#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 
#include <string.h>

#include <sys/stat.h> // for mkdir
#include <sys/mman.h> // for mmap

#undef ntohl
#undef ntohs

#define RED     "\033[0;31m"
#define M0      "\e[0;30m"
#define CYAN    "\e[0;36m"
#define M1      "\e[0;31m"
#define GREY    "\e[0;37m"
#define M8      "\e[0;38m"
#define M9      "\e[0;39m"
#define GREEN   "\e[0;32m"
#define YELLOW  "\e[0;33m"
#define BLUE    "\e[0;34m"
#define PINK    "\e[0;35m"
#define NORMAL  "\e[0;0m"

#ifdef LINUX
typedef unsigned long uint64_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
extern void *memmem (const void *__haystack, size_t __haystacklen,
                     const void *__needle, size_t __needlelen);

 *  Apple iOS OTA/PBZX expander/unpacker/lister/searcher - by Jonathan Levin,
 *  http://NewOSXBook.com/
 *  Free for anyone (AISE) to use, modify, etc. I won't complain :-), but I'd appreciate a mention
 * Changelog: 02/08/16 - Replaced alloca with malloc () (full OTAs with too many files would have popped stack..)
 *            02/17/16 - Increased tolerance for corrupt OTA - can now seek to entry in a file
 *            08/31/16 - Added search in OTA.
 *            02/28/18 - It's been a while - and ota now does diff!
 *                       Also tidied up and made neater
 *            12/03/18 - Added -S to search for string null terminated
 *            The last OTA: (seriously, I'm done :-)
 * 	      08/06/19 - Integrated @S1guza's symlink fix (Thanks, man!)
 *                       Added pbzx built-in so you don't have to use pbzx first
 *                       Added multiple file processing, compatible with shell expansion
 *                         Can now ota ...whatever... payload.0?? to iterate over all files!
 *                       Added -H to generate SHA-1 hashes for all ('*') or specific files in OTA
 *			   (SHA-1 code taken from public domain, as was lzma)
 *	      Really, the last OTA (because this %$%#$ brought me out of retirement!)
 *	      10/19/21 - YAA support (for iOS 15 and maybe earlier OTAs?)
 *  To compile: now use attached makefile, since there are lzma dependencies
 *  		Remember to add '-DLINUX' if on Linux
typedef 	unsigned int	uint32_t;
uint64_t pos = 0;

void processFileInner( char *mmapped, uint32_t pos, char *name, uint32_t fileSize, uint32_t perms);

#ifndef NOSHA
#include "sha1.c"
#endif // NOSHA
#pragma pack(1)
struct entry
 unsigned int usually_0x210_or_0x110;
 unsigned short  usually_0x00_00; //_00_00;
 unsigned int  fileSize;
 unsigned short whatever;
 unsigned long long timestamp_likely;
 unsigned short _usually_0x20;
 unsigned short nameLen;
 unsigned short uid;
 unsigned short gid;
 unsigned short perms;
 char name[0];
 // Followed by file contents

#pragma pack()

extern int ntohl(int);
extern short ntohs(short);
swap32(uint32_t arg)
return (ntohl(arg));

int g_list = 0;
int g_verbose = 0;
char *g_extract = NULL;
char *g_search = NULL;
char *g_hash = NULL;
int g_nullTerm = 0;

// Since I now diff and use open->mmap(2) on several occasions, refactored 
// into its own function
void *mmapFile(char *FileName, uint64_t *FileSize)

	int fd = open (FileName, O_RDONLY);
	if (fd < 0) { perror (FileName); exit(1);}

	// 02/17/2016 - mmap
	struct stat stbuf;
	int rc = fstat(fd, &stbuf);

	char *mmapped =  mmap(NULL, // void *addr,
			      stbuf.st_size ,	// size_t len, 
			      PROT_READ,        // int prot,
			      MAP_PRIVATE,                //  int flags,
			      fd,               // int fd, 
			      0);               // off_t offset);

