- Process Explorer
- FileMon
- HFSleuth - Enables you to explore the HFS+ B-Trees (attributes and catalog) interactively.
- jtool2 - (Mach-O Analyzer) jtool is a drop in replacement for otool(1), nm(1), strings(1), and segedit(1).
- lsock - Using the poorly documented com.apple.network.statistics PF_SYSTEM provider, you can get real time notifications of socket activity.
- kdv
- jlutil
- joker (Deprecated) - This tool (which shares some logic with the jtool) is custom designed for macOS and iOS kernels.
- supraudit
- XPoCe (2)
- Binary Pack - The best of OpenSource.Apple.Com for iOS.
- QiLin - The QiLin Jailbreak Toolkit.
- Guesstalt - A libMobileGestalt example for iOS (only), accompanying this article.
- procexp - Process Explorer - for Mac OS X and iOS!
- Chapter 18: JKextStat for iOS - This simple, but efficient kextstat(8) replacement is the first tool to provide this much needed functionality on iOS.