* Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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#ifndef _IOKIT_IOPM_H
#define _IOKIT_IOPM_H
#include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#include <IOKit/IOReturn.h>
/*! @header IOPM.h
* @abstract Defines power management constants and keys used by both in-kernel and user space power management.
* @discussion IOPM.h defines a range of power management constants used in several in-kernel and user space APIs. Most significantly, the IOPMPowerFlags used to specify the fields of an IOPMPowerState struct are defined here.
* Most of the constants defined in IOPM.h are deprecated or for Apple internal use only, and are not elaborated on in headerdoc.
enum {
kIOPMMaxPowerStates = 10,
IOPMMaxPowerStates = kIOPMMaxPowerStates
/*! @enum IOPMPowerFlags
* @abstract Bits are used in defining capabilityFlags, inputPowerRequirements, and outputPowerCharacter in the IOPMPowerState structure.
* @discussion These bits may be bitwise-OR'd together in the IOPMPowerState capabilityFlags field, the outputPowerCharacter field, and/or the inputPowerRequirement field.
* The comments clearly mark whether each flag should be used in the capabilityFlags field, outputPowerCharacter field, and inputPowerRequirement field, or all three.
* The value of capabilityFlags, inputPowerRequirement or outputPowerCharacter may be 0. Most drivers implement their 'OFF' state, used when asleep, by defininf each of the 3 fields as 0.
* The bits listed below are only the most common bits used to define a device's power states. Your device's IO family may require that your device specify other input or output power flags to interact properly. Consult family-specific documentation to determine if your IOPower plane parents or children require other power flags; they probably don't.
* @constant kIOPMPowerOn Indicates the device is on, requires power, and provides power. Useful as a: Capability, InputPowerRequirement, OutputPowerCharacter
* @constant kIOPMDeviceUsable Indicates the device is usable in this state. Useful only as a Capability
* @constant kIOPMLowPower
* Indicates device is in a low power state. May be bitwis-OR'd together
* with kIOPMDeviceUsable flag, to indicate the device is still usable.
* A device with a capability of kIOPMLowPower may:
* Require either 0 or kIOPMPowerOn from its power parent
* Offer either kIOPMLowPower, kIOPMPowerOn, or 0 (no power at all)
* to its power plane children.
* Useful only as a Capability, although USB drivers should consult USB family documentation for other valid circumstances to use the kIOPMLowPower bit.
* @constant kIOPMPreventIdleSleep
* In the capability field of a power state, disallows idle system sleep while the device is in that state.
* For example, displays and disks set this capability for their ON power state; since the system may not idle sleep while the display (and thus keyboard or mouse) or the disk is active.
* Useful only as a Capability.
* @constant kIOPMSleepCapability
* Used only by certain IOKit Families (USB). Not defined or used by generic Power Management. Read your family documentation to see if you should define a powerstate using these capabilities.
* @constant kIOPMRestartCapability
* Used only by certain IOKit Families (USB). Not defined or used by generic Power Management. Read your family documentation to see if you should define a powerstate using these capabilities.
* @constant kIOPMSleep
* Used only by certain IOKit Families (USB). Not defined or used by generic Power Management. Read your family documentation to see if you should define a powerstate using these capabilities.
* @constant kIOPMRestart
* Used only by certain IOKit Families (USB). Not defined or used by generic Power Management. Read your family documentation to see if you should define a powerstate using these capabilities.
* @constant kIOPMInitialDeviceState
* Indicates the initial power state for the device. If <code>initialPowerStateForDomainState()</code> returns a power state with this flag set in the capability field, then the initial power change is performed without calling the driver's <code>setPowerState()</code>.
* @constant kIOPMRootDomainState
* An indication that the power flags represent the state of the root power
* domain. This bit must not be set in the IOPMPowerState structure.
* Power Management may pass this bit to initialPowerStateForDomainState()
* to map from a global system state to the desired device state.
typedef unsigned long IOPMPowerFlags;
enum {
kIOPMPowerOn = 0x00000002,
kIOPMDeviceUsable = 0x00008000,
kIOPMLowPower = 0x00010000,
kIOPMAOTPower = 0x00020000,
kIOPMAOTCapability = kIOPMAOTPower,
#endif /* PRIVATE */
kIOPMPreventIdleSleep = 0x00000040,
kIOPMSleepCapability = 0x00000004,
kIOPMRestartCapability = 0x00000080,
kIOPMSleep = 0x00000001,
kIOPMRestart = 0x00000080,
kIOPMInitialDeviceState = 0x00000100,
kIOPMRootDomainState = 0x00000200
* Private IOPMPowerFlags
* For Apple use only
* Not for use with non-Apple drivers
* Their behavior is undefined
enum {
kIOPMClockNormal = 0x0004,
kIOPMClockRunning = 0x0008,
kIOPMPreventSystemSleep = 0x0010,
kIOPMDoze = 0x0400,
kIOPMChildClamp = 0x0080,
kIOPMChildClamp2 = 0x0200,
kIOPMNotPowerManaged = 0x0800
* Deprecated IOPMPowerFlags
* Their behavior is undefined when used in IOPMPowerState
* Capability, InputPowerRequirement, or OutputPowerCharacter fields.