	if (mmapped == MAP_FAILED)  { perror (FileName); exit(1);}

	if (FileSize) *FileSize = stbuf.st_size;

	close (fd);
	return (mmapped);

void hashFile (char *File, char *Name, uint32_t Size, short Perms, char *HashCriteria)

	if (!HashCriteria) return;

	if ((HashCriteria[0] != '*') && ! strstr(Name, HashCriteria)) return ;
#define HASH_SIZE	20

	uint8_t Message_Digest[SHA1HashSize];

	doSHA1((void*)File, Size, Message_Digest);

    int i = 0;
    printf("%s (%d bytes): ", Name, Size);
    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++)
		printf("%02X", Message_Digest[i]);



extractFile (char *File, char *Name, uint32_t Size, short Perms, char *ExtractCriteria)
	// MAYBE extract file (depending if matches Criteria, or "*").
	// You can modify this to include regexps, case sensitivity, what not. 
	// presently, it's just strstr()

	if (!ExtractCriteria) return;
	if ((ExtractCriteria[0] != '*') && ! strstr(Name, ExtractCriteria)) return;

	uint16_t type = Perms & S_IFMT;
    	Perms &= ~S_IFMT;
	if (type == S_IFDIR) {
		mkdir (Name, 0755);
	    if(type != S_IFREG && type != S_IFLNK)
        	fprintf(stderr, "Unknown file type: %o\n", type);
        		// return;

	// Ok. Extract . This is simple - just dump the file contents to its directory.
	// What we need to do here is parse the '/' and mkdir(2), etc.
	char *dirSep = strchr (Name, '/');
	while (dirSep)
		*dirSep = '\0';
		*dirSep = '/';
		dirSep = strchr (dirSep, '/');

    if(type == S_IFLNK) 
	/* @s1guza's support for symlinks! */
	/* http://newosxbook.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19513 */
        char *target = strndup(File, Size);
            fprintf(stderr, "Symlinking %s to %s\n", Name, target);
        symlink(target, Name);
        fchmodat(AT_FDCWD, Name, Perms, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW);

	else  {
	// at this point we're out of '/'s
	// go back to the last /, if any
	if (g_verbose)
		fprintf(stderr, "Dumping %d bytes to %s\n", Size, Name);
	int fd = open (Name, O_WRONLY| O_CREAT);
	fchmod (fd, Perms);
	write (fd, File, Size);
	close (fd);


} //  end extractFile

void showPos()
	fprintf(stderr, "POS is %lld\n", pos);

struct entry *getNextEnt (char *Mapping, uint64_t Size, uint64_t *Pos)
	// Return entry at Mapping[Pos],
	// and advance Pos to point to next one

	int pos = 0;
	struct entry *ent =(struct entry *) (Mapping + *Pos );

	if (*Pos > Size) return (NULL);
	*Pos += sizeof(struct entry);
	uint32_t entsize = swap32(ent->fileSize);
	uint32_t nameLen = ntohs(ent->nameLen);
        // Get Name (immediately after the entry)
        //char *name = malloc (nameLen+1);
        // strncpy(name, Mapping+ *Pos , nameLen);
        //name[nameLen] = '\0';
	//printf("NAME %p IS %s, Size: %d\n", Mapping, name, entsize);
	//free (name);
	*Pos += nameLen;
	*Pos += entsize;

	return (ent);

} // getNextEnt

int doDiff (char *File1, char *File2, int Exists)

	// There are two ways to do diff:
	// look at both files as archives, find diffs, then figure out diff'ing entry,
	// or look at file internal entries individually, then compare each of them
	// I chose the latter. This also (to some extent) survives file ordering

	// Note I'm still mmap(2)ing BOTH files. This contributes to speed, but does
	// have the impact of consuming lots o'RAM. That said, this is to be run on a 
	// Linux/MacOS, and not on an i-Device, so we should be ok.

