* Copyright (c) 1998-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 1998 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
#include <IOKit/IOInterrupts.h>
#include <IOKit/IOInterruptController.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSPtr.h>
extern "C" {
#include <kern/clock.h>
#include <libkern/OSTypes.h>
typedef enum {
kCoprocessorVersionNone = 0x00000000,
kCoprocessorVersion1 = 0x00010000,
kCoprocessorVersion2 = 0x00020000,
} coprocessor_type_t;
* PEGetMachineName() and PEGetModelName() are inconsistent across
* architectures, and considered deprecated.
* PEGetTargetName() and PEGetProductName() instead.
extern boolean_t PEGetMachineName( char * name, int maxLength );
extern boolean_t PEGetModelName( char * name, int maxLength );
extern boolean_t PEGetTargetName( char * name, int maxLength );
extern boolean_t PEGetProductName( char * name, int maxLength );
extern int PEGetPlatformEpoch( void );
enum {
/* Bitmask of details related to panic callouts */
#define kPanicDetailsForcePowerOff 0x1
extern int (*PE_halt_restart)(unsigned int type);
extern int PEHaltRestart(unsigned int type);
extern int PEHaltRestartInternal(unsigned int type, uint32_t details);
enum {
kIOSystemShutdownNotificationStageProcessExit = 0,
kIOSystemShutdownNotificationStageRootUnmount = 1,
kIOSystemShutdownNotificationTerminateDEXTs = 2,
extern void IOSystemShutdownNotification(int howto, int stage);
extern uint32_t gEnforcePlatformActionSafety;
extern boolean_t IOPMRootDomainGetWillShutdown(void);
extern void PEInitiatePanic(void);
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
// Save the Panic Info. Returns the number of bytes saved.
extern UInt32 PESavePanicInfo(UInt8 *buffer, UInt32 length);
extern void PESavePanicInfoAction(void *buffer, UInt32 offset, UInt32 length);
* SMC requires that all data is flushed in multiples of 16 bytes at 16 byte
* boundaries.
extern long PEGetGMTTimeOfDay( void );
extern void PESetGMTTimeOfDay( long secs );
extern void PEGetUTCTimeOfDay( clock_sec_t * secs, clock_usec_t * usecs );
extern void PESetUTCTimeOfDay( clock_sec_t secs, clock_usec_t usecs );
/* unless it's a "well-known" property, these will read/write out the value as raw data */
extern boolean_t PEWriteNVRAMBooleanProperty(const char *symbol, boolean_t value);
extern boolean_t PEWriteNVRAMProperty(const char *symbol, const void *value, const unsigned int len);
extern boolean_t PEWriteNVRAMPropertyWithCopy(const char *symbol, const void *value, const unsigned int len);
extern boolean_t PEReadNVRAMProperty(const char *symbol, void *value, unsigned int *len);
extern boolean_t PEReadNVRAMBooleanProperty(const char *symbol, boolean_t *value);
extern boolean_t PERemoveNVRAMProperty(const char *symbol);
extern boolean_t PESyncNVRAM(void);
extern coprocessor_type_t PEGetCoprocessorVersion( void );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#define kIOPlatformMapperPresentKey "IOPlatformMapperPresent"
extern OSSymbol * gPlatformInterruptControllerName;
* IOPlatformSleepAction
* Sleep is called after power management has finished all of the power plane
* driver power management notifications and state transitions and has
* committed to sleep, but before the other CPUs are powered off.
* The scheduler is still active.
extern const OSSymbol *gIOPlatformSleepActionKey;
* IOPlatformWakeAction
* Wake is called with the scheduler enabled, but before
* powering on other CPUs, so try to minimize work done in this path to speed
* up wake time.
extern const OSSymbol *gIOPlatformWakeActionKey;
* IOPlatformQuiesceAction
* Quiesce is called after all CPUs are off, scheduling is disabled,
* and the boot CPU is about to pull the plug.
* Mutexes and blocking are disallowed in this context and will panic.
* Do not pass this action to super() (incl. IOService, IOPlatformExpert)
extern const OSSymbol *gIOPlatformQuiesceActionKey;
* IOPlatformActiveAction
* Active is called very early in the wake path before enabling the scheduler
* on the boot CPU.
* Mutexes and blocking are disallowed in this context and will panic.
