panic_header, cmd_options={}):
panic_buf = Cast(panic_header, 'char *')
panic_log_magic = unsigned(panic_header.mph_magic)
panic_log_begin_offset = unsigned(panic_header.mph_panic_log_offset)
panic_log_len = unsigned(panic_header.mph_panic_log_len)
other_log_begin_offset = unsigned(panic_header.mph_other_log_offset)
other_log_len = unsigned(panic_header.mph_other_log_len)
cur_debug_buf_ptr_offset = (unsigned(kern.globals.debug_buf_ptr) - unsigned(panic_header))
if other_log_begin_offset != 0 and (other_log_len == 0 or other_log_len < (cur_debug_buf_ptr_offset - other_log_begin_offset)):
other_log_len = cur_debug_buf_ptr_offset - other_log_begin_offset
expected_panic_magic = xnudefines.MACOS_PANIC_MAGIC
# use the global if it's available (on an x86 corefile), otherwise refer to the header
if hasattr(kern.globals, "panic_stackshot_buf"):
panic_stackshot_addr = unsigned(kern.globals.panic_stackshot_buf)
panic_stackshot_len = unsigned(kern.globals.panic_stackshot_len)
panic_stackshot_addr = unsigned(panic_header) + unsigned(panic_header.mph_stackshot_offset)
panic_stackshot_len = unsigned(panic_header.mph_stackshot_len)
panic_header_flags = unsigned(panic_header.mph_panic_flags)
warn_str = ""
out_str = ""
if panic_log_magic != 0 and panic_log_magic != expected_panic_magic:
warn_str += "BAD MAGIC! Found 0x%x expected 0x%x" % (panic_log_magic,
if warn_str:
print("\n %s" % warn_str)
if panic_log_begin_offset == 0:
if "-S" in cmd_options:
if panic_header_flags & xnudefines.MACOS_PANIC_STACKSHOT_SUCCEEDED_FLAG:
ProcessPanicStackshot(panic_stackshot_addr, panic_stackshot_len, cmd_options)
print("No panic stackshot available")
elif "-D" in cmd_options:
print("-D option must be specified along with the -S option")
panic_log_curindex = 0
while panic_log_curindex < panic_log_len:
p_char = str(panic_buf[(panic_log_begin_offset + panic_log_curindex)])
out_str += p_char
panic_log_curindex += 1
if other_log_begin_offset != 0:
other_log_curindex = 0
while other_log_curindex < other_log_len:
p_char = str(panic_buf[(other_log_begin_offset + other_log_curindex)])
out_str += p_char
other_log_curindex += 1
def ParseAURRPanicLog(panic_header, cmd_options={}):
reset_cause = {
0x0: "OTHER",
0x1: "CATERR",
0x4: "STRAIGHT TO S5",
expected_panic_magic = xnudefines.AURR_PANIC_MAGIC
panic_buf = Cast(panic_header, 'char *')
# This line will blow up if there's not type info for this struct (older kernel)
# We fall back to manual parsing below
aurr_panic_header = Cast(panic_header, 'struct efi_aurr_panic_header *')
panic_log_magic = unsigned(aurr_panic_header.efi_aurr_magic)
panic_log_version = unsigned(aurr_panic_header.efi_aurr_version)
panic_log_reset_cause = unsigned(aurr_panic_header.efi_aurr_reset_cause)
panic_log_reset_log_offset = unsigned(aurr_panic_header.efi_aurr_reset_log_offset)
panic_log_reset_log_len = unsigned(aurr_panic_header.efi_aurr_reset_log_len)
except Exception as e:
print("*** Warning: kernel symbol file has no type information for 'struct efi_aurr_panic_header'...")
print("*** Warning: trying to manually parse...")