enum {
kIOPMMaxPerformance = 0x4000,
kIOPMPassThrough = 0x0100,
kIOPMAuxPowerOn = 0x0020,
kIOPMNotAttainable = 0x0001,
kIOPMContextRetained = 0x2000,
kIOPMConfigRetained = 0x1000,
kIOPMStaticPowerValid = 0x0800,
kIOPMSoftSleep = 0x0400,
kIOPMCapabilitiesMask = kIOPMPowerOn | kIOPMDeviceUsable |
kIOPMMaxPerformance | kIOPMContextRetained |
kIOPMConfigRetained | kIOPMSleepCapability |
* Support for old names of IOPMPowerFlag constants
enum {
IOPMNotAttainable = kIOPMNotAttainable,
IOPMPowerOn = kIOPMPowerOn,
IOPMClockNormal = kIOPMClockNormal,
IOPMClockRunning = kIOPMClockRunning,
IOPMAuxPowerOn = kIOPMAuxPowerOn,
IOPMDeviceUsable = kIOPMDeviceUsable,
IOPMMaxPerformance = kIOPMMaxPerformance,
IOPMContextRetained = kIOPMContextRetained,
IOPMConfigRetained = kIOPMConfigRetained,
IOPMNotPowerManaged = kIOPMNotPowerManaged,
IOPMSoftSleep = kIOPMSoftSleep
enum {
kIOPMNextHigherState = 1,
kIOPMHighestState = 2,
kIOPMNextLowerState = 3,
kIOPMLowestState = 4
enum {
IOPMNextHigherState = kIOPMNextHigherState,
IOPMHighestState = kIOPMHighestState,
IOPMNextLowerState = kIOPMNextLowerState,
IOPMLowestState = kIOPMLowestState
// Internal commands used by power managment command queue
enum {
kIOPMBroadcastAggressiveness = 1,
// Power consumption unknown value
enum {
kIOPMUnknown = 0xFFFF
* Root Domain property keys of interest
/* AppleClamshellState
* reflects the state of the clamshell (lid) on a portable.
* It has a boolean value.
* true == clamshell is closed
* false == clamshell is open
* not present == no clamshell on this hardware
#define kAppleClamshellStateKey "AppleClamshellState"
/* AppleClamshellCausesSleep
* reflects the clamshell close behavior on a portable.
* It has a boolean value.
* true == system will sleep when clamshell is closed
* false == system will not sleep on clamshell close
* (typically external display mode)
* not present == no clamshell on this hardware
#define kAppleClamshellCausesSleepKey "AppleClamshellCausesSleep"
/* kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey
* Key refers to a CFStringRef that will uniquely identify
* a sleep/wake cycle for logging & tracking.
* The key becomes valid at the beginning of a sleep cycle - before we
* initiate any sleep/wake notifications.
* The key becomes invalid at the completion of a system wakeup. The
* property will not be present in the IOPMrootDomain's registry entry
* when it is invalid.
* See IOPMrootDomain notification kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange
#define kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey "SleepWakeUUID"
/* kIOPMBootSessionUUIDKey
* Key refers to a CFStringRef that will uniquely identify
* a boot cycle.
* The key becomes valid at boot time and remains valid
* till shutdown. The property value will remain same across
* sleep/wake/hibernate cycle.
#define kIOPMBootSessionUUIDKey "BootSessionUUID"
/* kIOPMDeepSleepEnabledKey
* Indicates the Deep Sleep enable state.
* It has a boolean value.
* true == Deep Sleep is enabled
* false == Deep Sleep is disabled
* not present == Deep Sleep is not supported on this hardware
#define kIOPMDeepSleepEnabledKey "Standby Enabled"
/* kIOPMDeepSleepDelayKey
* Key refers to a CFNumberRef that represents the delay in seconds before
* entering Deep Sleep state when on battery power and when remaining
* battery capacity is below a particular threshold (e.g., 50%.) The
* property is not present if Deep Sleep is unsupported.
