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MOXiI - 2nd Edition - Volume I - Table of Contents
The TOC for Volume II is also out. Requests/Comments welcome.
Note: DO NOT buy this book on Amazon
- Prerequisites
- OS X:
- XCode and its command line tools
- 10.11: System Integrity Protection (SIP)
- iOS:
- Jailbreaking your device
- Setting up SSH and authorized_keys
- Setting up USB port forwarding
- Completing the iOS Binary command set
- Compiling with the iOS SDK
- The Companion Website (
- OS X:
- Chapter 1: Darwinism -The Evolution of OS X
- The Pre-Darwin Era: Mac OS Classic
- The Prodigal Son: NeXTSTEP
- Enter: OS X
- OS X Versions, to Date
- 10.0 - Cheetah and the First Foray
- 10.1 - Puma -a Stronger Feline, but . . .
- 10.2 - Jaguar - Getting Better
- 10.3 - Panther and Safari
- 10.4 - Tiger and Intel Transition
- 10.5 - Leopard and UNIX
- 10.6 - Snow Leopard
- 10.7 - Lion
- 10.8 - Mountain Lion
- 10.9 - Mavericks
- 10.10 - Yosemite
- 10.11 - El Capitan
- iOS-OS X Goes Mobile
- 1.x-Heavenly and the First iPhone
- 2.x - App Store, 3G and Corporate Features
- 3.x - Farewell, 1st gen, Hello iPad
- 4.x - iPhone4, Apple TV, and the iPad 2
- 5.x - To the iPhone 4S and Beyond
- 6.x - The iPhone 5 and the first mini
- 7.x - Sochi - The 5S, and the move to 64-bit
- 8.x - Okemo - The 6 and 6+
- 9.x - Monarch - The 6S/6S+, iPad Pro
- WatchOS
- TvOS
- iOS vs. OS X
- The Future of OS X Obviously in need of an update..
- References
- Summary
- New chapter: Hardware
- Mac devices Listing Hardware profiles and KEXts in..
- i-devices
- Model Numbers and Code Names
- Processor Types
- Hardware Specifications
- CPU and RAM specifications
- Retrieving other specifications
- OS X: Using the SPSupport private framework
- OS X: Using the System Management BIOS
- iOS: Using MobileGestalt
- iOS: Using SysCfg
- Experiment: Figuring out your device specs
- Other devices: Time Machine, Airport, AppleTV, the iPod Nano* and the Apple Watch
- Chapter 2: E Pluribus Unum: Architecture of OS X and iOS
- OS X Architectural Overview
- The User Experience Layer
- Aqua
- Quicklook
- Spotlight
- Darwin - The UNIX Core
- The Shell
- The File System
- Filesystem Directories:
- UNIX System Directories
- OS X Specific Directories
- iOS File System Idiosyncrasies
- Interlude: Bundles
- Applications
- Info.plist
- Resources
- NIB Files
- Internationalization with .lproj Files
- Icons (.icns)
- CodeResources
- The LaunchServices Framework
- Installing an Application
- The LaunchServices Database
- URL Schemes
- Universal Type Identifiers (UTIs)
- Claims
- Frameworks
- Framework Bundle Format
- List of OS X and iOS Public Frameworks
- List of OS X and iOS Private Frameworks Experiment: Demonstrating but a few of the Private iOS frameworks
- Libraries Updated
- Other Application types
- System Calls
- Mach System Calls
- A High-Level View of XNU
- Mach
- The BSD Layer
- libkern
- I/O Kit
- Summary
- References
- Chapter 3: On the Shoulders of Giants - OS X and iOS Technologies
- BSD heirlooms
- sysctl new: list of important sysctls
- kqueues
- Auditing (OS X) Parsing the audit logs manually + Experiment: Configuring and controlling auditing
- Mandatory Access Control
- OS X and iOS Specific Technologies
- Directory Services
- User and Group Management (OS X)
- System Configuration
- Logging Greatly expanded to cover ASL
- Apple Events and AppleScript
- FSEvents
- Notifications Experiment: Viewing system notifications
- Additional APIs of interest
- OS X and iOS Security Mechanisms
- Code signing
- Compartmentalization (Sandboxing)
- Entitlements: Making the Sandbox Tighter Still
- Enforcing the Sandbox
- Summary
- References
- BSD heirlooms
- Promenade: A tour of OS X and iOS Files and Frameworks
- Common Directories and Files
- OS X: The system databases
- User database
- Keychains
- iOS: The system Databases
- System Logs
- User Info
- Accounts
- Contacts
- Call, VoiceMail and SMS DBs
- Safari
- Springboard settings
- Location Database
- New Chapter: (split from Chapter 4) Mach-O
updated for 10.8-10.10, and header patching/editing
- Executables
- Universal Binaries
- Mach-O Binaries
- The Mach-O header
- Load commands processed by kernel
- The Dynamic Linker
- The role of the dynamic linker
- Load commands processed by the Linker
- LC_LOAD_DYLIB and friends
- Launch-Time Loading of Libraries Updated for ARM64 stubs
- Shared Library Caches more info on shared cache format, 32,64
- Experiment: Extracting files from a shared cache
- Overriding the Shared Cache
- Runtime Loading of Libraries
- dyld Features
- __LINKEDIT segment
- dyld opcodes
- debugging dyld
- Experiments with JTool
- Chapter 4: Parts of the Process:
Mach-OProcess and Thread Internals- A Nomenclature Refresher
- Processes and threads
- The Process Lifecycle
- UNIX Signals
- Executables
- Universal Binaries