	uint64_t file1Size = 0;

	char *file1Mapping = mmapFile(File1, &file1Size);
	uint64_t file2Size = 0;
	char *file2Mapping = mmapFile(File2, &file2Size);

	uint64_t file1pos = 0;
	uint64_t file2pos = 0;

	struct entry *file1ent = getNextEnt (file1Mapping, file1Size, &file1pos);
	struct entry *file2ent  = getNextEnt (file2Mapping,file2Size, &file2pos);

	uint64_t lastFile1pos, lastFile2pos = 0;

	while (file1ent && file2ent) {
		lastFile1pos = file1pos;
		lastFile2pos = file2pos;

		file1ent = getNextEnt (file1Mapping, file1Size, &file1pos);
		file2ent = getNextEnt (file2Mapping,file2Size, &file2pos);
		char *ent1Name = file1ent->name;
		char *ent2Name = file2ent->name;

		// Because I'm lazy: skip last entry
		if (file1pos > file1Size - 1000000) break;

		int found = 1;

		char *n1 = strndup(file1ent->name, ntohs(file1ent->nameLen));
		if (strncmp(ent1Name, ent2Name, ntohs(file1ent->nameLen)))
				// Stupid names aren't NULL terminated (AAPL don't read my comments,
				// apparently), so we have to copy both names in:

				// But that's the least of our problems: We don't know if n1 has been removed
				// from n2, or n2 is a new addition:
				uint64_t seekpos = file2pos;	
				// seek n1 in file2:

				found = 0;
				int i = 0;

				struct entry *seek2ent;
				while (1) {
					seek2ent = getNextEnt (file2Mapping,file2Size, &seekpos);
					if (!seek2ent) { break; } // {printf("EOF\n");break;}

					if (memcmp(seek2ent->name,file1ent->name, ntohs(seek2ent->nameLen)) == 0) {
						found++; break;
					else {
						if (i < 200) {
						char *n2 = strndup(seek2ent->name, ntohs(seek2ent->nameLen));

						printf("check: %s(%d) != %s(%d) -- %d\n",n2, ntohs(seek2ent->nameLen),n1, strlen(n1),
					memcmp(seek2ent->name,file1ent->name, ntohs(seek2ent->nameLen) ));

				} // end while
				if (!found) { 
						printf("%s: In file1 but not file2\n", n1);
						// rewind file2pos so we hit the entry again..
						file2pos = lastFile2pos;
				else {
						// Found it - align (all the rest to this point were not in file1)
						file2pos = seekpos;

			} // name mismatch

		if (found) {
			// Identical entries - check for diffs unless we're only doing existence checks

			// if the sizes diff, obviously:
			if (!Exists) {
			if (file1pos - lastFile1pos != file2pos - lastFile2pos)
				{ fprintf(stdout,"%s (different sizes)\n", n1); }
				// if sizes are identical, maybe - but ignore timestamp!
			if (memcmp (((unsigned char *)file1ent) + sizeof(struct entry), 
				    ((unsigned char *)file2ent) + sizeof(struct entry), file1pos - lastFile1pos - sizeof(struct entry)))
			{ fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", n1); }

		free (n1);

	} // end file1pos
	return 0;


void processFile(char *fileName);

main(int argc ,char **argv)

	char *filename ="p";
	int i = 0;

	if (argc < 2) {
		fprintf (stderr,"Usage: %s [-v] [-l] [...] _filename[s]_ \nWhere: -l: list files in update payload\n"
				"Where: [...] is one of:\n"
				"       -e _file: extract file from update payload (use \"*\" for all files)\n"
				"       -s _string _file: Look for occurences of _string_ in file\n" 
				"       -S _string _file: Look for occurences of _string_, NULL terminated in file\n" 
				"       -H [_file]: get hash digest of specific file (use \"*\" for all files)\n"
				"       [-n] -d _file1 _file2: Point out differences between OTA _file1 and _file2\n"
				"                              -n to only diff names\n", argv[0]);
	int exists = 0;

	for (i = 1;
	     (i < argc -1) && (argv[i][0] == '-');
		// This is super quick/dirty. You might want to rewrite with getopt, etc..
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) {
		if (strcmp (argv[i] , "-d") == 0) { 
		  // make sure we have argv[i+1] and argv[i+2]...