#define kIOPMDeepSleepDelayKey "Standby Delay"
/* kIOPMDeepSleepDelayHighKey
* Key refers to a CFNumberRef that represents the delay in seconds before
* entering Deep Sleep state. This is used instead of the value specified by
* kIOPMDeepSleepDelayKey if the remaining battery capacity is above a
* particular threshold (e.g. 50%) or on AC power. The property is not
* present if Deep Sleep is unsupported.
#define kIOPMDeepSleepDelayHighKey "High Standby Delay"
/* kIOPMLowBatteryThresholdKey
* Key refers to a CFNumberRef that represents the threshold used to choose
* between the normal deep sleep delay and the high deep sleep delay (as a
* percentage of total battery capacity remaining.) The property is not
* present if Deep Sleep is unsupported.
#define kIOPMStandbyBatteryThresholdKey "Standby Battery Threshold"
/* kIOPMDestroyFVKeyOnStandbyKey
* Specifies if FileVault key can be stored when going to standby mode
* It has a boolean value,
* true == Destroy FV key when going to standby mode
* false == Retain FV key when going to standby mode
* not present == Retain FV key when going to standby mode
#define kIOPMDestroyFVKeyOnStandbyKey "DestroyFVKeyOnStandby"
* Properties that can control power management behavior
/* kIOPMResetPowerStateOnWakeKey
* If an IOService publishes this key with the value of kOSBooleanTrue,
* then PM will disregard the influence from changePowerStateToPriv() or
* any activity tickles that occurred before system sleep when resolving
* the initial device power state on wake. Influences from power children
* and changePowerStateTo() are not eliminated. At the earliest opportunity
* upon system wake, PM will query the driver for a new power state to be
* installed as the initial changePowerStateToPriv() influence, by calling
* initialPowerStateForDomainState() with both kIOPMRootDomainState and
* kIOPMPowerOn flags set. The default implementation will always return
* the lowest power state. Drivers can override this default behavior to
* immediately raise the power state when there are work blocked on the
* power change, and cannot afford to wait until the next activity tickle.
* This property should be statically added to a driver's plist or set at
* runtime before calling PMinit().
#define kIOPMResetPowerStateOnWakeKey "IOPMResetPowerStateOnWake"
* Driver PM Assertions
/* Driver Assertion bitfield description
* Driver PM assertions are defined by these bits.
enum {
/*! kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit
* When set, PM kernel will prefer to leave the CPU and core hardware
* running in "Dark Wake" state, instead of sleeping.
kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit = 0x01,
/*! kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventSystemIdleSleepBit
* When set, the system should not idle sleep. This does not prevent
* demand sleep.
kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventSystemIdleSleepBit = 0x02,
/*! kIOPMDriverAssertionUSBExternalDeviceBit
* When set, driver is informing PM that an external USB device is attached.
kIOPMDriverAssertionUSBExternalDeviceBit = 0x04,
/*! kIOPMDriverAssertionBluetoothHIDDevicePairedBit
* When set, driver is informing PM that a Bluetooth HID device is paired.
kIOPMDriverAssertionBluetoothHIDDevicePairedBit = 0x08,
/*! kIOPMDriverAssertionExternalMediaMountedBit
* When set, driver is informing PM that an external media is mounted.
kIOPMDriverAssertionExternalMediaMountedBit = 0x10,
/*! kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit5
* Reserved for Thunderbolt.
kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit5 = 0x20,
/*! kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventDisplaySleepBit
* When set, the display should remain powered on while the system's awake.
kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventDisplaySleepBit = 0x40,
/*! kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit7
* Reserved for storage family.
kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit7 = 0x80,
/*! kIOPMDriverAssertionMagicPacketWakeEnabledBit
* When set, driver is informing PM that magic packet wake is enabled.
kIOPMDriverAssertionMagicPacketWakeEnabledBit = 0x100,
/*! kIOPMDriverAssertionNetworkKeepAliveActiveBit
* When set, driver is informing PM that it is holding the network
* interface up to do TCPKeepAlive
kIOPMDriverAssertionNetworkKeepAliveActiveBit = 0x200
/* kIOPMAssertionsDriverKey
* This kIOPMrootDomain key refers to a CFNumberRef property, containing
* a bitfield describing the aggregate PM assertion levels.
* Example: A value of 0 indicates that no driver has asserted anything.
* Or, a value of <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit</link>
* indicates that a driver (or drivers) have asserted a need for CPU and video.
#define kIOPMAssertionsDriverKey "DriverPMAssertions"
/* kIOPMAssertionsDriverKey
* This kIOPMrootDomain key refers to a CFNumberRef property, containing
* a bitfield describing the aggregate PM assertion levels.