aurr_panic_header = Cast(panic_header, "uint32_t *")
panic_log_magic = unsigned(aurr_panic_header[0])
# panic_log_crc = unsigned(aurr_panic_header[1])
panic_log_version = unsigned(aurr_panic_header[2])
panic_log_reset_cause = unsigned(aurr_panic_header[3])
panic_log_reset_log_offset = unsigned(aurr_panic_header[4])
panic_log_reset_log_len = unsigned(aurr_panic_header[5])
if panic_log_magic != 0 and panic_log_magic != expected_panic_magic:
print("BAD MAGIC! Found 0x%x expected 0x%x" % (panic_log_magic,
print("AURR Panic Version: %d" % (panic_log_version))
# When it comes time to extend this in the future, please follow the
# construct used below in ShowPanicLog()
if panic_log_version in (xnudefines.AURR_PANIC_VERSION, xnudefines.AURR_CRASHLOG_PANIC_VERSION):
# AURR Report Version 1 (AURR/MacEFI) or 2 (Crashlog)
# see macefifirmware/Vendor/Apple/EfiPkg/AppleDebugSupport/Library/Debugger.h
print("Reset Cause: 0x%x (%s)" % (panic_log_reset_cause, reset_cause.get(panic_log_reset_cause, "UNKNOWN")))
# Adjust panic log string length (cap to maximum supported values)
if panic_log_version == xnudefines.AURR_PANIC_VERSION:
max_string_len = panic_log_reset_log_len
elif panic_log_version == xnudefines.AURR_CRASHLOG_PANIC_VERSION:
max_string_len = xnudefines.CRASHLOG_PANIC_STRING_LEN
panic_str_offset = 0
out_str = ""
while panic_str_offset < max_string_len:
p_char = str(panic_buf[panic_log_reset_log_offset + panic_str_offset])
out_str += p_char
panic_str_offset += 1
# Save Crashlog Binary Data (if available)
if "-S" in cmd_options and panic_log_version == xnudefines.AURR_CRASHLOG_PANIC_VERSION:
crashlog_binary_offset = panic_log_reset_log_offset + xnudefines.CRASHLOG_PANIC_STRING_LEN
crashlog_binary_size = (panic_log_reset_log_len > xnudefines.CRASHLOG_PANIC_STRING_LEN) and (panic_log_reset_log_len - xnudefines.CRASHLOG_PANIC_STRING_LEN) or 0
if 0 == crashlog_binary_size:
print("No crashlog data found...")
# Save to file
ts = int(time.time())
ss_binfile = "/tmp/crashlog_%d.bin" % ts
if not SaveDataToFile(panic_buf + crashlog_binary_offset, crashlog_binary_size, ss_binfile, None):
print("Failed to save crashlog binary data to file")
return ParseUnknownPanicLog(panic_header, cmd_options)
def ParseUnknownPanicLog(panic_header, cmd_options={}):
magic_ptr = Cast(panic_header, 'uint32_t *')
panic_log_magic = dereference(magic_ptr)
print("Unrecognized panic header format. Magic: 0x%x..." % unsigned(panic_log_magic))
print("Panic region starts at 0x%08x" % int(panic_header))
print("Hint: To dump this panic header in order to try manually parsing it, use this command:")
print(" (lldb) memory read -fx -s4 -c64 0x%08x" % int(panic_header))
print(" ^ that will dump the first 256 bytes of the panic region")
## TBD: Hexdump some bits here to allow folks to poke at the region manually?
@lldb_command('paniclog', 'SMD:')
def ShowPanicLog(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Display the paniclog information
usage: (lldb) paniclog
-v : increase verbosity
-S : parse stackshot data (if panic stackshot available)
-D : Takes a folder name for stackshot. This must be specified along with the -S option.
-M : parse macOS panic area (print panic string (if available), and/or capture crashlog info)
-E : Takes a file name and redirects the ext paniclog output to the file
if "-M" in cmd_options:
if not hasattr(kern.globals, "mac_panic_header"):
print("macOS panic data requested but unavailable on this device")
panic_header = kern.globals.mac_panic_header
#panic_header = kern.GetValueFromAddress(0xfffffff054098000, "uint32_t *")
panic_header = kern.globals.panic_info
if hasattr(panic_header, "eph_magic"):
panic_log_magic = unsigned(panic_header.eph_magic)
elif hasattr(panic_header, "mph_magic"):
panic_log_magic = unsigned(panic_header.mph_magic)
print("*** Warning: unsure of panic header format, trying anyway")
magic_ptr = Cast(panic_header, 'uint32_t *')
panic_log_magic = int(dereference(magic_ptr))
if panic_log_magic == 0:
# No panic here..
panic_parsers = {
int(xnudefines.AURR_PANIC_MAGIC) : ParseAURRPanicLog,
int(xnudefines.MACOS_PANIC_MAGIC) : ParseMacOSPanicLog,
int(xnudefines.EMBEDDED_PANIC_MAGIC) : ParseEmbeddedPanicLog,
# Find the right parser (fall back to unknown parser above)
parser = panic_parsers.get(panic_log_magic, ParseUnknownPanicLog)
# execute it
return parser(panic_header, cmd_options)
@lldb_command('extpaniclog', 'F:')
def ProcessExtensiblePaniclog(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Write the extensible paniclog information to a file
usage: (lldb) paniclog
-F : Output file name
if not "-F" in cmd_options:
print("Output file name is needed: Use -F")
panic_header = kern.globals.panic_info
process = LazyTarget().GetProcess()
error = lldb.SBError()
EXT_PANICLOG_MAX_SIZE = 32 # 32 is the max size of the string in Data ID
ext_paniclog_len = unsigned(panic_header.eph_ext_paniclog_len)
if ext_paniclog_len == 0:
print("Cannot find extensible paniclog")
ext_paniclog_addr = unsigned(panic_header) + unsigned(panic_header.eph_ext_paniclog_offset)
ext_paniclog_bytes = process.chkReadMemory(ext_paniclog_addr, ext_paniclog_len);
idx = 0;
ext_paniclog_ver_bytes = ext_paniclog_bytes[idx:idx+sizeof('uint32_t')]
ext_paniclog_ver = int.from_bytes(ext_paniclog_ver_bytes, 'little')
idx += sizeof('uint32_t')
no_of_logs_bytes = ext_paniclog_bytes[idx:idx+sizeof('uint32_t')]
no_of_logs = int.from_bytes(no_of_logs_bytes, 'little')
idx += sizeof('uint32_t')
ext_paniclog = dict()
logs_processed = 0
for _ in range(no_of_logs):
uuid_bytes = ext_paniclog_bytes[idx:idx+sizeof('uuid_t')]
ext_uuid = str(uuid.UUID(bytes=uuid_bytes))
idx += sizeof('uuid_t')
flags_bytes = ext_paniclog_bytes[idx:idx+sizeof('uint32_t')]
flags = int.from_bytes(flags_bytes, 'little')
idx += sizeof('ext_paniclog_flags_t')
data_id_bytes = ext_paniclog_bytes[idx:idx + EXT_PANICLOG_MAX_SIZE].split(b'\0')[0]
data_id = data_id_bytes.decode('utf-8')
data_id_len = len(data_id_bytes)
idx += data_id_len + 1
data_len_bytes = ext_paniclog_bytes[idx:idx+sizeof('uint32_t')]
data_len = int.from_bytes(data_len_bytes, 'little')
idx += sizeof('uint32_t')
data_bytes = ext_paniclog_bytes[idx:idx+data_len]
data = base64.b64encode(data_bytes).decode('ascii')
idx += data_len
temp_dict = dict(Data_Id=data_id, Data=data)
ext_paniclog.setdefault(ext_uuid, []).append(temp_dict)
logs_processed += 1
if logs_processed < no_of_logs:
print("** Warning: Extensible paniclog might be corrupted **")
with open(cmd_options['-F'], 'w') as out_file:
print("Wrote extensible paniclog to %s" % cmd_options['-F'])
def ShowBootArgs(cmd_args=None):
""" Display boot arguments passed to the target kernel
bootargs = Cast(kern.GetGlobalVariable('PE_state').bootArgs, 'boot_args *')
bootargs_cmd = bootargs.CommandLine
# The initialization code to add your commands
_xnu_framework_init = False
def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict):
global kern, lldb_command_documentation, config, _xnu_framework_init
if _xnu_framework_init:
_xnu_framework_init = True
debugger.HandleCommand('type summary add --regex --summary-string "${var%s}" -C yes -p -v "char *\[[0-9]*\]"')
debugger.HandleCommand('type format add --format hex -C yes uintptr_t')
debugger.HandleCommand('type format add --format hex -C yes cpumap_t')
kern = KernelTarget(debugger)
if not hasattr(lldb.SBValue, 'GetValueAsAddress'):
warn_str = "WARNING: lldb version is too old. Some commands may break. Please update to latest lldb."
if os.isatty(sys.__stdout__.fileno()):
warn_str = VT.DarkRed + warn_str + VT.Default
print("xnu debug macros loaded successfully. Run showlldbtypesummaries to enable type summaries.")
__lldb_init_module(lldb.debugger, None)
def ShowLLDBTypeSummaries(cmd_args=[]):
""" Enable/Disable kernel type summaries. Default is disabled.