		  if (i != argc - 3)
				fprintf(stderr,"-d needs exactly two arguments - two OTA files to compare\n");

		  // that the files exist...
		  if (access (argv[i+1], F_OK)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: not a file\n", argv[i+1]); exit(11); }	  
		  if (access (argv[i+2], F_OK)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: not a file\n", argv[i+2]); exit(12); }	  
		  // then do diff
		  return ( doDiff (argv[i+1],argv[i+2], exists));
		if (strcmp (argv[i], "-l") == 0) { g_list++;} 
		if (strcmp (argv[i] , "-v") == 0) { g_verbose++;}
#ifndef NOSHA
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-H") == 0) {
			if (i == argc -1) { fprintf(stderr, "-H: Option requires an argument (what to extract)\n");
					    exit(5); }

			g_hash = argv[i+1]; i++;

		if (strcmp (argv[i], "-e") == 0) { 
			if (i == argc -1) { fprintf(stderr, "-e: Option requires an argument (what to extract)\n");
					    exit(5); }

			g_extract = argv[i+1]; i++;


		// Added 08/31/16:
		// and modified 12/01/2018
		if ((strcmp (argv[i], "-s") == 0) || (strcmp (argv[i], "-S") == 0))  { 
			if (i == argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Option requires an argument (search string)\n", argv[i]);
					    exit(5); }
			g_search = argv[i+1];
			if (argv[i][1] == 'S') g_nullTerm++;
		else {
			fprintf(stderr,"Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]);
			return 1;



	// Another little fix if user forgot filename, rather than try to open
	if (argv[argc-1][0] == '-') {
		fprintf(stderr,"Must supply filename\n"); exit(5);

	// Loop over filenames:

	for (; i < argc; i++) 
		if (strstr(argv[i],".ecc")) continue;


#define PBZX_MAGIC	"pbzx"

char *doPBZX (char *pbzxData, int Size, int *ExtractedSize) {

#ifndef NO_PBZX
#define OUT_BUFSIZE     16*1024*1024 // Largest chunk I've seen is 8MB. This is double that.
char *	decompressXZChunk(char *buf, int size, char *Into, int *IntoSize);

    uint64_t length = 0, flags = 0;

    char *returned = malloc(OUT_BUFSIZE);
    int returnedSize = OUT_BUFSIZE;
    int available = returnedSize;

    int pos = strlen(PBZX_MAGIC);
    flags = *((uint64_t *) pbzxData + pos);

    // read (fd, &flags, sizeof (uint64_t));
    pos += sizeof(uint64_t);

    flags = __builtin_bswap64(flags);

   // fprintf(stderr,"Flags: 0x%llx\n", flags);

    int i = 0;
    int off = 0;

    int warn = 0 ;
    int skipChunk = 0;

    int rc = 0;
    // 03/09/2016 - Fixed for single chunks (payload.0##) files, e.g. WatchOS
    //              and for multiple chunks. AAPL changed flags on me..
    // New OTAs use 0x800000 for more chunks, not 0x01000000.

    // 08/06/2019 - dang it. it's not flags - it's uncomp chunk size.