* Example: A value of 0 indicates that no driver has asserted anything.
* Or, a value of <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit</link>
* indicates that a driver (or drivers) have asserted a need for CPU and video.
#define kIOPMAssertionsDriverDetailedKey "DriverPMAssertionsDetailed"
* Kernel Driver assertion detailed dictionary keys
* Keys decode the Array & dictionary data structure under IOPMrootDomain property
* kIOPMAssertionsDriverKey.
#define kIOPMDriverAssertionIDKey "ID"
#define kIOPMDriverAssertionCreatedTimeKey "CreatedTime"
#define kIOPMDriverAssertionModifiedTimeKey "ModifiedTime"
#define kIOPMDriverAssertionOwnerStringKey "Owner"
#define kIOPMDriverAssertionOwnerServiceKey "ServicePtr"
#define kIOPMDriverAssertionRegistryEntryIDKey "RegistryEntryID"
#define kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelKey "Level"
#define kIOPMDriverAssertionAssertedKey "Assertions"
* Root Domain general interest messages
* Available by registering for interest type 'gIOGeneralInterest'
* on IOPMrootDomain.
/* kIOPMMessageClamshellStateChange
* Delivered as a general interest notification on the IOPMrootDomain
* IOPMrootDomain sends this message when state of either AppleClamshellState
* or AppleClamshellCausesSleep changes. If this clamshell change results in
* a sleep, the sleep will initiate soon AFTER delivery of this message.
* The state of both variables is encoded in a bitfield argument sent with
* the message. Check bits 0 and 1 using kClamshellStateBit & kClamshellSleepBit
enum {
kClamshellStateBit = (1 << 0),
kClamshellSleepBit = (1 << 1)
#define kIOPMMessageClamshellStateChange \
iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x100)
/* kIOPMMessageFeatureChange
* Delivered when the set of supported features ("Supported Features" dictionary
* under IOPMrootDomain registry) changes in some way. Typically addition or
* removal of a supported feature.
* RootDomain passes no argument with this message.
#define kIOPMMessageFeatureChange \
iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x110)
/* kIOPMMessageInflowDisableCancelled
* The battery has drained completely to its "Fully Discharged" state.
* If a user process has disabled battery inflow for battery
* calibration, we forcibly re-enable Inflow at this point.
* If inflow HAS been forcibly re-enabled, bit 0
* (kInflowForciblyEnabledBit) will be set.
enum {
kInflowForciblyEnabledBit = (1 << 0)
/* kIOPMMessageInternalBatteryFullyDischarged
* The battery has drained completely to its "Fully Discharged" state.
#define kIOPMMessageInternalBatteryFullyDischarged \
iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x120)
/* kIOPMMessageSystemPowerEventOccurred
* Some major system thermal property has changed, and interested clients may
* modify their behavior.
#define kIOPMMessageSystemPowerEventOccurred \
iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x130)
/* kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange
* Either a new SleepWakeUUID has been specified at the beginning of a sleep,
* or we're removing the existing property upon completion of a wakeup.
#define kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange \
iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x140)
/* kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDSet
* Argument accompanying the kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange notification when
* a new UUID has been specified.
#define kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDSet ((void *)1)
/* kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDCleared
* Argument accompanying the kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange notification when
* the current UUID has been removed.
#define kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDCleared ((void *)NULL)
/*! kIOPMMessageDriverAssertionsChanged
* Sent when kernel PM driver assertions have changed.
#define kIOPMMessageDriverAssertionsChanged \
iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x150)
/*! kIOPMMessageDarkWakeThermalEmergency
* Sent when machine becomes unsustainably warm in DarkWake.
* Kernel PM might choose to put the machine back to sleep right after.
#define kIOPMMessageDarkWakeThermalEmergency \
iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x160)
* Power commands issued to root domain
* Use with IOPMrootDomain::receivePowerNotification()
* These commands are issued from system drivers only:
* ApplePMU, AppleSMU, IOGraphics, AppleACPIFamily
* TODO: deprecate kIOPMAllowSleep and kIOPMPreventSleep
enum {
kIOPMSleepNow = (1 << 0),// put machine to sleep now
kIOPMAllowSleep = (1 << 1),// allow idle sleep
kIOPMPreventSleep = (1 << 2),// do not allow idle sleep
kIOPMPowerButton = (1 << 3),// power button was pressed
kIOPMClamshellClosed = (1 << 4),// clamshell was closed
kIOPMPowerEmergency = (1 << 5),// battery dangerously low
kIOPMDisableClamshell = (1 << 6),// do not sleep on clamshell closure
kIOPMEnableClamshell = (1 << 7),// sleep on clamshell closure
kIOPMProcessorSpeedChange = (1 << 8),// change the processor speed
kIOPMOverTemp = (1 << 9),// system dangerously hot
kIOPMClamshellOpened = (1 << 10),// clamshell was opened
kIOPMDWOverTemp = (1 << 11),// DarkWake thermal limits exceeded.
