*OS Internals::Volume I - User Mode
Table of Contents
- About This Book
- Darwinism: The Evolution of *OS
- Ancestry : NeXTSTEP
- Genealogy
- Darwin
- Build Names & Numbers
- MacOS
- iOS
- TvOS
- WatchOS
- eOS (TouchBar)
- The i-Device simulators
- E Pluribus Unum: Architecture of *OS
- Architecture, at a glance
- Interlude: Property lists
- Applications
- Frameworks
- Third Party Libraries
- System Libraries
- Kernel Interface
- System Calls
- Mach Traps
- Machine-Specific Calls
- Diagnostic Calls
- XNU (at a glance)
- Darwin Technologies (at a glance)
- Promenade: A tour of the *OS Filesystems
- Partitioning
- Filesystems
- Disk Images
- Disk Arbitration
- ACLs & Attributes
- Directories
- Experience Points: UX and System Services
- Spotlight
- QuickLook
- System Information
- Darwin: sysctl
- MacOS: AppleSystemInfo.framework & system_profiler
- *OS: MobileGestalt
- System Configuration
- Printing
- assistantd (Siri)
- Automatic for the People: Application Services
- Application Installation
- LaunchServices
- Preferences
- Notifications
- User Notifications
- emond (MacOS)
- Apple Events
- Mach-O-nations: The Mach-O File format
- Overture: Fat Binaries
- General Mach-O Concepts
- Mach-O FileTypes
- Header Flags
- Load Commands
- In the darkness, bind them: dyld internals
- The role of the dynamic linker
- Program Startup
- dyld initialization
- Linking
- dyld Binding opcodes
- Rebasing
- CoreSymbolication.framework
- Interposing
- The Shared Library Cache
- Programmatic manipulation of Mach-O objects
- Remote inspection of dyld state
- Parts of the Process: Threads and the Grand Central Dispatcher
- Processes
- Threads
- Interlude: KEvents and KQueues
- Grand Central Dispatcher
- Blocks
- Dispatch Queues
- Queue Attributes
- Dispatch Objects
- Dispatch Sources
- Implementation
- Continuations
- Dispatching blocks
- Debugging libdispatch
- In Memoriam: Process Memory Management
- On the same page
- libmalloc
- The scalable (default) zone
- Custom Zones
- Zone APIs
- Debugging
- In the Zone
- Purgeable memory
- The Nano Zone
- libplatform (os_alloc_once)
- libcache
- Memory Management APIs
- mach vm_map
- memory tags
- Memory Diagnostic Tools
- MacOS: Swap
- Darwin: Compressed RAM
- Under pressure:
- MacOS: MemoryStatus
- *OS: Jetsam
- Programmatically responding to memory pressure
- *OS: mmaintenanced
- CFRun - RunLoopRun: The Runtime Environments
- CoreFoundation
- CF* Objects
- CFRunLoop Internals
- Objective-C
- A Quick Refresher
- The Objective-C Runtime
- Objective-C object internals
- the inner workings of Objc_msgSend
- Tracing, and debugging Objective-C
- Reversing and hooking Objective-C
- Swift
- Swiftly evolving: Swift 1 through 4
- objc-bridges
- Closures
- Mangling
- Runtime internals
- The Medium is the Message: Mach IPC (the user mode view)
- Ma-xioms
- Scenarios
- Message format
- The Mach Interface Generator
- Ex Mach-ina: Mach Primitives
- Ports as object abstractions
- The host
- The host_priv
- The task
- The task as a remote IPC namespace (port hijacking)
- The task as a remote vm_map (code injection)
- The thread
- Special ports
- Exception ports
- The processor and processor set
- The clock
- Multi Node
- eXPliCation: XPC internals
- Design Rationale
- XPC Domains
- XPC Data Types
- The Undocumented XPC Data Types
- NSXPC* and the bplist16
- GCD Integration
- Behind the scenes
- Tracing XPC
- XPC Subsystems and the xpc_bootstrap_pipe
- The Alpha & Omega - Launchd
- mach_init and the days of yore
- Born Again: Launchd's reincarnation in libxpc
Angels Agents & Daemons
- The many faces of launchd
- The
property list
- User Space Reboot
- UserEventAgent and LaunchEvents
- launchctl
- Follow Me: Process Tracing and Debugging
- proc_info
- stackshot
- sysdiagnose
- spindump
- MacOS: systemstats
- libtrace and os_log
- *OS: aggregated
- MacOS: DTrace
- kdebug & ktrace
- kperf & kpc
- fsevents
- Post Mortem:
- Core dumps
- Darwin 15: Corpses
- Crash Reporting