- Mach-O Binaries
- The Mach-O header
- Dynamic Libraries
- Launch-Time Loading of Libraries
- Runtime Loading of Libraries
- dyld Features
- Process Address Space
- The process entry point
- Address Space Layout Randomization
- 32-Bit (Intel)
- 64-Bit (Intel)
- 32-Bit (iOS)
- 64-Bit (iOS)
- Experiment: Using vmmap(1) to Peek Inside a Process' Address Space
- Process Memory Allocation (User Mode)
- Memory Pressure and Jetsam
- Virtual Memory-The sysadmin Perspective
- Swapping (OS X)
- Threads
- Unraveling threads
- POSIX Thread APIs
- Not-So-POSIX Thread APIs
- GCD Internals
- References
- New Chapter: IPC in OS X and iOS
- Traditional UNIX mechanisms
- UNIX Domain sockets
- IP sockets
- System-V mechanisms
- Mach messages
- high level view of messages and ports
- Bootstrap ports vs. ephemeral
- mach_msg
- Experiment: A simple Mach message client and server
- Theory and design
- Implementation
- Integration with GCD
- Changes in 10.10/8
- Traditional UNIX mechanisms
- New chapter: The Runtime Environments
- Objective-C
- Theory and rationale
- Classes, Protocols, etc
- objc_msgsend()
- The Mach-O sections
- Class dumping and reverse engineering
- Experiment: Deconstructing an Objective-C binary using JTool
- Swift
- Theory and rationale
- Interpreter vs. Compiler
- Mangling
- The runtime environment
- Decompiiling
- Objective-C
- Chapter 5. Non Sequitur: Process Tracing and Debugging
- DTrace
- The D Language
- dtruss
- Another example or two of advanced DTrace with OS X specific probes
- How DTrace Works Updates on DTrace internals, CTF, etc
- Other Profiling Mechanisms
- The Decline and Fall of CHUD
- AppleProfileFamily: Another one bites the dust
- Kperf
- Process Information
- sysctl More on KERN_PROCARGS, etc
- proc_info Even more on my favorite syscall
- (Re)Introducing: Process Explorer
- Process and system snapshots
- system_profiler(8)
- sysdiagnose(1) - and the new iOS9 sysdiagnose (w/Host Special Port)
- systemstats (10.9)
- allmemory
- stackshot
- stack_snapshot Updates for micro-stackshots and 10.11 stackshots
- KDebug
- KDebug-Based Utilities
- kdebug codes
- Writing kdebug messages
- Reading kdebug messages
- KDebug and CoreProfile
- 10.11/iOS 9 KDebug enhancements
- Introducing: KDebugView
- 10.9: Telemetry
- 10.10: proc_trace_log
- Application Crashes
- Application Hangs and Sampling
- iOS: Jetsam
- Memory Bugs
- Memory Corruption Bugs
- Memory Leaks
- heap(1)
- leaks(1)
- malloc_history
- Standard UNIX tools
- Using GDB
- Using LLDB
- Summary
- References
- DTrace
- Installation Images
- Software updates
Moved to Volume II
- Chapter 6.
Alone in the Dark: The Boot ProcessBoot, Panic, and Shutdown- EFI, Demystified
- OS X and boot.efi
- Flow of Boot.efi
- Booting the kernel
- kernel callbacks into EFI
- boot.efi in
LionMavericks - Core-Storage induced changes
- Count your blessings
- Experiment: Running EFI Programs on a Mac
- iOS and iBoot
- Precursor: the Boot ROM
- Normal boot
- Recovery Mode
- DFU Mode
- iOS software images (.ipsw) and OTA images (dydiff, etc)
- iBoot - Structure and flow
- APTickets, SHSHs, etc
- Hibernation
moved to Vol II - Chapter 7. The Alpha and Omega - Launchd and the GUI Shells
- Launchd
- Starting Launchd
- System-Wide vs. per User (pre 10.10/8)
- Daemons and Agents
- The Many Faces of Launchd
- 10.10/8 - Launchd, reborn - updates on new features in launchd
- Experiment: Using launchctl (10.10/8)
- Launch Services
- GUI Environments
- Finder (OS X)
- SpringBoard (iOS) Updated to include SB APIs
- SwitchBoard (and the alleged iOS "prototypes")
- Handling GUI events
- Tracing the flow of an event - from hardware to UI Message
- Intercepting and injecting GUI events
- Experiment: fun with MultiTouch on OS X and iOS
- Launchd
- New Chapter: OS X and iOS Security
- OS X and iOS Security Mechanisms
- The Security framework, in depth
- KAuth
- Keychains, Keybags, and more
- Filesystem Encryption
- OS X (FileVault 2)
- iOS
- Rootless (OS X 10.11, iOS9
- Patch guard (iOS 9)
- Code signing (greatly expanded to describe LC_CODE_SIGNATURE, 10.10 mods (csr..)
- Compartmentalization (Sandboxing)
- Entitlements: Making the Sandbox Tighter Still
- The SecTask APIs
- csops
- List of known entitlements
- Device provisioning and Management (MDM)
- Developer Certificates
- Enforcing the Sandbox
- The evolution of sandboxd - from seatbelt (10.5) to 10.10
- AMFI New content, up to AMFI
130150 (10.11) - System Integrity Protection ("rootless") (10.11)
- OS X: Vulnerabilities, past and present
- dyld issues in 10.10.x
- rootpipe
- tpwn
- iOS: Jailbreaking, a history Explanation of iOS Exploits
- JailBreakMe 1-3
- The LimeRa1n exploit
- colorful sn0w
- evasi0n
- evasi0n7
- Pangu
- Pangu 8
- Taig (8.1.2)
- Taig 2
- Pangu 9!
- Privacy and TCCd
... at this rate, this might end up being a mini book of its own.. :-)