kIOPMPowerButtonUp = (1 << 12),// Power button up
kIOPMProModeEngaged = (1 << 13),// Fans entered 'ProMode'
kIOPMProModeDisengaged = (1 << 14) // Fans exited 'ProMode'
* Power Management Return Codes
enum {
kIOPMNoErr = 0,
// Returned by driver's setPowerState(), powerStateWillChangeTo(),
// powerStateDidChangeTo(), or acknowledgeSetPowerState() to
// implicitly acknowledge power change upon function return.
kIOPMAckImplied = 0,
// Deprecated
kIOPMWillAckLater = 1,
// Returned by requestPowerDomainState() to indicate
// unrecognized specification parameter.
kIOPMBadSpecification = 4,
// Returned by requestPowerDomainState() to indicate
// no power state matches search specification.
kIOPMNoSuchState = 5,
// Deprecated
kIOPMCannotRaisePower = 6,
// Deprecated
kIOPMParameterError = 7,
// Returned when power management state is accessed
// before driver has called PMinit().
kIOPMNotYetInitialized = 8,
// And the old constants; deprecated
IOPMAckImplied = kIOPMAckImplied,
IOPMWillAckLater = kIOPMWillAckLater,
IOPMBadSpecification = kIOPMBadSpecification,
IOPMNoSuchState = kIOPMNoSuchState,
IOPMCannotRaisePower = kIOPMCannotRaisePower,
IOPMParameterError = kIOPMParameterError,
IOPMNotYetInitialized = kIOPMNotYetInitialized
// IOPMPowerSource class descriptive strings
// Power Source state is published as properties to the IORegistry under these
// keys.
#define kIOPMPSExternalConnectedKey "ExternalConnected"
#define kIOPMPSExternalChargeCapableKey "ExternalChargeCapable"
#define kIOPMPSBatteryInstalledKey "BatteryInstalled"
#define kIOPMPSIsChargingKey "IsCharging"
#define kIOPMFullyChargedKey "FullyCharged"
#define kIOPMPSAtWarnLevelKey "AtWarnLevel"
#define kIOPMPSAtCriticalLevelKey "AtCriticalLevel"
#define kIOPMPSCurrentCapacityKey "CurrentCapacity"
#define kIOPMPSMaxCapacityKey "MaxCapacity"
#define kIOPMPSDesignCapacityKey "DesignCapacity"
#define kIOPMPSTimeRemainingKey "TimeRemaining"
#define kIOPMPSAmperageKey "Amperage"
#define kIOPMPSVoltageKey "Voltage"
#define kIOPMPSCycleCountKey "CycleCount"
#define kIOPMPSMaxErrKey "MaxErr"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterInfoKey "AdapterInfo"
#define kIOPMPSLocationKey "Location"
#define kIOPMPSErrorConditionKey "ErrorCondition"
#define kIOPMPSManufacturerKey "Manufacturer"
#define kIOPMPSManufactureDateKey "ManufactureDate"
#define kIOPMPSModelKey "Model"
#define kIOPMPSSerialKey "Serial"
#define kIOPMDeviceNameKey "DeviceName"
#define kIOPMPSLegacyBatteryInfoKey "LegacyBatteryInfo"
#define kIOPMPSBatteryHealthKey "BatteryHealth"
#define kIOPMPSHealthConfidenceKey "HealthConfidence"
#define kIOPMPSCapacityEstimatedKey "CapacityEstimated"
#define kIOPMPSBatteryChargeStatusKey "ChargeStatus"
#define kIOPMPSBatteryTemperatureKey "Temperature"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsKey "AdapterDetails"
#define kIOPMPSChargerConfigurationKey "ChargerConfiguration"
// kIOPMPSBatteryChargeStatusKey may have one of the following values, or may have
// no value. If kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusKey has a NULL value (or no value) associated with it
// then charge is proceeding normally. If one of these battery charge status reasons is listed,
// then the charge may have been interrupted.
#define kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusTooHot "HighTemperature"
#define kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusTooCold "LowTemperature"
#define kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusTooHotOrCold "HighOrLowTemperature"
#define kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusGradient "BatteryTemperatureGradient"
// Definitions for battery location, in case of multiple batteries.