Usage: showlldbtypesummaries [enable|disable]
default is enable
global config
action = "enable"
trailer_msg = ''
if len(cmd_args) > 0 and cmd_args[0].lower().find('disable') >=0:
action = "disable"
config['showTypeSummary'] = False
trailer_msg = "Please run 'showlldbtypesummaries enable' to enable the summary feature."
config['showTypeSummary'] = True
trailer_msg = "Please run 'showlldbtypesummaries disable' to disable the summary feature."
lldb_run_command("type category "+ action +" kernel")
print("Successfully "+action+"d the kernel type summaries. %s" % trailer_msg)
@lldb_command('walkqueue_head', 'S')
def WalkQueueHead(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" walk a queue_head_t and list all members in it. Note this is for queue_head_t. refer to osfmk/kern/queue.h
Option: -S - suppress summary output.
Usage: (lldb) walkqueue_head <queue_entry *> <struct type> <fieldname>
ex: (lldb) walkqueue_head 0x7fffff80 "thread *" "task_threads"
global lldb_summary_definitions
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("invalid arguments")
if len(cmd_args) != 3:
raise ArgumentError("insufficient arguments")
queue_head = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct queue_entry *')
el_type = cmd_args[1]
field_name = cmd_args[2]
showsummary = False
if el_type in lldb_summary_definitions:
showsummary = True
if '-S' in cmd_options:
showsummary = False
for i in IterateQueue(queue_head, el_type, field_name):
if showsummary:
print("{0: <#020x}".format(i))
@lldb_command('walklist_entry', 'SE')
def WalkList(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" iterate over a list as defined with LIST_ENTRY in bsd/sys/queue.h
object addr - value : address of object
element_type - str : Type of the next element
field_name - str : Name of the field in next element's structure
Options: -S - suppress summary output.
-E - Iterate using SLIST_ENTRYs
Usage: (lldb) walklist_entry <obj with list_entry *> <struct type> <fieldname>
ex: (lldb) walklist_entry 0x7fffff80 "struct proc *" "p_sibling"
global lldb_summary_definitions
if not cmd_args:
raise ArgumentError("invalid arguments")
if len(cmd_args) != 3:
raise ArgumentError("insufficient arguments")
el_type = cmd_args[1]
queue_head = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], el_type)
field_name = cmd_args[2]
showsummary = False
if el_type in lldb_summary_definitions:
showsummary = True
if '-S' in cmd_options:
showsummary = False
if '-E' in cmd_options:
prefix = 's'
prefix = ''
elt = queue_head
while unsigned(elt) != 0:
i = elt
elt = elt.__getattr__(field_name).__getattr__(prefix + 'le_next')
if showsummary:
print("{0: <#020x}".format(i))
def trace_parse_Copt(Copt):
"""Parses the -C option argument and returns a list of CPUs
cpusOpt = Copt
cpuList = cpusOpt.split(",")
chosen_cpus = []
for cpu_num_string in cpuList:
if '-' in cpu_num_string:
parts = cpu_num_string.split('-')
if len(parts) != 2 or not (parts[0].isdigit() and parts[1].isdigit()):
raise ArgumentError("Invalid cpu specification: %s" % cpu_num_string)
firstRange = int(parts[0])
lastRange = int(parts[1])
if firstRange >= kern.globals.real_ncpus or lastRange >= kern.globals.real_ncpus:
raise ValueError()
if lastRange < firstRange:
raise ArgumentError("Invalid CPU range specified: `%s'" % cpu_num_string)
for cpu_num in range(firstRange, lastRange + 1):
if cpu_num not in chosen_cpus:
chosen_cpu = int(cpu_num_string)
if chosen_cpu < 0 or chosen_cpu >= kern.globals.real_ncpus:
raise ValueError()
if chosen_cpu not in chosen_cpus:
except ValueError:
raise ArgumentError("Invalid CPU number specified. Valid range is 0..%d" % (kern.globals.real_ncpus - 1))
return chosen_cpus
def Trace_cmd(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}, headerString=lambda:"", entryString=lambda x:"", ring='', entries_per_cpu=0, max_backtraces=0):
"""Generic trace dumper helper function
if '-S' in cmd_options:
field_arg = cmd_options['-S']
getattr(kern.PERCPU_GET(ring, 0)[0], field_arg)
sort_key_field_name = field_arg
except AttributeError:
raise ArgumentError("Invalid sort key field name `%s'" % field_arg)
sort_key_field_name = 'start_time_abs'
if '-C' in cmd_options:
chosen_cpus = trace_parse_Copt(cmd_options['-C'])
chosen_cpus = [x for x in range(kern.globals.real_ncpus)]
limit_output_count = int(cmd_options['-N'])
except ValueError:
raise ArgumentError("Invalid output count `%s'" % cmd_options['-N']);
except KeyError:
limit_output_count = None
reverse_sort = '-R' in cmd_options
backtraces = '-B' in cmd_options
# entries will be a list of 3-tuples, each holding the CPU on which the iotrace entry was collected,
# the original ring index, and the iotrace entry.
entries = []
for x in chosen_cpus:
ring_slice = [(x, y, kern.PERCPU_GET(ring, x)[y]) for y in range(entries_per_cpu)]
total_entries = len(entries)
entries.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x[IDX_RINGENTRY], sort_key_field_name), reverse=reverse_sort)
if limit_output_count is not None and limit_output_count > total_entries:
print ("NOTE: Output count `%d' is too large; showing all %d entries" % (limit_output_count, total_entries));
limit_output_count = total_entries
if len(chosen_cpus) < kern.globals.real_ncpus:
print("NOTE: Limiting to entries from cpu%s %s" % ("s" if len(chosen_cpus) > 1 else "", str(chosen_cpus)))
if limit_output_count is not None and limit_output_count < total_entries:
entries_to_display = limit_output_count
print("NOTE: Limiting to the %s" % ("first entry" if entries_to_display == 1 else ("first %d entries" % entries_to_display)))
entries_to_display = total_entries
for x in range(entries_to_display):
if backtraces:
for btidx in range(max_backtraces):
nextbt = entries[x][IDX_RINGENTRY].backtrace[btidx]
if nextbt == 0:
print("\t" + GetSourceInformationForAddress(nextbt))
@lldb_command('iotrace', 'C:N:S:RB')
def IOTrace_cmd(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Prints the iotrace ring buffers for all CPUs by default.
-B : Print backtraces for each ring entry
-C <cpuSpec#>[,...,<cpuSpec#N>] : Limit trace entries to those generated by the specified CPUs (each cpuSpec can be a
single CPU number or a range separated by a dash (e.g. "0-3"))
-N <count> : Limit output to the first <count> entries (across all chosen CPUs)
-R : Display results in reverse-sorted order (oldest first; default is newest-first)
-S <sort_key_field_name> : Sort output by specified iotrace_entry_t field name (instead of by timestamp)
if not hasattr(kern.globals, 'iotrace_entries_per_cpu'):
print("Sorry, iotrace is not supported.")
if kern.globals.iotrace_entries_per_cpu == 0:
print("Sorry, iotrace is disabled.")
hdrString = lambda : "%-19s %-8s %-10s %-20s SZ %-18s %-17s DATA" % (
" TYPE",
entryString = lambda x : "%-20u(%6u) %6s[%02d] %-20s %-2d 0x%016x 0x%016x 0x%x" % (
"CPU%d" % x[IDX_CPU],
Trace_cmd(cmd_args, cmd_options, hdrString, entryString, 'iotrace_ring',
kern.globals.iotrace_entries_per_cpu, MAX_IOTRACE_BACKTRACES)
@lldb_command('ttrace', 'C:N:S:RB')
def TrapTrace_cmd(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Prints the iotrace ring buffers for all CPUs by default.
-B : Print backtraces for each ring entry
-C <cpuSpec#>[,...,<cpuSpec#N>] : Limit trace entries to those generated by the specified CPUs (each cpuSpec can be a
single CPU number or a range separated by a dash (e.g. "0-3"))
-N <count> : Limit output to the first <count> entries (across all chosen CPUs)
-R : Display results in reverse-sorted order (oldest first; default is newest-first)
-S <sort_key_field_name> : Sort output by specified traptrace_entry_t field name (instead of by timestamp)
if kern.arch != "x86_64":
print("Sorry, ttrace is an x86-only command.")
entryString = lambda x : "%-20u(%6s) %8s[%02d] 0x%02x 0x%016x %6d %6d %s" % (
str(x[IDX_RINGENTRY].duration) if hex(x[IDX_RINGENTRY].duration) != "0xffffffffffffffff" else 'inprog',
"CPU%d" % x[IDX_CPU],
Trace_cmd(cmd_args, cmd_options, hdrString, entryString, 'traptrace_ring',
kern.globals.traptrace_entries_per_cpu, MAX_TRAPTRACE_BACKTRACES)
