This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
 * Copyright (c) 2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef _VM_RECLAIM_H_
#define _VM_RECLAIM_H_

#ifdef PRIVATE
#if defined(__LP64__)

#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <stdbool.h>


typedef struct mach_vm_reclaim_indices_v1_s {
	_Atomic uint64_t head;
	_Atomic uint64_t tail;
	_Atomic uint64_t busy;
} mach_vm_reclaim_indices_v1_t;

// The action to be performed by the kernel on reclamation of an entry
__enum_decl(mach_vm_reclaim_behavior_v1_t, uint16_t, {
	// Deallocate (unmap) the entry
	// Mark the entry as clean and leave mapped (VM_BEHAVIOR_REUSABLE)

typedef struct mach_vm_reclaim_entry_v1_s {
	mach_vm_address_t address;
	uint32_t size;
	mach_vm_reclaim_behavior_v1_t behavior;
	uint16_t flags;
} mach_vm_reclaim_entry_v1_t;

 * Contains the data used for synchronization with the kernel. This structure
 * should be page-aligned.
typedef struct mach_vm_reclaim_buffer_v1_s {
	mach_vm_reclaim_indices_v1_t indices;
	/* align to multiple of entry size */
	uint64_t _unused;
	 * The ringbuffer entries themselves populate the remainder of this
	 * buffer's vm allocation.
	mach_vm_reclaim_entry_v1_t entries[0];
} *mach_vm_reclaim_buffer_v1_t;


 * Userspace interface for placing items in the reclamation buffer and trying to take them back out.
 * Note that these interfaces are NOT thread safe. It is the caller's responsibility to synchronize concurrent
 * operations on the same buffer.
 * These operations are implemented in libsyscall.

typedef struct mach_vm_reclaim_ringbuffer_v1_s {
	mach_vm_reclaim_buffer_v1_t buffer;
	mach_vm_size_t buffer_len;
	uint64_t va_in_buffer;
	uint64_t last_accounting_given_to_kernel;
} *mach_vm_reclaim_ringbuffer_v1_t;

kern_return_t mach_vm_reclaim_ringbuffer_init(
	mach_vm_reclaim_ringbuffer_v1_t ringbuffer);

 * Mark the given range as free.
 * Returns a unique identifier for the range that can be used by reclaim_mark_used
 * This will update the userspace reclaim buffer accounting, but will not
 * inform the kernel about the new bytes in the buffer. If the kernel should be informed,
 * should_update_kernel_accounting will be set to true and the caller should call
 * mach_vm_reclaim_update_kernel_accounting. That syscall might reclaim the buffer, so
 * this gives the caller an opportunity to first drop any locks.
uint64_t mach_vm_reclaim_mark_free(
	mach_vm_reclaim_ringbuffer_v1_t buffer,
	mach_vm_address_t start_addr,
	uint32_t size,
	mach_vm_reclaim_behavior_v1_t behavior,
	bool *should_update_kernel_accounting);

 * Mark the given range as free with a specific id.
 * It is the callers responsibility to ensure that the ID is not currently in
 * use (i.e. the caller has successfully called mach_vm_reclaim_mark_used() on
 * this ID). Attempting to double-mark-free to the same reclaim ID is likely to
 * result in a crash.
 * Returns KERN_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. In the event that the
 * ID is no longer available (because the kernel has reclaimed it), returns
 * This will update the userspace reclaim buffer accounting, but will not
 * inform the kernel about the new bytes in the buffer. If the kernel should be informed,
 * should_update_kernel_accounting will be set to true and the caller should call
 * mach_vm_reclaim_update_kernel_accounting. That syscall might reclaim the buffer, so
 * this gives the caller an opportunity to first drop any locks.
kern_return_t mach_vm_reclaim_mark_free_with_id(
	mach_vm_reclaim_ringbuffer_v1_t buffer,
	mach_vm_address_t start_addr,
	uint32_t size,
	mach_vm_reclaim_behavior_v1_t behavior,
	uint64_t id,
	bool *should_update_kernel_accounting);

 * Attempt to take back the range determined by id.
 * Returns true iff range can now be used.
 * Subsequent calls to reclaim_mark_used with the same id are not supported & may return true or false.
bool mach_vm_reclaim_mark_used(
	mach_vm_reclaim_ringbuffer_v1_t buffer,
	uint64_t id,
	mach_vm_address_t start_addr,
	uint32_t size);

 * Check if the range is available for re-use.
 * Returns true if the range is still available. Note that this doesn't claim the range, so it may be reclaimed in parallel.
 * Note that a return value of false does not guarantee that the kernel has reclaimed the range already (it may just be considering it).
bool mach_vm_reclaim_is_available(
	const mach_vm_reclaim_ringbuffer_v1_t buffer,
	uint64_t id);

 * Check if the range has been reclaimed.
 * Returns true if the range is no longer available for re-use.
bool mach_vm_reclaim_is_reclaimed(
	const mach_vm_reclaim_ringbuffer_v1_t buffer,
	uint64_t id);

 * Force the kernel to reclaim at least num_entries_to_reclaim entries from the ringbuffer (if present).
 * Note that mach_vm_reclaim_mark_free automatically handles the full ringbuffer case.
kern_return_t mach_vm_reclaim_synchronize(
	mach_vm_reclaim_ringbuffer_v1_t ringbuffer,
	mach_vm_size_t num_entries_to_reclaim);

 * Let the kernel know how much VA is in the ringbuffer.
 * The kernel may choose to reclaim from the ringbuffer on this thread.
 * This should be called whenever mach_vm_reclaim_mark_free returns true in
 * should_update_kernel_accounting. It may be called at any other time
 * if the caller wants to update the kernel's accounting & is
 * thread safe w.r.t. all other mach_vm_reclaim calls.
kern_return_t mach_vm_reclaim_update_kernel_accounting(
	const mach_vm_reclaim_ringbuffer_v1_t ring_buffer);

#endif /* !KENREL */


#endif /* PRIVATE */

#endif /* __LP64__ */

#endif /* _VM_RECLAIM_H_ */