// A location of 0 is unspecified
// Location is undefined for single battery systems
enum {
kIOPMPSLocationLeft = 1001,
kIOPMPSLocationRight = 1002
// Battery quality health types, specified by BatteryHealth and HealthConfidence
// properties in an IOPMPowerSource battery kext.
enum {
kIOPMUndefinedValue = 0,
kIOPMPoorValue = 1,
kIOPMFairValue = 2,
kIOPMGoodValue = 3
// Keys for kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsKey dictionary
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsIDKey "AdapterID"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsWattsKey "Watts"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsRevisionKey "AdapterRevision"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSerialNumberKey "SerialNumber"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsFamilyKey "FamilyCode"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsAmperageKey "Current"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsDescriptionKey "Description"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsPMUConfigurationKey "PMUConfiguration"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsVoltage "AdapterVoltage"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSourceIDKey "Source"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsErrorFlagsKey "ErrorFlags"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSharedSourceKey "SharedSource"
#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsCloakedKey "CloakedSource"
// values for kIOPSPowerAdapterFamilyKey
enum {
kIOPSFamilyCodeDisconnected = 0,
kIOPSFamilyCodeUnsupported = kIOReturnUnsupported,
kIOPSFamilyCodeFirewire = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_firewire, 0),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUSBHost = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_usb, 0),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUSBHostSuspended = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_usb, 1),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUSBDevice = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_usb, 2),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUSBAdapter = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_usb, 3),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUSBChargingPortDedicated = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_usb, 4),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUSBChargingPortDownstream = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_usb, 5),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUSBChargingPort = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_usb, 6),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUSBUnknown = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_usb, 7),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUSBCBrick = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_usb, 8),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUSBCTypeC = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_usb, 9),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUSBCPD = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_usb, 10),
kIOPSFamilyCodeAC = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_pmu, 0),
kIOPSFamilyCodeExternal = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_pmu, 1),
kIOPSFamilyCodeExternal2 = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_pmu, 2),
kIOPSFamilyCodeExternal3 = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_pmu, 3),
kIOPSFamilyCodeExternal4 = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_pmu, 4),
kIOPSFamilyCodeExternal5 = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_pmu, 5),
kIOPSFamilyCodeExternal6 = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_pmu, 6),
kIOPSFamilyCodeExternal7 = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_pmu, 7),
kIOPSFamilyCodeExternal8 = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_pmu, 8),
kIOPSFamilyCodeUnsupportedRegion = iokit_family_err(sub_iokit_pmu, 9),
// values for kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsErrorFlagsKey
enum {
kIOPSAdapterErrorFlagNoErrors = 0,
kIOPSAdapterErrorFlagInsufficientAvailablePower = (1 << 1),
kIOPSAdapterErrorFlagForeignObjectDetected = (1 << 2),
kIOPSAdapterErrorFlagDeviceNeedsToBeRepositioned = (1 << 3),
// Battery's time remaining estimate is invalid this long (seconds) after a wake
#define kIOPMPSInvalidWakeSecondsKey "BatteryInvalidWakeSeconds"
// Battery must wait this long (seconds) after being completely charged before
// the battery is settled.
#define kIOPMPSPostChargeWaitSecondsKey "PostChargeWaitSeconds"
// Battery must wait this long (seconds) after being completely discharged
// before the battery is settled.
#define kIOPMPSPostDishargeWaitSecondsKey "PostDischargeWaitSeconds"
/* CPU Power Management status keys
* Pass as arguments to IOPMrootDomain::systemPowerEventOccurred
* Or as arguments to IOPMSystemPowerEventOccurred()
* Or to decode the dictionary obtained from IOPMCopyCPUPowerStatus()
* These keys reflect restrictions placed on the CPU by the system
* to bring the CPU's power consumption within allowable thermal and
* power constraints.
/* kIOPMGraphicsPowerLimitsKey
* The key representing the dictionary of graphics power limits.
* The dictionary contains the other kIOPMCPUPower keys & their associated
* values (e.g. Speed limit, Processor Count, and Schedule limits).
#define kIOPMGraphicsPowerLimitsKey "Graphics_Power_Limits"
/* kIOPMGraphicsPowerLimitPerformanceKey
* The key representing the percent of overall performance made available
* by the graphics chip as a percentage (integer 0 - 100).
#define kIOPMGraphicsPowerLimitPerformanceKey "Graphics_Power_Performance"
/* kIOPMCPUPowerLimitsKey
* The key representing the dictionary of CPU Power Limits.
* The dictionary contains the other kIOPMCPUPower keys & their associated
* values (e.g. Speed limit, Processor Count, and Schedule limits).