    uint64_t totalSize = 0;
    uint64_t uncompLen = flags;
    while (pos < Size){
	//printf("FLAGS: %llx\n", flags);
    // rc= read (fd, &flags, sizeof (uint64_t)); // check retval..
    flags = *((uint64_t *) (pbzxData +pos));
    pos+= sizeof(uint64_t);
    flags = __builtin_bswap64(flags);
    //printf("FLAGS: %llx\n", flags);

    length = *((uint64_t *) (pbzxData +pos));
    //rc = read (fd, &length, sizeof (uint64_t));
    pos+= sizeof(uint64_t);
    length = __builtin_bswap64(length);

    skipChunk = 0; // (i < minChunk);
	if (getenv("JDEBUG") != NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Chunk #%d (uncomp: %lld, comp length: %lld bytes) %s\n",i, flags,length, skipChunk? "(skipped)":"");
    // Let's ignore the fact I'm allocating based on user input, etc..
    //char *buf = malloc (length);
    //int bytes = read (fd, buf, length);

    char *buf = pbzxData + pos;
    pos += length;
// flags = *((uint64_t *) (pbzxData +pos));

#if 0
    // 6/18/2017 - Fix for WatchOS 4.x OTA wherein the chunks are bigger than what can be read in one operation
    int bytes = length;
    int totalBytes = bytes;
    while (totalBytes < length) {
		// could be partial read
		bytes = read (fd, buf +totalBytes, length -totalBytes);
		totalBytes +=bytes;

   // We want the XZ header/footer if it's the payload, but prepare_payload doesn't have that, 
    // so just warn.
    if (memcmp(buf, "\xfd""7zXZ", 6))  { warn++; 
		fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Can't find XZ header at offset 0x%x. Instead have 0x%x(?).. This is likely not XZ data.\n",
			(buf - pbzxData),
			(* (uint32_t *) buf ));

		// Treat as uncompressed
        // UNCOMMENT THIS to handle uncomp XZ too..
 		memcpy(returned + (returnedSize - available), buf, length);
	totalSize += length;
	available -= length;
    else // if we have the header, we had better have a footer, too
    if (strncmp(buf + length - 2, "YZ", 2)) { warn++; fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Can't find XZ footer at 0x%llx (instead have %x). This is bad.\n",
		(length -2),
		*((unsigned short *) (buf + length - 2))); 
//	if (1 && !skipChunk)
	// Uncompress chunk

	int chunkExpandedSize = available;
 	char *ptrTo = returned + (returnedSize - available);
	decompressXZChunk(buf, length, returned + (returnedSize - available),&chunkExpandedSize);

	//	printf("DECOMPRESSING to %p - %p\n", ptrTo , ptrTo + chunkExpandedSize);
	totalSize += chunkExpandedSize;
	available -= chunkExpandedSize;
	if (available < OUT_BUFSIZE)
		returnedSize += 10 * OUT_BUFSIZE;
		available +=  10 * OUT_BUFSIZE;
		// Can't use realloc!
		char *new = malloc(returnedSize);
		if (getenv("JDEBUG") != NULL)printf("REALLOCING from %p to %p ,%x, AVAIL: %x\n", returned,  new, returnedSize, available);
		if (new) {
		 memcpy(new, returned, returnedSize - available);
		returned = new;

		else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR!\n"); exit(1);}

	warn = 0;

	// free (buf);  // Not freeing anymore, @ryandesign :-)

	//printf("Total size: %d\n", totalSize);
	*ExtractedSize = totalSize;
	if (getenv("JDEBUG") != NULL)
	int f = open ("/tmp/out1", O_WRONLY |O_CREAT);
	write (f, returned, totalSize);
	return (returned);

	fprintf(stderr,"Not compiled with PBZX support!\n");
	return (NULL);
} // pbzx

static int64_t getULEB128(const uint8_t* p, int Max, int *len)
        int64_t result = 0;

        int              bit = 0;
        *len = 0;
        do {
                uint64_t slice = *p & 0x7f;

                if ( /* len == Max ||  */ bit >= 64 || slice << bit >> bit != slice)
                    { printf("ULEB128 malformed? (Len %d, Max : %d, bit: %d)\n", *len, Max, bit);
                      return 0;
                else {
                        result |= (slice << bit);
                        bit += 7;
        while (*p++ & 0x80);
        return result;

#define YAA	"YAA1"

int YAAright(unsigned char * mmapped, int Pos, uint64_t extractedSize) {

	int i = 0;

	if (memcmp(mmapped + pos, YAA, strlen(YAA)) != 0) 
		{ fprintf(stderr," NOT YAA\n");

		  return -1;

#if 0

D UID=0 GID=0 MOD=00755 FLG=0x00000000 MTM=1633578838.288343149 PAT=.