* Do not pass this action to super() (incl. IOService, IOPlatformExpert)
extern const OSSymbol *gIOPlatformActiveActionKey;
* IOPlatformHaltRestartAction
* Halt/Restart is called after the kernel finishes shutting down the
* system and is ready to power off or reboot.
* It is not guaranteed to be called in non-graceful shutdown scenarios.
extern const OSSymbol *gIOPlatformHaltRestartActionKey;
* IOPlatformPanicAction
* Panic is called when the system is panicking before it records a core file
* (if it is configured to do so)
* It can be called at any time, in any context, in any state. Don't depend
* on anything being powered on in a useful state.
* Mutexes and blocking are disallowed in this context and will fail.
* If you hang or panic again in this callout, the panic log may not be recorded,
* leading to the loss of field reports about customer issues.
extern const OSSymbol *gIOPlatformPanicActionKey;
class IORangeAllocator;
class IONVRAMController;
class IOPMrootDomain;
class IOPlatformExpert : public IOService
long _peBootROMType;
long _peChipSetType;
long _peMachineType;
IOPMrootDomain * root;
int _pePMFeatures;
int _pePrivPMFeatures;
int _peNumBatteriesSupported;
OSArray * thePowerTree;
bool searchingForAdditionalParents;
OSNumber * multipleParentKeyValue;
int numInstancesRegistered;
struct ExpansionData { };
ExpansionData *iope_reserved __unused;
virtual void setBootROMType(long peBootROMType);
virtual void setChipSetType(long peChipSetType);
virtual void setMachineType(long peMachineType);
virtual bool CheckSubTree(OSArray * inSubTree, IOService * theNub, IOService * theDevice, OSDictionary * theParent);
virtual bool RegisterServiceInTree(IOService * theService, OSDictionary * theTreeNode, OSDictionary * theTreeParentNode, IOService * theProvider);
virtual void PMInstantiatePowerDomains( void );
virtual bool attach( IOService * provider ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool start( IOService * provider ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool configure( IOService * provider );
virtual IOService * createNub( OSDictionary * from );
virtual bool compareNubName( const IOService * nub, OSString * name,
OSString ** matched = NULL ) const;
bool compareNubName( const IOService * nub, OSString * name,
OSSharedPtr<OSString>& matched ) const;
virtual IOReturn getNubResources( IOService * nub );
virtual long getBootROMType(void);
virtual long getChipSetType(void);
virtual long getMachineType(void);
* getModelName() and getMachineName() are deprecated for direct
* use. Use getTargetName() and getProductName() instead.
virtual bool getModelName( char * name, int maxLength );
virtual bool getMachineName( char * name, int maxLength );
virtual int haltRestart(unsigned int type);
virtual void sleepKernel(void);
virtual long getGMTTimeOfDay( void );
virtual void setGMTTimeOfDay( long secs );
virtual IOReturn getConsoleInfo( PE_Video * consoleInfo );
virtual IOReturn setConsoleInfo( PE_Video * consoleInfo, unsigned int op );
virtual void registerNVRAMController( IONVRAMController * nvram );
virtual IOReturn registerInterruptController(OSSymbol *name, IOInterruptController *interruptController);
virtual LIBKERN_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED IOInterruptController *
lookUpInterruptController(OSSymbol *name);
virtual void setCPUInterruptProperties(IOService *service);
virtual bool atInterruptLevel(void);
virtual IOReturn callPlatformFunction(const OSSymbol *functionName,
bool waitForFunction,
void *param1, void *param2,
void *param3, void *param4) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual IORangeAllocator * getPhysicalRangeAllocator(void);
virtual bool platformAdjustService(IOService *service);
virtual void PMRegisterDevice(IOService * theNub, IOService * theDevice);
virtual void PMLog( const char *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long );
virtual bool hasPMFeature(unsigned long featureMask);
virtual bool hasPrivPMFeature(unsigned long privFeatureMask);
virtual int numBatteriesSupported(void);
virtual IOByteCount savePanicInfo(UInt8 *buffer, IOByteCount length);
virtual OSString* createSystemSerialNumberString(OSData* myProperty);
virtual IOReturn deregisterInterruptController(OSSymbol *name);
virtual void getUTCTimeOfDay( clock_sec_t * secs, clock_nsec_t * nsecs );
virtual void setUTCTimeOfDay( clock_sec_t secs, clock_nsec_t nsecs );
void publishPlatformUUIDAndSerial( void );
void publishNVRAM( void );
virtual bool getTargetName( char * name, int maxLength );
virtual bool getProductName( char * name, int maxLength );
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsedX86(IOPlatformExpert, 0);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsedX86(IOPlatformExpert, 1);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsedX86(IOPlatformExpert, 2);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsedX86(IOPlatformExpert, 3);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsedX86(IOPlatformExpert, 4);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsedX86(IOPlatformExpert, 5);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsedX86(IOPlatformExpert, 6);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert, 7);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert, 8);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert, 9);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert, 10);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert, 11);