#define kIOPMCPUPowerLimitsKey "CPU_Power_Limits"
/* kIOPMCPUPowerLimitProcessorSpeedKey defines the speed & voltage limits placed
* on the CPU.
* Represented as a percentage (0-100) of maximum CPU speed.
#define kIOPMCPUPowerLimitProcessorSpeedKey "CPU_Speed_Limit"
/* kIOPMCPUPowerLimitProcessorCountKey reflects how many, if any, CPUs have been
* taken offline. Represented as an integer number of CPUs (0 - Max CPUs).
#define kIOPMCPUPowerLimitProcessorCountKey "CPU_Available_CPUs"
/* kIOPMCPUPowerLimitSchedulerTimeKey represents the percentage (0-100) of CPU time
* available. 100% at normal operation. The OS may limit this time for a percentage
* less than 100%.
#define kIOPMCPUPowerLimitSchedulerTimeKey "CPU_Scheduler_Limit"
/* Thermal Level Warning Key
* Indicates the thermal constraints placed on the system. This value may
* cause clients to action to consume fewer system resources.
* The value associated with this warning is defined by the platform.
#define kIOPMThermalLevelWarningKey "Thermal_Level_Warning"
/* Thermal Warning Level values
* kIOPMThermalLevelNormal - under normal operating conditions
* kIOPMThermalLevelDanger - thermal pressure may cause system slowdown
* kIOPMThermalLevelCritical - thermal conditions may cause imminent shutdown
* The platform may define additional thermal levels if necessary.
* Platform specific values are defined from 100 and above
enum {
kIOPMThermalLevelNormal = 0,
kIOPMThermalLevelDanger = 5,
kIOPMThermalLevelCritical = 10,
kIOPMThermalLevelWarning = 100,
kIOPMThermalLevelTrap = 110,
kIOPMThermalLevelUnknown = 255,
#define kIOPMThermalWarningLevelNormal kIOPMThermalLevelNormal
#define kIOPMThermalWarningLevelDanger kIOPMThermalLevelWarning
#define kIOPMThermalWarningLevelCrisis kIOPMThermalLevelCritical
// PM Settings Controller setting types
// Settings types used primarily with:
// IOPMrootDomain::registerPMSettingController
// The values are identical to the similarly named keys for use in user space
// PM settings work. Those keys are defined in IOPMLibPrivate.h.
#define kIOPMSettingWakeOnRingKey "Wake On Modem Ring"
#define kIOPMSettingRestartOnPowerLossKey "Automatic Restart On Power Loss"
#define kIOPMSettingWakeOnACChangeKey "Wake On AC Change"
#define kIOPMSettingSleepOnPowerButtonKey "Sleep On Power Button"
#define kIOPMSettingWakeOnClamshellKey "Wake On Clamshell Open"
#define kIOPMSettingReduceBrightnessKey "ReduceBrightness"
#define kIOPMSettingDisplaySleepUsesDimKey "Display Sleep Uses Dim"
#define kIOPMSettingTimeZoneOffsetKey "TimeZoneOffsetSeconds"
#define kIOPMSettingMobileMotionModuleKey "MobileMotionModule"
#define kIOPMSettingGraphicsSwitchKey "GPUSwitch"
#define kIOPMSettingProModeControl "ProModeControl"
#define kIOPMSettingProModeDefer "ProModeDefer"
// Setting controlling drivers can register to receive scheduled wake data
// Either in "CF seconds" type, or structured calendar data in a formatted
// IOPMCalendarStruct defined below.
#define kIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey "wake"
#define kIOPMSettingAutoWakeCalendarKey "WakeByCalendarDate"
#define kIOPMSettingAutoPowerSecondsKey "poweron"
#define kIOPMSettingAutoPowerCalendarKey "PowerByCalendarDate"
// Debug seconds auto wake
// Used by sleep cycling debug tools
#define kIOPMSettingDebugWakeRelativeKey "WakeRelativeToSleep"
#define kIOPMSettingDebugPowerRelativeKey "PowerRelativeToShutdown"
// Maintenance wake calendar.