	  MAGIC   |ULEB    | T Y    P|  'D'| PAT     '.'
00000000  59 41 41 31 36 00 54 59  50 31 44 50 41 54 50 00  |YAA16.TYP1DPATP.|
            | U_I_D_  __0__ __GID____ __0__|
00000010  00 55 49 44 31 00 47 49  44 31 00 4d 4f 44 32 ed  |.UID1.GID1.MOD2.|
00000020  01 46 4c 47 31 00 4d 54  4d 54|56 6f 5e 61 00 00  |.FLG1.MTMTVo^a..|
00000030  00 00 6d c4 2f 11 59 41  41 31 35 00 54 59 50 31  |..m./.

	// nasty because I originalkly passed mmapped  + pos. *Sigh*

	mmapped = mmapped +Pos;

	unsigned int yaaLen = mmapped[strlen(YAA)] ;
	memcpy(&yaaLen, mmapped + strlen(YAA), sizeof(short));

	uint32_t pos = strlen(YAA) + 2;
	char* symlinkP = NULL;
	int next = 0;
	int dataLen = 0;
	int aftLen = 0;
	uint64_t attrVal = 0;
	char *attrValText = NULL;
	char *pat = NULL;
	char typ = 0;
	uint32_t mod = 0;

	int p = (!g_extract) && (!g_search);

	while (pos < yaaLen) {

	uint32_t attr = 0;
	//printf("READING ATTR FROM POS %d\n", pos);
	memcpy (&attr, mmapped + pos, 4);

	int len = (attr & 0xff000000) >> 24;
	attr &= attr & 0x00ffffff;

	if (strcmp(&attr, "AFT") == 0) {

		//printf("LEN: %d", len);
		len -='0';
		memcpy(&aftLen, mmapped + pos + 4, len);
	//	printf("AFTLEN: %d", aftLen);

	if (strcmp(&attr, "DAT") == 0) {
		if (len =='A') {memcpy (&dataLen, mmapped + pos + 4, sizeof(short)); len = 2;}
		if (len =='B') {memcpy (&dataLen, mmapped + pos + 4, sizeof(uint32_t)); len = 4;}

	if (strcmp(&attr, "MTM") == 0) {

		if (len == 'T') len =12;
		if (len == 'S') len = 8;
	if (strcmp(&attr,"LNK") == 0) {
		next = 3;
		int l = 0;
		len = 0;
		memcpy (&len, mmapped + pos + 4, sizeof(short));

		symlinkP = alloca(len+1);
		memcpy(symlinkP, mmapped+  pos +4 + sizeof(short), len);
		symlinkP[len] = '\0';

	if (strcmp(&attr,"PAT") == 0) {
			// Null terminated attributes

		next = 3;
		int l = 0;
		len = 0;
		memcpy (&len, mmapped + pos + 4, sizeof(short));

		pat = alloca(len+1);
		memcpy(pat, mmapped+  pos +4 + sizeof(short), len);
		pat[len] = '\0';
		len +=2;

	else {
	if ((len >= '0') && (len <= '9')) {
		len -= '0';  // :-)

	else { fprintf(stderr,"Wrong length for attr %s ('%c' = 0x%x) at pos 0x%x\n", &attr, len, len, pos); }
	if (len > 8) { fprintf(stderr,"wrong length at pos %d\n", pos); return -3;}