# Yields an iterator over all the sysctls from the provided root.
# Can optionally filter by the given prefix
def IterateSysctls(root_oid, prefix="", depth = 0, parent = ""):
headp = root_oid
for pp in IterateListEntry(headp, 'oid_link', 's'):
node_str = ""
if prefix != "":
node_str = str(pp.oid_name)
if parent != "":
node_str = parent + "." + node_str
if node_str.startswith(prefix):
yield pp, depth, parent
yield pp, depth, parent
type = pp.oid_kind & 0xf
if type == 1 and pp.oid_arg1 != 0:
if node_str == "":
next_parent = str(pp.oid_name)
if parent != "":
next_parent = parent + "." + next_parent
next_parent = node_str
# Only recurse if the next parent starts with our allowed prefix.
# Note that it's OK if the parent string is too short (because the prefix might be for a deeper node).
prefix_len = min(len(prefix), len(next_parent))
if next_parent[:prefix_len] == prefix[:prefix_len]:
for x in IterateSysctls(Cast(pp.oid_arg1, "struct sysctl_oid_list *"), prefix, depth + 1, next_parent):
yield x
@lldb_command('showsysctls', 'P:')
def ShowSysctls(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Walks the list of sysctl data structures, printing out each during traversal.
-P <string> : Limit output to sysctls starting with the specified prefix.
if '-P' in cmd_options:
_ShowSysctl_prefix = cmd_options['-P']
allowed_prefixes = _ShowSysctl_prefix.split('.')
if allowed_prefixes:
for x in range(1, len(allowed_prefixes)):
allowed_prefixes[x] = allowed_prefixes[x - 1] + "." + allowed_prefixes[x]
_ShowSysctl_prefix = ''
allowed_prefixes = []
for sysctl, depth, parentstr in IterateSysctls(kern.globals.sysctl__children, _ShowSysctl_prefix):
if parentstr == "":
parentstr = "<none>"
headp = sysctl
st = (" " * depth * 2) + str(sysctl.GetSBValue().Dereference()).replace("\n", "\n" + (" " * depth * 2))
print('parent = "%s"' % parentstr, st[st.find("{"):])
@lldb_command('showexperiments', 'F')
def ShowExperiments(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
""" Shows any active kernel experiments being run on the device via trial.
-F: Scan for changed experiment values even if no trial identifiers have been set.
treatment_id = str(kern.globals.trial_treatment_id)
experiment_id = str(kern.globals.trial_experiment_id)
deployment_id = kern.globals.trial_deployment_id._GetValueAsSigned()
if treatment_id == "" and experiment_id == "" and deployment_id == -1:
print("Device is not enrolled in any kernel experiments.")
if not '-F' in cmd_options:
print("""Device is enrolled in a kernel experiment:
treatment_id: %s
experiment_id: %s
deployment_id: %d""" % (treatment_id, experiment_id, deployment_id))
print("Scanning sysctl tree for modified factors...")
kExperimentFactorFlag = 0x00100000
formats = {
"IU": gettype("unsigned int *"),
"I": gettype("int *"),
"LU": gettype("unsigned long *"),
"L": gettype("long *"),
"QU": gettype("uint64_t *"),
"Q": gettype("int64_t *")
for sysctl, depth, parentstr in IterateSysctls(kern.globals.sysctl__children):
if sysctl.oid_kind & kExperimentFactorFlag:
spec = cast(sysctl.oid_arg1, "struct experiment_spec *")
# Skip if arg2 isn't set to 1 (indicates an experiment factor created without an experiment_spec).
if sysctl.oid_arg2 == 1:
if spec.modified == 1:
fmt = str(sysctl.oid_fmt)
ptr = spec.ptr
t = formats.get(fmt, None)
if t:
value = cast(ptr, t)
# Unknown type
name = str(parentstr) + "." + str(sysctl.oid_name)
print("%s = %d (Default value is %d)" % (name, dereference(value), spec.original_value))
from memory import *
from process import *
from ipc import *
from pmap import *
from ioreg import *
from mbufs import *
from net import *
from skywalk import *
from kext import *
from kdp import *
from userspace import *
from pci import *
from misc import *
from apic import *
from scheduler import *
from structanalyze import *
from ipcimportancedetail import *
from bank import *
from turnstile import *
from kasan import *
from kauth import *
from waitq import *
from usertaskgdbserver import *
from ktrace import *
from xnutriage import *
from kmtriage import *
from kevent import *
from workqueue import *
from ulock import *
from ntstat import *
from zonetriage import *
from sysreg import *
from counter import *
from refgrp import *
from workload import *
from recount import *
from log import showLogStream, show_log_stream_info
from nvram import *
from exclaves import *