#define kIOPMSettingMaintenanceWakeCalendarKey "MaintenanceWakeCalendarDate"
struct IOPMCalendarStruct {
UInt32 year;
UInt8 month;
UInt8 day;
UInt8 hour;
UInt8 minute;
UInt8 second;
UInt8 selector;
typedef struct IOPMCalendarStruct IOPMCalendarStruct;
// SetAggressiveness types
enum {
kPMGeneralAggressiveness = 0,
#define kMaxType (kPMLastAggressivenessType-1)
// SetAggressiveness values for the kPMPowerSource aggressiveness type
enum {
kIOPMInternalPower = 1,
#define kIOREMSleepEnabledKey "REMSleepEnabled"
// Strings for deciphering the dictionary returned from IOPMCopyBatteryInfo
#define kIOBatteryInfoKey "IOBatteryInfo"
#define kIOBatteryCurrentChargeKey "Current"
#define kIOBatteryCapacityKey "Capacity"
#define kIOBatteryFlagsKey "Flags"
#define kIOBatteryVoltageKey "Voltage"
#define kIOBatteryAmperageKey "Amperage"
#define kIOBatteryCycleCountKey "Cycle Count"
enum {
kIOBatteryInstalled = (1 << 2),
kIOBatteryCharge = (1 << 1),
kIOBatteryChargerConnect = (1 << 0)
// Private power management message indicating battery data has changed
// Indicates new data resides in the IORegistry
#define kIOPMMessageBatteryStatusHasChanged iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x100)
// Apple private Legacy messages for re-routing AutoWake and AutoPower messages to the PMU
// through newer user space IOPMSchedulePowerEvent API
#define kIOPMUMessageLegacyAutoWake iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x200)
#define kIOPMUMessageLegacyAutoPower iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x210)
// For use with IOPMPowerSource bFlags
enum {
kIOPMACInstalled = kIOBatteryChargerConnect,
kIOPMBatteryCharging = kIOBatteryCharge,
kIOPMBatteryInstalled = kIOBatteryInstalled,
kIOPMUPSInstalled = (1 << 3),
kIOPMBatteryAtWarn = (1 << 4),
kIOPMBatteryDepleted = (1 << 5),
kIOPMACnoChargeCapability = (1 << 6), // AC adapter cannot charge battery
kIOPMRawLowBattery = (1 << 7), // used only by Platform Expert
kIOPMForceLowSpeed = (1 << 8), // set by Platfm Expert, chk'd by Pwr Plugin
kIOPMClosedClamshell = (1 << 9), // set by PMU - reflects state of the clamshell
kIOPMClamshellStateOnWake = (1 << 10) // used only by Platform Expert
// **********************************************
// Internal power management data structures
// **********************************************
#if KERNEL && __cplusplus
class IOService;
enum {
kIOPowerEmergencyLevel = 1000
enum {
, kIOPMActivityTickleTypeAdvisory = 128
struct stateChangeNote {
IOPMPowerFlags stateFlags;
unsigned long stateNum;
void * powerRef;
typedef struct stateChangeNote stateChangeNote;
#endif /* KERNEL && __cplusplus */
struct IOPowerStateChangeNotification {
void * powerRef;
unsigned long returnValue;
unsigned long stateNumber;
IOPMPowerFlags stateFlags;
typedef struct IOPowerStateChangeNotification IOPowerStateChangeNotification;
typedef IOPowerStateChangeNotification sleepWakeNote;
/*! @struct IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters
* @abstract A structure describing a system capability change.
* @discussion A system capability change is a system level transition from a set
* of system capabilities to a new set of system capabilities. Power management
* sends a <code>kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange</code> message and provides
* this structure as the message data (by reference) to
* <code>gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest</code> clients when system capability
* changes.
* @field notifyRef An identifier for this message notification. Clients with pending
* I/O can signal completion by calling <code>allowPowerChange()</code> with this
* value as the argument. Clients that are able to process the notification
* synchronously should ignore this field.
* @field maxWaitForReply A return value to the caller indicating the maximum time in
* microseconds to wait for the <code>allowPowerChange()</code> call. The default
* value is zero, which indicates the client processing has finished, and power
* management should not wait for an <code>allowPowerChange()</code> call.
* @field changeFlags Flags will be set to indicate whether the notification precedes
* the capability change (<code>kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange</code>), or after
* the capability change has occurred (<code>kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange</code>).
* @field __reserved1 Set to zero.
* @field fromCapabilities The system capabilities at the start of the transition.
* @field toCapabilities The system capabilities at the end of the transition.
* @field __reserved2 Set to zero.
struct IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters {
uint32_t notifyRef;
uint32_t maxWaitForReply;
uint32_t changeFlags;
uint32_t __reserved1;
uint32_t fromCapabilities;
uint32_t toCapabilities;
uint32_t __reserved2[4];
/*! @enum IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeFlags
* @constant kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange Indicates the system capability will change.
* @constant kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange Indicates the system capability has changed.
enum {
kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange = 0x01,
kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange = 0x02
enum {
kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU = 0x01,
kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics = 0x02,
kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio = 0x04,
kIOPMSystemCapabilityNetwork = 0x08
#endif /* ! _IOKIT_IOPM_H */