		// Still here, so we're good:

		attrVal = 0;
		memcpy (&attrVal, mmapped + pos + 4, len);

		if (strcmp(&attr, "TYP") == 0) { if (p) fprintf(stdout, "TYP: %c\t", attrVal); typ = mmapped  [pos + 4]; }
		else if (strcmp(&attr, "MOD") == 0) { if(p) fprintf(stdout, "MOD: 0%o ", attrVal); mod = attrVal; }
	// else if (strcmp(&attr, "UID") == 0) { }
	//	else if (strcmp(&attr, "GID") == 0) { }
	//	else if (strcmp(&attr, "FLG") == 0) { }
			if (p) fprintf(stdout, "%s:  %-3d ",  (char *)&attr,  attrVal);


	pos+=len + 4;

	if (p) {
	if (pat) fprintf(stdout,"PAT: %s (%lld bytes)",pat, dataLen);
	if (pos > yaaLen) { fprintf(stderr,"POS 0x%x > YAALEN 0x%x\n", pos, yaaLen); exit(1);}
	//printf("Got to right pos (0x%x), data Len : %d aft: %d\n", pos,dataLen, aftLen);

	if (g_extract && symlinkP) {
		// Handling symlinks, @S1guza :-)
	processFileInner (mmapped, pos, pat, dataLen, (typ == 'D' ? S_IFDIR: S_IFREG) | mod);

	return yaaLen + dataLen ; // + aftLen;;


void processFileInner( char *mmapped, uint32_t pos, char *name, uint32_t fileSize, uint32_t perms)
		if (g_extract) { extractFile(mmapped +pos, name, fileSize, perms, g_extract);}
		// Added  08/05/19 -  Hash
		if (g_hash) { hashFile (mmapped +pos, name, fileSize, perms, g_hash); }

			if (g_search){
				char *found = memmem (mmapped+pos, fileSize, g_search, strlen(g_search) + (g_nullTerm ? 1 : 0));
				while (found != NULL)
				int relOffset = found - mmapped - pos;
				fprintf(stdout, "Found in Entry: %s, relative offset: 0x%x (Absolute: %lx)",
					found - mmapped);

				// 12/01/18

				if (g_verbose) {

				fputc(':', stdout);
				fputc(' ', stdout);
				   char *begin = found;

				   int i = 0 ;
#define BACK_LIMIT -20
#define FRONT_LIMIT 20
				   while(begin[i] && i > BACK_LIMIT) { i--;}
				   for (;begin +i < found; i++) { 

					if (isprint(begin[i])) putc (begin[i], stdout); else putc ('.', stdout); }
				   printf("%s%s%s",RED, g_search, NORMAL);
				   for (i+= strlen(g_search); begin[i] &&( i < FRONT_LIMIT); i++) { 
					if (isprint(begin[i])) putc (begin[i], stdout); else putc ('.', stdout); }


				// keep looking..
				 found = memmem (found + 1, fileSize - relOffset , g_search, strlen(g_search) +( g_nullTerm ? 1: 0));
				} // end while
			} // end g_search

} // end processFile

void processFile(char *FileName)
	int color = (getenv("JCOLOR")!= NULL);
	fprintf(stderr, "%sProcessing %s%s\n", color ? RED: "", FileName, color ? NORMAL :"");

	//unsigned char buf[4096];

	uint64_t fileSize;

	uint64_t mappedSize;
	char *actualMmapped = mmapFile(FileName, &mappedSize);

	fileSize = mappedSize;

	if (actualMmapped == MAP_FAILED) { perror (FileName); return ;}

	char *mmapped = actualMmapped;
	char *extracted = NULL;
	// File could be a PBZX :-)
	if (memcmp(mmapped, PBZX_MAGIC, strlen(PBZX_MAGIC)) ==0)
			// DO PBZX first!
			int extractedSize = 0;
			extracted = doPBZX (mmapped, mappedSize, &extractedSize);
			mmapped = extracted;
			fileSize = extractedSize;
		printf("EXTRACTED: %p, size: 0x%llx\n",mmapped, fileSize);

		int o = open ("/tmp/out", O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC| O_CREAT);
		fchmod (o, 0644);
		write (o, mmapped, extractedSize);