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
class IODTPlatformExpert : public IOPlatformExpert
struct ExpansionData { };
ExpansionData *iodtpe_reserved;
virtual IOService * probe( IOService * provider,
virtual bool configure( IOService * provider ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual void processTopLevel( IORegistryEntry * root );
virtual const char * deleteList( void ) = 0;
virtual const char * excludeList( void ) = 0;
virtual IOService * createNub( IORegistryEntry * from );
virtual bool createNubs( IOService * parent, LIBKERN_CONSUMED OSIterator * iter );
virtual bool compareNubName( const IOService * nub, OSString * name,
OSString ** matched = NULL ) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual IOReturn getNubResources( IOService * nub ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
* getModelName() and getMachineName() are deprecated. Use
* getTargetName() and getProductName() instead.
virtual bool getModelName( char * name, int maxLength ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool getMachineName( char * name, int maxLength ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool getTargetName( char * name, int maxLength ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool getProductName( char * name, int maxLength ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual void registerNVRAMController( IONVRAMController * nvram ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual int haltRestart(unsigned int type) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
/* virtual */ IOReturn readXPRAM(IOByteCount offset, UInt8 * buffer,
IOByteCount length);
/* virtual */ IOReturn writeXPRAM(IOByteCount offset, UInt8 * buffer,
IOByteCount length);
virtual IOReturn readNVRAMProperty(
IORegistryEntry * entry,
const OSSymbol ** name, OSData ** value );
IOReturn readNVRAMProperty(
IORegistryEntry * entry,
OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol>& name, OSSharedPtr<OSData>& value );
virtual IOReturn writeNVRAMProperty(
IORegistryEntry * entry,
const OSSymbol * name, OSData * value );
// This returns a dictionary describing all the NVRAM partitions.
// The keys will be the partitionIDs of the form "0x52,nvram".
// The values will be OSNumbers of the partition's byte count.
/* virtual */ OSDictionary *getNVRAMPartitions(void);
/* virtual */ IOReturn readNVRAMPartition(const OSSymbol * partitionID,
IOByteCount offset, UInt8 * buffer,
IOByteCount length);
/* virtual */ IOReturn writeNVRAMPartition(const OSSymbol * partitionID,
IOByteCount offset, UInt8 * buffer,
IOByteCount length);
virtual IOByteCount savePanicInfo(UInt8 *buffer, IOByteCount length) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual OSString* createSystemSerialNumberString(OSData* myProperty) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert, 0);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert, 1);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert, 2);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert, 3);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert, 4);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert, 5);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert, 6);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert, 7);
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* generic root nub of service tree */
class IOPlatformExpertDevice : public IOService
IOWorkLoop *workLoop;
struct ExpansionData { };
ExpansionData *ioped_reserved __unused;
virtual bool init(void *dtRoot);
virtual bool compareName( OSString * name, OSString ** matched = NULL ) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual IOWorkLoop *getWorkLoop() const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual IOReturn setProperties( OSObject * properties ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual void free() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual IOReturn newUserClient( task_t owningTask, void * securityID,
UInt32 type, OSDictionary * properties,
IOUserClient ** handler) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
bool startIOServiceMatching(void);
void createNVRAM(void);
void generatePlatformUUID(void);
void configureDefaults(void);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpertDevice, 0);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpertDevice, 1);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpertDevice, 2);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpertDevice, 3);
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* generic nub for motherboard devices */
class IOPlatformDevice : public IOService
struct ExpansionData { };
ExpansionData *iopd_reserved;
virtual bool compareName( OSString * name, OSString ** matched = NULL ) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual IOService * matchLocation( IOService * client ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual IOReturn getResources( void ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformDevice, 0);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformDevice, 1);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformDevice, 2);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformDevice, 3);
#endif /* __cplusplus */