	if  (memcmp(mmapped, YAA, strlen(YAA)) == 0) {

		int pos = 0;
		while (pos < fileSize) {
		if (! g_extract && !g_search) printf("POS 0x%04x: ", pos);

		int rc =  YAAright(mmapped, pos, fileSize);

		if (rc > 0) pos += rc;
		else { 
		fprintf(stderr,"Position 0x%x: Not YAA or corrupt - skipping\n", pos);
	 	// Seek to next YAA
		 char *next = memmem(mmapped+pos, fileSize -pos, YAA, strlen(YAA));
		 if (next) {
			   pos = next -mmapped;



	int i = 0;

	struct entry *ent = alloca (sizeof(struct entry));

	pos = 0;
	while(pos + 3*sizeof(struct entry) < fileSize) {

	ent = (struct entry *) (mmapped + pos );
	pos += sizeof(struct entry);

	if ((ent->usually_0x210_or_0x110 != 0x210 && ent->usually_0x210_or_0x110 != 0x110 &&
		ent->usually_0x210_or_0x110 != 0x310) || 
		fprintf (stderr,"Corrupt entry (0x%x at pos %llu@0x%llx).. skipping\n", ent->usually_0x210_or_0x110,
			pos, (uint64_t)(mmapped+pos));
		int skipping = 1;

		while (skipping)
		   ent = (struct entry *) (mmapped + pos ) ;
		   while (ent->usually_0x210_or_0x110 != 0x210 && ent->usually_0x210_or_0x110 != 0x110)
		     // #@$#$%$# POS ISN'T ALIGNED!
		     pos ++;
		    ent = (struct entry *) (mmapped + pos ) ;
		   // read rest of entry
		    int nl = ntohs(ent->nameLen);

		    if (ent->usually_0x00_00 || !nl) {
		//	 fprintf(stderr,"False positive.. skipping %d\n",pos);

		    else { skipping =0;
			   pos += sizeof(struct entry); }
		    if (pos > fileSize) return;


	uint32_t	size = swap32(ent->fileSize);

// fprintf(stdout," Here - ENT at pos %d: %x and 0 marker is %x namelen: %d, fileSize: %d\n", pos, ent->usually_0x210_or_0x110, ent->usually_0x00_00, ntohs(ent->nameLen), size);

	uint32_t	nameLen = ntohs(ent->nameLen);
	// Get Name (immediately after the entry)
	// 02/08/2016: Fixed this from alloca() - the Apple jumbo OTAs have so many files in them (THANKS GUYS!!)
	// that this would exceed the stack limits (could solve with ulimit -s, or also by using
	// a max buf size and reusing same buf, which would be a lot nicer)

	// Note to AAPL: Life would have been a lot nicer if the name would have been NULL terminated..
	// What's another byte per every file in a huge file such as this?
	// char *name = (char *) (mmapped+pos);

	char *name = alloca (nameLen+1);

	strncpy(name, mmapped+pos , nameLen);
	name[nameLen] = '\0';
	//printf("NAME IS %s\n", name);

	pos += ntohs(ent->nameLen);
	uint32_t	fileSize = swap32(ent->fileSize);
	uint16_t	perms = ntohs(ent->perms);	

	if (g_list){ 
	if (g_verbose) {
	printf ("Entry @0x%d: UID: %d GID: %d Mode: %o Size: %d (0x%x) Namelen: %d Name: ", i,
							ntohs(ent->uid), ntohs(ent->gid),
						     perms, size, size,
	printf ("%s\n", name);}

	// Get size (immediately after the name)
	if (fileSize) 

			// Added 08/31/16 - And I swear I should have this from the start.
			// So darn simple and sooooo useful!

			processFileInner (mmapped, pos, name, fileSize, perms);

			pos +=fileSize;


	} // Back to loop

	if (extracted) { /*printf("FREEing %p\n", extracted);*/ free (extracted);}
	munmap(actualMmapped, mappedSize);
